Infection with Brucella results in the induction of both humoral andcellular immune responses. Humoral immune resposne is based on monitoringthe occurrence of specific antibodies against smooth lipopolysaccharide (S-LPS)of Brucella. However, in cattle, classical serological methods can detect antigenicdeterminants for other types of microorganisms (cross reactivity) such as Escherichiacoli 0:157, Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9, Salmonella urban, Pseudomonas malthopilia andPasteurella. The aim of our work was to determine the immunological responsebased on the use of standardized and purified allergen in which lypopolysaharid hasbeen removed and doesn’t induce humoral immune response. A total of 16 dairycattle previously tested positive using RBT (Rose Bengal test) and CFT (complementfixation test) were tested for confirmation with BST (brucelline skin test) accordingto the instructions of the producer. B. melitensis B115 (Synbiotics BrucellergeneOCB) was used in the test. 14 of 16 cattle reacted with skin thickening >1 mm after72 hours from the application of brucellin. 2 animals with no skin thickening orthickening <1mm also reacted negative in CFT. This outcome can be attributed tocross reactions with other antigens than Brucella that commonly occurs in RoseBengal test.Brucellin allergic skin test is not recommended as a standalone diagnostic toolbecause all infected animals do not react therefore this test cannot be recommendedas a self-sufficient diagnostic test or for the purpose of international trade.However, due to high specificity and adequate sensitivity at the herd level, it can berecommended for the control of herds in areas free of brucellosis.
Brucele u organizmu inficiranih životinja induciraju i humoralnii ćelijski imunološki odgovor. Humoralni imunološki odgovor se bazira na praćenjupojave specifičnih antitijela protiv glatkog lipopolisaharida (S-LPS) ćelijskemembrane brucela. Međutim kod goveda u dokazu specifičnih antitijela klasičnimserološkim metodama mogu se detetkovati antigene determinate za druge vrstemikroorganizama (unakrsna reaktivnost) kao što su: Escherichia coli 0:157, Yersiniaenterocolitica 0:9, Salmonella urban, Pseudomonas malthopilia i Pasteurellae. Cilj ovograda je utvrditi ćelijski imunološki odgovor koji se bazira na upotrebi pročišćenog istandardiziranog alergena, kojem je u potpunosti odstranjen lipopolisaharid te kaotakav ne dovodi do razvoja humoralnog imunološkog odgovora. Ukupno je ispitano16 goveda s područja Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine kod kojih je - Rose Bengaltestom ireakcijom vezivanja komplementa utvrđeno prisustvo specifičnih antitijelana brucelozu. Kožni test je izvođen prema uputama proizvođača. U testu je korištenbrucelin, ekstrakt B. melitensis B115 (Synbiotics Brucellergene OCB). Kod 14 govedaje nakon 72 sata od aplikacije utvrđeno zadebljanje kožnog nabora, dok kod dvagoveda nije izmjereno nikakvo zadebljanje. Razlog svakako treba tražiti u činjenicida su dva goveda imala pozitivan rezultat samo u Rose Bengal testu te se to možeprepisati unakrsnoj reakciji s antigeno srodnim mikroorganizmima.Kožni alergijski test nije preporučljiv kao samostalan dijagnostički alat jer nereaguju sve zaražene životinje, stoga ovaj test se ne može preporučiti kao individualnidijagnostički test ili u svrhu međunarodne trgovine. Međutim, zbog visokespecifičnosti i adekvatne osjetljivosti na nivou stada ili stada, može se preporučiti zanadzor stada / stada u područjima slobodnim od bruceloze.
U radu su navedena najnovija saznanja o uzrocniku bolesti plavog jezika, patogenezi te klinickoj slici koja se javlja kod ovaca, goveda i koza. Također je ukazano na elemente koji pomažu u postavljanju sumnje, te pravilan odabir reprezentativnog uzorka koji se dostavlja u laboratoriju. Važnost preventivnih mjera, kao sto je smanjenje populacije vektora, ima poseban znacaj u smanjenju broja oboljelih životinja, odnosno sirenja virusa plavog jezika u populaciji domacih životinja.
