
Publikacije (106)

Theresa Klausner, H. Huntrieser, H. Aufmhoff, R. Baumann, A. Fiehn, K. Gottschaldt, P. Hedelt, Predrag Ilić et al.

<p>Sulfur dioxide (SO<sub>2</sub>) is known as a major air pollutant harmful to human health. Furthermore, it is a precursor gas of sulfate aerosol, which exerts a direct negative radiative forcing and thus leads to climate cooling. Anthropogenic SO<sub>2</sub> sources are primarily associated with the combustion of sulfur-rich fossil fuels. While the operation of flue gas desulfurization devices has led to large SO<sub>2</sub> reductions in western Europe, a hotspot of anthropogenic SO<sub>2</sub> sources remains in the Balkan region as recently observed from space by the TROPOMI instrument on the Sentinel-5P satellite. Large coal-fired power plants with no or only incomplete SO<sub>2</sub> removal cause these high emissions.</p><p>Targeting these strong emitters, the DLR Falcon 20 aircraft was equipped with an isotopically on-line calibrated Chemical Ionization Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (CI-ITMS) to obtain detailed in situ SO<sub>2</sub> observations during the METHANE-To-Go-Europe aircraft campaign in autumn 2020. These SO<sub>2</sub> measurements were complemented by in situ observations of greenhouse gases (CO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub>), aerosol number concentrations, and other short-lived pollutants (CO, NO, NO<sub>y</sub>). Two flights, on November 2<sup>nd</sup> and 7<sup>th</sup> 2020, focused on characterizing the pollution plumes downwind of two coal-fired power plants located in Bosnia-Herzegovina (Tuzla) and Serbia (Nikola Tesla), respectively. These power plants belong to the ten strongest SO<sub>2</sub> emitters in Europe, and according to the World Health Organization, both countries are among the most polluted ones in Europe.</p><p>We present a detailed analysis of the two DLR Falcon flights with strongly enhanced SO<sub>2</sub> mixing ratios (exceeding 50 ppb), which were observed at low flight altitude (<1 km). Respective flight patterns were designed to allow for the evaluation of the TROPOMI vertical SO<sub>2</sub> column densities, and both flights were performed during cloud-free conditions. The airborne measurements and satellite data will also be complemented by hourly ground-based SO<sub>2</sub> measurements near both power plants. In addition, measurements are combined with state-of-the art model simulations from (i) the regional atmospheric chemistry climate model MECO(n); (ii) the atmospheric transport and dispersion model HYSPLIT; and (iii) the chemistry coupled Weather Research and Forecasting model WRF-Chem to improve the emission quantification of these power plants.</p>

Z. Farooqi, I. Ahmad, N. Zeeshan, Predrag Ilić, M. Imran, M. Saeed

Noise pollution is an emerging global problem therefore, it is imperative to determine noise level especially in the urban environment and its implications on human health. The objectives of this study were i) to assess the urban noise pollution and traffic density of Chiniot and Jhang and ii) to determine non-auditory health effects of noise pollution on the residents of both cities. Noise pollution was examined from 181 locations (103 from Jhang and 78 from Chiniot) and categorized into hospitals, educational, religious and recreational, residential, industrial areas, and traffic intersections. Noise levels measurements were taken using integrated sound level meter. The urban noise data showed 82% of the sites in Jhang and 95% in Chiniot exceeded the noise limits set by NEQS-Pak and WHO. Moreover, higher intensity of noise pollution (≥ 100 dB) was recorded in Chiniot (17 sites) than in Jhang (1 site). Regression analysis showed relatively strong relationship of traffic density with noise at Chiniot (R2 = 0.48) compared to Jhang (R2 = 0.31). However, spatial variability of noise with traffic density was observed at both cities. Survey study revealed that all the respondents in Jhang and Chiniot suffered from many noise related health problems such as annoyance (53 and 51%), depression (45 and 47%), dizziness (61 and 65%), headache (67 and 64%), hypertension (71 and 56%), hearing loss (53 and 56%), physiological stress (65 and 65%), sleeplessness (81 and 84%), and tinnitus (70 and 62%) due to noise, respectively. It is concluded that noise pollution is higher in Chiniot due to high traffic density resulted from higher population density and cottage industry. It is recommended that vehicles maintenance, family and urban planning could be effective measures to reduce urban noise pollution.

Z. Popović, Predrag Ilić, Suzana Gotovac Atlagić, Slađana Rikić, Branko Radović

Rapid telecommunications developing during previous decades is followed by novel technology systems as well as enlargement of environmental non-ionized radiation level. Emitted electromagnetic signals from base stations are shifted to the higher frequencies range with limited penetrability, requiring additional strength which implicates increasing risk for human health. The present research shows the stage of electromagnetic pollution from exposed locations in the vicinity of the elementary school in Banja Luka, obtained both by experimental measurements and theoretical estimations. For theoretical prediction, a new upgraded software was developed for visualization in two and three dimensions of real space, where calculations are performed including all fundamental characteristics of the antenna along with environment characteristics.

