
Publikacije (22)

Andrej A. Gajić, S. Lelo, A. Joksimovic, A. Pešić, J. Tomanić, H. Beširović, B. Dragičević

Angular rough shark, Oxynotus centrina (Linnaeus, 1758), is a poorly known and rare bathydemersal shark inhabiting continental shelves and upper slopes with a significant lack of data and almost no published records in the Adriatic Sea in this century. In this paper, we present 20 new occurrences recorded from May 2015 to September 2021, of which 19 are in Croatian and 1 in Montenegrin territorial waters. Records of juveniles, subadults and adults are reported. The number of described records and available data on HSI/BMI calculations points out that the living conditions are probably most favoured in the area off the Kornati archipelago (central Adriatic Sea), compared to the habitats in the Southern Adriatic where the populations might have significantly lower density. Due to the non-systematic research and non-probabilistic data collection, it is difficult to establish with certainty whether greater number of records in the continental shelf is just an ostensible phenomenon. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

D. Maes, R. Verovnik, M. Wiemers, Dimitri Brosens, S. Beshkov, S. Bonelli, J. Buszko, Lisette Cantú‐Salazar et al.

D. Maes, R. Verovnik, M. Wiemers, Dimitri Brosens, S. Beshkov, S. Bonelli, J. Buszko, Lisette Cantú‐Salazar et al.

M. Kučinić, A. Previšić, W. Graf, Iva Mihoci, Marin Šoufek, Svjetlana Stanić-Koštroman, S. Lelo, Simon Vitecek et al.

In this study we present morphological, molecular and ecological features of the last instar larvae of Drusus bosnicus with data about distribution of this species in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We also included  the most important diagnostic features enabling separation of larvae of D. bosnicus from larvae of the other European Drusinae and Trichoptera species.

A. Delić, R. Šanda, Matija Bučar, Iva Mihoci, Marina Vilenica, J. Vukić, S. Lelo, M. Kučinić

1Faculty of Teacher Education, Department in Petrinja, University of Zagreb, Trg Matice hrvatske 12, 44250 Croatia 2Department of Zoology, National Museum, Vaclavske nam. 68, 115 79 Prague 1, Czech Republic 3Croatian Natural History Museum, Demetrova 1, 100000 Zagreb, Croatia 4Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Vinicna 7, 128 44 Prague 2, Czech Republic 5Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 33, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 6Department of Biology (Laboratory for Entomology), Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

M. Kašić-Lelo, S. Lelo, A. Vesnić

From April to September of 2008 and 2009 samples of family Cetoniidae Leach, 1815 were collected on the vertical profile of the southern slopes of Mount Ozren near Sarajevo. Research was conducted at six selected localities: Orlovac, Nahorevo, Cavljak, Skakvac, Bukovik and Crepoljsko. After 41 field investigations, 594 individuals were collected and determined as representatives of seven species. Collected data were processed with statistical software Biodiversity Pro and with options Diversity/Compare diversities: Alpha index; Berger-Parker index; Simpsons index; Margaleff index; Mackintosh index; Bray-Curtis Cluster Analysis: Single Link. By comparison of data it was concluded that Skakavac represents the typical locality for southern slopes of Mount Ozren. The species Oxythyrea funesta (Poda, 1761) is the most numerous faunistic element that was found.

S. Lelo, Anja Krunić, D. Kotrošan

When Arianta arbustorum (LINNAEUS) was first found in Bosnia and Herzegovina (KOTROSAN 2001), the analyzed specimens displayed a normal variation, although the number of examined individuals was small (11 immature and 12 adult individuals). At this time a detailed study was carried out over a statistically relevant sample. More precise morphological (and statistical) data were presented, relating to the variation of specific morphological characteristics of the above mentioned species, gathered from several populations found in areas of Sarajevo and Visoko (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The results are presented in this article. Introduction Arianta arbustorum (LINNAEUS 1758) is a widespread species of land snails, whose shells have highly variable morphological characteristics (shape, color, size BAMINGER 1997). This species also shows a high degree of adaptation to different life conditions such as type of habitat and altitude. Some of its known habitats include deciduous forests, humid meadows, rocks, and gardens with altitudes of up to 2,700 m above sea level (FECHTER & FALKNER 1990, SCHLESCH 11921). The species has shown a variation in morphological characteristics of its shell, and numerous subspecies and varieties have been described. For example, according to a list made for Austria (REISCHÜTZ 1998) the following subspecies are known: Arianta arbustorum arbustorum (LINNAEUS 1758); A. a. styriaca (KOBELT 1876); A. a. alpicola (A. FERUSSAC 1821); A. a. picea (ROSSMÄSSLER 1837). However, it is necessary to emphasize that there are different arguments regarding the status of the subspecies. This problem became especially obvious after certain combined population and morphological studies (BISENBERGER 1993). The individual subspecies were hence determined according to the statistical analysis of the degree of variation of the selected morphological characteristics. 15 ©Erste Vorarlberger Malakologische Gesellschaft, download unter www.zobodat.at

A. Vesnić, S. Lelo

Study of myrmecofauna in the southwest part of the Balkan Peninsula has a long tradition but it is also characterised by a small number of studies of exclusively faunistic character. Analysis of material collected at Popovo Polje yielded the first record of Prenolepis nitens (Mayr, 1853) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Subsequent analysis of literature data showed that the species inhabits all of the countries of the western Balkans: Slovenia (Ljubljana), Croatia (wider area of Zagreb and Dalmatia), Montenegro (Kotor) and Serbia (Stara planina). Discovery of Prenolepis nitens (Mayr, 1853) in Bosnia and Herzegovina represents irrefutable evidence of continuity in the distribution area of the species along the southern boarder of the Balkan peninsula and it also makes a significant contribution to the knowledge of distribution of Prenolepis nitens (Mayr, 1853) species across the surveyed area.

This paper gives an overview of previous research on the stag beetle Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It covers the analysis undertaken of 11 exomorphological characteristics of 65 individuals (34 males and 31 females) of the Bosnian metapopulation which are examined and discussed. The final part of the paper provides a map of the distribution of this species in Bosnia and Herzegovina and reviews the threat status of this species in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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