Over 7 months of the year 2011, 7 LR type beehives were euthanized in order to count all the members of the community including the varroa mites (V. destructor). Next to 48.431 worker bees counted in all tested colonies, 3.492 or 7,2% varroa mites were found, while 1117 varroa mites were counted in the total number of larva found in all beehives. In January, the varoa mites were found on the floor coverings, and only one on the bees. In March, April and August the varroa were found on the adult bees, and only in August on the bees, bee larva and drones. Total varroa infestation of the drones was 346,4%, and of larva 10,3%. The aim of this study is to euthanize the bee colony in order to record every varroa mite found in it, and thus determine the absolute varroa number, its seasonal distribution and precise time for therapy. Key words: Varroa, honey bee, brood, larva
At the end of August 2002, clinical symptoms of bluetongue in the sheep flocks in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina were recorded. In an extensive testing campaign, a total of 8967 blood serra of sheep were tested for the presence of anti-bluetongue virus antibodies using competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA) and the standard agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test. The c-ELISA and the AGID test detected BTV-seropositive reactions in 187 (1.94%) and 141 (1.53%) samples, respectively. Virus neutralizing test (VN) performed at the G. Caporale Institute in Teramo, Italy, detected serotype 9 bluetongue virus, which was at the time present throughout the Mediterranean basin. Key words: bluetongue virus (BTV), cELISA, AGID
The aim of this study was to assess the BSE related situation in BiH and initiate the activities toward the completion of diagnostic procedures and prevention of mad cow disease occurrence and thus the prevention of human neurological diseases.In this work the results of active surveillance over “mad cow disease“ in BiH, are presented. All brain tissue samples were taken from the cows older than 24 months and slaughtered for the human consumption purposes in abattoirs. We tested 13298 samples originating from six cantons in FBiH, and RS between 2006- 2008, with each sample proven negative. The test results from 2008 to date are not presented in this work because in the meantime the ELISA(BIO-RAD) kit was replaced with the IDEXXELISA kit. Key words: cattle, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, active surveillance
Serotyping of five rabies virus isolates with monoclonal anti-nucleoprotein antibodies for classical rabies virus and rabies-related viruses and phylogenetic relationships among sequences indicate that viruses circulating in population of animals in Bosnia and Herzegovina belong to the sero-genotype 1 of classical rabies virus. Phylogenetic relationships among sequences of our viruses have shown the presence of two phylogenetic lines, one which is present in the northwestern part and other which is present in the northeastern part of the country. Our viruses are closely related to Westeuropean isolates of rabies virus.
At the end of August 2002, clinical symptoms of bluetongue (BT) (fever between 39 degrees C and 41 degrees C, muco-purulent or bloody nasal discharge, oedema of the lips and the intramandibular space, foot lesions including laminitis and coronitis in some cases, diarrhoea and dysentery) were recorded in Pramenka sheep flocks in north-east Bosnia in August 2002. A total of 9 599 serum samples (ovine: 8 967; bovine: 632) from 40 communities of Bosnia and Herzegovina were tested for the presence of anti-bluetongue virus (BTV) antibodies using competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA) and the standard agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test. The c-ELISA revealed BTV-seropositive reactions in 187 (1.94%) samples and the AGID test detected 141 (1.53%) cases. Complete agreement was recorded between the c-ELISA and AGID test results for bovine sera. These results indicate that the ability of c-ELISA to detect anti-bluetongue virus antibodies in ovine sera was superior to that of the AGID. All positive sera were collected from animals in the river areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Q fever is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Coxiella burnetii . 1 Most human infections follow contact with parturient ruminants, although occasional infections have also been linked to contact with infected cats, dogs, wild animals, and pigeons. 1 Disease outbreaks have also been reported in towns downwind to birthing infected animals due to windborne spread of contaminated dust. 2 C. burnetii infection has been previously reported in both humans and animals from central and eastern Europe, including Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. 3 − 5 Q fever has historically been considered enzootic in this region.
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