
Publikacije (106)

Predrag Ilić, Tatjana Nišić, Z. Farooqi

The concentrations and composition of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in soils in an industrial zone. Total PCB concentrations (∑PCB congeners: PCB28, PCB52, PCB101, PCB118, PCB138, PCB153 and PCB180) varied in range from 0.26 to 6722 mg/kg in soil, with a median of 31.80 mg/kg. These values indicated that the soil is highly polluted. PCB in the subjected area was the result of anthropogenic activities. The principal component analysis showed that the commercial PCB products (PCB101, PCB118, PCB138, PCB153 and PCB180) are the main cause of pollution (PC1 factor), with 79.38% of total variance. The PC2 factor is in relation with the combustion (residential heating and fire in location), with 17.65% of total variance (lighter chlorinated congeners PCB52 and PCB28). Hierarchical cluster analysis indicated that the PCB congeners in the similar group might have similar sources, which was also confirmed by PCA.

Predrag Ilić, Z. Popović, D. Nešković Markić

Abstract The paper presents results of the measurements of the tropospheric ozone (O3) concentration and meteorological parameters: temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, speed and wind direction. The data were collected from January 2016 to December 2016 at station located in locality Centre (Banja Luka), Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ozone is one of the most harmful pollutants to plants and health and highly reactive secondary pollutant. The present study covers investigation of the relationship between the concentration of ozone and meteorological parameters as well as time variations of ozone concentration (by hours, months, seasons). This topic has not been studied up to now in this region, although the recent research data indicates that there is a correlation between them and previously obtained from the world’s relevant scientific centres, as already cited above. Statistical analysis confirms string of rolls, which shows directional connection between tropospheric ozone and meteorological parameters, specially temperature (r = 0.148), air pressure (r = –0.292) and relative humidity (r = –0.292). These parameters are the most important meteorological factors influencing the variation in ozone levels during the research. The correlation ozone concentrations with speed and direction of wind is not significant, like other parameters.

M. Hadžović, P. Ilić, Aleksandra Aleksić Veljkovic

Background. Monitoring the abilities of typically developed children is very important.Methods. This study aimed to determine the levels and differences in motor coordination of the upper extremities between first and third-grade primary school children using the subtest of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test (BOT-2). The sample included 79 healthy subjects of both sexes, chronological age ranging from seven to nine years, body height 134.51 ± 8.43 cm (Mean ± SD), bodyweight 33.01 ± 8.65 kg (Mean ± SD). The Mann–Whitney U test determined differences between groups, for the benefit of the group of third-grade subjects in all upper extremity coordination variables.Results. The results showed that differences in age and biological growth and development in young children in some variables of upper-limb coordination influenced medium size (2ULC, 6ULC, 7ULC), but in most of the variables examined they had great influence (1ULC. 3ULC, 4ULC, 5ULC, TULC) according to Cohen’s criterion.Conclusion. It can be concluded that well-organized and expertly guided physical activities, as well as regular testing of children when it comes to developing coordination, can influence early detection of movement difficulties and eliminate problems in acquiring new coordination skills, and thus create an appropriate base for engaging in sports activities while growing up. Keywords: motor development, coordination, physical education.

Predrag Ilić, Tatjana Nišić, S. Ilić, L. Stojanović Bjelić

Concentrations of dangerous and harmful substances (PCB, TPH and heavy metals) were determined in soils in an industrial zone near the center of Banja Luka and the Vrbas River. PCB, TPH and heavy metals were found in the analysis location as a result of general anthropogenic factors. Contaminated soils have a negative impact on human health and the environment. The mean concentrations of Pb, TPH, Cu, PCB, Ni, Cd and Hg were 4874, 4105, 545.7, 282.1, 225.7, 12.15 and 5.896 mg/kg, respectively. Results show that concentrations were very high for all analyzed parameters, and these values indicated that the soil was highly polluted. Principal component analysis has shown that industrial factors and human activities are the cause of pollution. At the location it is necessary to determine the origin of pollution and recultivation and remediation activity of planned activity.

L. S. Bjelić, Predrag Ilić, Z. Farooqi

Microorganisms in the air of occupational indoor environments are associated with a wide range of adverse health effects with major public health impact. The aim of this study was testing the presence of microbiological parameters (bacteria and fungi) and microclimatic parameters (temperature and relative humidity) in the clinical hospital “St. Luke the Apostle” in Doboj, which is located in the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Concentrations of bacteria ranged from 35 CFU/m3 to 6,295 CFU/m3. Maximum fungal concentration was 1,135 CFU/m3, while the minimum was 10 CFU/m3. The average levels of bacteria (1,113 CFU/m3) and fungi (186 CFU/m3) indicated that all hospital rooms were generally contaminated. Statistical analysis confirmed direct connection between the number of bacteria, fungi and microclimatic parameters, especially relative humidity.

