
Publikacije (50)

K. Karavdić, E. Milisic, I. Abdagić, A. Smajić, A. Mešić, Dalma Udovicic-Gagula

Introduction: Transverse colon volvulus is an uncommon cause of bowel obstruction. Predisposing factors are mental retardation, dysmotility disorders, chronic constipation, and congenital megacolon. Case report: We presented a transverse colon volvulus in a 14-year-old girl with mental retardation. Chronic constipation in neurologically impaired patients was a risk factor predisposing to volvulus. The girl was admitted to our Clinic because of problems that last 4-5 days and was followed by abdominal pain, vomiting and lack of stool. Vomiting was once a day. She was sub febrile up to 37.6°C. On examination, the abdomen was distended, tense, diffusely painful. During the surgery, a 360° clockwise volvulus of the transverse colon was found. After the reduction of volvulus, an enormous transverse colon was resected and protective ileostomy was formed. In the postoperative period, ileostoma functioned a good. The definitive surgical treatment was done on the 20th postoperative day when the occlusion of the ileostomy and transanal biopsy of the rectum was done, which showed the presence of ganglia cells. The patient was discharged from our institution after 1 month. Conclusion: Pediatric patients with neurological conditions and mental retardation present an increased risk of colon transversum volvulus due to chronic obstruction.

Penile torsion is a rare congenital anomaly that is usually characterized by a counterclockwise rotation of the penile shaft or glans. Although several surgical techniques for its correction have been proposed, the consensus of choosing the most efficient technique remains controversial. Herein, we report our operational approach that successfully corrected a severe (>90 degrees) isolated penile torsion in the form of penile degloving and dorsal dartos flap rotation surgery.

Background: Stump appendicitis is an acute inflammation of the residual part of the appendix and a rare complication of incomplete appendectomy. This is a rare delayed complication after appendectomy with the reported incidence of 1 in 50,000 cases. Clinically it can be presented as acute abdomen and presents a diagnostic dilemma. Prompt recognition is important to lead to an early treatment, thus avoiding serious complications. Case study: We present a 14-year-old girl with diagnosis of stump appendicitis, who underwent surgical treatment (open appendectomy) after  having laparoscopic appendectomy a month before. Radiologically (UZV and CT scan) was diagnosed an inflammatory mass with abscess dimension 41 x 21 mm in the right iliac fossa. During operation a 1,5 cm-diameter appendiceal stump was noted in the anatomical region of the appendix. The appendiceal stump was resected and inverted into the cecal wall. Histopathology examination showed acute inflammation and patchy necrosis of the appendiceal stump. The post-operative course was uneventful. Patient was discharged on third post-operative day. Conclusion: Stump appendicitis is a rare but serious complication of appendectomy. The prevalence and incidence of stump appendicitis has been increasing in the recent years. Clinical presentation of stump appendicitis mimics symptoms and signs of acute appendicitis or acute abdomen and with a previous appendectomy. So it must be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen despite the patient’s open or especially laparoscopic appendectomy history.

Aim To identify short-term effects of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) on renal function in children and adolescents with single kidney stones. Methods In a 4-year period 30 children (15 boys and 15 girls) from 10 to 18 years of age were treated for unilateral renal stones with ESWL. Inclusion criteria were: up to 18 years of age, kidney stone (from 4 to 20 mm in diameter) visible on X-ray, first ESWL treatment, unilateral lithotripsy treatment without previous kidney surgery, patients without infravesical obstruction, patients without proven urinary infection, repeated use of one (the same) analgesic, patients without anticoagulant and antihypertensive therapy, patients without use of nephrotoxic drugs prior to and during the treatment, normal blood pressure, non-pregnancy patients with normal renal function. Serum enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase), cystatin C, serum and urine electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride), and urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (uNGAL) were tested before, on the first and fifth day after the treatment. Results An increase of alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase was statistically significant on day 1 (p<0.05) and values returned to normal on day 5. Serum cystatin C level was also significantly increased during the first four days after ESWL treatment (p<0.05) and returned to baseline on post-treatment day 5. There was a statistically significant difference in the level of uNGAL in urine before and 24 hours after ESWL treatment (p<0.05). Conclusion The ESWL is a safe and curative procedure for the treatment of kidney stones in children and adolescents with no evidence of serious adverse effects on renal function.

