
Publikacije (14)

Mijo Čurić, Edin Mujanović, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Almir Atiković, Mario Oršolić

Alpine skiing is a sport and recreational physical activity which requires fine postural control to maintain balance in challenging conditions. Theoretically, balance dominates in alpine skiing, but coordinated action of the whole body of the skiers is equally important. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of experimental short-term program of intensive training of alpine skiing techniques to postural stability (on Biodex Balance System) of students. The sample is divided into an experimental (31 students, age 21.4±1.0 and body height 180.7±6.3 cm) and control group (34 students, age 20.6±0.8 and body height 180.3±6.8 cm). The results of ANCOVA within variables for the evaluation of postural stability show statistically significant effects of the applying experimental program in all applied variables at the level of significance p=.000. From the mean value results (M) it is obvious that the experimental group achieved better results compared to the identical tests applied to the control group. The results of this research show that learning to ski can improve the ability to maintain balance, especially if it is conducted under the expert supervision of a ski instructor, which can have the effect of reducing the risk of injury.

I. Ledić, Alem Šabović, Edin Mujanović, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Jasmin Mehinović

Physical activity is important for the physical and mental health of almost everyone. Nordic walking is a physical activity in which participants use specially designed poles while walking, while the term jogging implies light running at speeds less than 10 km/h. PURPOSE: The aim of this research is to monitor the load intensity in real conditions, using a heart rate monitor Team Polar System, during nordic walking and jogging and comparing possible differences in heart rate responses after the fifth minute of activity, at an average speed of 7.5km/h. METHODS: The assessment of heart rate responses for this research was conducted on the 30 male students, at 2 separate days. RESULTS: The results of the variables used in this study show statistically significant differences at the level of significance p=.000. From the mean value results (M) it is obvious that the respondents achieved higher results of heart rate responses during nordic walking compared to the identical tests applied during jogging. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that both Nordic walking and jogging are beneficial but Nordic walking contributes more in achieving higher body loads resulting in increased oxygen consumption and thus calories Key words: load intensity, heart rate, nordic walking, jogging

Almir Atiković, E. Čolakhodžić, E. Užičanin, Emilija Petković, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Edin Mujanović, Jasmin Zahirović, N. Mešković et al.

Background: It is crucial to evaluate children’s motor coordination and strength to identify possible motor deficits on the right or left side of the body. However, whether a distinction exists in children aged 3–6 must be clarified. The goal of the current research was to investigate the differences in motor skills between preschool boys and girls, dominant and non-dominant hands or legs, in children of preschool age. (2) Methods: The present study was conducted on a sample of children (boys, n = 52; girls, n = 52; age range, 3–6 years). Three motor tests evaluated on both sides of the body served as the sample of factors used to measure athletic performance. Leg tapping (15 s), hand tapping (15 s), and a maximal hand grip strength (HGS) test kg. (3) Results: The study’s findings show no statistically significant variations in preschool boys’ and girls’ motor skills. Preschool girls had better results in the right leg tapping than preschool boys t (98) = 2.08; p ≤ 0.04. We found a significant difference between genders aged 3–4, 4–5, and 5–6 years. No correlation was found between the girls’ three variables and age. A small but significant positive correlation was found between dominant hand tapping and age r2 (52) = 0.21; p ≤ 0.01, dominant leg tapping and age r2 (52) = 0.20; p ≤ 0.01 and dominant HGS and age r2 (52) = 0.17; p ≤ 0.01. No noticeable differences were identified when comparing the dominant side with the non-dominant side in each group. The results show that most children prefer to use their right hand and right leg as their dominant sides. (4) Conclusion: The authors of this study focus on the functional (frequency of movements) and dynamic (differences in muscle strength between body sides) elements of asymmetry. Future studies should examine the influence of morphology on performance with the dominant or non-dominant body side.

E. Užičanin, D. Džibrić, Muris Đug, F. Babajić, Tarik Huremović, Amra Nožinović-Mujanović, Edin Mujanović, Sanjin Hodžić et al.

