
Publikacije (13)

Svjetlana Stanić-Koštroman, J. Kamberović, D. Dmitrović, Anita Dedić, D. Škobić, A. Lasić, M. Gligora Udovič, N. Herceg

Anita Dedić, Anamarija Antunović, J. Kamberović, Svjetlana Stanić-Koštroman, D. Škobić, A. Lasić, D. Hafner

UDK: 574.5(282.249 Bunica) Research into the benthic diatoms in the Bunica River was performed during the period from 5th May 2013 to 9th January 2014 on three different sites, from the headwaters to the mouth. The Bunica River is located in the south-eastern part of the Mostar valley, in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this research was to test the use of benthic diatoms as indicators and the use of diatom indices as a tool for estimating water quality in an example of a small karstic river. For that purpose, diatom indices were calculated using OMNIDIA GB 5.3 software. This was the first testing of diatom indices for a small karstic river. Diatom indices showed different results and huge variations between sites on the Bunica River. According to the results, the indices in the OMNIDIA software are not applicable for karstic rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and they must be modified for this purpose. This paper can be the first step towards calibration indices for karstic region. Also, it can be useful for the development of biomonitoring tool for karstic rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

N. Jasprica, Ž. Škvorc, M. Pandža, M. Milović, D. Purger, Daniel Krstonošić, S. Kovačić, Dubravka Sandev et al.

Abstract Walls represent globally distributed, locally extensive, artificial ecosystems. Wall vegetation is still poorly known in the Mediterranean and Temperate regions of southeastern Europe. The aim of this study is to classify and describe chasmophytic vegetation of walls, covering southeastern Europe from Slovenia to North Macedonia. From a total 463 phytosociological relevés, we identify and describe 12 distinct species – poor to moderately rich vegetation units using TWINSPAN evaluated by NMDS, and indicator values. The vegetation units are included within three alliances from two macroclimate regions: (1) vegetation of cool-temperate Europe of the Cymbalario-Asplenion alliance, and (2) Mediterranean vegetation of the Galio valantiae-Parietarion judaicae and Artemisio arborescentis-Capparidion spinosae alliances. The southernmost limit of the Cymbalario-Asplenion was determined in Central Bosnia. The presence of the Artemisio arborescentis-Capparidion spinosae in the eastern Adriatic is highlighted.

Anita Dedić, Anamarija Antunović, J. Kamberović, Svjetlana Stanić-Koštroman, Dragan, Škobić, A. Lasić, D. Hafner

Research into the benthic diatoms in the Bunica River was performed during the period from 5 May 2013 to 9 January 2014 on three different sites, from the headwaters to the mouth. The Bunica River is located in the south-eastern part of the Mostar valley, in the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this research was to test the use of benthic diatoms as indicators and the use of diatom indices as a tool for estimating water quality in an example of a small karstic river. For that purpose, diatom indices were calculated using OMNIDIA GB 5.3 software. This was the first testing of diatom indices for a small karstic river. Diatom indices showed different results and huge variations between sites on the Bunica River. According to the results, the indices in the OMNIDIA software are not applicable for karstic rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and they must be modified for this purpose. This paper can be the first step towards calibration indices for karstic region. Also, it can be useful for the development of biomonitoring tool for karstic rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Anita Dedić, T. Galić, Svjetlana Stanić-Koštroman, D. Škobić, A. Lasić, D. Hafner

UDK: 556.115:574.587(282.249 Neretva) This paper presents the research results of benthos community (phytobenthos and macroinvertebrates) on three locations of the Neretva River: Glavatičevo, Žitomislići and Višići. According to typology of rivers, the site Glavatičevo belongs undertype 10a, while sites Žitomislići and Višići are undertype JIVT (heavily modified water bodies). Research of the benthos community has been done in December 2016 with the simultaneous monitoring chemical parameters of water. All research states showed a great number and a high diversity of benthic taxa, although sampling was spent in December. The saprobic values of benthos community at the site Glavatičevo indicates to oligosaprobic level, the water unloaded with organic substances. The site Žitomislići points to oligo/betamesosaprobic level, the water a bit loaded with organic substances. The site Višići according to phytobenthos demonstrates to oligo/betamesosaprobic level, while according to benthic macroinvertebrates point to betamesosaprobic level (the water loaded with organic substances). Based on saprobic values and chemical parameters of water in keeping with The decision on the characterization of the surface and underground water, reference conditions and parameters for the detection of water state and water monitoring (Official newspapers FBiH, No. 1/14), a maximum ecological potential has been registered on sites Žitomislići and Višići, while a high ecological status has been registered on the site Glavatičevo.

