
Publikacije (8)

R. Dekić, A. Ivanc, Milica Lukač, J. Krnić

The paper presents the morphometric characteristics of red blood cells of endemic fish species of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Telestes metohiensis (Steindachner, 1901) inhabiting the Vrijeka river in the Dabar field. A total of 30 fish were sampled during August, 2010. Morphological measurements included the following parameters: axes of the red blood cells and nuclei, the surface of the red blood cells and nuclei and the thickness of the red blood cells. Morphometric characteristics of the erythrocyte maturation stages (acidophilic and polychromatic erythroblasts) were also studied as well as their proportion in the peripheral blood. 100 mature forms were measured for each individual. The propotion of the immature forms was expressed per 1000 erythrocytes. Results showed that dimensions of the erythrocytes differed in systematic categories as well as fish types. Dimensions of mature erythrocytes and their maturation stages of the same species differed in shape and size of the nuclei. Proportion of the erythrocyte maturation stages was very low in comparison with the mature erythrocytes, indicating the optimal environmental conditions for the studied species. Key words: morphometric characteristics, erythrocytes, Telestes metohiensis, proportion of immature stages

B. Luka, A. Ivanc

The paper presents the morphometric characteristics of red blood cells of endemic fish species of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Telestes metohiensis (Steindachner, 1901) inhabiting the Vrijeka river in the Dabar field. A total of 30 fish were sampled during August, 2010. Morphological measurements included the following parameters: axes of the red blood cells and nuclei, the surface of the red blood cells and nuclei and the thickness of the red blood cells. Morphometric characteristics of the erythrocyte maturation stages (acidophilic and polychromatic erythroblasts) were also studied as well as their proportion in the peripheral blood. 100 mature forms were measured for each individual. The propotion of the immature forms was expressed per 1000 erythrocytes. Results showed that dimensions of the erythrocytes differed in systematic categories as well as fish types. Dimensions of mature erythrocytes and their maturation stages of the same species differed in shape and size of the nuclei. Proportion of the erythrocyte maturation stages was very low in comparison with the mature erythrocytes, indicating the optimal environmental conditions for the studied species.

J. Bošković, J. Simić, A. Ivanc, V. Zečević, T. Galonja-Coghill

This paper analyses the position of agriculture and environmental protection within the globalization processes, researching into general characteristics, legal regulations (decrees, orders, and provisions), causes and results of globalization, with the accent on poverty-stricken countries and their economies in the world's market. The institutionalization of the globalization processes in the European Union and its effect on the economic position of Serbia is specially analyzed. Finally, globalization processes are analyzed in the light of world trade organization development and its institutionalization. The economic position of our country in world trade system is also considered. Bearing in mind specific characteristics of economic subjects of the agrarian sector of Serbia, possibilities of their harmonization with EU inner market are suggested. Overall alternative development programs of biologically valuable agrarian products production have predominantly been analyzed in function of export increase to EU market. Application of international standards as a function of strengthening the economic subjects of the agrarian sector concurrence capability has been considered in development of trade exchange with EU countries.

B. Glamuzina, V. Bartulović, J. Dulčić, A. Conides, P. Tutman, Sanja Matić-Skoko, A. Gavrilovic, Jurica Jug-Dujakovic et al.

The paper presents for the first time important information regarding population structure, growth rate, length-weight relationships and reproductive aspects of the Neretvan nase, Chondrostoma knerii, a fish species endemic to the Neretva River. Chondrostoma knerii is mainly distributed in the lower parts and delta of the Neretva River wetlands and its tributaries (Krupa River, Hutovo Blato wetlands) shared between Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina. Samples were collected between 2000 and 2001 during the reproduction period of the species in the Hutovo Blato wetlands area. Population structure analysis indicates that all ages appear, from 0 to 7+. Longevity was estimated at 7.5 years. Main age classes were 3, 4 and 5 years, totalling 91.00% of all individuals. Males ranged between 2 and 5+ years of age, and females between 1 and 7+ years of age. Maximum length was 28.04 cm and maximum weight, estimated from the length-weight relationship, as 206.8 g. Found scattered in streams of high water velocity, eggs were attached to the substrate (aquatic plants or solid objects). Correlation between egg number and length and weight was extremely low. The gonad-somatic index distribution showed an inverse proportionality with total length. Main length classes for reproduction ranged from 20 to 24 cm, while fecundity ranged between 2000 and 16 000 eggs per female.

A. Ivanc, R. Dekić, E. Hasković, A. Hamzić, S. Lelo, B. Glamuzina, M. Vulić

Zadovoljavajuci rast kod riba u uzgoju se može dobiti pravilnom prehranom, koja treba biti razlicita u razlicitim fazama razvoja riba i s odgovarajucim sastavom osnovnih hranidbenih komponenti. Fiziologija i rast pastrve su praceni u laboratoriju na temperaturi od 14C, s jednogodisnjom mlađi.Praceni su rast i osnovni uzgojni parametri.

A. Ivanc, J. Bošković, J. Simić, Z. Hojka, M. Saric

Authors of this paper research necessaries of orientation and improvement of education of staff for purpose of sustainable development of agriculture and environment protection. According with global questions of education improvement, this paper especially realizes basis and aims of high education in function of orientation sustainable development agriculture and environment protection. In addition, it point was on role of highly professional staff in function of abetment of development organic agriculture and healthy safe food production on family’s husbandry and farm economies. Improvement of education highly professional agricultural staff in our country is connected with Bologna declaration demands and developing of Bologna process in Europe. From this point education of agricultural staff, we must have in mind facts that European market will become unique market for students and professors.

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