Predrag Ilić, D. N. Markić, Z. Farooqi

For hospital personnel, a number of harmful chemicals exist. The paper deal with very different harmful chemicals, but all chemicals are important and continuing problems where the risks to health, if uncontrolled, are serious. In the research was used descriptive statistical operations and multivariate statistical method, factor analysis (FA), i.e. principal component analysis (PCA). An analysis of 24 organic and inorganic parameters was performed. Results of the correlation analysis suggest that these pollutants pairs might have similar sources or have been affected by similar factors. PCA she confirmed that the mutually correlated elements constitute a group of elements with a similar origin.

Predrag Ilić, D. N. Markić, L. S. Bjelić

Research subjects of this study are four representative locations in the industrial complex, in the city of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (∑16PAHs), humus and pH were determined. The main objective of the paper is to determine the concentration levels, to assess the probable sources of PAHs contamination in soil and groundwater and to determine the ecological risk. The ∑16PAHs in soil (at depths of 30 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm, 300 cm and 400 cm) ranged from 0.99 to 2.24 mg/kg, from 0.34 to 0.46, from 0.24 to 0.32, from 0.13 to 0.27 and from 0.13 to 0.47, with mean values of 1.70 mg/kg, 0.40 mg/kg, 0.28 mg/kg, 0.20 mg/kg and 0.26 mg/kg, respectively. The ∑16PAHs in groundwater ranged from 0.23 to 4.50 mg/m3, with a mean value of 1.42 mg/m3. Surface soil and groundwater are heavily contaminated. All values of ∑PAHs in soil layers were lower in the depths of the soil. Factor analysis indicates three sources of contamination, i.e. principal component (PC) PC1 (pyrogenic), PC2 (petrogenic) and PC3 (biomass), with 52.39%, 26.14% and 8.46% of the total variance, respectively. ∑PAH and PAHs indicate high ecological risk for most PAHs, which decreases with soil depth.

M. Hadžović, P. Ilić, Ana Lilić, Mima Stanković

The research results referring to frequency have indicated that most of the sports injuries among athletes of both genders occur in basketball and that knee injury is the second most frequent injury during sports activities. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) represents one of the four most important connections for knee stability, and it is frequently prone to injury during sports activities. The aim of this paper was to determine the effects of an exercise program on the prevention of injury to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint among young female basketball players. To collect existing research on the effects of the applications of prevention programs on the prevention of ACL injury in young female basketball players, the following electronic databases were searched: PubMed, SCIndeks, PEDro, J-GATE, DOAJ and Google Scholar. The analyzed studies were published between 2003 and 2018 and the participants were young female basketball players. According to the results of this study, the most frequently used training programs were neuromuscular programs, whose structure includes several types of exercises and which represented a combination of plyometric exercises, core strengthening exercises, exercises to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, agility exercises, flexibility exercises, and balance exercises. Finally, the application of the knee injury training program leads to an improvement in motor balance, proprioceptive abilities, balance, flexibility, as well as biomechanical abilities related to injuries of the ACL, leading to an improvement in sports performance among female basketball players.

M. Hadžović, Ana Lilić, N. Prvulović, P. Ilić, Mima Stanković

Numerous authors recommend participation in various types of aerobic exercise, pointing out their positive effects both in terms of the prevention of various illnesses, and in the improvement of one’s health status. The increasingly popular group fitness programs, as preprogrammed forms of physical exercise to music, have positive effects on body composition among women, such as a decrease in body mass and fat, and thus lead to an improvement in overall physical appearance. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of aerobic exercise to music on body composition and subcutaneous fat among young women. In order to compile data from existing research on the effects of aerobic exercise on young women, the following electronic databases were searched: PubMed, SCIndeks, PEDro, J-GATE, DOAJ and Google Scholar. The systematic review was undertaken in accordance with the statement of Preferred Reports for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Papers dating from 2006 to 2019 were analyzed. The research results confirm the positive influence of aerobic exercise to music on the parameters of body composition and subcutaneous fat among young women, irrespective of the overall duration of the exercise programs, with the conclusion that programs lasting up to 12 weeks are more effective when it comes to the decrease and maintenance of body weight, fat reduction, increase in muscle tissue, and lead to an improvement in aerobic abilities. The best effects of this type of exercise at an intensity level of 50 to 80% of maximum heart rate are primarily achieved among obese and overweight individuals.

