
Publikacije (26)

F. Gaši, N. Pojskić, B. Stroil, O. Frøynes, M. Fotirić Akšić, M. Meland

In order to determine the pollinizer success rates between twelve apple cultivars in 2021 and 2022, 671 apple embryos were collected from 19 different orchards in Ullensvang (southwestern Norway) and Svelvik (southeastern Norway). Genomic DNA was extracted from the collected embryos and, afterward, a genetic characterization with 15 polymorphic microsatellite markers was conducted. An identical set of markers was also used on all twelve mother cultivars, as well as on six crabapple pollinizers, which were found in the investigated orchards. The obtained molecular data enabled paternity analyses to be performed with the objective of assigning a male parent to each embryo. The paternity analyses identified pollen donors for all, except for 3% of the embryos. In most cases, it was possible to identify the most successful pollinizers for each cultivar, with ‘Aroma’ and ‘Discovery’ being the most efficient pollen donors overall. Tree abundance seems to be a major factor in pollinizer success, while semi-cross-compatible characteristics represent a hindrance. Only 7% of the analyzed embryos were determined to have been fertilized by pollinizers outside the orchard, confirming the significance of pollinizer proximity for efficient pollination.

X. Schneider, B. Stroil, Christiana Tourapi, C. Rebours, Susana P. Gaudêncio, L. Novoveská, M. Vasquez

As the quest for marine-derived compounds with pharmacological and biotechnological potential upsurges, the importance of following regulations and applying Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) also increases. This article aims at: (1) presenting an overview of regulations and policies at the international and EU level, while demonstrating a variability in their implementation; (2) highlighting the importance of RRI in biodiscovery; and (3) identifying gaps and providing recommendations on how to improve the market acceptability and compliance of novel Blue Biotechnology compounds. This article is the result of the work of the Working Group 4 “Legal aspects, IPR and Ethics” of the COST Action CA18238 Ocean4Biotech, a network of more than 130 Marine Biotechnology scientists and practitioners from 37 countries. Three qualitative surveys (“Understanding of the Responsible Research and Innovation concept”, “Application of the Nagoya Protocol in Your Research”, and “Brief Survey about the experiences regarding the Nagoya Protocol”) indicate awareness and application gaps of RRI, the Nagoya Protocol, and the current status of EU policies relating to Blue Biotechnology. The article categorises the identified gaps into five main categories (awareness, understanding, education, implementation, and enforcement of the Nagoya Protocol) and provides recommendations for mitigating them at the European, national, and organisational level.

B. Stroil, Lejla Ušanović, Abdurahim Kalajdžić, Lejla Lasić, R. Škrijelj, N. Pojskić

Abstract Interspecific hybridization in the Cyprinidae family has been recorded worldwide, with Abramis brama (bream) and Rutilus rutilus (roach) as one of the often-reported hybridizing pairs. The only account of such an event in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been in Modrac Reservoir. Using morphological and molecular markers, the presence of hybrids was surveyed, the hybridization direction was determined and the hybrid group structure in this ecosystem was evaluated. Our findings confirmed unhindered natural hybridization between roach and bream in Modrac Reservoir. Over 50% of the hybrid specimens were classified as F2 hybrids by the NewHybrids software, while the rest were categorized as pure parental form, making it the first such finding in Europe. The analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b showed that 90% of hybrid individuals were of bream maternal origin. The hybrid group expressed higher mean values of observed heterozygosity and gene diversity than both parental species. Signs of introgressive hybridization between parental species were detected. The hybrid zone of Modrac Reservoir appears to follow the intermediate or “flat” hybrid model based on the balanced distribution of parental and hybrid genotypes. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the factors that enable the survival and mating success of post-F1 individuals.

Emina Šunje, B. Stroil, Jean Raffaëlli, Adnan Zimić, O. Marquis

The Bosnian alpine newt (Ichthyosaura alpestris reiseri) is endemic to Prokoško Lake (Mt. Vranica, Bosnia & Herzegovina); its evolutionary history is partially clarified and its taxonomic position remains unclear. Due to severe anthropogenic pressures on Mt. Vranica (fish introduction in Prokoško Lake, pollution), it has been assumed that this form of Alpine newt is extinct from the Lake. Nevertheless, some specimens originating from Prokoško Lake are still maintained in captivity in two European zoos and by several private keepers. The main goals of the present study are: (1) to investigate the presence of Alpine newts in the Prokoško Lake and the wider area of Mt. Vranica, (2) to conduct phylogenetic analysis on found specimens of Alpine newts in relation to other Balkan populations. Newts were not registered inside Prokoško Lake but several individuals were found in water bodies surrounding the Lake. Genetic analysis shows that these individuals carry the same haplotype as Alpine newts from a captive population originating from Prokoško Lake. All the Alpine newts originating from mt. Vranica are monophyletic on mtDNA markers, hence form an Evolutionary Significant Unit within I. alpestris that is of specific conservation importance. Results corroborate previous findings concerning the complex pattern of genetic diversity of Alpine newt populations in the Balkans that is poorly understood.

