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Marina Milinković

Društvene mreže:

T. Ivanović, Ljiljana Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Predrag Nikolić, Ž. Milosavljević, Marina Milinković

Introduction/Objective. Malocclusions are one of the most frequent disorders in dentistry, and pose a risk for the onset of caries and periodontal diseases. Fixed orthodontic treatment solves the problem of malocclusions; however, it requires simultaneous cooperation of the patients, parents, and dentists involved. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of fixed orthodontic therapy on the Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. bacteria in saliva, the pH value, and buffering capacity of saliva. Methods. The research was carried out at the Faculty of Medicine in Foca, Department of Dentistry. The study included 100 respondents, aged 13 to 17 years. The respondents were divided into two groups: the study group (respondents wearing fixed braces) and the control group (respondents not subjected to fixed braces therapy). Saliva samples were taken from the respondents four, 12, and 18 weeks after the start of the orthodontic therapy. The study used the bacteria caries risk test (CRT) and CRT buffer (Ivoclar Vivadent). Results. The study showed an increased number of bacteria in saliva of the respondents during all three follow-up periods (χ2 test, p = 0.001). The largest numbers of the Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. bacteria were found in week 12 of the therapy. Saliva pH value and buffering capacity of saliva increased statistically significantly in week 12 of the therapy (χ2 test, p = 0.001). Conclusion. Oral conditions in patients changed during the fixed orthodontic therapy: the number of bacteria increased, the pH value and buffering capacity of saliva changed. It was necessary to use preventive measures in order to avoid complications during the fixed orthodontic appliances therapy.

J. Samardžija, Biljana Mijović, Marina Milinković

Virus hepatitisa B (HBV), virus hepatitisa C (HCV) i virus humane imunodeficijencije (HIV) predstavljaju patogene koji se prenose krvlju i od posebnog su interesa za stomatoloski tim. U stomatoloskoj ordinaciji HBV, HCV i HIV se mogu prenijeti direktnim kontaktom sa krvlju i pljuvackom koja ima primjesa krvi, ili indirektnim kontaktom sa inficiranim instrumentima tokom i nakon rada. Upotreba ostrih instrumenata pri radu, te susretanje sa pacijentima koji trpe bol i stres predstavljaju faktore rizika za nastanak ekspozicijskih incidenata. Zbog toga se moraju preduzeti i dosljedno sprovoditi mjere zastite od virusnih infekcija. Specificna zastita protiv HBV je vakcina. Nespecificna zastita podrazumjeva zastitu osoblja, pacijenata, specifican odnos u radu sa kontaminiranim instrumentima, specificnu higijenu radnih povrsina i opreme u ordinaciji i zbrinjavanje medicinskog otpada. Prevencija ekspozicije je primarna strategija za smanjenje profesionalno nastalih infekcija, a pored toga, za HBV, HCV i HIV infekciju propisana je postekspozicijska profilaksa cija primjena ima zadovoljavajucu efikasnost

Marina Milinković, T. Ivanović, Predrag Nikolić, Ljiljana Stojanović, Ž. Milosavljević, Jovana Samardžija Hrisa, A. Šarac

Summary Introduction Caries and orthodontic anomalies in school-age children lead to disturbed aesthetics, oral functions (chewing, swallowing, and speech), predisposition to trauma and the onset of periodontal diseases. The aim was to assess dental health and frequency of orthodontic anomalies in children aged 8-9 years in the municipality of Foča. Methods The research was conducted in the primary school Sveti Sava in Foča, where the total of 112 children age 8-9 years were examined. An informed consent was obtained from parents and school director for each student. Dental examination was performed using standard dental method, a mirror and a probe under artificial lighting. Children received instructions on proper nutrition, oral hygiene, tooth protection and elimination of bad habits. Results Among 112 examined boys and girls of selected ages, very high person caries index (PCI) was found (78.57%). A total of 548 caries affected teeth were found (boys 331 (24.62%), girls 217 (16.14%) (p <0.05)). Fifty-nine children had caries lesions on permanent teeth (boys 39 (2.9%), girls 20 (1.5%) (p <0.05)). Sagital abnormalities of the bite were present in 39 (34.82%) children, while 38 (33.92%) anomalies were related to vertical bite irregularities, 10 (8.92%) of them had open bite and 28 subjects (25%) had deep bite (p> 0.05). Conclusion Large number of teeth was affected with caries lesions (548) in eighth-year-olds, while orthodontic anomalies, mostly sagital abnormalities of bite were found in 39 subjects.

Introduction. Orthodontic treatment is a common dental procedure in developed countries. Assessment of orthodontic treatment need is important for health services planning and population trends monitoring. The aim of this study was to assess the need for orthodontic treatment among children in Foca, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods. The study involved 81 students of two primary schools in the municipality of Foca, aged 11-13 years. The subjects underwent clinical examinations, the dental impressions were taken, study models were made and analyzed, and digital photographs of anterior dentition were taken too. Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need (ICON) was used to assess the need for orthodontic treatment. The number of orthodontists, which would be sufficient to meet the needs of this population of children, was estimated. Results. ICON index results showed that 56.8% of children needed orthodontic treatment. There was no statistical significance in the need for orthodontic treatment between the subjects of different gender and age. The study showed that 22.2% of boys and 34.6% of girls needed orthodontic treatment. In relation to age, 21% of eleven- and 21% of twelve-year-olds needed orthodontic treatment and 14.8% of thirteen-year-olds. The incidence of crowding was 80.2%. Crossbite was present in 23.5% of examined students, open bite in 2.5%, deep bite in 29.6% and irregular dental esthetics anterior teeth in 28.4%. Class II/1 malocclusion was found in 39.5% of children, II/2 class in 9.9%, class I in 38.3%, while class III malocclusion was found in 9.9% of examined children. Conclusion. The study shows that a large percentage of children in Foca need orthodontic treatment. Percentage of the need for orthodontic treatment is higher in comparison to most of the countries in Europe and the world. The development of prevention programs and early caries therapy can greatly reduce the need for orthodontic treatment.


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