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Sanida Bektić

Društvene mreže:

S. Huseinović, Elma Ahmetović, Sanida Bektić, Samela Selimović, Senad Memić

The mountain of Konjuh is characterized by a landscape of high aesthetic value with significant diversity in biological, geomorphological, and hydrological aspects. This, combined with its cultural-historical heritage, religious and traditional values, provides the foundation for educational, ecotourism, and sports-recreational tourism activities, as well as for visitor enjoyment and the development of economic activities. Located in the northeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Konjuh, along with Ozren, Javor, and Javornik, forms part of the chain of peripheral (higher) mountains, which, together with Trebavac and Majevica, represent the transition from the Dinaric mountain system to the vast Pannonian plain. The average elevation of the mountain is 1,000 meters. The Tuzla Canton government has passed a law declaring a portion of Konjuh Mountain, covering an area of 8,016 hectares, as a Cultural Heritage site of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this study was to systematically inventory medicinal plant species at seven sites on Konjuh Mountain in three municipalities (Kladanj, Živinice, and Banovići) at different altitudes (from 560 to 1,100 meters), classify medicinal plant species based on taxonomic and ecological attributes, and create phytocenological field records. During the research, 109 medicinal plant species were identified, including endangered and endemic species. The taxonomic structure of the families of medicinal plants on Konjuh Mountain revealed the presence of 43 families, with the most represented being representatives of the Lamiaceae family at 13.76%, Asteraceae at 11.92%, Fabaceae at 7.33%, and Plantaginaceae at 5.50%. A phytogeographical analysis of the medicinal plant flora identified 11 areal types and groups. An analysis of the biological spectrum of flora in all habitats indicates the presence of six primary life form types, with hemicryptophytes (H) being dominant, accounting for 59 species.

Soil contamination with heavy metals is becoming an increasingly global issue, as elevated levels of heavy metals exceeding regulatory limits are diminishing agricultural productivity and consequently endangering human health and the environment. This study aimed to assess the seasonal dynamics, accumulation, and translocation of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, and Zn) in the organs of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) depending on soil content. The heavy metal content in soil and white clover samples was determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results revealed that the analyzed soil was significantly contaminated with Cu and Zn in the industrial zone (GS) and with Pb near the urban landfill (D3). The content of heavy metals in white clover varied depending on the location and season. It is evident that white clover accumulated certain metals in its roots and leaves during spring, summer, and autumn, including Pb, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn. The analysis results indicated that Fe was the predominant element in white clover roots, while Zn and Fe were most abundant in the leaves. Values of BCF >1 and TF >1 for Zn suggest that white clover is a potential accumulator of this heavy metal.

Mateo Glumac, Zvonimir Jažo, Vlatka Paštar, Anka Golemac, Vedrana Čikeš Čulić, Sanida Bektić, Mila Radan, Ivana Carev

Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don., immortelle, is a plant species used in ethnomedicine and the food industry as a spice added to food, beverages, and bakery products. It has been shown to possess various biological activities, such as antioxidant and antibacterial activity, making it useful as a natural preservative. We investigated the phytochemical profile and biological activity of H. italicum essential oils from wild-grown plant material collected from natural habitats in the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM), a visual investigation of plant organs (stem, leaf, and flower) was performed, confirming the presence of essential oil reservoirs on the surface of all examined plant organs. Essential oils were isolated by hydrodistillation in the Clevenger apparatus. The chemical composition of the essential oils was determined using the GC-MS analytical technique. Cytotoxic activity tests were performed in vitro on three cell lines: skin (fibroblast), lung, and breast cancer. Using statistical tools, the synergistic and selective effects of H. italicum essential oil on healthy and tumor cells were correlated to chemical composition and cytotoxic activity. The synergistic and antagonistic effects of H. italicum essential oil’s individual components were simulated by testing pure compounds and their mixture of cytotoxic activity on fibroblasts and breast cancer cells. The results confirm that essential oil’s biological activity is much greater than the sum of the effects of its components. The present data are novel contributions to the body of knowledge on the biological activity of this species used in the food industry.

