
Publikacije (24)

G. Temaj, J. Miličić, Tatjana Skarić Jurić, I. Behluli, N. Smolej Narančić, R. Hadziselimovic, H. Nefic

The aim of the study was to compare quantitative dermatoglyphic traits of two ethnic groups with different origin and customs, living on the same territory. The dermatoglyphic prints were collected from 800 inhabitants of the Dukagjin valley in southwest Kosovo, of Albanian (400) and Turkish (400) ethnic origin. The quantitative analysis comprised the number of ridges and triradii on the fingers, and the number of ridges in the interdigital areas on the palm (a-b, b-c, and c-d) as well as the size of the atd angle. The statistical analysis showed significant differences between the Albanian and the Turkish males for two fingers and pattern intensity index left, and on palms for a-b rc and c-d rc on both hands and b-c re on the left hand, and between females for six fingers and almost all palmar traits. Significant inter-population variations were observed for most palmar areas in both sexes but more pronouncedly in females. The differences found between the examined population groups show that admixture between Albanian and Turkish population in Kosovo has been small, and the Turks have retained their ethnic identity for several centuries.

K. Kurteshi, V. Hadjidekova, M. Hoxha, H. Nefic

Chromosomal damage a evaluate by micronucleus (MN) test at buccal cells at patients of Clinics of University of Prishtina , department of Pulmology . We investigate the 60 patients from which , 20 was sicken from cnacer , 20 sicken from tuberculosis ,20 perssonel (doctors and nurses) and 30 subjects as control group . Founded high frequency at 28 patient (with cancer and tuberculosis ) compared with personel of hospital and control group but not significant .Also founded high frequency of micronucleus at patient who suffer from cancer , copmare with patient who suffer from tuberculosis , but not significant .

The genotoxic effects of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) on human lymphocytes in vitro were estimated by analyzing and identifying various chromosome abnormalities, in relation to the concentration of Vitamin C. Testing concentrations of Vitamin C induced different aberrations including the impairment of spindle function. The spindle disturbances can result in mitotic arrest, multipolar spindles and multipolar segregation, errors in chromosome segregation, formation of chromosome bridges and chromosome laggards. The most frequent irregularities were found in anaphase and telophase. A certain number of lymphocytes were arrested at anaphase or telophase (in colchicine-untreated cultures of human lymphocytes). Testing concentrations of ascorbic acid did not induce a significant increase in the number of aneuploid mitoses and were not clastogenic except at the highest concentration (1,000 microg/ml) in colchicine-treated cultures, and in colchicine-untreated cultures of human lymphocytes the pulverization of chromosome was observed. Vitamin C changed the mitotic index value of lymphocytes notably at the higher concentrations (250, 500 and 1,000 microg/ml).

Chromosomal aberrations in peripheral lymphocytes have been used as biomarkers of radiation exposure. The results obtained for this cytogentic study suggest that 86 persons who examined were with structural chromosome aberrations. The sample was included 100 persons who were exposed to radiation professionally. The most frequent persons were found with one, two, three and four chromosome aberrations, and 19 persons had six and more aberrations, while 341 total chromosome aberrations were registried. The most frequent radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in vivo were chromatid breaks, acentric fragments, acentric minutes and isochromatid breaks, while dicentrics, rings, quadriradials and triradials, translocations (chromosome rearrangements), marker chromosomes and chromosome repulsions were less frequent. These results suggest that are the most frequent chromosome single breaks, while more complex recombinations are less frequent. Obtained results when compared with results of standard showed that 32.56% of total number of persons with aberrations or 28% total number of analyzed persons found was different from standard. Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes suggest that these persons were probably exposed to ionizing radiation.

Unbalanced changes of chromosomes with loss or extra genetic material often cause changing phenotype. The main characteristics unbalanced karyotype involves mental retardation and numbers of anomalies, especially if the change involves autosoms. In this paper child with retard development and de novo translocation between chromosome 1 and chromosome 16 was described. Cytogenetics survey was carried out to establishing possible cause in relation with retard development and it involved standard cytogenetics method and method of differential staining (G-banding) that enables identification of certain structural rearrangement of chromosomes. Chromosome aberration was translocation of part of p arm of chromosome 1 on p arm of chromosome 16, that is, it presents abnormal karyotype 46, XX, t(1;16)(p13;p13) that might be one of the cause of retard development of child.

H. Nefic, S. Ibrulj

In consideration of high toxicity of cytostatic drugs and their potential mutagenic activity, this work studies the genotoxic effects of the antitumour drug Vincristine Sulfate. We analyzed preparations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes that have been exposed to different concentrations of Vincristine Sulfate in vitro. We have established that this cytostatic stimulates mitotic activity of lymphocytes at smaller concentrations (0.05 and 0.1 microgram/ml), but at higher concentration (0.5, 1.0 and 20.0 micrograms/ml) decreases proliferation of lymphocytes at significant level. It causes the appearance of irregular anaphase statuses in form of irregular distribution of chromosomes. Vincristine induces of appearance of C-mitosis that are a result of cytostatic activity of Vincristine Sulfate that blocks mitosis with prometaphase arrest. Cytostatic activity of Vincristine manifests itself as the destruction of interphase nuclei, the destruction of prophase nuclei with the destruction of chromosome mass and as the presence of chromosome material that is cut up in small pieces (chromosome pulverization). Vincristine interferes with the function of microtubules that are responsible for this mitosis and cytokinesis, and therefore influences itself on the formation of binucleated and multinucleated cells. Cytogenetic studies indicate that Vincristine induces the presence of micronuclei in lymphocyte's cells, while a higher concentration of Vincristine induces the presence of a large number of micronuclei at lymphocyte called multimicronuclei. Numerical chromosome aberrations are aneuploidy and poluploidy.

S. Ibrulj, H. Nefic

This paper reports results of the research of genotoxic effects of anxiolitic benzodiazepine diazepam in the culture of lymphocytes of human periphery blood. It has been found out that diazepam reduces lymphocytes mitotic activity, causes numeric chromosomal aberrations (mostly hypodiploidy), and shows cytotoxic reactions. Frequency and expressiveness of perceived effects are in correlation with the intensity of concentrations tested.

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