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Selma Dizdar

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Selma Dizdar, V. Mišanović, Mirela Mačkić- Đurović, Almedina Moro

Introduction: asthma is the most common chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract in children. The clinical manifestation of asthma is closely related to the pathomorphological changes presenting the basis of the disease, and it concerns the difficult air flow through the lower airways during the expiratory phase of breathing. Inadequate treatment of children who have asthma affects the appearance of remodeling of the lower airways and, in the most severe cases, permanent reduction of the lung function values. The Aim is to determine the influence of prematurity and GSTT1 and GSTM1 gene polymorphisms on the degree of asthma control. Materials and Methods: The research was designed as a clinical, cohort, observational, retrospective-prospective study. It included 200 patients divided into two groups of one hundred respondents each. The first group of respondents consisted of premature children hospitalized at the Department of Neonatal Intensive Care of the CCUS Pediatric Clinic due to respiratory problems caused by immaturity. In contrast, the second group consisted of at-term-born children monitored through the Pulmonary Counselling of the Pediatric Clinic. Results: The male and female genders were equally represented. In the premature children group, respiratory support was used in 60/100 (60%) cases. GSTT1 polymorphism was proven in 150 respondents, and GSTM1 polymorphism in 98. Fisher's test showed that gestational age at birth significantly influenced asthma control: the test value was 11.281, p=0.019. Conclusion: gestation weeks at birth have a statistically significant effect on the degree of asthma control at older age. Although poorly controlled asthma and uncontrolled asthma were more prevalent in children with positive GSTT1 and GSM1 gene polymorphisms, we could not demonstrate a statistically significant influence of the mentioned polymorphisms on the degree of asthma control.

Introduction: Adequate prenatal and postnatal care for preterm neonates not only affects the survival rate, but also the occurrence of chronic diseases, and in the future also affects the quality of life of that children. Aim: To examine the influence of independent predictors (weeks of gestation, body weight, sex) on the outcome of the disease and to analyze the influence of the applied ventilatory mode on the final outcome of treatment. Material and methods:  The study included neonates (n = 248) born prematurely who were treated in the neonatal intensive care unit for a period of one year due to immaturity-related difficulties. Results: The mean age of male neonates (n = 119) at birth was 31.13 ± 3.3 weeks of gestation (WG), and females (n = 129) 31.59 ± 3.2 WG. Weeks of gestation have a statistically significant effect on survival (p = 0.0001), for each more week of gestation, the chances of survival increase by 21%. There was no significant difference between birth weight and sex (p = 0.289), and the birth weight of the neonates had a statistically significant effect on survival (p = 0.0001). For every 10 grams of body weight, in our sample, the chance of survival increases by 2%. Ventilation mode showed a statistically significant effect on neonatal survival (p < 0.05), and intubation mode was used as an indicator. If neonates are switched from non-invasive to invasive ventilation mode, the chance of survival in our sample is reduced by 88%. Conclusion: Weeks of gestation, birth weight, and the use of a noninvasive mode of ventilation are predictors of a positive outcome for preterm neonates.