N. Jasprica, M. Milović, K. Dolina, A. Lasić

The main aims of our study were (1) to determine the flora in the railway areas with special emphasis on the presence of neophytes ; (2) to describe the features of flora throughout analyses of taxonomic composition, chorotypes, life forms and the phytosociological character of species found at 15 stations in the Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean areas of the Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (SE Europe). According to their floristic composition, two broad groups of stations were recognized: i) stations in the most south of the area with higher annual precipitation and air temperature (cities of Ploce, Metkovic, Capljina, Mostar), and ii) stations in sub- Mediterranean rural areas located exclusively on the higher altitudes, including stations in three Dalmatian large cities (Zadar, Sibenik, Split). Altogether, 359 vascular plant taxa (336 species and 23 subspecies) were identified within 62 families and 230 genera. Therophytes, and Mediterraneans with a considerable proportion of Cosmopolitans were predominant. Neophytes contributed 14% of identified flora, the majority being invasive. In the phytosociological spectrum, the largest element was made up of taxa from Stellarietea mediae and Festuco valesiacae-Brometea erecti classes. The most studied railway stations, excluding those in large cities, retain a link with the floristic composition of the plant communities of its biogeographic context.

N. Jasprica, A. Lasić, D. Hafner, A. Cetinić

In Europe, Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx. (Haloragaceae) has had the status of invasive species in freshwater ecosystems since 2012. During phytosociological research in the Neretva River Delta in July 2016, we noted a high coverage of species Myriophyllum heterophyllum within vegetation of rooted leaf-floating macrophytes of the Nymphaeion albae Oberd. 1957 alliance (the order potamogetonetalia Koch 1926). In this paper, alongside the finding of the new locality with M. heterophyllum in Croatia, its phytosociology is reported.

A. Lasić, N. Jasprica

Abstract Plant communities were studied along two oligotrophic karstic rivers – Trebižat and Lištica – from 2007 to 2009. Based on 93 phytosociological relevés, using Braun–Blanquet methods, a total of 25 plant associations were recognised in the rivers and nearby surveyed area. These associations have been subordinated to 11 alliances, eight orders and six classes: Adiantetea capilli–veneris, Lemnetea minoris, Potametea pectinati, Phragmito australis–Magnocaricetea elatae, Molinio–Arrhenatheretea and Salicetea purpureae. In the Trebižat and Lištica rivers, 24 and 10 associations were found respectively. Only nine associations were common to both rivers. Data on the floristic composition of eight associations (Eucladio–Adiantetum capilli–veneris, Potametum perfoliati, Potametum graminei, Potametum lucentis, Potametum pectinati, Potamo pectinati–Myriophylletum spicati, Equiseto palustri–Iridetum pseudacori, Holoschoeno–Molinietum arundinaceae) in Bosnia and Herzegovina were presented for the first time. Altogether, four NATURA 2000 habitat types were recognized. The study revealed the great diversity of aquatic and marshland vegetation in the study area.

A. Lasić, N. Jasprica, M. Morovic, T. Kapetanović, M. Carić, N. Drešković, N. Glavic, B. Mitić

This paper describes the plant communities of two oligotrophic karstic rivers with a slight anthropogenic influence — the Trebižat and the Lištica — in South Bosnia and Herzegovina, their sinecology, and the relationship between vegetation and plant species and environmental parameters. According to 87 relevés, a total of 26 plant associations, using Braun-Blanquet methods, were found in the rivers and nearby surveyed area. Only nine associations were common to both rivers. Eight associations were recorded for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the first time. Associations from both rivers differed according to following parameters measured at the sampling site: water temperature, distance from the mouth (river kilometers), river width, water depth, flow, pH and slope. There were no differences in nutrient concentrations among the associations. According to Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), three environmental variables out of the 11 initially considered were retained as being related to plant distribution. The first two axes explained 56.8% and 35.2% of variance of species-environment relationship in the Trebižat and Lištica rivers, respectively. Water depth in the Trebižat River, and pH and river kilometers in the Lištica River were found to be the most influential, while nutrients and other physico-chemical parameters were not significant in either river. Water depth vector was identified as an underlying environmental factor determining distribution of Potamogeton lucens and Myriophyllum verticillatum (Potamion), and Nymphaea alba (Nymphaeion albae). According to in situ measurements of light intensity, the highest coefficients of light attenuation, radiance and reflection were found at a station with dense populations of Potamogeton lucens and Nuphar luteum (Potametum lucentis). The vegetation and floristic value of the rivers is discussed as a basis for biodiversity conservation programmes and evaluating the state of these ecosystems in the future.

