
Publikacije (32)

T. Gavrić, S. Čadro, D. Gadžo, Mirha Djikić, M. Bezdrob, Z. Jovović, J. Jurković, S. Hamidović

Common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) is an annual plant from Polygonaceae family which is well known as pseudocereal with high nutritional value. The yield and quality of the buckwheat`s kernel depend on weather conditions, mainly due to variations in the air temperatures and precipitation during the growing period. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of some metrological parameters on yields and chemical compositions in the kernel of buckwheat. Field experiments were conducted during three years (2011, 2012 and 2013) in the village Donje Selo, near Ilijaš. In this study grain yield, protein content, sludge, fats, mineral matter, cellulose and total phenols were determined. Experimental results suggested that the weather conditions in different years of the research have a significant impact on the yield and the chemical composition of the kernel. The yield of buckwheat varied from the year to year and ranged from 0.98 to 1.29 tons per hectare.

12. 11. 2018.
O. Miseckaitė, S. Čadro, V. Tunguz, V. Lukashevich, I. Simunic, Orlović-Leko, Palma

S. Čadro, J. Žurovec, S. Cherni-Cadro

Drought in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is mostly analyzed using water deficit obtained from agro-hydrological balance; a ratio between precipitation or actual evapotranspiration (AET) to potential evapotranspiration (PET); and more recently using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). The main objective of this research is to use the relatively new multiscalar drought index, Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) to analyze severity, magnitude, and duration of drought periods in B&H. SPEI is based on precipitation and evapotranspiration data and it has the advantage of combing multiscalar character with the capacity to include the effects of variability in atmospheric water demand on draught assessment. Evapotranspiration is calculated with Penman-Monteith method, the standard international procedure for computing reference or potential evapotranspiration (ET0). In order to assess all four types of drought, SPEI is calculated for shorter (1, 3 and 6 months) and longer (12 and 24 months) time scales. Weather stations with long-term continuous climate data records were selected 13 stations across B&H in total, from which the climate data for 50-year period (1961 – 2010) were collected. A crucial advantage of SPEI over other drought indices previously used in B&H and its use of potential evapotranspiration and multiscalar characteristics, enabling identification of different drought types. By using Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) it was found that severity, magnitude and duration of drought periods in B&H vary depending on the location and time scale for which drought was calculated. Presence of more severe long lasting droughts in period after 1986 was found for all 13 analyzed locations across B&H.

The rural population in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), which constitutes more than half of the total population, experienced serious incidences of extreme weather events in the past two decades. This part of the population is vulnerable to climate change due to significant dependence on agriculture as a climate-sensitive livelihood option. However, the source of their vulnerability is due not only to the extent and magnitude of these extreme climate events, but also to the internal status within the vulnerable systems before the occurrence of such events. In order to explore the different dimensions of vulnerability, we used a set of 20 indicators to quantitatively assess the vulnerability of the rural population to climate change at the local level in BH. Two summarizing and two weighting methods were applied to assess vulnerability—Equal weights (EW) and principal component analysis (PCA). Based on the results obtained, we concluded that the current socio-economic conditions and the increased environmental pressure as a result of the present human-environment interactions are the main determinants of vulnerability in most vulnerable municipalities, rather than the degree to which these municipalities are exposed to significant climatic variations. Most vulnerable municipalities are located across the north, with a gradual decrease in vulnerability towards the central, north, and east of the country. Vulnerability increases again from here towards the south of the country. The number of municipalities classified as the highest and highly vulnerable increased when the second summarizing method and weighted indicators were used. However, the general geographic distribution of vulnerability did not change substantially compared to the first method. The approaches used in this study provide some valuable results at the local level, and are presented in a way that is practical for decision-making processes and may serve as a base for further research when designing effective adaptation and mitigation strategies, especially in the regions with similar climatic and socio-economic conditions.

