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Sakib Softić

Professor, University of Sarajevo

Društvene mreže:

Polje Istraživanja: International law


Cyber attacks constitute a new security threat that appeard in the twenty-first century. This security threat put new known and unknown challenges to the international community and single State. The security threat may come from other states or from non-state actors. In this article the author deals with issues related to the application of the rules of international law and the right of armed conflict to counteract cyber threats. The Author first endeavor to explain and define the concept of international cyber security law, then analyzes the question of the state's relationship to cyber-attacks and the right of the state to use force to counter cyber-attacks, and finally analyzes whether cyber-attack can be considered as an act that entitles rights to individual and collective self-defense within the meaning of the UN Charter. And under what conditions.The right to self-defense is not just a passive right of the state to wait for to be attacted. And that the damage be done. The state has the right to active self-defense, which also manifests itself as the right to anticipatory self-defense. The state is also entitled to proportional countermeasures. The right to self-defense also exists in the case of attacks committed by non-state actors. This article is divoted to complex international legal issues related to this security threat, and certainly contributes to a better understanding of this issue and represents a contribution to the development of international law in this matter.

Reasons for writing and research problem: The purpose of this paper is to show the situation of child protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina most objectively. Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): The paper is articulated around specific area of interest which includes the systems in place for the delivery of child protection services, related policies and frameworks, child protection education and resources management; data from research of the child protection workforce key skills, knowledge, and interests. Metholodogy / Design: We were used: semi-structured and in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Field research was done in the period from July to October 2015 in Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Mostar in total, 3 focus groups were organized (1 with students of social work at MA level, 1 with managers/ trainers and 1 with child protection practitioners). Research /paper limitation: Three limitations have been identified in terms of this study. The first limitation is related to the complexity of the system as it is set up in B&H. In addition, the collected data were not collected in an adequate, representative sample. Data were collected during one round of interviews and focus groups with respondents who take up different positions in the system Results / Findings: Findings from the paper will provide a basic analysis f the education and training context in which child protection practices are delivered in Bosnia and Herzegovina and try to identify needs and opportunities for further professional development, training, and/or capacity building to strengthen the child protection workforce in the Bosnia and Herzegovina General conclusion: The results may provide significant insight into processes related to development of the child protection systems in the Bosnia and Herzegovina standardisation of services and quality control mechanisms in terms of human resources development. Research / paper validity: The results should allow a critical analysis of the needs and gaps to be addressed in order to offer appropriate support to professionals from different fields and disciplines in improving the quality of child protection interventions and response.

This article deals with international protection of peace and security known as Collective Security, established by the Charter of UN. The Charter of UN accepts right of States or group of States to individual or collective self-defense. Security Council has central role in protection of international peace and security. It decides what kind of measures to be employed: measures not involving the use of armed force or measures involving use of force. The Charter of UN is starting point for any discussion founded in international law, connected with the use of armed force for preservation and restoration of international peace and security. With the aim to elaborate this topic, author researched, assessed, analyzed and compared relevant documents and teachings and afterwards outlined them at highly readable way. International law allows legitimate defense against illegitimate attacks committed not only by the States, but also by non- States actors har-bored by States.

Ovaj clanak se bavi utvrđivanjem obima u kojem su državni zvanicnici podložni krivicnom progonu pred nacionalnim sudovima drugih država za međunarodna krivicna djela kao i nekim povezanim pitanjima kao sto su diplomatski imunitet, imunitet pred međunarodnim sudovima kao i imunitet pripadnika stranih oružanih snaga. Ovdje se razmatraju funkcionalni imuniteti koje međunarodno pravo daje državnim zvanicnicima, razlozi za davanje tih imuniteta i da li se oni primjenjuju u situacijama kada postoji osnovana sumnja da je državni zvanicnik pocinio međunarodno krivicno djelo. Odbacena je tradicionalna argumentacija o obimu i utemeljenosti funkcionalnih imuniteta i razmotrena nova utemeljena na presudama međunarodnih i domacih sudova krajem proslog i na pocetku ovog vijeka.

Dispatch centre is one of the main part of emergency medical system. The basic role's of dispatch centre are: emergency call, admission, trage, and coordination. High level of responsibility demands continuous education and training of dispatch centre personnel.


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