A. Lasić, N. Jasprica, M. Morovic, T. Kapetanović, M. Carić, N. Drešković, N. Glavic, B. Mitić

This paper describes the plant communities of two oligotrophic karstic rivers with a slight anthropogenic influence — the Trebižat and the Lištica — in South Bosnia and Herzegovina, their sinecology, and the relationship between vegetation and plant species and environmental parameters. According to 87 relevés, a total of 26 plant associations, using Braun-Blanquet methods, were found in the rivers and nearby surveyed area. Only nine associations were common to both rivers. Eight associations were recorded for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the first time. Associations from both rivers differed according to following parameters measured at the sampling site: water temperature, distance from the mouth (river kilometers), river width, water depth, flow, pH and slope. There were no differences in nutrient concentrations among the associations. According to Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), three environmental variables out of the 11 initially considered were retained as being related to plant distribution. The first two axes explained 56.8% and 35.2% of variance of species-environment relationship in the Trebižat and Lištica rivers, respectively. Water depth in the Trebižat River, and pH and river kilometers in the Lištica River were found to be the most influential, while nutrients and other physico-chemical parameters were not significant in either river. Water depth vector was identified as an underlying environmental factor determining distribution of Potamogeton lucens and Myriophyllum verticillatum (Potamion), and Nymphaea alba (Nymphaeion albae). According to in situ measurements of light intensity, the highest coefficients of light attenuation, radiance and reflection were found at a station with dense populations of Potamogeton lucens and Nuphar luteum (Potametum lucentis). The vegetation and floristic value of the rivers is discussed as a basis for biodiversity conservation programmes and evaluating the state of these ecosystems in the future.

A. Lasić, N. Jasprica, M. Ruščić

We identified 220 species and subspecies, belonging to 162 genera and 60 families, in the city of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in the period from 2003 to 2007. Families with the highest number of taxa were Asteraceae (38) followed by Poaceae (20) and Lamiaceae (15). Widespread (25%) and cultivated and adventive taxa (21%) had highest contibution in the urban flora. Hemicryptophytes (39.5%) and therophytes (35%) dominated in Raunkiaers lifeform spectra. In total, 35 neophytes were identified in urban flora of Mostar. Most of them had American origin (71%). The most frequent neophyte taxa were Amaranthus retroflexus, Artemisia annua, Bidens subalternans, Conyza bonariensis, Conyza canadensis, Erigeron annuus, Tagetes minuta, Tagetes patula, Solanum eleagnifolium, Xanthium spinosum, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Eleusine indica, Artemisia verlotiorum, Euphorbia maculata, Heilanthus tuberosus, etc.

N. Jasprica, M. Ruščić, A. Lasić

Urban flora sampled in the coastal cities of Split and Dubrovnik (Croatia) and in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) was represented by 325, 243, and 106 vascular plant taxa (species and subspecies), respectively. Similarity coefficients between the flora of Split and Dubrovnik, Split and Mostar, and Dubrovnik and Mostar were, respectively, 41.8, 17.9, and 19.0%. Fifty-one taxa were common among all three cities. The Mediterranean floral element dominated all three, with the families Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Cichoriaceae having the highest number of taxa. According to Raunkiaer's life-form spectrum, therophytes dominated Split (48%), while hemicryptophytes were more common in Dubrovnik (36%) and Mostar (39%). In total, 62 (Split), 41 (Dubrovnik), and 19 (Mostar) taxa of alien (allochthonous, non-native) plants were identified. Most were neophytes originating in the Americas (Split, 65.5% ; Dubrovnik, 73% ; Mostar, 52.6%). The urban flora of Split and Dubrovnik is Mediterranean and, in both quality and quantity, is comparable to that of cities in central and southern Italy. Differences among the three cities may be explained by historical differences in the nature and intensity of human impacts.

M. Ruščić, N. Jasprica, A. Lasić

Istraživanjem urbane flore Splita utvrđene su 842 vrste i podvrste vaskularnih biljaka. Najveci broj biljnih svojti pripada porodici Asteraceae i Poaceae. Analizom flornih elemenata utvrđena je najveca zastupljenost mediteranskog flornog elementa (36, 2%), a od životnih oblika dominiraju terofiti (37, 8%). U okviru urbane flore utvrđeno je 125 alohtonih biljaka (15%), među kojima prevladavaju neofiti s 63 biljne vrste (8%), sto ujedno odgovara i udjelu neofita za druge mediteranske gradove. Najveci broj neofita, 40 vrsta, potjece iz Amerike. Najcesci neofiti u urbanoj flori Splita su: Ailanthus altissima, Amaranthus retroflexus, A. cruentus, A. viridis, Artemisia verlotiorum, Aster squamatus, Bidens subalternans, Broussonetia papyrifera, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Chenopodium multifidum, Conyza bonariensis, C. canadensis, Datura inoxia, Eleusine indica, Erigeron annuus ssp. septentrionalis, Euphorbia maculata, E. prostrata, Galinsoga ciliata, Helianthus tuberosus, Lepidium virginicum, Paspalum dilatatum, P. paspalodes, Phytolacca americana, Robinia pseudoacacia i Tagetes minuta. Najveci broj neofita pripada porodicama Asteraceae i Poaceae te životnom obliku terofita (33 svojte), sto odgovara rezultatima sveukupne flore Splita.

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