Haris Islamčević je završio Gazi Husrev-begovu medresu u Sarajevu, potom je diplomirao, magistrirao i doktorirao na Fakultetu islamskih nauka u Sarajevu.
Polje Istraživanja: Philosophy Theology
Haris Islamčević (1987., Banjaluka) završio je Gazi Husrev-begovu medresu (2006.), nakon koje nastavlja studij teologije na Fakultetu islamskih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu na kojemu je diplomirao 2010. godine. Poslijediplomske studije je okončao na katedri za akaid (islamsku dogmatiku), tesavuf i uporedne religije 2015. istraživajući vjersku praksu gimnazijalaca Unsko-sanskog kantona. Doktorirao je 2019. na istoj katedri istraživanjem fenomena Nove misli kao jednoga od učenja nastalog unutar moderne evropske ezoterijske tradicije. Autor je više knjiga i znanstvenih radova u domaćim i međunarodnim časopisima.
UDK 299.94U ovome radu se prezentiraju rezultati empirijskog istraživanja o prisutnosti fenomena Nove misli kod bosansko-hercegovackih muslimana, a kao uzorak je odabrana jedna sredina – opcina Sanski Most. Nas rad, na osnovu postavljenih pet pitanja (onto-kozmo-antropoloski koncept, drugim rijecima iskazano, kroz koncept Bog- Svijet-Covjek), prikazuje prisutnost ovoga fenomena kod razlicito strukturiranih ispitanika: po spolu, životnomdobu, mjestu stanovanja, te obrazovanju. Anketiranjem imama s anketnog podrucja smo dobili znacajnu svojevrsnu kontrolnu grupu koja je komparativno koristena u objasnjenju dobivenih rezultata.SummaryThis article presents results of an empirical study related to thephenomenon of the New Thought and its impact upon Bosnianand Herzegovinian Muslims through the sample of oneparticular community- the municipality Sanski Most. This workpresents, on the bases of five given questions (Onto-Cosmoanthropological concept, in other words, through the concept– God-the World- Man), the presence of this phenomenonamong respondents of different structure: based on gender, age,place of living and education. The sample of imams within thesurveying field gave us a significant control-group that was usedcomparative bases for analysing the survey results.
This paper presents the author Rhonda Byrne and her works in the context of the role of human thoughts in the daily life. Special attention is paid to her work The Secret as it represents the foundation which makes it possible to construct her teaching from. Also, this paper explores the reception of The Secret in the former Yugoslav countries.
This paper contains a theological and philosophical consideration of the New Thought phenomenon. New Thought is a phenomenon quite unknown not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in the neighbouring countries of the region, and therefore not fully explored. The author offers a comprehensive account of New Thought, which entails a presentation of socio-historical, religious as well as cultural contexts that fostered the emergence of New Thought teaching. West-European and American religious contexts are particularly emphasized because this is where New Thought was created. New Thought phenomenon favours the role of human thoughts in the realisation of the full potential of human life and insists that the state of human thoughts directly affects the profiling of the quality of life.
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