Dušan Đorđević, Mima Stanković, P. Ilić

The aim of this research was to summarize the relevant literature on wrist injuries in gymnasts and to determine the prevalence of injuries based on a systematic review of previous research. In sports gymnastics, the upper extremities are the bearers of the whole body, which leads to consequences such as wrist injuries. The types of injuries are different, depending on its excessive use. The combination of a period of rapid growth and intensive training creates the conditions for gymnasts to be more prone to injuries, especially wrist injuries. Electronic search of papers was performed in databases: KoBSON, PubMed and Google Academic, and the studies were published in the period from 2010 to 2020, while a descriptive method was used to analyse the obtained data. Based on the database search, 14 studies met the criteria. Subjects who participated in questionnaires and experiments and different types of corrective treatment, sought to prevent further progression of the injury, and most subjects made major progress in suppressing or completely regressing their wrist injury. Raising awareness of the existence of this injury is of great importance in sport gymnastics, so early detection and prevention of injury is crucial.

Z. Farooqi, A. Qadeer, M. Hussain, N. Zeeshan, Predrag Ilić

Borko Katanic, P. Ilić, Lora Kostić, Aleksandar Stojmenović, Mima Stanković, Manja Vitasović

The aim of this study was to determine the impact of exercising on the back pain. Tools used for the literature review are electronic databases: Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline, Mendeley, for the time period from 2010 to 2019. After the selection of papers regarding the criteria, 20 studies that suit the needs of this systematic review were selected. Therapeutic training for relieving back pain is very heterogeneous, a total of 12 different therapeutic exercise programs were conducted. The most used programs are pilates and conventional (traditional) program for relieving back pain, followed by stabilization exercises, as well as other methods, such as: sling method, motor control exercises, stretching exercises, segment stabilization, as well as combined programs. Based on the analysis of the research conducted so far, it has been determined that exercising has positive impact in decreasing pain intensity and the level of disability, on the increase of the maximum strength, durability and trunk flexibility, as well as on the improvement of the overall health related functionality of patients with back pain. It has been concluded that program of exercises has a multiple positive impact on the health of patients with the chronical back pain and that exercising to these patients is, therefore, recommended.

Borko Katanić, Univerzitet u Nišu Srbija Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, P. Ilić, Aleksandar Stojmenović, Mima Stanković, Manja Vitasović, Srbija Beograd

Cilj ove pregledne studije bio je da ukaže na primenu elektromiografa u fudbalu. Za pretraživanje literature korišćene su sledeće elektronske baze podataka: Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline, Mendeley u periodu od 2005. do 2019. godine. Nakon procedure selekcije radova u odnosu na odgovarajuće kriterijume, odabrano je 20 studija koje odgovaraju potrebama ovog sistematskog preglednog istraživanja. Mišići koji su najviše bili ispitivani su: m.musculus quadriceps, m.biceps femoris, m.gastrocnemius, m.tibalis anterior i m. gluteus maximus. Pregledom je uočen prilično heterogen izbor tema kada je u pitanju uloga EMG u fudbalu, pa su i njihovi ostvareni rezultati grupisani prema određenim karakteristikama. S tim u vezi rezultati su razvrstani prema sledećim temama: akutni efekti specifične fudbalske aktivnosti, uticaj fudbalskog treninga snage, trening udaraca po lopti nogom, rezultati u odnosu na polne razlike i ostale teme koje nije bilo moguće razvrstati u pomenute grupe. Sumiranjem dosadašnjih rezultata stiče se uvid u višestruku primenu EMG u fudbalu sa ciljem što kvalitetnije analize neuro-mišićne aktivacije.

Borko Katanic, P. Ilić, Aleksandar Stojmenović, Mima Stanković, Manja Vitasović, Serbia Equestrian Club Gorska Team

The aim of this systematic review was to indicate and discuss the use of electromyogram in football. For the literature review, following electronic databases were used: Google School, PubMed, Medline and Mendeley for the period from 2005. to 2019. 20 papers were selected for this systematic review based on the established criteria. These studies focused the most on researching the following muscles: m.musculus quadriceps, m.biceps femoris, m.gastrocnemius, m.tibalis anterior and m. gluteus maximus. The review has determined quite a heterogenic choice of topics when it comes to the use of the electromyogram (herein after referred to as: EMG) in football, so the obtained results were grouped based on the similar characteristics. Therefore, the results were categorized according to the following topics: acute effects of the specific football activity, impact of the football strength training, training of kicking on the ball, results based on the difference in sexes, while the rest of the results were sorted in the joint group. Summarizing of the obtained results provides the insight in the multiple possibility for use of EMG in football in order to develop high quality analysis of the neuro-muscle activation of a certain muscle regions of the football players.

