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Senka Čaušević

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Senka Čaušević, Manupriyam Dubey, Marian Morales, Guillem Salazar, V. Sentchilo, Nicolas Carraro, Hans-Joachim Ruscheweyh, Shinichi Sunagawa, J. R. van der Meer

Sebastian Dan Burz, Senka Čaušević, Alma Dal Co, Marija Dmitrijeva, Philipp Engel, D. Garrido-Sanz, G. Greub, S. Hapfelmeier, W. Hardt et al.

SUMMARY Communities of microorganisms (microbiota) are present in all habitats on Earth and are relevant for agriculture, health, and climate. Deciphering the mechanisms that determine microbiota dynamics and functioning within the context of their respective environments or hosts (the microbiomes) is crucially important. However, the sheer taxonomic, metabolic, functional, and spatial complexity of most microbiomes poses substantial challenges to advancing our knowledge of these mechanisms. While nucleic acid sequencing technologies can chart microbiota composition with high precision, we mostly lack information about the functional roles and interactions of each strain present in a given microbiome. This limits our ability to predict microbiome function in natural habitats and, in the case of dysfunction or dysbiosis, to redirect microbiomes onto stable paths. Here, we will discuss a systematic approach (dubbed the N+1/N−1 concept) to enable step-by-step dissection of microbiome assembly and functioning, as well as intervention procedures to introduce or eliminate one particular microbial strain at a time. The N+1/N−1 concept is informed by natural invasion events and selects culturable, genetically accessible microbes with well-annotated genomes to chart their proliferation or decline within defined synthetic and/or complex natural microbiota. This approach enables harnessing classical microbiological and diversity approaches, as well as omics tools and mathematical modeling to decipher the mechanisms underlying N+1/N−1 microbiota outcomes. Application of this concept further provides stepping stones and benchmarks for microbiome structure and function analyses and more complex microbiome intervention strategies.

Senka Čaušević, Manupriyam Dubey, Marian Morales, Guillem Salazar, V. Sentchilo, Nicolas Carraro, Hans-Joachim Ruscheweyh, S. Sunagawa, J. R. van der Meer

Microbiome engineering, the rational manipulation of microbial communities and their habitats, is considered a crucial strategy to revert dysbiosis. However, the concept is in its infancy and lacks experimental support. Here we study the ecological factors controlling the proliferation of focal bacterial inoculants into taxa-complex soil communities and their impact on resident microbiota. We demonstrate using standardized soil microbiomes with different growth phases that the proliferation of typical soil inoculants depends on niche competition. By adding an artificial, inoculant selective niche to soil we improve inoculant proliferation and show by metatranscriptomics to give rise to a conjoint metabolic network in the soil microbiome. Furthermore, using random paired growth assays we demonstrate that, in addition to direct competition, inoculants lose competitiveness with soil bacteria because of metabolite sharing. Thus, the fate of inoculants in soil is controlled by niche availability and competitive facilitation, which may be manipulated by selective niche generation. Teaser Typical bacterial inoculants for soil microbiome engineering suffer from facilitating growth of native resident microorganisms

Marian Morales, V. Sentchilo, Nicolas Carraro, Senka Čaušević, D. Vuarambon, J. R. van der Meer

Restoring damaged microbiomes is still a formidable challenge. Classical widely adopted approaches consist of augmenting communities with pure or mixed cultures in the hope that these display their intended selected properties under in situ conditions. ABSTRACT Strain inoculation (bioaugmentation) is a potentially useful technology to provide microbiomes with new functionalities. However, there is limited understanding of the genetic factors contributing to successful establishment of inoculants. This work aimed to characterize the genes implicated in proliferation of the monoaromatic compound-degrading Pseudomonas veronii 1YdBTEX2 in nonsterile polluted soils. We generated two independent mutant libraries by random minitransposon-delivered marker insertion followed by deep sequencing (Tn-seq) with a total of 5.0 × 105 unique insertions. Libraries were grown in multiple successive cycles for up to 50 generations either in batch liquid medium or in two types of soil microcosms with different resident microbial content (sand or silt) in the presence of toluene. Analysis of gene insertion abundances at different time points (passed generations of metapopulation growth), in comparison to proportions at start and to in silico generated randomized insertion distributions, allowed to define ~800 essential genes common to both libraries and ~2,700 genes with conditional fitness effects in either liquid or soil (195 of which resulted in fitness gain). Conditional fitness genes largely overlapped among all growth conditions but affected approximately twice as many functions in liquid than in soil. This indicates soil to be a more promiscuous environment for mutant growth, probably because of additional nutrient availability. Commonly depleted genes covered a wide range of biological functions and metabolic pathways, such as inorganic ion transport, fatty acid metabolism, amino acid biosynthesis, or nucleotide and cofactor metabolism. Only sparse gene sets were uncovered whose insertion caused fitness decrease exclusive for soils, which were different between silt and sand. Despite detectable higher resident bacteria and potential protist predatory counts in silt, we were, therefore, unable to detect any immediately obvious candidate genes affecting P. veronii biological competitiveness. In contrast to liquid growth conditions, mutants inactivating flagella biosynthesis and motility consistently gained strong fitness advantage in soils and displayed higher growth rates than wild type. In conclusion, although many gene functions were found to be important for growth in soils, most of these are not specific as they affect growth in liquid minimal medium more in general. This indicates that P. veronii does not need major metabolic reprogramming for proliferation in soil with accessible carbon and generally favorable growth conditions. IMPORTANCE Restoring damaged microbiomes is still a formidable challenge. Classical widely adopted approaches consist of augmenting communities with pure or mixed cultures in the hope that these display their intended selected properties under in situ conditions. Ecological theory, however, dictates that introduction of a nonresident microbe is unlikely to lead to its successful proliferation in a foreign system such as a soil microbiome. In an effort to study this systematically, we used random transposon insertion scanning to identify genes and possibly, metabolic subsystems, that are crucial for growth and survival of a bacterial inoculant (Pseudomonas veronii) for targeted degradation of monoaromatic compounds in contaminated nonsterile soils. Our results indicate that although many gene functions are important for proliferation in soil, they are general factors for growth and not exclusive for soil. In other words, P. veronii is a generalist that is not a priori hindered by the soil for its proliferation and would make a good bioaugmentation candidate.

