
Publikacije (111)

M. Đikić, K. Salajpal, D. Karolyi, I. Juric, V. Rupić

Carcass composition and distribution of tissues in the carcass of Turopolje pig were established by analysing the share of muscle (M), fat (F) and bone (B) tissue in the carcass and each of this tissues from parts leg, shoulder, loin, neck and belly-rib part (BRP) in the carcass as well as the same tissue in the parts. Investigation was caried out in two groups of fattened pigs at different age and live weight at slaughtering (TI n = 10, age 584 ± 20 days and 81.9 kg ± 6.1 kg; TII n = 9, age 679 ± 20 days and 100.3 kg ± 4.9 kg). Pigs were fattened in the outdoor system of flood forests and marsh meadows biocenosis (Quercus robur and Deschampsietum caespitosae) according to traditional Croatian technology of low input feed (0.5 kg/day/animal). On the slaughter line the animals and carcasses were separetly weighted and cut according to Weniger method and by total dissection. In the groups TI and TII the percentages of muscle (38.2% and 40.5%, respectively) and bone tissue (10.6% and 9.7%, respectively) were significantly different in the carcass, while the share of fat (34.2% and 33.8%, respectively) was not significantly different. In the groups TI and TII the distribution of muscle, fat and bone tissue in the body parts leg, shoulder, loin, neck and belly-rib part (BRP) were estimated.

K. Salajpal, D. Karolyi, R. Beck, G. Kiš, I. Vicković, M. Đikić, D. Kovačić

Chemical composition of the acorn (Quercus robur), tannin content and its ability to influence the faecal egg count output reduction in the Black Slavonian Pig reared in outdoor production system were investigated. A total of 20 Black Slavonian Pigs with naturally acquired parasite was randomly divided into experimental (E) and control (C) group. The pigs in experimental group were fed acorn Ad libitum and the pigs of the control group were given only 2 kg of concentrate. Faecal egg count (FEC) was assessed by individual pig before and after acorn consumption. Faecal egg count reduction percentage (FECR%) was calculated separately for large roundworm (Ascaris suum) and other gastrointestinal parasites (Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides and Hyostrongylus sp.). The results demonstrate that acorn is tannin rich forage (65.6 gkg-1 ) which can reduce FEC output of pigs parasitised with gastrointestinal nemathodes. The reduction in total faecal egg count output in acorn fed pigs was 96.01%. FECR% for A. suum and other nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract (Oesophagostom spp., Strongyloides and Hyostrongylus sp.) was 96.56% and 93.55%, respectively. This results would imply that the gastrointestinal nematode population in the Pig was highly sensitive and responsive to effect of acorn tannin in feed. Therefore, the acorn grazing has the potential of aiding in the control of the gastrointestinal parasites in the outdoor reared Black Slavonian Pig and consequently result in reduced need for anthelmintic treatment.

