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Fadilj Maljoki

Društvene mreže:

11. 3. 2022.

Taha Džabir el-Alvani, Reviving the Balance: The Authority of the Qurʼan and the Status of the Sunnah. Herndon: Internacionalni institut za islamsku misao, 1438/2017. Str. 210. ISBN 978-1565646902.

UDK 811.411.21'373.612.2:28-23 Sažetak U ovom radu govori se o metonimiji kao hermeneutickom sredstvu u tumacenju hadisa. U prvom dijelu rada razmatra se metonimija u (kognitivnoj) lingvistici: njena definicija, tipologija, kognitivnolingvisticka nacela vezana za metonimijske zamjene/prijenose, te njene funkcije na retoricko-stilskoj i semanticko-pragmatickoj ravni. Drugi dio rada tretira zastupljenost metonimije u hadisima. Navedeno je pet reprezentativnih primjera koji pokazuju da su hadiski ucenjaci prepoznali metonimijske zamjene u verbalnom sunnetu. Treci, zadnji i bazicni dio ovog rada bavi se metonimijom kao hermeneutickim sredstvom, odnosno znacajem prepoznavanja metonimije za ispravno tumacenje hadisa. U ovom dijelu, u svjetlu zadate teme, analizirali smo hadis: „Ko promijeni vjeru, ubijte ga“, i hadise u kojima se govori o tome da ce onaj ko posvjedoci da nema drugog boga osim Allaha uci u Džennet. Podrobnom analizom dosli smo do zakljucka da ovi hadisi, uslijed metonimijskih zamjena do kojih je u njima doslo, ne mogu imati doslovno znacenje. Summary This article relates about metonymy as a hermeneutic tool in interpretation of the Hadith. The first part of the article analyzes metonymy in (cognitive) linguistics: its definition, typology, cognitive and linguistic premises related to transitions/substitutes of metonymy and its function in rhetorical-stylistic as well as in semantic-pragmatic levels. The second part of the article deals with the actual occurrence of metonymy in the Hadith. Five representative samples of its use are presented here which demonstrate the fact that the Hadith scholars have recognized metonymy within the verbal Sunnah. The third and at the same time the fundamental part of this article deals with metonymy as a hermeneutic tool and with the significance of recognizing metonymy for a correct interpretation of the Hadith. In this part, in the light of the given topic, we analyzed the Hadith: “Whoever changes his religion, then kill him…”, and those of the Hadith that relate about sayings that the one who bears witness that there is no god but Allah, will enter Jannah. Through a detailed analysis we reached a conclusion that these Hadiths due to metonymy contained therein cannot be understood literally.


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