Introduction: The most common congenital abnormality of the penis is hypospadias. Although the main treatment is surgical; hormone therapy with dihydrotestosterone is also used. Materials and Methods: This randomized clinical trial was carried out between January 2012 and December 2017 on 79 children with hypospadias (in the Clinic of Pediatric Surgery, Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo). Their mean age was 38.2±2.8 months. GroupI included 36 children whom were treated with 2.5% dihydrotestosterone gel which was applied twice a day to the penile shaft and glans for one month prior to surgery. GroupII included 43 children whom did not receive any treatment preoperatively. Results: Mean age of patients in group I was 37.3±6.3 months and in group II it was 39.1±5.9 months which were comparable. Complications occurring postoperatively were: urethrocutaneous fistula in 6 patients (13.9%) in group II, versus 1 patient (2.7%) in group I. There were 2 patients with meatalstenosis in group II (4.7%), and 3 (8.3%) in group I. Finally, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the overall reoperation rates between groups (p<0.05). Conclusion : Pretreatment with 2.5% dihydrotestosterone transdermal gel before hypospadias repair is beneficial in decreasing complication rates.

Introduction: Renal vasculature is extremely sensitive to vasoconstrictor effects of endothelin (ET), while nitric oxide (NO) has special role in several pathological renal conditions. Aim: The aim of this study to examine the presence, character, and degree of changes in NO and ET levels in the serum of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)-treated patients with nephrolithiasis. Patients and Methods: This study included a total of 60 patients that were divided in two groups: Group I (n = 24), in which a total of 2000SWs were administered; 0–2 units; (0.5 units per each 500SWs), and Group II (n = 36), in which a total of 4000SWs were administered; 0–4 units; (0.5 units per each 500SWs). Results: In the Group I median NO serum concentration increased in relation to pretreatment levels (39.04 ± 8.29 μmol/L) specifically 30 min, 60 min, and 24 h following the treatment (39.11 ± 12.60), (41.80 ± 6.89), and (46.33 ± 9.03), where concentration growth after 24 h was statistically significant P < 0.01. The NO serum concentration in the Group II increased in relation to pretreatment levels (38.90 ± 10.33 μmol/L) after 30 min (48.71 ± 30.09), 60 min (54.57 ± 39.76), and 24 h (97.95 ± 72.07). The NO concentration increase after 60 min and 24 h is statistically significant, respectively, P < 0.03 and P < 0.0001. Conclusion : NO and ET serum levels are changing under the influence of ESWL, and that the NO and ET changes are directly correlated with the number of administered shock waves and administered energy.

Objective: We present a 17-year-old boy with an incidentally diagnosed left adrenal ganglioneuroma during the diagnostic workup of alopecia areata. Clinical Presentation and Intervention: Laboratory investigations revealed vitamin D deficiency. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed and ganglioneuroma was confirmed histologically. At follow-up, the vitamin D supplements improved the vitamin D levels followed by a gradual regression of alopecia areata. However, it recurred 18 months later despite the normal levels of serum vitamin D and no tumor recurrence. Conclusion: Further studies should reveal the relationship between alopecia areata and ganglioneuroma as well as the role of vitamin D in alopecia areata.

Aim To investigate a correlation between resistive index (RI) level changes following extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) in treated and non-treated kidneys depending on the ESWL treatment intensity. The study was conducted on 60 subjects, which were divided in two groups according to age and treatment protocol. Results In the group of patients younger than 55 years of age there was a significant increase in mean RI values, on the first (p=0.001) and second day after the treatment (p=0.007). In the group older than 55 years of age, the resulting increase in mean RI levels was also significant on the first (p=0.003) and second (p=0.011) day following the treatment. The RI values in the non-treated kidney on the first day after the treatment grew significantly (p=0.033). In the group older than 55, RI values in the non-treated kidney grew significantly on the first day after the treatment (p=0.044). In the group who received 2000 SWs, RI levels grew significantly (p=0.044) as well as in the group who received 4000 SWs during the treatment, where the significance was more pronounced (p=0.007). Conclusion There is a correlation between RI changes and the degree and localization of changes in vascular elements of the kidney. Post-ESWL treatment changes are existent and reversible, over a period of one week after the treatment.

Z. Zvizdic, E. Milisic, Adisa Chikha, I. Sefić, Amra Džananović, S. Vranić

Rationale: Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck is a rare developmental disorder and represents of a homolog of hydrocele of spermatic cord in males. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck is a very rare cause of inguinal swelling in female infants and children. It results from the failure of obliteration of the distal portion of evaginated parietal peritoneum within the inguinal canal, which forms a sac containing fluid. Patient concerns: We describe a case of hydrocele of the canal of Nuck in an 11-month-old girl with a past medical history of duodenal atresia and Arnold-Chiari malformation. Diagnosis: Physical examination and ultrasound revealed a soft, cystic, noncompressible, and non-fluctuant labial mass measuring approximately 5 cm. Interventions: The patient underwent surgical exploration through a right skin crease incision. The cystic lesion was histologically confirmed to be a non-communicated hydrocele of canal of Nuck. Outcomes: The child is doing well at 1-year follow-up with no swelling or recurrence on the operated side. Lessons: Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck is a rare developmental disorder but should be considered in a differential diagnosis in young girls with an inguino-labial swelling.