M. Đikić, I. Juric, K. Salajpal, D. Karolyi

U posljednjoj dekadi proslog stoljeca pa do danas o turopoljskoj svinji kao autohtonoj hrvatskoj i jednoj u Europi od starijih svinja pa i pasmina publiciran je veci broj znanstvenih i strucnih radova (Grunenfelder 1994, Robic 1996, Đikic i sur. 2002) koji istražuju postanak, gospodarski znacaj u proslosti te cimbenike koji su utjecali da se ova svinja, odnosno pasmina nasla na popisu FAO - World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity (Loftus i Scherf, 1993), kao ugrožena i u nestajanju. Popis je sacinjen nakon potpisivanja Konvencije o bioloskoj raznolikosti u Rio de Janeiru u lipnju 1992. (Hammond, 1998). Hrvatska je Konvenciju potpisala 5. sijecnja 1997, a 1999. donosi strategiju bioloske raznolikosti u koju je ukljucena i Turopoljska pasmina svinja. Obnova i zastita turopoljske pasmine moglo bi se reci da pocinje 1996. godine otvaranjem maticnih knjiga pri Hrvatskom stocarskom selekcijskom centru (HSSC) na zahtjev Plemenite opcine turopoljske - POT, V. Gorica, koja se kao nekadasnja zemljisna zajednica (nastala u 13. stoljecu, a zakonski 1947. ukinuta, Đikic i sur, 2002) obnavlja 1994. te u program obnove stavlja i projekat ocuvanja Turopoljske pasmine svinja kao kulturoloske i bioloske vrijednosti Turopolja, podrucja u kojem je ova svinja nastala i opstala iako u malom broju in vivo in situ. Važno je istaci da je i tradicionalna hrvatska tehnologija niskog inputa u proizvodnji svinja držanih na otvorenom (outdoor) u ekosustavu poplavnih suma hrasta lužnjak i mocvarnih livada vezana na turopoljsku svinju kao dio kulturoloske bastine Hrvatske. Prema podacima HSSC u 2002. godini velicina uzgojne populacije pokazuje (broj nerastova 4 i krmaca 70) i pored subvencije države za zastitu i obnovu, status kriticne ugroženosti, FAO standardi, (Loftus i Scherf 1993), ali broj nazimica i prasadi ukazuje na mogucnost promjene tog statusa. Dosadasnji rezultati istraživanja o svojstvima turopoljske svinje i pasmine su vecim dijelom tiskani u monografiji Turopoljska svinja - autohtona hrvatska pasmina - turopolka (Đikic i sur. 2002. Đikic i Juric, 2002). U tijeku su istraživanja genotipizacije turopoljske svinje (Harcet i sur, 2002), a zapocela su istraživanja mtDNA u suradnji s prof. C.A.Pinkertom University of Rochster in New York. (dio uzoraka za analize je otpremljen u USA). U V.Gorici (prosinac 2002) održano je 1. savjetovanje s okruglim stolom o turopoljskoj svinji. Jedan od zakljucaka okruglog stola bio je da POT izradi program koji bi na ekonomskoj osnovi bio potpora u obnovi populacije. U svrhu daljnje spoznaje svojstava sadasnje Turopoljske svinje cilj je rada utvrditi klaonicka svojstva, sastav trupa i pojedinih dijelova trupa (udjeli misicnog, masnog i kostanog tkiva). Dobiveni rezultati istraživanih svojstava bit ce osnova za definiranje svojstava (standarda) sadasnje Turopoljske pasmine, ali i podloga za izradu uzgojnog kao i ekonomskog programa u svrhu obnove i zastite. Istraživanje sastava trupa i pojedinih dijelova trupa (but, plecka, leđa, vrat, trbusno-rebrani dio - TRD) provedeno je u dvije skupine tovljenika (TI n=10 i TII n=9) turopoljske pasmine. Tovljenici su (od prasenja do zavrsetka tova) proizvedeni u otvorenom sustavu držanja u ekosustavu sume hrasta lužnjaka i mocvarnih livada (Quercus robor, Deschampisetum caespitosae) u Turopolju. U proizvodnji tovljenika primijenjena je stara hrvatska tehnologija niskog inputa hrane u ekosustavu (0, 5 kg zrna kukuruza/grlu/dnevno) uz koristenje prirodnih resursa ekosustava, ali vodeci racuna o bioloskoj ravnoteži okolisa. Klaonicke mase i mase hladnih polovica te dob tovljenika kod klanja bili su u skupinama: TI 81, 9p ; 6, 1 kg ; 65, 6p ; 4, 8 kg i 584p ; 20 dana. TII 100, 3p ; 4, 9 kg ; 80, 1p ; 4, 6 kg i 679p ; 20 dana. Udjeli misicnog, masnog i kostanog tkiva analizirani su u trupu i pojedinim dijelovima metodom totalne disekcije i Wenigera i sur. (1963). Analiza i obrada podataka obavljena je programom SAS 1996. Ujedno u radu su prikazani i rezultati (Đikic i Juric, 2003) udjela tkiva u dijelovima trupa tovljenika modernih genotipova (hypor) svinja. Odnosi misicnog i masnog tkiva u trupovima kao i u pojedinim dijelovima trupa kod tovljenika turopoljske pasmine, a proizvedeni u otvorenom sustavu držanja po staroj hrvatskoj tehnologiji niskog inputa, ukazuju na mogucnost i ekonomskog iskoristavanja uz vec ranije navedeni znacaj bioloske i kulturoloske vrijednosti koju ova svinja ima kao hrvatska i svjetska bastinu. Existing research results about characteristics of Turopolje pig mostly are published in monography "Turopolje pig - autochtonous Croatian breed - turopolka" (Đikic and Juric, 2002) and 1st symposium, with a round table, on Turopolje pig was held, 2002 in V. Gorica. On the round table mentioned previously it was concluded that UCNCT and Faculty of Agriculture should define a program which would support reestablishment of the population on economical base. Research on genotypization of Turopolje pig is in progress (Harcet et al., 2002) and the research on mtDNA are started in cooperation with Prof. C. A. Pinkert from the University of Rochester, New York (part of samples were mailed to the USA). Following this, due to knowledge we have today on characteristics of Turopolje pig, objective of our work is to establish slaughtering properties, proportion in some parts of the in carcass. Results of this research will be used as a base for defining the characteristics (standard) of the modern Turopolje pig breed, as well as a starting point for its breeding and economical program of re-establishment and preservation and definition of production type of this breed. Also in the paper showed the results about carcass and some parts selected swine like as a Hypor (Hy) pig, Đikic and Juric (2003). Investigation of carcass composition in fattened Turopolje pigs was carried out on two groups, TI (n=10) and TII (n=9). Pigs were fattened in the outdoor system of production. The whole production cycle took place in the outdoor system of forest biocenosis (Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior and Fagus sylvatica) and marsh meadows (Deschampsietum caespitosae) in Turopolje (about 40 km from Zagreb). Traditional Croatian technology of low feed ecosystem input (0, 5 kg of corn seed/animal/day) was implemented in the extensive management. Natural resources (acorn, soil, pasture) were utilized, but having a mind the environmental balance as well. No industrial feed vitamins or mineral was used nor in piglets rearing neither in fattening. Average age of fattened pigs in group TI was 584 p ; 20 days, and TII 679p ; 20 days. In the abattior for each hog established the slaughtering and warm carcass weights. The average weights were at TI 81, 9 p ; 6, 1 kg and 65, 6 p ; 4, 8 kg and TII 100, 3 p ; 4, 9 kg and 80, 1 p ; 4, 6 kg. After chilling through 24 hours at +4oC established the weights of cold carcass and the single of halves on which rest the tail (during the cutting of carcass) for the dissection. The methods by Weninger et al 1963 used the cutting the halves in a parts (leg, shoulder, loin, neck, belly-rib part (BRP), less value part double chain lard. By method of total dissection each part dissected on muscle fat and bone tissues at what the weights were established. The lard and double chain were weigh separately. On the basis of masses of each tissue in the parts and the masses of halves established the percentage tissues in the carcass as well as parts and some tissues in the parts of the carcass. In the paper showed the results of proportion tissues in parts of carcass selected pigs (Đikic and Juric, 2003). The records were calculated procedure SAS (1996) and differences between groups analyzed by t-test. The rations of muscle and fat tissue in the carcass as well as in some parts in the carcass at hogs of Turopolje pig breed and produced in technologies of low input in outdoor production system are pointing at possibilities to use the Turopolje pig breed at economic bases and beside biological and cultural importance what has in Croatia.

