User Name

Eldar Ćerim

Viši asistent Mr. sc., University of Zenica

Društvene mreže:

Polje Istraživanja: Education Social work


University of Zenica
Viši asistent Mr. sc.

A shift from a paradigm focused on content and a teacher as a transmitter of that content, to a paradigm focused on learning outcomes or competence, has been conditioned by a change in considering humans as active participants in their own life, for which the efforts of psychology in presenting self-regulation as a mechanism of assuming an active role in one’s own life are significant (Bandura, 1991). The principles of this paradigm are noticeable in many other considerations, e.g., in sociology - biography of life courses/outcomes, in humanities and helping professions - orientation towards providing support with the aim of self-help. It is precisely the Competency Passport as a tool in counseling work that seeks to identify individual competencies, but not only those acquired through formal education, but we can say overall competencies acquired in one’s life constellations. By a theoretical analysis and synthesis, this paper aims to offer a framework for a well-founded role of social pedagogues as lifelong learning facilitators in socio-pedagogical interventions through the perspective of the Competency Passport. Keywords: competency passport, social pedagogues as lifelong learning facilitators

Eldar Ćerim, E. Vejo, Elma Begagić

This paper is the adapted and extended version of the bachelor’s work of our student Eldar Ćerim supervised by professor Edina Vejo and assistant professor Elma Begagić. The paper presents the results of several research studies (Bazrafshan, Jahangir & Shokrpour, 2017; Cox, 2011; Pirner, 2017; Williams & Lindsey, 2005) showing the nature of the existence of religiosity as both a protective and a risk factor precipitating the emergence of behavioral disorders. A comparative advantage of the paper lies in the fact that constructing a research equidistance in observing the phenomenon of religiosity, it presents distinct determinants of religiosity in terms of its influence on disorders in the behavior of young adults as both a protective as well as a risk factor.


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