Introduction: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are multifactorial congenital anomalies of the central nervous system that results from failed neural tube closure between the 3rd and 4th weeks of embryonic development. Numerous clinical and experimental studies indicate that supplementation with folic acid before and during early pregnancy reduces the development of these anomalies. The present study examined the incidence and risk factors for NTDs and evaluated the effects of folic acid supplementation.Methods: This cross-sectional study included all children with NTDs who were hospitalized at the Pediatric Clinic, Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo during the period from January 01, 2008 to December 31, 2012. Data were collected retrospectively from the medical histories of hospitalized children. The study included children in pediatric clinics from four cantons (Sarajevo, Zenica–Doboj, Unsko–Sanski, and Central Bosnia) of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The number of live births for the specified period in each of the four cantons was taken from a report by the Cantonal Ministry of Health.Results: Among the 69,096 live births recorded during the study period, 39 children had verified NTDs, with an overall incidence of 0.56:1,000 (or 5.6:10,000) in all four cantons. The most common NTDs were myelomeningocele with hydrocephalus (22/39, 56.4%), followed by isolated myelomeningocele (9/39, 23.1%), spina bifida occulta (7/39, 17.9%), and occipitocele (1/39, 2.6%). A total of 33.3% (13/39) of mothers took folic acid, but only one began supplementation prior to pregnancy, while 67.7% (26/39) of mothers did not take folic acid during pregnancy. NTDs were found more frequently in primiparas (53.8%), women with low education (basic school, 64.1%), and unemployed women (82.1%).Conclusion: It is important to make national recommendations for folic acid supplementation for women of reproductive age, but also change the public health policy that includes mandatory fortification of basic foods as this is the best measure for primary prevention of NTDs in the whole population regardless of employment and education status. Additional comprehensive studies are required to assess the incidence and risk factors throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Introduction: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are multifactorial congenital anomalies of the central nervous system that results from failed neural tube closure between the 3rd and 4th weeks of embryonic development. Numerous clinical and experimental studies indicate that supplementation with folic acid before and during early pregnancy reduces the development of these anomalies. The present study examined the incidence and risk factors for NTDs and evaluated the effects of folic acid supplementation.Methods: This cross-sectional study included all children with NTDs who were hospitalized at the Pediatric Clinic, Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo during the period from January 01, 2008 to December 31, 2012. Data were collected retrospectively from the medical histories of hospitalized children. The study included children in pediatric clinics from four cantons (Sarajevo, Zenica–Doboj, Unsko–Sanski, and Central Bosnia) of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The number of live births for the specified period in each of the four cantons was taken from a report by the Cantonal Ministry of Health.Results: Among the 69,096 live births recorded during the study period, 39 children had verified NTDs, with an overall incidence of 0.56:1,000 (or 5.6:10,000) in all four cantons. The most common NTDs were myelomeningocele with hydrocephalus (22/39, 56.4%), followed by isolated myelomeningocele (9/39, 23.1%), spina bifida occulta (7/39, 17.9%), and occipitocele (1/39, 2.6%). A total of 33.3% (13/39) of mothers took folic acid, but only one began supplementation prior to pregnancy, while 67.7% (26/39) of mothers did not take folic acid during pregnancy. NTDs were found more frequently in primiparas (53.8%), women with low education (basic school, 64.1%), and unemployed women (82.1%).Conclusion: It is important to make national recommendations for folic acid supplementation for women of reproductive age, but also change the public health policy that includes mandatory fortification of basic foods as this is the best measure for primary prevention of NTDs in the whole population regardless of employment and education status. Additional comprehensive studies are required to assess the incidence and risk factors throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Introduction: Patients with cerebral palsy (CP), besides the basic neurological damage, are also often undernourished. Adequate nutrition for children is very important during the period of intensive growth and development, which is of particular importance in patients with CP. Goal: To evaluate the nutritional status of patients with CP who are treated at the Pediatric Clinic, Clinical Centre of Sarajevo University and causes of malnutrition in these patients. Materials and Methods: Eighty patients with CP underwent anthropometric assessment (body weight, body height, body mass index, head circumference, subscapular skinfold thickness, triceps skinfold thickness and mid upper arm muscle circumference). Severity of CP was classified based on the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS). We compared the anthropometric parameters of our patients with normal values of healthy children, as well as with degree of motor impairment, oromotor dysfunction, feeding assistance, length of meals and daily feeding time. Results: There were significant differences in all monitored parameters in relation to normal values, with 38 (47.5%) malnourished patients in the total group, out of which 29 (63.0%) with severe motor impairment and with 9 (11.3%) obese patients in the total group. The presence of oromotor dysfunction and other monitored parameters had a significant impact on the nutritional status of these patients. Conclusion: In severely disabled patients with CP there is a risk of profound malnutrition. Early identification and treatment of these patients is very important for their growth, development and health.

Introduction: Plasmapheresis also known as a therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) is extracorporeal procedure by which individual components of plasma that are harmful or blood cells can be removed from organism by using a blood separation technology. Aim: To present the results of the implementation of plasmapheresis in children in the Department of Pediatric Intensive Care of Pediatric Clinic, Clinical center of Sarajevo University, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Patients and methods: Research (period from December 2011 to June 2016) analyzed 66 plasmapheresis (11 patients–6 plasmapheresis per patient). Results: Out of 11 patients, 7 (63.6%) were girls and 4 (36.4%) were boys. The average age of patients was 11.6 ± 3.9 years (the youngest patient had 4 years and 7 months, while the oldest had 16 years and 10 months). Plasmapheresis were significantly more often done in the winter and summer. Underlying disease was in 54.5% of cases of neurological origin. The treatment was in form of receiving IVIG in 7 patients, or the application of mechanical ventilation in 6 patients. The most common complication was hypotension, which occurred in 45.5% of patients, followed by bleeding in 36.3%, hypercoagulability in 27.2% of patients and hematoma in 27.2% of patients. Lethal outcome occurred in 3 (27.2%) patients. Conclusion: Plasmapheresis represents an invasive method due to need for placement of centralized venous catheter that provides adequate blood flow during the procedure. Although complications can be serious, they are rare and are mainly related to the presence of central venous catheter, hemostasis disorders due to use of anticoagulant therapy, and hypotension of the cardiovascular system. It should be noted that for success of plasmapheresis in children multidisciplinary approach is necessary (children’s nephrologist, neuropediatrician, intensive care doctor) as well as well-trained team of doctors and nurses with the acquired knowledge and skills.

