Slušno procesiranje je sposobnost da slušamo, razumijemo i odgovaramo na informacije koje čujemo kroz svoje slušne kanale. Poremećaj slušnog procesiranja (PSP) je senzorni poremećaj koji najčešće pogađa razumijevanje govora i učenje, te stvara poteškoće u procesiranju auditivnih informacija. Istraživanje je provedeno sa ciljem utvrđivanja razlika u poremećajima slušnog procesiranja (PSP) kod djece različitih uzrasnih grupa. Ukupno je testirano 560 djece. Sa ciljem utvrđivanja postojanja razlika slušnog procesiranja između pet uzrasnih grupa korišten je statistički test analiza varijanse (ANOVA) za poređenje prosječnih vrijednosti postignutih na subtestovima. Na testu filtriranih riječi (TFR) registrovana je statistički značajna razlika ANOVA testom (F=13,09, p<0,001). Na testu govora u buci (TGB) takođe je registrovana statistički značajna razlika ANOVA testom (F=11,04, p<0,001). Na dihotičkom testu riječi (DTR), također je registrovana statistički značajna razlika ANOVA testom (F=12,30, p<0,001), kao i na dihotičkom testu rečenica (DTRE) (F=8,60, p<0,001). Analizom rezultata našeg istraživanja, mogu se konstatovati statistički značajne razlike među uzrasnim grupama, gdje je prisutan trend ostvarivanja boljih rezultata sa porastom hronološke dobi ispitanika. S obzirom da je prilikom ispitivanja normalne raspodjele Kolmogorov-Smirnov testom pokazano da neki od postignutih rezultata ne prate normalnu distribuciju, rezultati su analizirani i neparametrijskim Kruskal-Wallis testom, te je uočljiva saglasnost sa rezultatima ANOVA testa. Mjerni instrument koji je korišten u ovom istraživanju je Baterija testova za ispitivanje poremećaja slušnog procesiranja PSP 1 (Heđever, 2015) i isti je jako koristan standardizirani mjerni instrument.
Introduction: Aging, as an irrepressible biological process involves a series of physiological and pathological changes. The main aim of this study was to examine the correlation and predictability of receptive vocabulary and cognitive functioning of elderly people with anamnestic variables: chronological age, sex, level of formal education, marital status, years of work and retirement and years spent in an institution for the elderly. Material and Methods: The sample of participants consisted of 120 elderly people, average age was 78 years, placed in institutional care for elderly people in four cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was three groups of variables: anamnestic, receptive vocabulary assessment, and cognitive assessments. A Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA) was used for the assessment of cognitive abilities. In order to estimate the receptive vocabulary Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-III-HR) was used. Results: Results of multiple regression analysis show that part of the variance of receptive language which is explained by the model (anamnestic variables) was 44.0% and of cognitive functioning was 33.7%. The biggest single contribution to explaining the development of receptive vocabulary was given by predictor variable of college education (β = 0.417) then variable university education (β = 0.293), while the smallest single contribution was given by variable secondary education (β = 0.167). The biggest single contribution to explaining the results of tests of cognitive function was given by predictor variable College education (β = 0.328) and variable unskilled (β = -0.229), which has a negative effect on the increase in recent cognitive functioning. Conclusion: Anamnestic variables were valid predictors of receptive vocabulary and cognitive functioning of elderly people. The highest individual contribution was given by variables describing the level of formal education of elderly.
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