Zvonimir Jažo, Mateo Glumac, Vlatka Paštar, Sanida Bektić, Mila Radan, Ivana Carev

In our study, we investigated the chemical composition and cytotoxic activity of essential oils isolated from Dalmatian sage (Salvia officinalis L.) collected along the Adriatic coast of Croatia. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine the morphology of the stem and leaf surfaces. Essential oil excretory glands were detected on both the leaves and stem surfaces. The essential oils were isolated by hydrodistillation, and their chemical composition was determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Sage essential oils were mixtures of terpene compounds, among which the most common were: α- and β-thujone, camphor, and 1,8-cineol. Cytotoxic activity was tested using MTS assay on multiple cell lines: normal and immortalized fibroblasts (HF77FA and HDF-Tert), immortalized lung line (BEAS-2B), and breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231). The growth of treated cells was determined relative to control conditions without treatment. The immortalized lung line was the least resistant to the activity of the essential oils, whereas immortalized fibroblasts were the most resistant. Statistical analysis has connected the cytotoxic effect and chemical composition of the studied essential oils. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first testing of the cytotoxic activity of S. officinalis EO’s on the BEAS-2B, HF77FA, and HDF-Tert cell lines. The presented data on essential oil chemical composition and cytotoxic effect on 4 types of human cells supports pharmacotherapeutic potential this plant is known to have.

J. Kamberović, S. Huseinović, Sanida Bektić, Samela Selimović, Adisa Skejić Murathodžić

Shallow mountain lakes are highly sensitive to eutrophication. Cyanobacteria and microalgae in planktonic communities are the main producers in lake ecosystems, but stability of its communities is impacted by numerous factors. The aim of this study is to analyze seasonal diversity and community structure of cyanobacteria and microalgae in plankton and periphyton of the lake Paučko, physical and chemical properties of water and evaluate trophic status. The mountain lake Paučko is the shallow natural lake in Protected landscape Konjuh in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sampling of net – phytoplankton, periphyton and water for physical and chemical analysis was caried in two seasons in 2018. Light microscopes and immersion objective (magnification 1000x) were used for the identification and quantification of microalgae. Non metric multimensional scaling and Simper analysis were used to describe communities in periphytic and planktic samples. In total, 70 taxa were identified. The most numerous were Bacillariophyta with 52, and Chlorophyta with 7 taxa. Seasonal dynamics in plankton communities were observed in the direction of shift of abundant Cyclotella meneghiniana, Dinobryon divergens, Peridinum cinctum and Ankistrodesmus fusiformus in spring season to Rabdoderma lineare and Pantocsekiella comensis in summer sampling season. Physical and chemical analysis of water revealed high values of total phosphorus, which correspond to the evaluated meso to eutrophic status of the lake calculated by Rott Trophic Index. The lake Paučko is under high pressure caused by the influx and retention of nutrients, which makes it susceptible to eutrophication. The results of the study provide the first insight into the diversity of cyanobacteria and microalgae for this lake and can be useful in planning of restoration measures in the context of ecological monitoring.

Samela Selimović, S. Huseinović, J. Kamberović, Sanida Bektić, Abdel Đozić

Benthic diatoms have gained prominence as environmental bioindicators since the beginning of the twentieth century. Epilithic diatom taxa are frequently used for ecological water-quality assessments of rivers. Diversity of these dominant group of protists in the benthic communities can be indicative of changes in the freshwater ecosystem. The aim of this study was to analyze the diversity and ecology of diatoms of the Spreča River on the locations affected by urban and industrial pollution. Field sampling of the epilithic diatoms was carried out in the period of May 2021 at two locations, first before and second after the Lukavac city, which is known as industrial city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Taxonomic verification was carried out using light microscope on permanent slides and revealed in total 38 diatom taxa. The genera with the largest number of species were Diatoma, Navicula and Nitzshia. Identified taxa are widespread species that are known for tolerating  high levels of pollution. A slightly higher number of taxa was recorded at the first location, while at the second, a higher proportion of halophilic taxa was observed.

