
Publikacije (68)

L. Prendergast, Naida Ademović, M. Limongelli, K. Gavin, M. Zanini, F. Faleschini

In infrastructural networks, bridges can be considered key elements and their functionality must be preserved. Floods (leading to scour erosion) and earthquakes could be considered among the most critical natural events that may become more frequent with climate change, causing significant damage to bridges. Several regions in Europe have both seismic and scour hazards. The two types of hazards are actually independent as to the generation process but the loss of surrounding soil due to scour may significantly reduce the lateral strength of pile foundations thus increasing the earthquake damage potential. Bridge assessment has thus to take into account the possible increased risk induced by the joint action of the two phenomena. Monitoring systems can be an effective support in bridge assessment procedures providing updated information about the structural state and performance thus allowing both the prompt detection of a possible damage state after an event and also support for long term assessment of the structural conditions. Several performance parameters can be used to perform bridge assessment with respect to several hazards at different levels: element, structure, and network. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of monitoring-based performance parameters that can be used for separate seismic and flood related hazard in order to identify possible selection of parameters effective in describing the joint hazard due to both phenomena.

Naida Ademović, A. Kurtović

U radu su prikazani glavni parametri gradnje kamenih mostova te bitni čimbenici pri odabiru novog (zamjenskog) kamena i morta za gradnju. Opisani su rezultati laboratorijskog ispitivanja kamena i morta koji se uobičajeno koriste kod sanacije i rekonstrukcije građevina kulturno-povijesne baštine u Bosni i Hercegovini iz perioda osmanske vladavine. Posebna pažnja je posvećena ispitivanju fizikalnih i mehaničkih karakteristika sedre, travertina i vapnenaca kao osnovnih kamenih materijala koji su korišteni prilikom izgradnje takvih konstrukcija.

Nedim Tuno, Jusuf Topoljak, Naida Ademović, Admir Mulahusić

The positioning of an object in space, i.e. "transfer" of data from the design to the field is an extremely significant and important geodetic operation. This activity requires great and well-deserved attention, especially when it comes to sensitive structures such as bridges. The position of a stakeout point in the field depends on a variety of different influences, all determining the actual accuracy of the stakeout. The aim of this Article is to investigate the dependency of horizontal setting out of the bridge axis accuracy (abutments and piers of the bridge) from the distance between the station and the setout point, the datum of the geodetic control network, and the precision of angular and linear measurements. The authors use an innovative visualization technique for the assessment of spatial variation of the horizontal stakeout by error ellipses.

Naida Ademović, M. Hadzima-Nyarko

Two countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Croatia, which are in the focus of the article, suffered damages from strong earthquakes in the past. Devastations were evident during earthquakes that struck this region in the past 100 years, of which the most important ones were Skopje earthquake in 1963, Banja Luka in 1969 and Petrovac in Montenegro in 1979. It is clear that structural assessment of these structures and possible seismic strengthening represents a high priority not only in B&H but in the entire Western Balkans as the construction technology and history of construction are the same in the whole region. Available information regarding building stock and building typologies in both countries show that the traditional art of construction are mostly masonry buildings. Distribution of vulnerable building stock is required to assess the seismic vulnerability of the area under consideration. Analytical seismic vulnerability method applied in B&H is presented. As some experiments in this research area were provided in both countries and some of the experiments are underway, few examples are given in order to gain insight into the behavior of masonry buildings and the selection of strengthening technique. Possible strengthening techniques for an existing structure are presented and elaborated giving possible guidelines for possible strengthening of similar existing structures in both countries.

A. Kurtović, Naida Ademović

Main parameters for the construction of stone bridges, and major factors for selection of new (replacement) stone and mortar, are presented in the paper. Laboratory test results are given for the stone and mortar normally used in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of cultural and historical heritage structures from the Ottoman period in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A special attention is paid to physical and mechanical characteristics of tufa, travertine and limestone, as basic materials used in the construction of such structures.

Naida Ademović, A. Kurtović

Seismic performance of the oldest reinforced concrete arch bridge in Bosnia and Herzegovina is presented in this paper. The bridge was constructed in the late 1897 as the first reinforced concrete arch bridge during the AustroHungarian monarchy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Several rehabilitation works were done however, no mayor interventions were ever done on this structure. Inadequate maintenance of the structure as well its inappropriate usage, passing of heavy vehicles (for which the bridge was not designed) and their long retaining on the bridge, as well as atmospheric influences have led to it degradation. The bridge was declared a national monument in 2009. In order to get as much as possible information about the bridge structure nondestructive and minor destructive tests were conducted in order to make an adequate numerical model. A rehabilitation of the structure was proposed following the ICOMOS guidelines and Venice Charter. As dynamic characteristics of bridge structures are the basis of structural dynamic response and seismic analysis, and are as well an important target of health condition monitoring, they were measured and calculated for the original structure and only calculated for the rehabilitated structure. Comparison of the results was done.

Amir Salihovic, Naida Ademović

This study aims to investigate the capacity of different models to reproduce the nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete framed structures. To accomplish this goal, a combined experimental and analytical research program was carried out on a large scaled reinforced concrete frame. Analyses were performed by SAP2000 and compared to experimental and VecTor2 results. Models made in SAP2000 differ in the simulation of the plasticity and the type of the frame elements used to discretize the frame structure. The results obtained allow a better understanding of the characteristics of all numerical models, helping the users to choose the best approach to perform nonlinear analysis.

