
Publikacije (106)

J. Božič, Predrag Ilić, S. Ilić

Clean, fresh air is the most important requirement for good indoor air quality (IAQ) in all buildings, but it is especially important with regard to the environments within hospitals and other healthcare facilities. The literature indicates that buildings with heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems may have an increased risk of sick building syndrome (SBS) and building-related illness (BRI) if they are not well maintained. Microorganisms are brought into hospitals by people, air currents, water, construction materials and equipment. The main objective of this study was to assess the degree of fungal and bacterial contamination in the University Clinical Centre in Banja Luka, which is directly connected to the HVAC system. Airborne bacteria and fungi in the indoor hospital environment were assessed experimentally. Air samples were collected during the winter season. This paper presents the results related to the concentration of microorganisms expressed in colony forming units per cubic metre of air sampled (in CFU/m) together with the microclimatic parameters temperature and relative humidity. The results of monitoring indicate the effectiveness of HVAC systems in reducing microbiological contamination.

Maja Stanisavljević, S. Janković, Dragana Milisavić, Marko Čađo, Zoran Kukrić, Dragan M. Stevic, Radovan Kukobat, Predrag Ilić et al.

Ana Lilić, P. Ilić, N. Prvulović, M. Hadžović, Bojan Ugrinić, Emilija Petković

The aim of this review paper is to determine the significance of game interruptions for scoring a goal during a football match by providing a detailed analysis of the relevant literature. The collection of compiled research articles covered the period between 2000 and 2018. The following electronic databases were used to search the relevant literature: PubMed, MEDLINE, Google Scholar, EBSCO, all referring to the period from 2000 to 2018. The search included both male and female players of different age categories. Scientific papers that were excluded from this analysis are the ones written in another language, those presenting results from the training sessions, but not from the competition matches, and the papers which did not analyze game interruptions. The results show statistically significant correlation between game interruptions and scoring a goal. The most goals were scored from free kicks, followed by corner kicks. About 30% of the goals from different competitions and games were achieved after a set play. The factors that have the highest effect on scoring goals after a set play are the number of players in the wall, a distance from the goal and the number of players in the field between the goalkeeper and the position of the free kick. The data showed little or no differences, expressed in percentages, in terms of correlation between male and female players, including both senior and junior categories. Game interruptions have a significant impact on scoring a goal. They are part of the standard game situation and as such they require special attention during analysis.

D. N. Markić, H. Čarapina, Draženko Bjelić, L. S. Bjelić, Predrag Ilić, Zeljka Sobot Pesic, Olivera Kikanovic

The main objectives of waste management are environmental preservation, the safeguarding of human health, and natural resources conservation. Material flow analysis/ substances flow analysis (MFA/SFA) method takes into account the consideration of the “metabolic” system of waste management, which means monitoring waste flows and substances within the model for waste management, and examining all inputs and outputs in the system, as well as their evaluation and comparison. Modeled scenarios in the Banjaluka region of the Republic of Srpska (RS) were developed in accordance with both the European Union (EU) and RS legislation, as well as relevant municipal waste management strategic documents. Modeled municipal solid waste (MSW) management scenarios are compared with the current waste management system. Using MFA/SFA (waste flow, carbon, and nitrogen), a complete view of flow, transformations, and final waste disposal and substances in modeled scenarios of waste management is realized. Results of this study suggest that in the future, more activity should be based on the separate collection and recycling, compared to the current, inadequate MSW management system that is based only on the disposal of waste. The combination of material and substance flows analyses is an effective tool in the decision-making process for the development and improvement of MSW management.

Predrag Ilić, D. N. Markić, L. S. Bjelić

Noise pollution may have negative impacts on human health and environmental. The primary aim ofthis study is was to determine and mapping the noise pollution in the urban part of the city Banja Lukain Bulevar Cara Dušana by evaluating noise levels in the boulevards. The aim of this investigation isalso compare measured noise levels in the boulevards with legislation. The measured values exceededthe level of noise allowed. Because they are at all measuring points at study area mixing two zones I(hospital, rehabilitation) and III (trading, business, housing and housing next to traffic corridors,warehouses excluding heavy transport) it can be concluded that the noise level values in this area arealarming.

Predrag Ilić, D. N. Markić, L. S. Bjelić

Levels of SO2 in air samples from urban zone of Banja Luka were determined at locality Center inBanja Luka (administrative center of the Republic of Srpska, in Bosnia and Herzegovina) which ishighly populated area, with intensive traffic and industry. Through experimental measuring, daily andweekend variation of SO2 concentration was determined. Daily variations are directly connected toregime and intensity of traffic and using fossil fuels. The paper presents measured average values ofsulfur dioxide, together with max and min values and relationship between some parameters of airquality and meteorological parameters, i. e. for pollution modelling together with meteorologicalparameters.

Tanja Maksimović, Predrag Ilić, Sanja Bajić

Atmospheric pollutants have a negative effect on the plants; they can have direct toxic effects, or indirectly by changing soil pH followed by solubilization of toxic salts of metals. Large number of studies have investigated the possible effects of ambient air pollution on  vegetation and air pollution in stomata number and size and stomatal apparatus. The primary aim of this study was to impact air pollution from the aspect of presence SO2, NOX, CO2, O3 and PM10 on vegetation in the city of Banja Luka and stomatal response to air pollution, through a review of existing research.

