User Name

Jasna Pašić

Društvene mreže:

Bihaćka krajina je, kao sjeverozapadna regija Bosne i Hercegovine, tokom 20. stoljeća bila zahvaćena krupnim historijskim kretanjima koja su u većoj ili manjoj mjeri odredila njenu prošlost. Dio promjena se reflektirao iz ukupnih društveno-političkih, vojnih privrednih i kulturnih tokova bosanskohercegovačke zbilje, dok su neke od njih lokalnog karaktera i ukazuju na osobenosti krajine. Historiografska literatura, nastala u posljednje gotovo dvije decenije, pokazatelj je istraženosti ovog područja u pojedinim bitnim segmentima. U radu je cilj ukazati na historiografsku literaturu i objavljene izvore o Bihaćkoj krajini, s fokusom na periode prijelomnih događaja i procesa koji su obilježili prošlost ovog kraja u 20. stoljeću. U tom smislu je riječ o interesu naučnih i stručnih krugova koji su svoja istraživanja usmjerili na početak 20. stoljeća, odnosno austrougarski period, zatim Drugi svjetski rat i događaje iz socijalističkog razdoblja koji su regiju sjeverozapadne Bosne i Hercegovine doveli u središte pažnje šire javnosti ili zainteresirali historičare. Izdvojena su djela i radovi čiji su autori primarni tematski okvir istraživanja usmjerili na prošlost ovog geografskog područja i istraživanja koja tretiraju širi kontekst bosanskohercegovačke prošlosti, ali u svojim okvirima sadrže značajne podatke za sjeverozapadnu Bosnu. Za ratni period 1992–1995. ukazuje se na dostupne objavljene historijske izvore i memoarske zapise. Razlog izostavljanja literature je pojačan interes za ratnom prošlošću nakon 1990-ih, gdje je došlo do produkcije literature većeg obima koja bi zahtijevala detaljniju historiografsku analizu, što bi činilo zaseban istraživački rad na tu temu.

In the case of a fault on electric power system line even basic frequency component of the fault current has rather complex form consisting of constant amplitude member and members with amplitudes attenuated with different time constants. Taking into account that there is a possibility to eliminate DC and harmonic components in electric signals during a fault in acceptable short time period, it was shown here that the rest of the signal can be used for (fast) line impedance calculation with acceptable accuracy. Calculations and testing based on here presented approach with real generator parameters and for all kinds of faults show that error in resulting impedance value was always less then 3%, qualifying the method as acceptable for technical applications. Method of faulted line impedance calculation was referred.

Method of high speed detection of energy flow direction in series compensated electric power lines is proposed here. Basic characteristics of series compensated lines relevant to needs of the method are explained. First information about energy flow direction is disposable in time of about one half of millisecond after inception of a fault in electric power system, what is significantly faster than using other existing methods.

Determination of exact distance to faulted place on electric power lines is of extreme importance for shortening of no voltage states in electric power system, minimizing losses and making easier finding of faulted place and transportation of servicemen to it. Many methods have been developed according to existing technologies with the only one aim: to make calculation of distance to fault more accurate. Here presented method is offering fast calculation of distance to fault eliminating influence of transition resistance on the place of the fault and eliminating influence of DC and harmonic components existing in electrical signals during transient process caused by the fault.

Principle of the new method of filtering of a signal containing basic frequency component, harmonic components and DC component is presented. Method of elimination of DC component as well as second and third harmonic component from input signal is given in detail. Presented experimental results based on input signal with high amounts of DC and harmonic content show very good agreement between waveforms of input and output basic frequency component. Very small time delay of the output signal is one of basic qualities of the method, which has not been possibly to realize by other methods.

Fast method of identification of energy flow direction in electric power system is presented. The method is offering opportunity to get information about energy flow direction (current direction) in electric power system at the very beginning of transient process caused by fault, in a time of less than half of millisecond after the fault inception. This is for one order of magnitude shorter than now used methods. Here presented method could be very useful for applications in electric power system protection and control systems but it is not restricted to electric power system only.


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