H. Bilali, Siniša Berjan, J. Simić, A. Despotovic, S. Čadro, M. Kulina

In 2010, agriculture share in GDP was 8.6% and 19.7% of the total labour force was employed in agriculture. About 39% of the total population is urban. This exploratory study aims at providing an overview of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in BiH especially in terms of legal, legislative and regulatory framework, governance and actors as well as the role of extension and advisory services. The paper is based on an extended literature review and on primary information collected by semi-structured interviews, carried out in summer-autumn 2011, with 30 urban gardeners, extension agents, representatives of NGOs and officers in the municipal Departments for Urban Planning and Economy in Sarajevo region. The paper (1) analyses references to UPA in the main agricultural development policies in Bosnia; (2) screens international projects dealing with UPA during the post-war period in Sarajevo region, and promoting and implementing organisations, (3) assesses focus on UPA by extension agents; (4) analyses urban planning and zoning regulations in Trnovo, Istocna Ilidza (IsI), Istocno Novo Sarajevo (INS), Pale, Sokolac, Vlasenica and Milici municipalities; (5) analyses budget dedicated to agriculture in the urban municipalities of IsI and INS; and (6) provides some recommendations for UPA development. Semi-structured interviews focused also on economic, environmental, aesthetical and social (gender, inter-ethnic conciliation and cross-cultural cooperation) benefits of UPA in the post-war Sarajevo and East Sarajevo. UPA can bring about sustainable social, economic and environmental benefits therefore, for insuring its long-term development, legal, legislative and regulatory framework as well as governance should be improved. UPA can not be developed without conducive and enabling land use policies and regulations and frameworks facilitating access to and securing use of urban spaces for agricultural purposes. Governance can be upgraded by designing and implementing strategies and 1585 Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2013, 14(4), p.1585-1597 DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/14.4.1401

H. Bilali, Siniša Berjan, J. Simić, A. Despotovic, S. Čadro, M. Kulina

About 39% of the Bosnian population is urban. The main objective of this work is to get an insight into urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in Bosnia with a focus on legal and regulatory framework, governance, and advisory services’ role. Information were collected by a literature review and semi-structured interviews of 30 urban gardeners as well as extension agents and municipal officers in Sarajevo region. The paper analyses references to UPA in the main agricultural development policies in Bosnia; assesses focus on UPA by extension agents; and analyses urban planning and zoning regulations and budget dedicated to agriculture in many municipalities of Sarajevo region. Semi-structured interviews focused also on economic, environmental, aesthetical and social benefits of UPA. Development of UPA requires improving the regulatory framework, promoting multilevel and multi-stakeholder governance, and fostering pluralistic extension and advisory services.

S. Čadro, Siniša Berjan, H. Bilali, O. Žurovec, Jasmina, Simić, B. Rajĉević

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH); due to its geographical position, natural capital, and the socioAeconomic relevance of climateAsensitive s ectors such as agriculture and forestry; is highly vulnerable to climate change (CC). Using the EH5OM model, temperature is projected to increase (+0.7A1.6°C during 2031A2060) and avera ge net precipitation to decrease. The paper aims at analysing governance of climate change in BiH with a special focus on water resources, agriculture, and forestry (WRAF). The paper is mainly based on a literature review. The research approach adopted was exploratory, descriptive and deductive. The paper (i) provides the stateAofAtheAart of WRAF and climate; (ii) analyses impacts of CC on WRAF and agriculture and forestry contribution to GHGs; (iii) provides an overview of state and entity policy frameworks and institutions dealing with CC; (iv) highlights international organizations and donors operating in this field and Balkan and international commitments of BiH; and (v) provides some recommendations for enhancing WRAF adaptability and resilience to CC. The paper analyses as well the focus on CC and budget of the ongoing projects in 2011 in the sectors of environmental protection, and agriculture and forestry, 16 and 12, respectively. Agriculture, water resources management and forestry represent priority areas in which the policy and legislative framework should be improved and integrated projects should be implemented. Moreover, BiH should design and implement a national climate change mitigation strategy and action plan.

H. El-Bilali, Siniša Berjan, J. Simić, A. Despotovic, S. Čadro, L. Stojković, D. Kovačević

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