
Publikacije (27)

Bushra Ali Sherazi, Stephanie Läer, S. Hasanbegovic, Emina Obarcanin

Background Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) management in children and adolescents requires intensive supervision and monitoring to prevent acute and late diabetes complications and to improve quality of life. Digital health interventions, in particular diabetes mobile health apps (mHealth apps) can facilitate specialized T1DM care in this population. This study evaluated the initial usability of and satisfaction with the m-Health intervention Diabetes: M app, and the ease of use of various app features in supporting T1DM care in rural and remote areas of Bosnia-Herzegovina with limited access to specialized diabetes care. Methods This cross-sectional study, performed in February–March 2023, evaluated T1DM pediatric patients who used the Diabetes: M app in a 3-month mHealth-based T1DM management program, along with their parents and healthcare providers (HCPs). All participants completed self-administered online questionnaires at the end of the 3-month period. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Results The study population included 50 T1DM patients (children/parents and adolescents) and nine HCPs. The mean ± SD age of the T1DM patients was 14 ± 4.54 years, with 26 (52%) being female. The mean ± SD age of the HCPs was 43.4 ± 7.76 years; all (100%) were women, with a mean ± SD professional experience of 17.8 ± 8.81 years. The app was reported usable in the domains of ease-of-use and satisfaction by the T1DM children/parents (5.82/7.0), T1DM adolescents/young adults (5.68/7.0), and HCPs (5.22/7.0). Various app features, as well as the overall app experience, were rated positively by the participants. Conclusion The results strongly support the usability of mHealth-based interventions in T1DM care, especially in overcoming care shortage and improving diabetes management and communications between HCPs and patients. Further studies are needed to compare the effectiveness of apps used to support T1DM management with routine care.

Lamija Zecevic-Pasic, Suzana Tihić-Kapidžić, S. Hasanbegovic, Ermin Begović, R. Gojak, Nejra Džananović

Background: Diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1D) is an autoimmune organ-specific disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations, in which the β cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans are destroyed by the action of autoreactive T lymphocytes and the formation of autoantibodies against β cell components. Among used serological markers of T1D, anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GAD65), anti-tyrosine phosphatase antibodies (IA2), islet cell antibodies (ICA), insulin autoantibodies (IAA) and anti-zinc transporter antibodies (Zn-T8) are of great significance. Objective: This study aimed to analyze presence of type 1 diabetes-related autoantibodies (GAD65, IA2, ICA, IAA and Zn-T8 and effects of age and gender on their occurrence in pediatric population. Methods: Sixty seven (N=67) T1D pediatric patients were included in the study. The levels of immunological parameters such as anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GAD-Ab), anti-tyrosine phosphatase antibodies (IA2-Ab), islet cell antibodies (ICA) and insulin autoantibodies (IAA) were determined by chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) and anti-zinc transporter antibodies (Zn-T8-Ab) were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For statistical analysis, we used SPSS statistical program. Results: Our study revealed that among 67 patients with T1D (40 male and 27 female), with an average age of 12,1±3,9 years. The average age of diabetes diagnosis was 6,15±3,29 years. 24 (35,8%) cases were positive for GAD65, 15 (22,4%) for ICA, 34 (50,7%) for IAA, 16 (23,9%) for IA2 and 36 (53,7%) for Zn-T8. The largest number of patients had single positive antibody, the most dominated among them was IAA dominated (40,9%), then Zn-T8 (31,8%). According to Spearman correlation test Zn-transporter shows a significant positive correlation with age of the participants (p=0.027) and disease duration (p=0.006). Anti IA2 shows significant negative correlation with HbA1c (p=0.043). Zn-transporter is associated with patients age and duration of T1D. Conclusion: In most cases, patients with T1D are positive for at least one of the specific autoantibodies. Zn-T8 is the most frequently detected and is an important serological marker of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Gender effects on autoantibodies seems to be insignificant, while age alongside disease duration shows important effects.