M. Piria, B. Stroil, D. Giannetto, A. Tarkan, A. Gavrilovic, Ivana Špelić, Tena Radočaj, N. Kİllİ et al.

Abstract. Alongside climate change, the introduction of non-native species (NNS) is widely recognized as one of the main threats to aquatic biodiversity and human wellbeing. Non-native species and biodiversity are generally low priority issues on the political agendas of many countries, particularly in European countries outside the European Union (EU). The objectives and tasks of this study were to address the policy regulation, education level, education practices, and socioeconomic perceptions of NNS in the Balkans. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Turkey (Balkan EU candidate and potential candidate members), in Croatia and Greece (Balkan EU Member States) and Italy (non-Balkan EU Member State). The EU Alien Regulation (1143/2014) concerning NNS is implemented in EU Member States and Montenegro, whereas Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey have not reported specific policy regulations for NNS. Permanent monitoring programmes specifically designed for NNS have not yet been established in the EU Member States. Most countries tackle the issue of NNS through educational activities as part of specific projects. Education level is indicative of the implementation of NNS policy regulation, and efforts are needed for the proper development of relative study programmes. Public awareness and educational preparedness concerning NNS in the Balkans were identified as poor. Strong programmes for management and education should be developed to increase public awareness to prevent further biodiversity losses in the Balkan region.

S. Hoban, M. Bruford, W. Funk, P. Galbusera, M. Griffith, C. Grueber, M. Heuertz, Margaret E. Hunter et al.

Abstract Global conservation policy and action have largely neglected protecting and monitoring genetic diversity—one of the three main pillars of biodiversity. Genetic diversity (diversity within species) underlies species’ adaptation and survival, ecosystem resilience, and societal innovation. The low priority given to genetic diversity has largely been due to knowledge gaps in key areas, including the importance of genetic diversity and the trends in genetic diversity change; the perceived high expense and low availability and the scattered nature of genetic data; and complicated concepts and information that are inaccessible to policymakers. However, numerous recent advances in knowledge, technology, databases, practice, and capacity have now set the stage for better integration of genetic diversity in policy instruments and conservation efforts. We review these developments and explore how they can support improved consideration of genetic diversity in global conservation policy commitments and enable countries to monitor, report on, and take action to maintain or restore genetic diversity.

L. S. J. Medina, Paula B. Paz Sepúlveda, V. Ramallo, C. Sala, Julieta Beltramo, Marisol Schwab, J. Motti, M. R. Santos et al.

abstract:Haplogroup Q originated in Eurasia around 30,000 years ago. It is present in Y-chromosomes from Asia and Europe at rather low frequencies. Since America is undoubtedly one of the continents where this haplogroup is highly represented, it has been defined as one of the founding haplogroups. Its M3 clade has been early described as the most frequent, with pan-American representation. However, it was also possible to find several other haplogroup Q clades at low frequencies. Numerous mutations have been described for haplogroup Q, allowing analysis of its variability and assignment of its geographic origin. We have analyzed 442 samples of unrelated men from Argentina and Paraguay belonging to haplogroup Q; here we report specifically on 27 Q (xM3) lineages. We tested 3 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by amplified product-length polymorphism (APLP) analysis, 3 SNPs for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, 15 SNPs by Sanger sequencing, and 17 short tandem repeats (STRs). Our approach allowed us to identify five subhaplogroups. Q-M3 and Q-CTS2730/Z780 are undoubtedly autochthonous lineages and represent the most frequent subhaplogroups, with significant representation in self-defined aboriginal populations, and their autochthonous status has been previously described. The aim of present work was to identify the continental origin of the remaining Q lineages. Thus, we analyzed the STR haplotypes for the samples and compared them with haplotypes described by other authors for the rest of the world. Even when haplogroup Q lineages have been extensively studied in America, some of them could have their origin in post-Columbian human migration from Europe and Middle East.