Predrag Ilić, S. Ilić, L. S. Bjelić

This paper investigates the impact of accidental release of chlorine gas in surrounding areas consequences of chlorine gas leak studying the negative effects on both the environment and individuals. Chlorine and its consequences have a far more reaching effect in society that one may have imagined. The ALOHA software has been used in this paper to modelling of chlorine release. The modelling was performed for an accidental release of 3.373 tons chlorine gas from unsheltered single storied for one hour. For a typical average atmospheric condition in location, this accidental chlorine release would cause a red zone of 3.0 kilometres (AEGL-3=20 ppm), orange zone of 7.1 kilometres (AEGL-2=2 ppm) and yellow zone stretching to greater than 10.0 kilometres (AEGL-1=0.5 ppm) to downwind from the source.

Predrag Ilić, D. N. Markić, L. S. Bjelić

Noise pollution, as a major environmental problem, is present in Banja Luka. The measured values exceeded the level of noise allowed, which is a great problem. Evaluation of the noise levels was carried out in the streets in the area with health institutions. Objectives of this research were to evaluate the environmental noise pollution in the City of Banja Luka due to traffic noise and to compare the measured noise levels in the city with legislation and to establish the connection between noise and the number of vehicles. Correlation between the noise level and number of vehicles was positive and significant during the study period (r=0.89). It is confirmed that, with the increase of the number of vehicle, the noise level increases, i.e. the decrease in the number of vehicle decreases the noise level.

Tanja Maksimović, Predrag Ilić, Sanja Bajić

Urban forests are part of the public city space and have multiple significance. Various roles of greenery (health, social, aesthetic, cultural, educational, etc.) improve the quality of life in the city. Urban forests can play key roles in mitigate stormwater runoff, improve air quality, reduces noise level, store carbon, etc. The system of green areas in a continuous and dynamic interaction with the built structure in a city. Because of the above, subject of the research is determining the state of greenery in the Banja Luka area and the changes that accompany it and to suggest the planning of green areas and protect them.

Predrag Ilić, Ljiljana Stojanović-Bjelić, Z. Janjuš

Environmental noise pollution, a form of air pollution, is a threat to health and well-being. The primary aim of this study was to determine noise pollution in the urban part of the city of Banja Luka in Jovana Dučića Street (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)) by evaluating noise levels in the street. The aim of this research is also to compare the measured noise levels in the street with legislation. The measured values exceeded the level of noise allowed. Results indicated that noise level values in this area near health institution are alarming.

J. Božič, Predrag Ilić, L. S. Bjelić

Noise pollution is one of the main environmental problems today.The main source of environmental noise is traffic noise, especially the noise of road vehicles. The continuing expansion of motorized transport in Europe and Republic of Srpska today, and especially the sharp increase in the use of private cars raises concerns about the health risks.The aim of the case study was to determine the noise level at the location „Borik“ in Banja Luka. The measured values indicate that the noise level in this street is alarming. This paper discusses health and well-being related impacts of traffic noise pollution as well as the economic and social benefits associated with its reduction. It summarizes the latest scientific evidence on the impact of road traffic-induced noise on physical and mental health as a reaction to the high level of traffic noise risks. According to the scientific evidence, road traffic is the main source of noise pollution in Europe that cause harmful health such as impaired communication and disturbed sleep, as well as adverse after effects such as fatigue and decreased performance, annoyance, hearing impairment, ischemic heart disease and hypertension. The effects of unhealthy noise level are reflected on living and working conditions, consequently affecting the economy.This paper highlights economic implications and health benefits linked to cross-functionalities in the process of noise reduction in urbanism, architecture and vehicle design and methods for its evaluation. Cost-benefit analysis would be a pivotal decision-making tool for the city road traffic and land-use decisions. Economic valuation is about identifying all preferences and translating them into a money measure, to create a common denominator for comparing the pros and cons. Any decision implicitly include a money value into health effects. A holistic approach is crucial, considering the various health and economic consequences together.

Predrag Ilić, J. Božič, S. Ilić

The aim of this study was to assess the microbiological contamination levels of indoor pollution in General hospital in Doboj-Department of Microbiology and Patoanatomy and Department of Microbiology with Parasitology of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Concentration of bacteria and fungi was determined in order to evaluate the microbiological quality of the air in the subject Hospital. Furthermore, correlation of airborne bacteria and fungi with environmental parameters (temperature, relative humidity) was investigated. Air samples were collected during the winter season (February, 2017) at nine different locations. Variation of microorganism in air samples was discussed, through experimental measuring. The paper presents the average values of bacteria and fungi (in CFU/m 3 ). Maximum, minimum and other statistical values are in correlation with microclimatic parameters. Variations are directly connected to relative humidity. The results of this study show the high level of microbiological contamination of the air. Increased ventilation, alongside with HVAC system and other hygiene measures in the subject hospital would significantly contribute to the improvement microbiological quality of the indoor air.

A. Majstorović, M. Todic, Predrag Ilić, Ljiljana Erić, Dijana Vukajlović

Compressed medical air1 must meet certain criteria defined by European standard EN 120212, it shouldn’t have any flavours or smell (odour). During filling bottle of breathing apparatus cylinders, it should be taken into account that vehicle exhaust gases, vapours of hazardous liquids, smoke and other harmful substances are not in the vicinity of the suction pipe cause they may get inside the cylinder of breathing apparatus and with their presence disrupt the microclimate (strictly defined parameters of medical air) and directly endanger the user. This isn’t the case with cylinders which are the subject of this research. However, with physical-chemical and microbiological results samples of CMA, it can be said with responsibility that the user of the bottle / cylinder for the isulation devices did not comply the above when charging them with the CMA nor did it replace the filters of the high-pressure compressor in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This directly threatened his own health, but also the health of other users. Irresponsibility in maintain compressors of high-pressure, brought to creation of gram-positive bacterias and mildews as well as strain of pathogenic bacterias in CMA inside of the bottle/cylinder. The metabolism of the bacterias inside of the bottle/cylinder also reflected on the physicalchemical characteristics of CMA.

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