Z. Zvizdic, E. Milisic, A. Jonuzi, S. Terzić, D. Zvizdic

Zvizdic Z, Milisic E, Jonuzi A, Terzic S, Zvizdic D. The contribution of morphine sulfate to the development of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants: a matched case-control study. Turk J Pediatr 2019; 61: 513-519. The aim of the study was to determine whether morphine sulfate administration is associated with an increased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in preterm infants supported by mechanical ventilation due to respiratory failure. The matched case-control retrospective study was carried out at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of the University Clinical Center Sarajevo, on 122 preterm infants classified into total NEC group and control group. The total NEC group was further divided into medical NEC and surgical NEC subgroups. The association between the use and duration of morphine sulfate infusion and the development of NEC was evaluated in both unadjusted and adjusted analysis. Preterm infants who developed NEC were on mechanical ventilation more frequently compared to premature infants without signs of NEC (Mann- Whitney U test; p=0.0031). A positive correlation between the frequency of receiving morphine sulfate and the development of NEC was observed (Chi square test of independence; p=0.0001). The risk of NEC in preterm infants was increased by the use of morphine sulfate. Validation of this observation in other populations is warranted.

Nusret Popović, Z. Zvizdic, E. Milisic, A. Jonuzi, A. Karamustafic

Disorders related to Bartholin’s duct and glands affect approximately 2% of young women, and are very rare in premenarchal girls. Bartholin’s gland cysts are usualy small, do not cause any symptoms and resolve spontaneously. However, symptomatic larger cysts require medical treatment. Although many treatment modalities have been applyed, the best approach has not yet been found. Treatment modalities of Bartholin’s cyst include application of silver nitrate to the abscess cavity, incision and drainage of the cyst, curettage of the abscess cavity, placement of “Word catheter”, marsupialization, needle aspiration and alcohol sclerotheraphy, carbon dioxide laser excision and surgical gland excision. Here, we report a case of a large, soft, regular contoured painless Bartholin’s cyst located in the left labia minora with a diameter of 8 x 5 cm in an 11-year-old premenarchal girl, treated by surgical gland excision after previous unsuccessful incision and aspiration of the cyst.

A. Jonuzi, Z. Zvizdic, Nusret Popović, E. Milisic, A. Karamustafic, A. Mešić, I. Sefić, Amra Džananović

Aggressive fibromatosis, also known as desmoid tumor, is a locally invasive soft tissue lesion arising from connective tissues. Reports in children less than 10 years of age is rare. We report a case of a  desmoid tumor located at the middle and lower third of the left rectus abdominis, in a 2-year-old-boy. Partial resection of the muscle segment and simultaneous reconstruction of the abdominal wall by abdominal fascia was done. The patient had an uneventful recovery. At one year of follow-up neither recurrence nor functional or aesthetic complications were seen.

Z. Zvizdic, D. Živković, Jasmin Sabanovic, E. Milisic

Objective The presence of testicular appendices was prospectively evaluated in 89 boys with 96 undescended testes who underwent orchidopexy over the period of 4 years. Results The patients were divided into two groups. Group A included 42 boys with 49 undescended testes positioned close to the internal inguinal ring, and Group B included 47 boys with 47 undescended testes close to the external inguinal ring. The incidence of appendix testis (AT) in Group A was 57.1% (28 in 49) and 78.7% (37 in 47) in Group B. The results of our study showed significantly decreased incidence of testicular appendices in undescended testes positioned close to the internal inguinal ring compared with undescended testes positioned close to the external inguinal ring (p < 0.05). Conclusion AT may play a role in normal testicular descent and the undescended testis positioned close to the external inguinal ring can be considered as a separate entity of the true congenital undescended testis.

We first aimed to investigate the epidemiological characteristics and clinical pattern of hospitalized paediatric burn patients in Sarajevo Canton. Second, we aimed to determine the targets for the paediatric burn prevention program. This descriptive retrospective study was carried out to analyse the demographic, etiologic and clinical data of 73 hospitalized paediatric burn patients in Sarajevo Canton over a 5-year period from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2016. The differences between various groups were evaluated using the chisquare test. During the course of the study, 73 paediatric burns (37 boys and 36 girls; ratio 1:0.97) were hospitalized. The overall mean age was 3.0 ± 2.9 years (range: 3 months to 12.5 years). The mean total body surface area burned was 8.4 ± 8.3%. The most common causes of burns in children were scald injuries (84.9%) followed by contact with a hot object (9.6%). No children were found to have burns caused by chemicals or electricity. A total of 97.3% of paediatric burn injuries occurred at home (p<0.001), and almost all were preventable. Although the most burns were recorded in the spring months (35.6%), there was no significant seasonal variation in burns (p = 0.199). Average length of hospital stay (LOS) was 16.32 ± 12 days (range: 1 to 65 days). The findings of the current study revealed that the main cause of paediatric burns was scald occurring at home. These data can contribute to the development of a prevention program to protect the paediatric population from burns.

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