A. Čengić, V. Selmanović, S. Hasanbegovic, N. Begić, Emina Karčić, E. Fejzić

Aim To analyse the association of human leukocyte antigen B27 with clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) at the disease onset. Methods A retrospective review of medical records of 25 HLAB27 positive and 25 HLA-B27 negative JIA patients was performed. The diagnosis of JIA was based on the 1997-2001 International League Against Rheumatism (ILAR) criteria. Collected data: age, sex, HLA- B27 antigen presence, C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), rheumatoid-factor (RF), antinuclear antibody (ANA), fever, rash, uveitis, enthesitis, inflamed joints and subtype of JIA. Results HLA- B27 positive study group had more boys (p=0.01), higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate (p=0.038), higher presence of fever (p= 0.025) and enthesitis (p=0.024). Any significant difference in age of the disease onset, CRP, ANA, RF, rash, uveitis, inflamed joint and dactylitis was not noticed. The most common subtype of JIA in the HLA-B27 positive patients was ERA (60%). Conclusion This study showed that the presence of HLA- B27 antigen plays a significant role in determining the presenting clinical and laboratory characteristics in JIA patients.

Emina Hadžimuratović, S. Branković, Admir Hadžimuratović, S. Hasanbegovic, I. Sefić-Pašić, D. Jesenković, Amila Hadžimuratović, E. Opanković et al.

Introduction: Newborn screening (NBS) is a system of organized search in the entire neonatal population for specific diseases. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, two diseases are included in NBS, congenital hypothyroidism (CH), and phenylketonuria. The screening for CH is based on determination of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels in blood obtained by heel prick method. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of NBS program for CH based on TSH and establish the mean age of diagnosis of CH.Methods: TSH was measured by time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (DELFIA Neonatal hTSH kit). The TSH cutoff value was 9 μU/mL. Neonates with TSH < 9 μU/mL had a negative NBS result. Neonates with TSH ≥ 9 μU/mL were recalled for a confirmation test and thyroid hormones were determined from venous blood to establish diagnosis of CH.Results: A total of 24,351 neonates were subjected to NBS in our institution. A total of 164 newborns with TSH ≥ 9 μU/ml were sent to additional testing (mean recall rate of 0.68%) at a mean age of 11.4 ± 0.5 days of life. In this group, diagnosis of CH was confirmed in 22 neonates (13.41%). The mean rate of false positive results of NBS was 0.59%. The incidence of CH in Sarajevo Canton ranged from 1/2477 in 2018 to 1/641 in 2020. The mean incidence of CH over a 5-year period was 1/1085, while the mean age at the time of diagnosis was 16.5 ± 1.2 days.Conclusion: The analysis of NBS on congenital hypothyroidism data showed the satisfactory recall and false positive rate and indicated well selected TSH cutoff value. The mean age at the time of diagnosis assures early treatment and good neurological outcome in neonates with CH.

Suzana Tihić-Kapidžić, A. Causevic, J. Fočo-Solak, M. Malenica, T. Dujic, S. Hasanbegovic, N. Babic, E. Begović

Background Altered levels of many hematological parameters have been directly associated with diabetes in adults, while studies on children with type 1 diabetes mellitus are lacking. The aim of this study was to determine hematological indices in diabetic Bosnian children in comparison to healthy controls as well as to correlate their levels to blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c. Methods 100 healthy and 100 children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (age 1-18) were included in this study. Complete blood count, hemoglobin A1c, and glucose were tested. Results were analysed by IBM SPSS Statistics version 23. Results Significant differences (p<0.05) between healthy and diabetic children were found in relation to HbA1c, glucose, mean platelet volume, the number of white blood cells and erythrocytes, hematocrit, hemoglobin and MCH values. No gender differences or significant age differences were seen for hemoglobin, hematocrit, and MCV, while platelets, MPV, and MCH differed by age only in healthy children. When diabetic children were classified according to HbA1c levels, significant differences were seen for erythrocyte count and hematocrit value (p=0.013 and 0.019, respectively). The number of erythrocytes and white blood cells correlated significantly with HbA1c (p=0.037 and 0.027, respectively). Conclusions Lower levels of erythrocytes, hematocrit, and hemoglobin in diabetic compared to healthy children indicate possible development of anemia, while higher MCV, MCH, and MPV values indicate an alteration in erythrocyte morphology. Hematological indices could be a useful inexpensive tool in the diagnosis and follow up of type 1 diabetes in children.