Sanida Bektić, S. Huseinović, J. Kamberović, Elvedin Šabanović, Samela Selimović

Invasive plant species are foreign species that usually have a negative impact to the native flora and vegetation, human health, or that cause damage to agriculture and the economy. Therefore, the spread of invasive species is one of the biggest problems in nature protection. The aim of the work is to determine the invasive plant species in the wider area of the city of Lukavac, to analyze the life forms and the geographical origin. The research was done during the summer months of 2021. This paper presents the results of research on invasive plant species in the wider area of the town of Lukavac, which is located in the northeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina and administratively belongs to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Tuzla Canton. Total 12 invasive species from 8 families and 12 genera were recorded. The largest number of species belongs to the Asteraceae family, while the other families are represented by one species. Among life forms, therophytes (58, 33%) and phanerophytes (25%) dominate. Geophytes and hemicryptophytes are represented by only one plant species. Recorded invasive plant species come from North America (75%) and Asia (25%).

Zvonimir Jažo, Mateo Glumac, Ivana Drventić, Ljilja Žilić, Tea Dujmović, D. Bajić, Marko Vučemilo, Ena Ivić, Sanida Bektić et al.

Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don (Asteraceae), also known as immortelle, usually grows in the Mediterranean area. The composition of the essential oil (EO) of immortelle is a mixture of various aromatic substances, mainly monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Distillation is the most widely used method for extraction of EO immortelle, although the yield is very low (<1%). In this work, we aim to investigate how the use of different distillation methods affects the yield and chemical composition of immortelle EO. For this purpose, we applied two conventional methods: steam distillation (SD) and hydrodistillation (HD), and a modern (environmentally friendly) technique—microwave-assisted distillation (MAD). Wild immortelles from four different locations in Croatia were collected and carefully prepared for extraction. Each sample was then analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). GraphPad Prisma statistical software was used to study the statistics between different groups of connections and analyze the data on the number of connections. The results show that HD gives a significantly higher yield (0.31 ± 0.09%) compared to MAD (0.15 ± 0.03%) and SD (0.12 ± 0.04%). On the other hand, the highest number of chemical compounds was identified with MAD (95.75 ± 15.31%), and most of them are subordinate compounds with complex structures. SD isolated EOs are rich in derived acyclic compounds with the highest percentage of ketones. The results show that the application of different distillation methods significantly affects the composition of the obtained immortelle EO, considering the yield of EO, the number of isolated, derived and non-derived compounds, chemotypes and compounds with simple (acyclic) and complex structures.

S. Huseinović, Sanida Bektić, Kovačević Mirsada, Salkić Besim

Rose family (Rosaceae) is one of  richest and most geographically widespread species of plant families. This family includes herbaceous and woody species, shrubs, and trees; the leaves are different, simple, or differently complex. The genus Fragaria (strawberry) includes perennial herbaceous plants. It is characteristic of this genus that the species are intensively vegetatively propagated using overhead stolons. The flowers are with a five-membered perianth and a developed outer cup. The flower has a larger number of anthers and carpels. A sample was taken at each site at least 30 individuals from the population in the flowering and fruiting phenophase. Morphological variability was assessed based on 5 populations and 150 individuals. This paper aims to determine the most variable and most consistent morphological characters that can serve in full and critical taxonomic analysis and revision of this variable taxon as well as related taxa from the family Rosaceae. Determine the forms and levels of individual, population, and interpopulation variability of the species Fragaria vesca L. depending on the environmental factors under which develop. Conducted comparative morphological analyzes have shown that the species Fragaria vesca L. shows a high degree of variability for all analyzed characters. Vegetative plant characters have a far greater share in overall variability compared to generative ones character. Pold does not belong to the group of those plant parts that vary the most.

Sanida Bektić, S. Huseinović, Jasminka Husanović, Senad Memić

Allelopathy can have an important applicaiton in areas of agriculture, especially in integrated protection from weeds, by using of allelopathic crops in different ways. In this research allelopathic effects of invasive species acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.)  and white goosefood (Chenopodium album L.) are explored on germination of   tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Water extracts of dry leaves of white goosefoot and acacia are prepared according tothe  method : Norsworthy (2003). Experiment has been made in controlled laboratory conditions. Results of this research show that acacia and white goosefood have negative allelopathy potential and they act inhibitory on germination of tomatoes. Research of allelopathy and allelopathic relationships of weed species and agricultural cultures represents a big challenge for those people who are working in food production, and at the same time can be an instrument of ecologically sustainable agriculture.


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