Naida Ademović, M. Hadzima-Nyarko, T. Šipoš

The most devastation natural disasters are earthquakes, landslides and floods aside from hurricanes, tornados, volcanic activity, drought etc. It is the interaction of these effects and their mutual cause and effect relationship that are investigated. Earthquake-induced landslides have been the source of significant damage and loss of people and property. These interactions are being investigated thought the world and special attention is given to the earthquakes which happened numerous years ago. Ground shaking due to earthquakes destabilizes cliffs and steep slopes, causing landslides and rockfalls as a significant side-effect. Nearly 60% of all landslide are triggered by earthquakes. Landslides set off by the devastating earthquake in 1949 in Ecuador of ML=6.8 proved to be the deadliest feature of the disaster. The landslides also caused some flooding by changing water-flow patterns. Heavy rain and unconsolidated or fractured rock are exacerbating factors. 1970 Peru earthquake Mw=7.9 caused a huge rock avalanche that killed almost 54,000 people and buried two cities. Kaikoura earthquake in New Zealand which occurred in 2016 of magnitude Mw=7.8 triggered over 80,000 landslides and brought up a reinvestigation of the 1929 Murchison earthquake Mw=7.3. This was a major event that probably triggered even more landslides than the most recent earthquake. The shallow quake that occurred in the region of Maca in south Peru, Mw=6.0 in July 2013 led to ground subsidence causing numerous landslides and flooding. It has been suggested that there is an analogy between the mechanics of ground movements and tectonic faults, opening up new avenues for research into the dynamics of these faults.

Naida Ademović, A. Kurtović

Sacral buildings, mosques with wooden minarets and chapel churches, Orthodox and Catholic churches, represent cultural heritage, and are representatives of wood structures in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are not only interconnected but also connected with residential architecture, making them even more interesting. These structures were for a long time neglected and placed on the margins to be forgotten. Sacral objects with wooden features retained common housing elements on one hand and the diversity is reflected in their specific characteristics. It is undoubtedly that natural influences and the human factor on wooden structures require constant monitoring and maintenance, which in the absence of finance and personnel makes it difficult to conserve and restore the traditional sacral wooden structures. This paper presents the basic data on this type of construction with the most significant details of characteristic examples.

Naida Ademović, V. D. Oliveira

Seizmička aktivnost u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) uzrokovana je postojanjem dubokih, lateralnih i reverznih rasjeda. Tektonska aktivnost ovog područja povezana je i s činjenicom da drugi po veličini pojas (Alpski pojas) prelazi preko Bosne i Hercegovine, a proteže se od Himalaja, preko Irana Turske i Grčke [1, 2, 3, 4]. Prema evromediteranskoj seizmičkoj mapi rizika, BiH se svrstava u zemlje sa srednjim stepenom seizmičkog rizika, s vršnim ubrzanjem tla (PGA) u rasponu od 0,08 do 0,24 g, dok je jugozapadni dio zemlje okarakterisan visokim rizikom (PGA>0,24 g). Konstrukcija koja je prikazana u ovom članku (vidjeti sliku 1) karakteristična je za široko područje Zapadnog Balkana, građena pedesetih i šezdesetih godina prošlog stoleća. Više detalja o tipologiji same konstrukcije može se naći na drugim mjestima [1, 2, 3, 4]. Ova vrsta nearmirane (URM) obične zidane konstrukcije izgrađena je od industrijskih opečnih elemenata, ali bez vertikalnih sekrlaža. Osjetljivost ovih konstrukcija povezana je s njihovom velikom visinom, lokacijom nosivih zidova koji se nalaze uglavnom samo u jednom pravcu i činjenicom da nema vertikalnih armiranobetonskih (AB) serklaža. Razaranje ove vrste zgrada dobro je dokumentovano nakon zemljotresa u Skoplju 1963. godine (prikazano na slici 2).

Structural condition and repair of the Careva Ćuprija Bridge in Sarajevo is presented in the paper. This historic structure has been exposed to various atmospheric influences during its use, and also to significant traffic load for which it was not initially designed, which has ultimately resulted in degradation of its structure. To enable continued functioning of this bridge its structure must be repaired taking into account the fact that the bridge was proclaimed a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 11 March 2009.

Amila Muratovic, Naida Ademović

In reality, masonry infill modifies the seismic response of reinforced concrete (r.c.) frame structures by increasing the overall rigidity of structure which results in: increasing of total seismic load value, decreasing of deformations and period of vibration, therefore masonry infill frame structures have larger capacity of absorbing and dissipating seismic energy. The aim of the paper is to explore and assess actual influence of masonry infill on seismic response of r.c. frame structures, to determine whether it`s justified to disregard masonry infill influence and to determine appropriate way to consider infill influence by design. This was done by modeling different structures, bare frame structures as well as masonry infill frame structures, while varying masonry infill to r.c. frame stiffness ratio and seismic intensity. Further resistance envelope for those models were created and compared. Different structures analysis have shown that the seismic action on infilled r.c. frame structure is almost always twice as much as seismic action on the same structure with bare r.c. frames, regardless of the seismic intensity. Comparing different models resistance envelopes has shown that, in case of lower stiffness r.c. frame structure, masonry infill (both lower and higher stiffness) increased its lateral load capacity, in average, two times, but in case of higher stiffness r.c. frame structures, influence of masonry infill on lateral load capacity is insignificant. After all, it is to conclude that the optimal structure type depends on its exposure to seismic action and its masonry infill to r.c. frame stiffness ratio.

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