Borko Katanic, P. Ilić, Aleksandar Stojmenović, Lora Kostić, Manja Vitasović

The study was conducted to identify differences in bilateral coordination between boys and girls in the first grade of primary school. The sample consisted of 30 first grade students, at the age of 7 years ± 6 months. The children were divided into two groups consisting of boys (14) and girls (16). The level of the children’s bilateral coordination was assessed using the Bilateral Coordination (7 variables) subtests that are part of the BOT-2 - the Bruininks-Oseretsky Motor Proficiency Test Battery. The tests are used as a standardized measure of the level of motor skills in children. The obtained data was processed in the SPSS 19 statistical programme, and the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine differences in bilateral coordination. After processing the data, it was noted that there are differences in bilateral coordination between boys and girls, but that they were not statistically significant. For more reliable results and, therefore, more conclusive results and conclusions, it is necessary to perform tests on a larger sample of children.

Borko Katanic, P. Ilić, Aleksandar Stojmenović, Manja Vitasović

The purpose of this systematic review is to point out the application of the Fitlight trainer system in sports. The following electronic databases were used to search the literature: Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline, Mendeley, 2014-2020. Following the selection procedure according to the relevant criteria, 22 studies were selected as fit to needs of this systematic review. A review of researches that used the Fitlight training system in sports has revealed a rather heterogeneous selection of topics. The results obtained are classified according to the sports in which the research was conducted. The results summary provided us with the insight into the multiple uses of the Fitlight system in sports as a training and measurement tool. It can be used in both individual and team sports. It can test sensory-cognitive and various motor skills: reaction speed, speed of single movement, speed of running, agility. Based on all of the information provided, the possibility of multiple applications of the Fitlight system in sports was highlighted.

Predrag Ilić, D. N. Markić, L. S. Bjelić, Z. Farooqi

This paper investigates the impact of accidental release of propane gas in surrounding areas consequences of propane gas leak studying the negative effects on both the environment and individuals. Subject of the research is impact of accidental release of propane gas in in business zone “Ramići-Banja Luka”, Banja Luka. The ALOHA software has been used in this paper to modelling of propane release. The modelling was performed for an accidental release of 4,000 kg propane from unsheltered single storied for one hour. For a typical average atmospheric condition in location, this accidental propane release would cause a red zone of 101 metres (AEGL-3=33,000 ppm), orange zone of 159 metres (AEGL-2=17,000 ppm) and yellow zone of 324 metres (AEGL-1=5,500 ppm) to downwind from the source.

Z. Popović, Predrag Ilić, Ranko Mirošljević, S. Gotovac-Atlagić

Intensity of electromagnetic pollution is followed by rapid increasing of new telecommunication technologies over the years. In order to prevent enlarged exposed of general population with doses of electromagnetic radiation above allowed for general population, living as well as working environment around antenna systems should be tested. Using sophisticated measurement equipment we measure intensity of electric field emitted from base station located at shopping center in urban zone of the Banja Luka city. Theoretical estimation of exposition was preceded to measurement procedure, resulting in mapping of exposure at different altitude around antenna system. This thorough investigation of electromagnetic pollution will become a part of typical systematic testing of high frequency non-ionizing radiation pollution. Tested area, around shopping center, where are located educational institution and sports center is found safe from emitted radiation.

Predrag Ilić, Z. Popović, S. Gotovac-Atlagić

The study presents results of the measurements of the atmospheric nitrogen dioxide concentration and simultaneous meteorological variables: average temperature, air pressure, and relative humidity, speed and wind direction. The data were collected from July 2015 to June 2017 at stations located in Banja Luka (locality Centre). Nitrogen dioxide is one of the major environmental pollutants which has negative impact on plants growth, atmospheric chemistry and climate change. Levels of nitrogen dioxide in air samples and meteorological variables from urban zone of Banja Luka were determined at locality, which is highly populated area, with intensive traffic. The study presents average measured values of nitrogen dioxide, together with maximal and minimal values and relationship between nitrogen dioxide and meteorological variables, i. e. for pollution modelling together with meteorological variables. Statistical analysis confirms string of rolls, which shows directional connection between nitrogen dioxide and meteorological variables. Correlation between nitrogen dioxide and temperature (r= -0.207), wind speed (r= -0.130) and relative humidity (r= -0.048) was negative and significant during the measurement period.

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