Lejla Lasić, Abdurahim Kalajdžić, B. Stroil, L. Pojskić, J. Hanjalić, Lejla Ušanović, N. Pojskić

ABSTRACT Six blood groups (Rh, MN, Duffy, Kidd, Kell, and Lutheran) were investigated among three major ethnic groups (Bosniaks, Bosnian Croats, and Bosnian Serbs), as well as 10 regional subpopulations across Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H): Krajina; Posavina; northeastern, eastern, middle, and central Bosnia; Sarajevo region; eastern, central, and western Herzegovina. This is the first study that introduces the molecular genetic typing of five blood groups within the B&H population, with the exception of the RhD blood group. The sample consisted of 450 buccal swabs from unrelated individuals. Five blood group systems (RhD, RhC, RhE, Kidd, MN) were genotyped by PCR with sequence specific primers, while three blood group systems (Kell, Duffy, Lutheran) were genotyped by the PCR-restriction-fragment-length polymorphism method. Minor variation of genetic diversity was observed within the three major B&H ethnic groups, as well as within the 10 subpopulations stratified according to geographical criteria. No genetic differentiation among ethnic groups was noticed. These results are in agreement with the results of previous studies based on different molecular genetics markers, which indicate that the three B&H ethnic groups belong to the same gene pool. A similar level of genetic variance was observed within regional subpopulations, with no significant genetic differentiation among them. Comparison of intrapopulation genetic diversity of the B&H population with other European and non-European populations, based on three loci (RHD, MN, and KEL), clearly show that the level of genetic diversity of the B&H population is within the European range.

Lejla Lasić, Abdurahim Kalajdžić, B. Stroil, L. Pojskić, J. Hanjalić, Lejla Ušanović, N. Pojskić

Six blood groups (Rh, MN, Duffy, Kidd, Kell, and Lutheran) were investigated among three major ethnic groups (Bosniaks, Bosnian Croats, and Bosnian Serbs), as well as 10 regional subpopulations across Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H): Krajina; Posavina; northeastern, eastern, middle, and central Bosnia; Sarajevo region; eastern, central, and western Herzegovina. This is the first study that introduces the molecular genetic typing of five blood groups within the B&H population, with the exception of the RhD blood group. The sample consisted of 450 buccal swabs from unrelated individuals. Five blood group systems (RhD, RhC, RhE, Kidd, MN) were genotyped by PCR with sequence specific primers, while three blood group systems (Kell, Duffy, Lutheran) were genotyped by the PCR-restriction-fragment-length polymorphism method. Minor variation of genetic diversity was observed within the three major B&H ethnic groups, as well as within the 10 subpopulations stratified according to geographical criteria. No genetic differentiation among ethnic groups was noticed. These results are in agreement with the results of previous studies based on different molecular genetics markers, which indicate that the three B&H ethnic groups belong to the same gene pool. A similar level of genetic variance was observed within regional subpopulations, with no significant genetic differentiation among them. Comparison of intrapopulation genetic diversity of the B&H population with other European and non-European populations, based on three loci (RHD, MN, and KEL), clearly show that the level of genetic diversity of the B&H population is within the European range.

Interspecific hybridization in the Cyprinidae family has been recorded worldwide, with Abramis brama (bream) and Rutilus rutilus (roach) as one of the often-reported hybridizing pairs. The only account of such an event in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been in Modrac Reservoir. Using morphological and molecular markers, the presence of hybrids was surveyed, the hybridization direction was determined and the hybrid group structure in this ecosystem was evaluated. Our findings confirmed unhindered natural hybridization between roach and bream in Modrac Reservoir. Over 50% of the hybrid specimens were classified as F 2 hybrids by the NewHybrids software, while the rest were categorized as pure parental form, making it the first such finding in Europe. The analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b showed that 90% of hybrid individuals were of bream maternal origin. The hybrid group expressed higher mean values of observed heterozygosity and gene diversity than both parental species. Signs of introgressive hybridization between parental species were detected. The hybrid zone of Modrac Reservoir appears to follow the intermediate or “flat” hybrid model based on the balanced distribution of parental and hybrid genotypes. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the factors that enable the survival and mating success of post-F 1 individuals.

