
Publikacije (106)

G. Lammel, J. Klánová, Ljiljana Erić, Predrag Ilić, J. Kohoutek, I. Kovacić

Organochlorine pesticide (OCP) cycling was studied in the area of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, over 3 days in summer with high temporal (4 h-means) and spatial (3 sites distanced 3-6 km) resolutions. Elevated levels of DDX compounds (i.e. o,p'- and p,p'-isomers of DDT, DDE and DDD, 44-74 pg m(-3) at the urban sites and 27 pg m(-3) as a background level), HCH (α-, β- and γ-isomers, 52-70 vs. 147 pg m(-3)), HCB (34-48 vs. <0.1 pg m(-3)) and pentachlorobenzene (6.8-9.9 vs. 6.0 pg m(-3)) were found. The variation of OCP levels at the two urban sites was not in phase, except for most DDX compounds. This was related to background levels, which for HCH were higher than in the urban area. Vertical profiles between samples collected from 1.1 and 2.3 m (part of the time 0.6 and 2.3 m) above a soil, which was only moderately contaminated by OCPs (0.12 ng g(-1) HCH, 0.11 ng g(-1) DDX, 0.44 ng g(-1) HCB) were analysed. Volatilisation from the ground caused negative vertical concentration gradients of HCH isomers (day and night), but not for HCB (except for 1 day-time sample) and DDX compounds (except p,p'-DDD, day-time, sporadically). The concentration in air and the vertical concentration gradient of the HCH isomers varied with air temperature (day-time maxima), while the variation of the HCB concentration was inversely related to air temperature and was determined by mixing (night-time maxima). α- and β-HCH were volatilised from soil throughout the three days, even during periods of cooling. Fugacity calculations, based on the absorption in soil organic matter as the process determining retention in soil, underestimated the volatilisation of β-HCH and p,p'-DDD. It is concluded that the representativeness of point measurements of OCPs in urban areas is limited by the spatial variability of soil contamination.

G. Lammel, J. Klánová, Ljiljana Erić, Predrag Ilić, J. Kohoutek, I. Kovacić

Organochlorine pesticide (OCP) cycling was studied in the area of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, over 3 days in summer with high temporal (4 h-means) and spatial (3 sites distanced 3-6 km) resolutions. Elevated levels of DDX compounds (i.e. o,p'- and p,p'-isomers of DDT, DDE and DDD, 44-74 pg m(-3) at the urban sites and 27 pg m(-3) as a background level), HCH (alpha-, beta- and gamma-isomers, 52-70 vs. 147 pg m(-3)), HCB (34-48 vs. <0.1 pg m(-3)) and pentachlorobenzene (6.8-9.9 vs. 6.0 pg m(-3)) were found.

Ljubiša Preradović, Predrag Ilić, S. Marković, Z. Janjuš

In work is presented research of presence Sulfur dioxide (SO2) on sample place where is intensive traffic and population density is hi gh. Air quality monitor- ing was done with an automatic station. For the interpretation of the results are used monthly and annual patterns. On the basis of the detected pollutants during the air monitoring show the state of environmental conditions in terms of air pollution with Sulfur dioxide and influence of them on aero-pollution, stru ctural materials and build- ing heritage. Also is given evaluation of influence polluted air on building heritage. For statistical data processing and modeling of pollution a long with meteorological parameters was used decision tree implementation of the analytical and statistical tool SPSS 17.

G. Lammel, J. Klánová, Predrag Ilić, J. Kohoutek, Bojan Gasic, I. Kovacić, N. Lakić, R. Radić

G. Lammel, J. Klánová, Predrag Ilić, J. Kohoutek, Bojan Gasic, I. Kovacić, N. Lakić, R. Radić

PAHs were measured together with inorganic air pollutants at two urban and one rural site in the Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina, whith the aim to study the spatial and temporal variabilities. Measurement uncertainty was quantified on basis of three independent side-by-side samplers, deployed at one of the sites. Levels of PAHs at the urban exceeded the rural site by more than 100 percent. The discrepancy was largely dominated by emission of 3 and 4 ring PAHs in the city, while 5 and 6 ring PAHs were more evenly distributed between city sites and the hill site. During the night a higher fraction of the semivolatile PAHs might have been stored in the soil or sorbed to surfaces. PAH patterns were undistinguishable across the three sites. However, concentrations of more particle-associated substances differed significantly between the urban sites than between one of the urban sites and the rural site (3 sigma uncertainty). Time-averaging (24 h basis) would have masked the significant inter-site differences of half of the substances which were found at different levels (4 h basis).

Z. Janjuš, P. Miletić, Predrag Ilić

Polymer materials have extremely wide application in various fields of technology and human needs (jobs, food industry, production of various packaging, furniture and household goods, Electrical and electronics, agriculture, chemical, automotive, aerospace and military industry and so on. This paper presents the results of changes in mechanical and rheological properties of recycled thermoplastics. The purpose is to show the polymer waste as raw material, or otherwise utilizing the material. Specific information will be given the possibility of forming a form to calculate the size observed through cycles of recycling, which may help in further research and analysis.

Starting from the standpoint that encyclopedias are reliable indicators of development and scope of scientific knowledge in all fields of human life and work, this paper considers the question how did the initial break of science into mysterious field of intelligence activities and intelligence services manifest in general encyclopedias that are available to Serbian public. By using comparative analysis on entries from this field in concise edition of 'Encyclopedia Britannica' (Belgrade 2006), 'General Larousse Encyclopedia' (Belgrade, 2004) and 'Little Encyclopedia Prosveta' (Belgrade, 1986), it was determined that initial breaks of science in this field (at the end of XX and at the start of XXI century), have found very solid, if not even satisfactory manifestation in the above-mentioned encyclopedias. In these encyclopedias, one can find almost all significant terms from this field, as well as short information on many famous intelligence services and their chiefs, intelligence officers and agents. However, the problem that occurs when lame people use these encyclopedias is the fact that the presence of entries from this field is rather uneven, both in quality and quantity.

S. Pajevič, M. Matavulj, M. Borišev, Predrag Ilić, B. Krstić

An important physiological property of aquatic vegetation, in general, is the ability to accumulate chemical elements unselectively. Therefore, numerous novel investigations of aquatic ecosystems are associated with the possibility of water purification by employing aquatic vegetation to remediate nutrients, heavy metals, and other pollutants (DeBusk et al., 2001; Scholz, 2003). Very influential is the role of aquatic flora in heavy metal accumulation taking into consideration the fact that heavy metal concentration in macrophytic tissue can be several ten to several thousand times higher than concentration in aquatic environment (Pajević et al., 2002; SameckaCymerman et al., 2005). Bioaccumulation ability of metals relies upon plant species, plant organ, and abiotic factors like temperature, pH, and concentration of chemical elements (Matagi et al., 1998). This particular ability and also the fact that macrophytes have powerful production of organic matter in water ecosystems make them suitable for ecological monitoring of water quality (Janauer, 2001; Samecka-Cymerman and Kempers, 2002). When the number of macrophytic species and their spatial and temporal distribution are used to evaluate the status of aquatic ecosystems, it is very important to employ also data on chemical composition of plants as biological parameters since bioconcentration of chemical elements in macrophytic tissue is a reliable parameter for the assessment of the environmental chemical load.

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