Haemodialysis is a fast and efficient meth-od for removing toxins from the body in a straightforward manner. This has been a regular practice at the Paediatric Clinic in Sarajevo, Department of Paediatric In-tensive Therapy since January 2009. By December 2014 there were 34 patients treated by haemodialysis, who had un-dergone 253 haemodialyses in total. There were 18 (52.9%) primary nephrologic pa-tients, while 16 (41.05%) were patients whose renal failure was caused by other etiology. The main objective of this paper is to present the most common conditions in childhood that require haemodialysis in its treatment. The Department of Paediat-ric Intensive Therapy for this period had hospitalized 1,226 patients in total. Out of this number 2.77% of patients required the application of haemodialysis in their treat-ment. The results show that the most common renal causes to perform haemodialysis are: haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome and congenital bilateral nephrolithiasis. For the others, the most common non-renal causes are multiple organ dysfunc-tion syndrome (MODS) that occurs as a result of cardiac insufficiency, hepatic in-sufficiency or after surgeries, as well as in hemato-oncologic diseases.

G. Bakalović, A. Džinović, R. Baljić, Selma Dizdar, A. Selimović

Objective: To present the epidemiological features of bronchiolitis in a one-year period in patients of Pediatric Clinic, Clinical Centre of Sarajevo University. Introduction: Bronchiolitis is the most common respiratory infection of early infant age. The disease is one the most common reason for hospitalization of children under the age of six months. The disease is characterized by occurrences in the winter season November–March. For daily diagnosing of severe forms of bronchiolitis as a clinical syndrome, often sufficient are the knowledge of the epidemiological data, age of the patient, clinical examination and insight into the risk factors. Patients and methods: The history of the disease in 155 infant patients, who were clinically treated because of bronchiolitis in the period from February 2013 to February 2014 in the Department of Pediatric Pulmonary Clinic in Sarajevo was retrospectively analyzed. Results: The majority of patients were aged less than 6 months (87.7%). The monthly distribution of bronchiolitis had a peak in January and February. Almost 50% of patients had a risk factors for the development of severe forms of bronchiolitis out of which the most common were artificial diet (53.5%), low birth weight below 2500g (17%), prematurity (16.1%), congenital heart anomalies (14.2%), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (1.9%). 46,5% of patients were on natural nutrition. 46 patients (29.6%) were serologically or by respi-strip test in nasopharyngeal lavage positive on respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). There were no patients who required mechanical ventilation. Conclusion: During the one-year period, bronchiolitis was the most common diagnose in the early infantile period up to 6 months, with a peak incidence in January and February. Risk factors such as prematurity, low birth weight, congenital heart anomalies and bronchopulmonary dysplasia have been less present in the studied period compared to the period before the introduction of RSV chemoprophylaxis. The epidemiological data obtained have facilitated the diagnosis, and accordingly the timely and appropriate treatment of bronchiolitis.

Selma Dizdar, A. Džinović, R. Gojak, G. Bakalović, A. Selimović

ABSTRACT Introduction: Due to the geographical position of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its socio economic momentum even though the standard vaccination program is carried out, the child population continues to suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis in significant percentage. Material and methods: The study was retrospective and included patients who were in the period from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2013 (or the 10 years period) hospitalized at the Department of Pulmonology Pediatric Clinic dually diagnosed with lung TB and start treatment. Data were adopted from available medical records (history of disease). Goal: The aim of the study was to determine the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of tuberculosis of the lungs in children who were hospitalized at the Pediatric Clinic. Results: In the period from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2013 there were hospitalized a total of 50 children with a proven active infection with MBT, where it was initiated treatment with a specific therapy. From this number 44% of patients were aged from 5 to 10 years, 22% of patients were aged younger than 5 years. Peak incidence was in 2009. About 66% of patients had a positive history of sick close relative, while 10% of them had a history of contact with other sick person. From baseline 28% of patients were referred to the Department with suspicion of a specific process. From the total 70% of respondents were regularly vaccinated, and 29% of them had a visible BCG scar. In 55% of cases there was anamnestic information - decresed body weight, in 82% of cases the presence of cough, of which 52% of the occurrence of expectoration. In 78% of cases we had positive auscultatory findings of the lungs. In 14% of cases on X-ray of the lungs was noticed changes in terms of the primary complex positive. In this material we had one cavernous and one miliary TB of the lungs. Sputum or gastric lavage was positive in 62% of cases, and Quantiferon because of the lack of the same (in the past) was positive in 34% of cases. All subjects at the time of discharge were classified as recovered. In that period we had proven resistant TB. Conclusion: Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to the group of countries with still present and evident TB. In the investigated period of ten years from the pediatric pulmonary TB, usually have suffered small children and adolescents. At moment of discharge, all patients were classified as recovered. In the teste material we did not have proven resistant TB.


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