
Publikacije (89)

F. Krupic, A. Sayed-Noor, Nabi Fatahi

BACKGROUND Transplantation of organs is one of the most successful medical advances of the past 60 years and transplantation is the treatment of choice for severe organ failure worldwide. Despite this situation, and the general acknowledgement of organ donation as a global priority, demand for organs outstrips supply in virtually every country in the world. AIM The aim of the study was to elucidate factors that influence immigrant's decisions regarding organ donation. METHODS Data were collected through three group interviews using open-ended questions and qualitative content analysis. 32 participants, 16 men and 16 women from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Somalia, Lebanon and Kosovo participated in focus group interviews (FGI). RESULTS Analysis of the collected data resulted in two main categories: 'Information about organ donation' and 'Religious aspects of organ donation and a number of subcategories'. Some of the influencing factors concerning organ donation were mainly related to limited information from society as well as limited information from healthcare professionals. Religious aspects, fear and prejudices about organ donation were other factors that mentioned by participants as hamper regarding organ donation. CONCLUSION In order to improve immigrants' attitude towards organ donation, information about this issue and identification of the hampering factors, particularly culturally related factors such as the religious aspect, is essential. In this context, different intervention studies are needed to increase monitories groups' attitude towards organ donations.

K. Samuelsson, R. Magnussen, Eduard Alentorn-Geli, F. Krupic, K. Spindler, C. Johansson, M. Forssblad, J. Karlsson

Background: It is not clear whether Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) results will be different 1 or 2 years after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Purpose: To investigate within individual patients enrolled in the Swedish National Knee Ligament Register whether there is equivalence between KOOS at 1 and 2 years after primary ACL reconstruction. Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2. Methods: This cohort study was based on data from the Swedish National Knee Ligament Register during the period January 1, 2005, through December 31, 2013. The longitudinal KOOS values for each individual at the 1- and 2-year follow-up evaluations were assessed through the two one-sided test (TOST) procedure with an acceptance criterion of 4. Subset analysis was performed with patients classified by sex, age, graft type, and type of injury (meniscal and/or cartilage injury). Results: A total of 23,952 patients were eligible for analysis after exclusion criteria were applied (10,116 women, 42.2%; 13,836 men, 57.8%). The largest age group was between 16 and 20 years of age (n = 6599; 27.6%). The most common ACL graft was hamstring tendon (n = 22,504; 94.0%), of which the combination of semitendinosus and gracilis was the most common. A total of 7119 patients reported on the KOOS Pain domain at both 1- and 2-year follow-ups, with a mean difference of 0.21 (13.1 SD, 0.16 SE [90% CI, −0.05 to 0.46], P < .001). The same results were found for the other KOOS subscales: symptoms (mean difference −0.54, 14.1 SD, 0.17 SE [90% CI, −0.81 to −0.26], P < .001), activities of daily living (mean difference 0.45, 10.8 SD, 0.13 SE [90% CI, 0.24 to 0.66], P < .001), sports and recreation (mean difference −0.35, 22.7 SD, 0.27 SE [90% CI, −0.79 to 0.09], P < .001), quality of life (mean difference −0.92, 20.0 SD, 0.24 SE [90% CI, −1.31 to −0.53], P < .001), and the combined KOOS-4 score (mean difference −0.41, 14.5 SD, 0.17 SE [90% CI, −0.70 to −0.13], P < .001). Analyses within specific subsets of patients showed equivalent results between the 2 follow-up evaluations. Conclusion: Equivalent results within patients were found in KOOS values at 1- and 2-year follow-ups after ACL reconstruction. The finding was consistent across all KOOS subscales and for all evaluated subsets of patients. This result implies that there is no additional value in capturing both 1- and 2-year KOOS outcomes after ACL reconstruction. However, these findings of equivalence at 1- and 2-year endpoints do not alleviate the need for longer follow-up periods.