Senka Čaušević, Janko Tackmann, V. Sentchilo, C. von Mering, J. R. van der Meer

There is now a great awareness of the high diversity of most environmental (“free-living”) and host-associated microbiomes, but exactly how diverse microbial communities form and maintain is still highly debated. A variety of theories have been put forward, but testing them has been problematic because most studies have been based on synthetic communities that fail to accurately mimic the natural composition (i.e., the species used are typically not found together in the same environment), the diversity (usually too low to be representative), or the environmental system itself (using designs with single carbon sources or solely mixed liquid cultures). ABSTRACT Microbiomes are typically characterized by high species diversity but it is poorly understood how such system-level complexity can be generated and propagated. Here, we used soil microcosms as a model to study development of bacterial communities as a function of their starting complexity and environmental boundary conditions. Despite inherent stochastic variation in manipulating species-rich communities, both laboratory-mixed medium complexity (21 soil bacterial isolates in equal proportions) and high-diversity natural top-soil communities followed highly reproducible succession paths, maintaining 16S rRNA gene amplicon signatures prominent for known soil communities in general. Development trajectories and compositional states were different for communities propagated in soil microcosms than in liquid suspension. Compositional states were maintained over multiple renewed growth cycles but could be diverged by short-term pollutant exposure. The different but robust trajectories demonstrated that deterministic taxa-inherent characteristics underlie reproducible development and self-organized complexity of soil microbiomes within their environmental boundary conditions. Our findings also have direct implications for potential strategies to achieve controlled restoration of desertified land. IMPORTANCE There is now a great awareness of the high diversity of most environmental (“free-living”) and host-associated microbiomes, but exactly how diverse microbial communities form and maintain is still highly debated. A variety of theories have been put forward, but testing them has been problematic because most studies have been based on synthetic communities that fail to accurately mimic the natural composition (i.e., the species used are typically not found together in the same environment), the diversity (usually too low to be representative), or the environmental system itself (using designs with single carbon sources or solely mixed liquid cultures). In this study, we show how species-diverse soil bacterial communities can reproducibly be generated, propagated, and maintained, either from individual isolates (21 soil bacterial strains) or from natural microbial mixtures washed from top-soil. The high replicate consistency we achieve both in terms of species compositions and developmental trajectories demonstrates the strong inherent deterministic factors driving community formation from their species composition. Generating complex soil microbiomes may provide ways for restoration of damaged soils that are prevalent on our planet.

Senka Čaušević, Janko Tackmann, V. Sentchilo, C. von Mering, J. R. van der Meer

Microbiomes are typically characterised by high species diversity but it is poorly understood how such system-level complexity can be generated and propagated. Here, we used soils as a relevant model to study microbiome development. Despite inherent stochastic variation in manipulating species-rich communities, both laboratory-mixed medium complexity (21 soil bacterial isolates in equal proportions) and high-diversity natural top-soil communities followed highly reproducible succession paths, maintaining distinct soil microbiome signatures. Development trajectories and compositional states were different for communities propagated in soils than in liquid suspension. Microbiome states were maintained over multiple renewed growth cycles but could be diverged by short-term pollutant exposure. The different but robust trajectories demonstrated that deterministic taxa-inherent characteristics underlie reproducible development and self-organized complexity of soil microbiomes within their environmental boundary conditions. Our findings also have direct implications for potential strategies to achieve controlled restoration of desertified land. TEASER Species-rich soil microbiomes grow and propagate reproducibly despite inherent stochastic complexity, paving the way for soil restoration.

M. Georgieva, T. Heinonen, A. Vitale, S. Hargraves, Senka Čaušević, T. Pillonel, L. Eberl, C. Widmann, N. Jacquier

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are molecules with antimicrobial activity and could be a promising alternative to classical antibiotics, whose clinical efficiency is undermined by emergence of resistance. Our group is studying one such antibiotic alternative – the antimicrobial peptide TAT-RasGAP317-326. We recently reported the antimicrobial activity of this peptide against a range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In this article, we show that the presence of divalent cations and low pH levels have an impact on TAT-RasGAP317-326 activity, whereas serum proteins only partially reduce the antibacterial activity of TAT-RasGAP317-326. In addition, we show that iron supplementation reduces TAT-RasGAP317-326 binding to bacteria. Using a transcriptomics approach and screening of bacterial mutant libraries, we map the transcriptional response of bacteria when exposed to TAT-RasGAP317-326 and identify cellular pathways that may play a role in bacterial resistance to TAT-RasGAP317-326. We test combinations of TAT-RasGAP317-326 with other AMPs and detect no evidence for an additive effect between any of the peptide combinations. Finally, we perform a resistance selection screen that reveals differences between bacterial strains with respect to their rate of resistance emergence against the TAT-RasGAP317-326 peptide. Taken together, our findings bring a better understanding of how extracellular factors might impact the antimicrobial activity of TAT-RasGAP317-326 peptide and thus contribute basic biology insight into the mechanisms behind TAT-RasGAP317-326 activity, potentially aiding future strategies to improve the efficiency of this peptide in vivo.

M. Georgieva, T. Heinonen, A. Vitale, S. Hargraves, Senka Čaušević, T. Pillonel, L. Eberl, C. Widmann, N. Jacquier


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