B. Stroil, M. Stanić, Abdurahim Kalajdžić, N. Pojskić

Abstract The most commonly farmed fish species in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s aquaculture are from the family Salmonidae, including brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis which is reared both for consumption and stocking purposes. A number of farmers complained about the elevated frequency of anatomical deformities in the smolts and fingerlings of brook trout, decreasing their fitness rate and causing significant financial loss. Since it has been shown that occurrence of deformities is correlated with the low genetic diversity and high inbreeding, this study aimed to assess intra- and interpopulation diversity of Salvelinus fontinalis from different freshwater fish farms in Bosnia and Herzegovina by observing variation in mitochondrial and nuclear genome. Total of 109 samples of brook trout from three hatcheries located at the Neretva River were analyzed for the mitochondrial control region and seven nuclear microsatellite loci. Both PCR-RFLP and sequencing revealed only one haplotype of the control region in all investigated trout. Overall, a low number of genotypes was evident across all the observed loci. Values of genetic diversity and polymorphic information content followed the increase in the number of alleles per locus. In general, values of inbreeding coefficient were generally very high, while the genetic diversity and observed heterozygosity had low rates. The results of our study are congruent with the findings of previous studies in which developmental deformities were concomitant with the low genetic diversity and inbreeding depression. It is, therefore, strongly advised to regularly supplement the broodstock with new, unrelated individuals, as it is of vital importance for sustaining a satisfying level of genetic diversity and preventing inbreeding depression. Additionally, maintaining good management practices regarding the fluctuation of water temperature, exposure to pollution, nutrition, etc., will further contribute to the prevention of this detrimental condition.

A. Mušović, R. Škrijelj, M. Gajević, B. Stroil, A. Vesnić, M. Mitrašinović-Brulić, Samir Đug

Abstract Buško Blato Reservoir, the third largest hydro accumulation in Europe, is situated in the south-eastern part of the karstic Livanjsko Polje Valley. This aquatic ecosystem is distinguished by a very rich ichthyofauna and the presence of four endemic fish species. Numerous studies focus on ichthyological researches of Buško Blato Reservoir. Its ichthyofauna has been exposed to changes in ecological factors, which in turn reflected on the structure and composition of fish populations. The main objective of this paper was to assess the current state and predict future trends in the ichthyofauna structure and dynamics based on the field data and comprehensive analyses of literature data. The results of the research indicated the presence of 11 fish species from four families, which is the largest number of fish species ever recorded in this ecosystem. Sander lucioperca, Lepomis gibbosus, Pseudorasbora parva and Tinca tinca were recorded for the first time in this ecosystem, while some previously recorded species were not found. The results of the analyses clearly indicate the presence of natural interspecific competition and significant level of threats to the endemic fish species caused by human activities.

M. Meland, O. Frøynes, M. F. Akšić, N. Pojskić, B. Stroil, Lejla Lasić, F. Gaši

European plum cultivars (Prunus domestica L.) are hexaploid and partially self-fertile or self-sterile requiring compatible pollinizers with overlapping bloom times. Therefore, inter-planting of different pollinizer cultivars is recommended. In order to identify successful pollinizers of the plum cultivars ‘Edda’, ‘Opal’ (self-fertile), ‘Jubileum’, ‘Reeves’, ‘Mallard’, ‘Avalon’, ‘Cacanska Lepotica’ (self-fertile), and ‘Valor’, 60 fruits per cultivar were collected from nine orchards in 2017 and 2018, all of which were located in Ullensvang, western Norway. DNA extraction was subsequently conducted from the obtained embryos, followed by genetic characterization using seven microsatellite markers. Tissue samples from all possible pollinizers were collected during the summer of 2017 and the same DNA approach was conducted. Results showed that ‘Opal’ was the most successful pollinizer among the investigated plum cultivars. The main exception was ‘Cacanska Lepotica’, which consistently displayed very high level of self-pollination. The most successful foreign pollinizer of ‘Opal’ was ‘Mallard’. However, in more than two thirds of embryos extracted from ‘Opal’ fruits self-fertilization was determined. ‘Reeves’ was identified as the most successful pollinizer among embryos collected from ‘Valor’. Among the five cultivars (‘Edda’, ‘Jubileum’, ‘Reeves’, ‘Mallard’, and ‘Avalon’) that did not display self-pollination, the pollinizer success rate of ‘Opal’, ranged from 36.5% (‘Mallard’) to 93.5% (‘Edda’) in 2017, while in 2018 this rate ranged from 43.5% (‘Jubileum’ and ‘Reeves’) up to 96.5% (‘Edda’). Overall, genotyping embryos using SSRs (simple sequence repeats) proved an effective method in determining the success rate of individual pollinizers among European plum cultivars.

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