A. Bajraktarević, Fuad Husic, Djana Firdus Tiric, M. Miokovic, S. Putica, F. Krupic, G. Todosijevic, Elma Sarajlic et al.

Introduction Scott Aarskog syndrome is an X-linked disorder characterised by short stature, hypertelorism, shawl scrotum in boys and brachydactyly. Syndrome is a genetic abnormality and the condition cannot be cured by optimal way. Aims The aim of this paper is to describe an extremely rare syndrome especially with mild mental retardation. Methods In two cases, the twin brothers and cousins girls where genetically established Scott Aarskog syndrome were made IQ tests in relation to the age of the children. Normally at this syndrome is very rare mental retardation. Results Boys with Scott Aarskog syndrome have had a rounded face with a broad forehead, but girls has no had. IQ test results showed that the twins, seven years old had IQ 69 or 71, a girl six years ald girl cousin 78. Affected twin brothers also have an abnormally long groove in the upper lip or philtrum and a broad nasal bridge. Tissue webbing between fingers and joint hypermobility with a pronounced hyperextension, flexion of the interphalangeal joints and brachydactyly in girl and both boys. The major signs of this X-linked condition are short stature. Musculoskeletal anomalies such as cervical vertebral anomalies, discrete spina bifida occulta, mild pectus excavatum, milder genu recurvatum, moderate joint restriction were presented in all three children relatives. Conclusions The prognosis of this disease is very bad with something shorter life, reduced everyday abilities for regular jobs, and in this case less severe retardation with disabilities to attend regular school and obtaining the title of the working capacity. Usually IQ in children is normal so this is a rare case that still occurs in Scott Aarskog syndrome.

Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, E. Hamrin Senorski, O. Ayeni, Eduard Alentorn-Geli, F. Krupic, Fredrik Norberg, J. Karlsson, K. Samuelsson

Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction (ACLR) using a hamstring tendon (HT) autograft is an effective and widespread method. Recent studies have identified a relationship between the graft diameter and revision ACLR. Purpose: To evaluate the influence of the graft diameter on revision ACLR and patient-reported outcomes in patients undergoing primary ACLR using HT autografts. Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted using the Swedish National Knee Ligament Register (SNKLR) involving all patients undergoing primary ACLR using HT autografts. Patients with graft failure who needed revision surgery (cases) were compared with patients not undergoing revision surgery (controls). The control group was matched for sex, age, and graft fixation method in a 3:1 ratio. Conditional logistic regression was performed to produce odds ratios and 95% CIs. Univariate linear regression analyses were performed for patient-related outcomes. The Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and EuroQol 5 dimensions questionnaire (EQ-5D) values were obtained. Results: A total of 2240 patients were included in which there were 560 cases and 1680 controls. No significant differences between the cases and controls were found for sex (52.9% male), mean age (21.7 years), and femoral and tibial fixation. The mean graft diameter for the cases was 8.0 ± 0.74 mm and for the controls was 8.1 ± 0.76 mm. In the present cohort, the likelihood of revision surgery for every 0.5-mm increase in the HT autograft diameter between 7.0 and 10.0 mm was 0.86 (95% CI, 0.75-0.99; P = .03). Univariate linear regression analysis found no significant regression coefficient for the change in KOOS or EQ-5D values. Conclusion: In a large cohort of patients after primary ACLR with HT autografts, an increase in the graft diameter between 7.0 and 10.0 mm resulted in a 0.86 times lower likelihood of revision surgery with every 0.5-mm increase. This study provides further evidence of the importance of the HT autograft size in intraoperative decision making.