S. Hasanbegovic, Amila Ključić

7 ES P E Poster presented at: LATE REFERRAL OF SIBILINGS WITH COMBINED PITUITARY HORMONE DEFICIENCY (PROP1) Snijezana Hasanbegovic, Amila Kljucic Division for Childrens' Health, Pediatric Clinic 1 Clinical Center University of Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina PROP1 (Prophet of POUF1) mutations are the most frequent genetic cause of combined anterior pituitary hormone deficiency. The PROP1 gene encodes a transcription factor of synthesis: somatotrophs, lactotrophs, thyreotrops and gonadothrops. These mutations are characterized by great clinical variability, including time of onset of hormonal deficiencies, hypophyseal dimensions and secretion of cortisol. INTRODUCTION

S. Hasanbegovic, Emina Obarcanin, E. Hasanbegović, N. Begić

Introduction Insulin therapy of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is highly demanding due to their dynamic growth, development and different daily life activities. Goal To determine the optimal insulin delivery method for the prevention of hypoglycemia recorded by continuous monitoring of glucose in patients with insulin pump and PEN. Material and Methods The study included patients up to 18 years of age with diagnosed T1DM and treated with insulin pump and by insulin therapy with PEN at the Pediatric Clinic of the Clinical Center in Sarajevo. The study involved 149 patients, and lasted for 3 years. Patients were divided into two groups: group of patients on insulin pump therapy and group on insulin PEN. Results There were 73 patients (49.6%) on insulin pump therapy and 79 patients (52.4%) on the insulin PEN therapy. There was no significant difference in the age between genders nor groups with different insulin application methods. There were no significant differences in the number of anamnestic hypoglycemia in patients with a different mode of insulin application (83.56% vs. 81.58%, p=0.114, F=2.533 < Fk=3.919). The number of hypoglycemia episodes in history is higher with the PEN therapy than in the insulin pump group. Conclusion The number of anamnesis hypoglycemia as well as hypoglycemia from CGM records did not differ significantly in patients with IP and PEN therapy. The CGM record was significantly more valuable in the presentation of hypoglycemia compared to the history of hypoglycemia in all patients studied. Continuous monitoring of glycemia due to the ability to show glycemia variability and unrecognized hypoglycemia as well as predictive options for long-term metabolic control should be performed for all T1DM patients at least once a year.

E. Hasanbegović, S. Hasanbegovic, E. Begić

Introduction: Thyroid gland diseases in children are in second place by frequency among all endocrine disorders. When interpreting the results of the thyroid function assessment it should be taken into account the significant differences in the concentrations of TSH, thyroid hormones, thyroid binding proteins and calcitonin among children of different ages. Goal: To present the age and sex structure of the patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism, evaluate diagnostic methods for making diagnosis, evaluation of etiology of hypothyroidism, with special review of the therapeutic modality. Patients and methods: The study have retrospective character and includes all patients who have the diagnosis of hypothyroidism, but at the moment of data collection were aged 0-18 years. Results: Distribution of patients on the basis of gender, revealed more significant representation of female (65.93%), and without significant difference in the presence of the disease in relation to age (p>0.05). Physical examination of the struma was not verified in the majority of cases (74; 81.32%, p<0.05) suffering from hypothyroidism. Ultrasound review in 22 (50%) cases confirmed the struma. Ultrasound findings in most cases 14 (31.81%) demonstrated diffuse struma and Hashimoto thyroiditis together. In relation to the etiology of hypothyroidism most patients belong to a group where hypothyroidism is associated with other diseases and conditions (27; 29.67%), but the least with congenital hypothyroidism with 18 (19.78%) cases. The average dose of L-thyroxine in the age of 0-1 months was 50 mg, 1 month–10 years 37.5 mcg, and the group of patients over 10 years 65 mcg. Conclusion: Congenital hypothyroidism has about one-fifth of patients. Physical examination revealed in about one fifth of patients the struma of the thyroid gland; TSH levels is critical for the diagnosis and correction of therapy in pediatric patients with hypothyroidism. Congenital hypothyroidism is diagnosed on average at the age of 12 days, which is optimal for period for therapeutic response; Substitution treatment is carried out with L-thyroxine which is relatively reduced in doses from neonatal age onwards.