Aleksandra Aleksić Veljkovic, Dušanka Đurović, F. Bíró, Katarina S. Stojanović, P. Ilić

Purpose: Research has suggested that in female athletes from aesthetic sports the prevalence of disordered eating attitudes is higher than in female athletes from other sports, mainly due to sport related factors like extreme training and practicing sports associated with high pressure and the idea that “being thin leads to success”. The study was conducted to examine the prevalence of disturbed eating attitudes and their relationship with body image concerns in aesthetic and non-aesthetic female athletes. Methods: 54 female athletes from aesthetic sports (synchronized swimming, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, and dance), as well as 66 female athletes from non-aesthetic sports (volleyball, track and field, and soccer), completed the Eating Attitudes Test, the Body Shape Questionnaire, and the Figure Rating Scale (a visual scale used to assess body image dissatisfaction and body image dissatisfaction in relation to sport). Results: The results indicated that aesthetic athletes scored significantly higher than those involved in non-aesthetic sports in Dieting, and in Body Image Dissatisfaction. Moreover, aesthetic athletes demonstrated significantly lower BMI mean scores. Significant correlations were found between Body Mass Index and Oral Control, Body Image Dissatisfaction and Body Image Dissatisfaction in relation to Sport, and between Eating Attitudes Test and the Body Shape Questionnaire results in aesthetic athletes. Furthermore, significant associations were found between Body Mass Index and Body Shape Questionnaire, Body Image Dissatisfaction and Body Image Dissatisfaction in relation to Sport, and Eating Attitudes Test and Body Shape Questionnaire in non-aesthetic athletes. Conclusion: The study confirmed the relationship between body image concerns and pathological eating attitudes among female aesthetic sport athletes.

Predrag Ilić, D. Nešković Markić, L. Stojanović Bjelić, Z. Farooqi

This study examined the concentrations of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil and groundwater at a former cellulose factory in the city of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The objective of the study was to determine the concentrations of 16 PAHs in soil and groundwater at the site. The research area consisted of four representative locations in the industrial complex where the soil was sampled at depths of 0.3, 1, 2, 3, and 4 m and groundwater was sampled at 3.10, 2.50 and 3 m for two samples. In addition to the 16 PAHs, soil organic matter content and pH were also measured. The sum of the 16 PAHs (Σ16PAHs) in soil ranged from 0.99 to 2.24, 0.34 to 0.46, 0.24 to 0.32, 0.13 to 0.27 and 0.13 to 0.47 mg/kg for the 0.3, 1, 2, 3, and 4 m depths, respectively. Mean values were 1.70, 0.40, 0.28, 0.20 and 0.26 mg/kg, respectively. The Σ16PAHs in groundwater ranged from 0.23 to 4.50 mg/m3, with a mean value of 1.42 mg/m3. The concentrations of all 16 PAHs in the soil decreased with depth and there was no significant correlation between the concentrations of PAHs in the soil and groundwater. The concentrations of PAHs in the soil surface (0.3 m) and groundwater indicate that this industrial site is heavily contaminated and might need remedial action. Factor analysis indicates three sources of contamination, i.e. principal component (PC) PC1 (pyrogenic), PC2 (petrogenic) and PC3 (biomass), with 52.39%, 26.14% and 8.46% of the total variance, respectively. The results of this study reflect the effects of coal combustion (pyrogenic origin), petrogenic and biomass origin and may provide basic data for the remediation of PAHs in the location.

Borko Katanic, Dusanka Milenkovic, P. Ilić, Manja Vitasović

The study aim was to determine the effectiveness of vibration training on changes in strength in individuals of both sexes. Vibration training is a modern form of training that is becoming more and more widespread and frequent, and involves the application of vibrational stimulations of a certain form to cause functional and structural changes. It is used during strength training, where it can act in isolation on individual muscle regions or as whole body vibrational training. These observations provide an opportunity to apply a new method in training to improve the training itself and thus the performance of the athletes. The impact of this training on motor skills, and even strength, as one of the most studied areas, has not been extensively researched. This paper analyzes 14 studies on the effects of vibrational training on the change in power, and the papers are systematically analyzed. A review of research conducted in the field of this training shows that the effects of such training methods show in both professional and recreational athletes. In most of the studies analyzed, training has shown significant changes in power as well as in other motor skills.

Predrag Ilić, Tatjana Nišić, Z. Farooqi

The levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in the industrial zone, near the center of Banja Luka and river Vrbas, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the presented research, the total concentration of the PAHs in research area ranged from 0.356 to 11.49 mg/kg, with mean values of 1.99 mg/kg indicated that soil was heavily contaminated (max limit 1 mg/kg) and polluted with pollutant of class III ranging from 1 to 5 mg/kg. The possible sources of PAHs in the soils were estimated by using diagnostic ratios (LMW/HMW (low/high molecular weights), Fluo/(Fluo+Pyr) (fluoranthene/(fluoranthene+pyrene)), BaA/(BaA+Chr) (benzo[a]anthracene/(benzo[a] anthracene+chrysene)) and IcdP/(IcdP+BghiP) (indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene/(indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene + benzo[g,h,i]perylene))) and factor analysis (principal component analysis). The ratios showed that the PAHs in soil have both pyrogenic and petrogenic sources. Pyrogenic source is predominant. Petrogenic sources also have a significant contribution in the study area. Principal component analysis has shown that both industrial and human activities are the cause of pollution. The first factor is in relation to burning (pyrogenic origin). This factor explained 76.72% of total variance. The second factor is petrogenic, with 7.81% of total variance. PAHs in research area is a result of in general anthropogenic factors.

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