The World Health Organization (WHO) released guidelines for physical activity, sedentary behav-iour, and sleep for children under 5 years of age in 2019. In response to these guidelines, this study aimed to determine the proportion of preschool children (ages 3-5 years) who met the WHO guidelines. The time spent in physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep were objectively measured using accelerometer (ActiGraph wGT3x-BT). Screen time and sleep quality were assessed via parent questionnaire. Focus groups were con-1 ducted with parents and childcare staff to determine the feasibility of the protocol. The results showed that only 23% of the children met all three guidelines, and compliance rates varied for each guideline. The physical activity time guideline was met by 64% of children, the sleep duration guideline was met by 74% of children, and the screen time guideline was met by 53% of children. Only a low proportion of children met the WHO guidelines. The methods and devices used in this pilot study proved to be feasible and this has paved the way to conduct the main SUNRISE study in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ivana Ćosić Mulahasanović, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Edin Mujanović, Alem Šabović, I. Ledić

We examine differences between students in physical activity levels at the University of Tuzla. Physical activity was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ long form). Results of the Mann-Whitney U test for physical activity assessment shows that male students achieved higher levels of physical activity at a statistically significant level in four out of a total of seven variables. Keywords: students, physical activity, IPAQ

Ivana Ćosić Mulahasanović, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Edin Mujanović, Alem Šabović, I. Ledić, Anđelko Šimić

The paper emphasizes that the period of beginning study is alarming, because through the new life circumstances, obligations and environment, great changes occur and a personal hierarchy of values and priorities of students in their lives is formed. The aim of the research was to determine eating habits and differences in relation to gender among students at the University of Tuzla. The research was conducted on a sample of 813 respondents, male and female students of the University of Tuzla. Eating attitude test (EAT26) is used for diagnosis of eating habits. Obtained results sowed statistically significant difference between male and female students in the applied test EAT26. Key words: EAT26, eating habits, students

Ivana Ćosić Mulahasanović, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Edin Mujanović, Almir Atiković

The study was conducted using the long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the aim of this research is to determine the level of physical activity and differences among students, of the University of Tuzla, in relation to gender. The study was conducted on a sample of 813 students (321 male and 492 female) 1st cycle of studies at the University of Tuzla. The results of present study showed that average level of total physical activity for male students was 6013.493 MET-minutes/week, while female students showed average level of total physical activity was 4619.381 MET-minutes/week. We conclude that the total data indicates that in this group of students the physical activity level is sufficient and that there is a lower physical activity among females than males. Also there is a need to continuously take measures for promoting the sports at Universities with the aim of raising the health status of students to a higher level.

Mijo Čurić, Edin Mujanović, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Almir Atiković, Jasmin Mehinović, N. Nurković

The aim of this research was to determine the effects of experimental short-term program of intensive training of alpine skiing techniques (experimental program) on morphological characteristics (body composition) of students. The sample is divided into an experimental group (31 males, age 21.4 ± 1 and body height 180.7 ± 6.3cm) beginners who were on skis for the first time and control group (34 males, age 20.6 ± .8 and body height 180.3 ± 6.8 cm). The following body parameters were measured at the beginning and end of the experimental program: body weight, body mass index, fat percent, total weight (in kg) of fat in the body, total weight (in kg) of body mass without body fat, total weight (in kg) of water in the body. To determine the effects of an experimental program on some morphological characteristics of students a univariate covariance analysis was applied. Results of ANCOVA show statistically significant effects of the applied experimental program in variable total weight (in kg) of water in the body p = .018 where the variable showed higher values for the experimental group compared to the control group.

Ivana Ćosić Mulahasanović, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Edin Mujanović, Almir Atiković

Study aim was to analyze the difference in motor abilities for assessing coordination in rhythm and frequency of movement, between those girls whose only physical activity is clasess of physical and health education at school and those which are for two or more years involved with aesthetic activities, ie. sports such as dances, rhythmic gymnastics and majorette dance. The participants in this research were 62 girls, from 8-10 years of age, out of which 31 girls engaged with aesthetic activities and 31 of them are girls who are not involved in any sports except regular classes of physical and health education. Using Independent Samples T-Test we see that the examinees differ on a statistically significant level in most variables for assessment coordination in rhythm and frequency of movement, and that all values in used variables for girls engaged with aesthetic activities are higher than the values in girls who are not engaged in aesthetic activities, for which it can be said that the results are in favor of girls engaged in aesthetic activities.

Mijo Čurić, Edin Mujanović, Tarik Huremović, Amra Nožinović Mujanović

Study aim was to analyze the kinematic parameters of the body of the examinees, without competitive experience in skiing, in order to determine the competitive efficiency. The participants in this research were 23 male students from the Faculty of physical education and sport, aged 22±6 months, who attended the classes in the subject alpine skiing. Examinees were divided into two categories, according to duration of the course run, in order to determine whether there is the differences in body segment parameters during giant slalom turn. Using Independent Samples t-test we see that the examinees differ on a statistically significant level in variables duration of the turn p=0.000, duration of the course run p=0.000 and inclination of the body p=0.030, and that the differences are in favor of faster examinees. The analysis of the results in this research has shown that there is a relation between the measured body segment parameters and duration of the course run, or that the technique of skiing has a direct impact on the competition in alpine skiing.