E. Hasanbegović, S. Hasanbegovic, E. Begić

Introduction: Thyroid gland diseases in children are in second place by frequency among all endocrine disorders. When interpreting the results of the thyroid function assessment it should be taken into account the significant differences in the concentrations of TSH, thyroid hormones, thyroid binding proteins and calcitonin among children of different ages. Goal: To present the age and sex structure of the patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism, evaluate diagnostic methods for making diagnosis, evaluation of etiology of hypothyroidism, with special review of the therapeutic modality. Patients and methods: The study have retrospective character and includes all patients who have the diagnosis of hypothyroidism, but at the moment of data collection were aged 0-18 years. Results: Distribution of patients on the basis of gender, revealed more significant representation of female (65.93%), and without significant difference in the presence of the disease in relation to age (p>0.05). Physical examination of the struma was not verified in the majority of cases (74; 81.32%, p

E. Hasanbegović, N. Cengic, S. Hasanbegovic, J. Heljić, Ismail Lutolli, E. Begić

Introduction: Anemia in preterm infants is the pathophysiological process with greater and more rapid decline in hemoglobin compared to the physiological anemia in infants. There is a need for transfusions and administration of human recombinant erythropoietin. Aim: To determine the frequency of anemia in premature infants at the Pediatric Clinic, University Clinical Center Sarajevo, as well as parameter values in the blood count of premature infants and to explore a relationship between blood transfusions with the advent of intraventricular hemorrhage (determine treatment outcome in preterm infants). Patients and methods: Research is retrospective study and it included the period of six months in year 2014. Research included 100 patients, gestational age < 37 weeks (premature infants). Data were collected by examining the medical records of patients at the Pediatric Clinic, UCCS. Results: The first group of patients were premature infants of gestational age ≤ 32 weeks (62/100) and the second group were premature infants of gestational age 33-37 weeks (38/100). Among the patients, 5% were boys and 46% girls. There was significant difference in birth weight and APGAR score among the groups. In the first group, there were 27.42% of deaths, while in the second group, there were only 10.53% of deaths. There was a significant difference in the length of treatment. There was a statistically significant difference in the need for transfusion among the groups. 18 patients in the first group required a transfusion, while in the second group only 3 patients. Conclusions: Preterm infants of gestational age ≤ 32 weeks are likely candidates for blood transfusion during treatment. Preterm infants of gestational age ≤ 32 weeks have the risk of intracranial bleeding associated with the application of blood transfusion in the first week of life.

Introduction: Malignancies in children are second most frequent cause of death after accidents in pediatric age, while leukemias represents 30% of all malignancies of children age. Aim: To present the social and demographic characteristics of patients with a diagnosis of leukemia in Bosnia and Herzegovina during six years period. Patients and Methods: The study included 97 patients (from birth to 18 years old) with diagnosis of acute leukemia. Results: During the aforementioned period at the Pediatric Clinic of University Clinical Centre Sarajevo, 244 patients with the diagnosis of malignancy were treated (99 children were with leukemia (40.6%). Acute leukemia’s were diagnosed in 97 patients and chronic in 2 patients. Out of 97 treated patients with acute leukemia, they almost of all cantons of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brcko District and the Republic Srpska. Patients were usually coming from the Tuzla Canton Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (28 patients). Based on the cytomorphological diagnosis of patients according to the FAB classification, the most was a present ALL-L1 type of acute leukemia’s. Mortality of patients with ALL was 15,3%, while mortality of patient with AML was 36,8%. Conclusion: In Bosnia and Herzegovina, during six year period, the largest number of patients with leukaemia came from Tuzla Canton. The most common age of patients was preschool and school ages. Male sex was dominant in patients with diagnosis AML. According to the FAB classification, ALL-L1 type of acute leukemia was the most common.

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