D. Karolyi, K. Salajpal, Željko Sinjeri, D. Kovačić, I. Juric, M. Đikić

e) Same address as a) , Prof., Ph.D., M.Sc. ABSTRACT The muscle quality traits (pH 1 and pH 24 and colour of M. longissimus dorsi), blood stress indicators (CPK - creatine phosphokinase, LDH - lactate dehidrogenase, AST - aspartat aminotransferase and glucose) and trimmed cut lean yield (proportion of selected lean meat of hams, loin, shoulders and neck) were evaluated for traditional Black Slavonian (BS) and modern pig genotypes: Large White × Swedish Landrace (LW×SL) and Large White × Swedish Landrace sired with Duroc (LW×SL)×D used for the production of Slavonian Kulen sausages. The BS pigs had the lowest serum CPK and AST activity which indicates their lower suspectability to stress (P<0.05). The pH values were inside normal pork quality range for all evaluated genotypes but the older BS and (LW×SL)×D pigs have more desirable loin colour (lower L* and higher a* values) for Slavonian Kulen processing. The trimmed cut lean yield (%) of hams was the lowest in BS pigs (29.31% of primal cut and 7.04% of carcass, P<0.05). The (LW×SL)×D group had the highest trimmed cut lean yield of loin (34.14% and 4.93%, P<0.05) and the LW×SL group had the lowest utilization of neck (22.31% and 1.12%, P<0.05). For shoulders there were no statistically significant differences. In total, the utilization of primal cuts for the production of Slavonian Kulen in BS group (26.75%) were considerably lower than in (LW×SL)×D group (32.33%, P<0.05) and utilization of carcass for production of Slavonian Kulen was higher within the (LW×SL)×D pigs (19.85%, P<0.05) than in BS (16.26%) and LW×SL (16.28%) pigs.

Ž. Cvetnić, J. Margaletić, M. Đikić, M. Glavaš, D. Đikić, S. Špičić, I. Juric, K. Salajpal

U poglavlju knjige opisana su istraživanja koja su do sada obavljena na podrucju turopoljskoga kraja, a vezana su brojnost sitnih glodavaca i njihove analize kao potencijalne rezervoare leptospiroze. Istraživani lokaliteti su staniste na kojima se drži auhtona pasmina svinje. Uspoređeni su rezultati serovara leptospira u glodavaca i svinja na istom podrucju.

Ž. Cvetnić, J. Margaletić, M. Đikić, M. Glavaš, D. Đikić, S. Špičić, I. Juric, K. Salajpal

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