A. Kapidžić, S. Hasukić, Jasmin Mehinović, Almir Atiković, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Edin Mujanović

KAPIDZIC, A.; HASUKIC, S.; MEHINOVIC, J.; ATIKOVIC, A.; MUJANOVIC, A. N. & MUJANOVIC, E. Body mass indexand volume of fat tissue of unemployed men in the Tuzla Canton. Int. J. Morphol., 33(1):158-163, 2015.SUMMARY: The main objective of this study was to obtain information on indicators of obesity among the unemployed malesubjects from the Tuzla Canton. Also, we wanted to determine whether there are significant differences in the observed parametersbetween subjects in relation to age. The main criterion for the selection of test subjects is that they are unemployed. This is because wefelt that those persons have more free time for practicing sports and recreational activities, and there is a very small number of studies inthe area of Tuzla Canton with the characteristics of the sample. For the purpose of this research we applied analysis of percen tage/ratio,t-test for independent samples and the Mann-Whitney U Test. Applied analysis showed that the increased value of Body Mass Index(BMI) and to the account of increased amounts of body fat has 31.5% of the respondents. It also found that there are significantdifferences in the variables Body Mass Index (BMI), body fat percentage (% FAT) and the total weight of fat mass (in kg) in the body(FATMAS-kg) in favor of the subjects belonging to the older age group. The results indicate the existence of the problem of obesity inmales from Tuzla Canton, especially in the older age group. It is therefore necessary in adolescence or even earlier, to start with educationand systematic practice of sports and recreational activities with respect to dietary habits.KEY WORDS: Body Mass Index; Fat Tissue; Unemployed Men.

Almir Atiković, Sanjin Hodžić, Jasmin Bilalić, Jasmin Mehinović, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Edin Mujanović, A. Kapidžić

Background: This study was carried out among undergraduate students at the University of Tuzla (Bosna and Herzegovina) with the objective of examining gender differences in the body mass index (BMI) and the level of Physical Activity (PA) among respondents. Material/Methods: This study was conducted to: determine the body mass index (BMI) and the average weekly number of hours of sport activity in the last six months (PA). A research sample was made of female students (n=330) in the chronological age of 19.3+1.5 yrs, 60.7%, and of male students (n=213) in the chronological age of 20.0+1.8 yrs, 39.2%. Results: On average, the students (both female and male) spend 5.60 (5.03) hours on physical activity per week. Female students spend 4.05 (4.32) hours, while male students dedicate 8.11 (5.30) hours to physical activities. It can be concluded that in principle the students practice physical activities and recreation, but still 1/5 of all students are inactive. The obtained results for the BMI show that the majority of students are in the zone of normal values: female – 278 (84.2%); male – 157 (73.7%). Correlations between BMI and PA amount to (R=.214; p<0.01) and (R 2 =.046; p<0.01). The results of the T-test show a more significant statistical variable of differences between female and male students at the level of p<0.05. In comparison to female students, male students have 2.35 kg/m 2 higher BMI, and they are more active in physical activities for 4.06 hours in comparison to women. Conclusions: The focus should be directed to the education of young people, because they can easily adopt healthy habits that should be maintained for life. These results point out the necessity of an integrated approach to prevention and control of risk factors, particularly among youth.

Edin Mujanović, Almir Atiković, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, N. Nurković

The aim of this research is to determine the impact of specific motor knowledge of alpine skiing on success in giant slalom race of students. On a sample of 18 students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport there has been used set of four variables of specific motor knowledge of alpine skiing, as predictor variables, to determine the impact on the criterion variable modified giant slalom race. It was found that the variables dynamic long radius turns and skiing with the changes of rhythm and tempo together have a greatest predictor validity, at statistically significant level of p = 0.01, and that they are critical for success in modified giant slalom race of students. It can be concluded that the impact on the result in the modified giant slalom race for students have the level of mastering of advanced elements of ski technique, which at this level of knowledge is crucial in giant slalom competition. The results of this study may be of importance in creating programs for different levels of mastering of skiing techniques in both advanced ski school and some stages of competitive skiing, which is of great importance for the result in giant slalom and skiing in general.

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