
Publikacije (16)

Dževad Krdžalić, Ramazan Alpay Abbak

We compute the first gravimetric geoid model for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHG2022) based upon the KTH method and additive corrections. The BHG2022 is computed with the help of 34,820 terrestrial gravity points and a digital elevation model produced by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. The gravity data is gridded onto a 0.02 arc-degree resolution via the nearest neighbour interpolation method. ITU_GGC16 and ITG-Grace2010 models are utilised to provide long wavelengths of gravity field up to 280 and 180 maximum degree/order in the geoid computation, respectively. On the basis of an external evaluation by 609 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-levelling points homogeneously distributed over the country, the accuracy of the BHG2022 is estimated to be 5.65 cm absolutely. This is the most precise geoid model ever seen in this territory. The result highlights the significant effect of all gravity data obtained from various sources on the accuracy of the geoid model.

The article describes the procedure for transformation between old and new horizontal geodetic datum in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two triangle-based methods were used for transformation, which are based on irregular and regular triangular network. For development of transformation models two set of points were used, one for developing models (around 1200 points), and other for testing (around 850 points). Prior to development, all points were tested at presence of outliers, and outliers are marked in the points database. Results shows that large part of distortions in old triangulation network can be modeled with used methods. Maximal positional standard deviations with best model are 4.5 and 6.4 cm for two sets of points, respectively, while maximal positional discripencies are 30 and 40 cm for two sets of points. Each method has some advantages and disadvantages which are shown in this article. It is shown that the number, spatial distribution and quality of input data are crucial for development of highly accurate transformation model. Also, as an important contribution of this work, some problematic areas with irregular distortions are identified. Finally, some recommendations are given for improvement of developed models.

Deformation monitoring using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is a reliable technique today but requires strict standards in data processing and analysis. The procedure for determining the precise positioning and deformation analysis in the test network located nearby the Olympic stadium Koševo in Sarajevo, with an area of about 1 km square, is described. The observations are carried out using dual-frequency GNSS receivers and data are processed using by Trimble Business Center v4.00 software. The analysis is focused on comparing several variants of observation processing: GPS L1, GPS L1 + L2 and GNSS (GPS + GLONASS). Software OS JAG3D is used for deformation analysis. The results show that the reliability of the deformation estimated based on the GPS L1 variant is questionable since it does not detect displacements at all points. The second variant gives better results. The mean values of the differences of the determined simulated displacements are by components: 3 mm, 3 mm and 6 mm. The results determined using the third variant, i.e. GNSS, are the best, when the mean values of the displacement´s differences are: 4 mm, 3 mm and 2 mm, what indicates the recommendation to use this method in a project where high precision is required.

Jasmina Ćatić, Dževad Krdžalić

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are used for different purposes in geodesy, like engineering geodesy, land management, real estate cadastre, land surveying, etc. However, high-precision GNSS measurements are used primarly for determination of reference networks, and for investigation of geodynamical phenomena as tectonic plates movements, which is the focus of this paper. An active GNSS network of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIHPOS) was used for calculation of coordinates and velocities of networks' stations. Data from 23 stations were processed using scientific software GAMIT/GLOBK (version 10.7), developed on MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). A sub-centimeter accuracy of coordinates is achieved and accuracy of calculated velocities is better than 1 mm/year. Station velocities interpretate geodynamics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Six IGS stations were used, as reference datum stations. Reference stations analysis results are in good match with EUREF Permanent GNSS Network velocities, while BIHPOS stations velocities (at 13 stations in Bosnia and Herzegovina) show very similar trend to the velocities obtained from regional geodynamic campaigns (CERGOP).

M. Pozder, Sanjin Albinović, A. Šarić, Dževad Krdžalić

Road pavement is structure with primary function to provide distribution of load from top layers to the subgrade. In addition, condition of road pavement surface provide driving safety and comfort. This paper presents results of the ability to use method called photogrammetry technique, in order to determine the condition of road pavement surface. Research was conducted on a small test site at Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Sarajevo. This model was used to analyze road surface and to collect data about longitudinal and transverse profile, surface distresses and texture features as well.

Jasmin Taletović, Dževad Krdžalić

This work was carried out calculating and research the deflection of the vertical on line traverse in the geodetic network of the City of Sarajevo. Determination of vertical deflection is done using Quadar. Computations consist of two segments. The first segment is the calculation of the coordinates of points without taking into account the vertical deflection, while the second segment dealt with the calculation of the coordinates of points by taking into account the vertical deflection.

Džana Horozović, Dževad Krdžalić, M. Mulić

Due to its dispersive nature, ionosphere causes a group delay or phase acceleration of the signals from Global navigation satellite systems - GNSS. Despite the progress of GNSS positioning methods, the ionospheric refraction is still one of the greatest source of the errors in the geodetic positioning and navigation. Different phenomenons oft he space weather: solar wind, geomagnetic storm, solar radiation, can damage GNSS, and electric power distribution networks but That is why it's important to establish research and monitoring methods of the space weather. The subject of this paper is the investigation of ionosphere and space weather. Procedure of constructing a SID (engl. Sudden ionospheric disturbances) monitor station are described. The analysis showed that ionosphere monitoring station in Sarajevo, SRJV_ION 0436, was able to detect increased solar radiation.

Troposphere plays crucial role for geodetic comunity, which can primarly be seen in its influence on GNSS observations. At the same time, troposhpere is the place where almost all hidrometeorological phenomena that effect our everyday life occure. Scientists have found a way to use systematic influence that troposphere has on GNSS signal and turn it into meteorological indicator, water vapor quantity. In this paper term of GNSS meteorology is described, as well as its basic classification and application.

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