F. Krupic, K. Samuelsson, Nabi Fatahi, Olof Skoldenberg, A. Sayed-Noor

Background: According to the UNHCR, 250 million people currently live outside their country of birth. The growing multicultural population poses a major challenge to healthcare professionals who aim to provide individualized, holistic care, which respects the individual’s autonomy. To ensure basic rights, healthcare interventions should be guided by the value of benefiting others; individuals should be treated honestly, equally, and impartially. Objective: To investigate immigrant doctors’ experiences of using interpreters in the Swedish health-care system. Material and Methods: Twenty-eight doctors, 12 men and 16 women from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia participated in four focus group interviews (FGI). The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed and analyzed using content analysis method. Results: The best results in the present study were achieved in situations where a professional interpreter was involved. In some cases, the doctors were forced to use relatives or a colleague to interpret, which in many cases proved to be a mistake. The consequences of poor interpretation routines included payment by mistake, a patient paying an interpreter who refused to interpret, time spent waiting for another interpreter, as well as disturbances to the daily work schedule. Finding someone who could replace an interpreter who did not show up caused time shortage and increased stress. Conclusions: Improved routines and more effective cooperation between interpreting services and health-care centers are needed in order to ensure that using professional interpreters guarantees appropriate, high quality care. Improvements are needed to provide satisfactory health-care to people with limited language skills. In order to achieve this, better education of interpreters is needed, especially regarding cultural diversity and medical terminology. These improvements present complex challenges, deserving empirical and critical reflection in order to improve the work situation for doctors.

Bariq Al-Amiry, Sarwar S. Mahmood, F. Krupic, A. Sayed-Noor

Background Restoration of femoral offset (FO) and leg length is an important goal in total hip arthroplasty (THA) as it improves functional outcome. Purpose To analyze whether the problem of postoperative leg lengthening and FO reduction is related to the femoral stem or acetabular cup positioning or both. Material and Methods Between September 2010 and April 2013, 172 patients with unilateral primary osteoarthritis treated with THA were included. Postoperative leg-length discrepancy (LLD) and global FO (summation of cup and FO) were measured by two observers using a standardized protocol for evaluation of antero-posterior plain hip radiographs. Patients with postoperative leg lengthening ≥10 mm (n = 41) or with reduced global FO >5 mm (n = 58) were further studied by comparing the stem and cup length of the operated side with the contralateral side in the lengthening group, and by comparing the stem and cup offset of the operated side with the contralateral side in the FO reduction group. We evaluated also the inter-observer and intra-observer reliability of the radiological measurements. Results Both observers found that leg lengthening was related to the stem positioning while FO reduction was related to the positioning of both the femoral stem and acetabular cup. Both inter-observer reliability and intra-observer reproducibility were moderate to excellent (intra-class correlation co-efficient, ICC ≥0.69). Conclusion Post THA leg lengthening was mainly caused by improper femoral stem positioning while global FO reduction resulted from improper positioning of both the femoral stem and the acetabular cup.

M. Hagelberg, Alexandra Thune, F. Krupic, B. Salomonsson, O. Sköldenberg

Introduction Fractures of the radial head and neck are the most common fractures of the elbow, and account for approximately one-third of all elbow fractures. Depending on the fracture type the treatment is either conservative or surgical. There is no absolute consensus regarding optimal treatment for different fracture types. The aim of this protocol is to present the method that will be used to collect, describe and analyse the current evidence regarding the treatment of Mason II–III radial head and neck fractures. Method and analysis We will conduct a systematic review in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocol (PRISMA-P) guidelines statement. We will search a number of databases with a predefined search strategy to collect both randomised and non-randomised studies. The articles will be summarised with descriptive statistics. If applicable a meta-analysis will be conducted. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval is not required since this is a protocol for a systematic review and no primary data will be collected. The authors will publish findings from this review in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Trial registration number CRD42016037627.

Sahmir Šadić, J. Sadic, Rasim Krupic, Nabi Fatahi, F. Krupic

Introduction: Transplantation of organs is the treatment of choice for severe organ failure worldwide. Aim: The aims of the present study were to determine the influence of religion on attitudes towards organ donation among staff at schools in Tuzla. Material and Methods: In the Tuzla region there are 42 schools and 1580 school staff. A total of 21 schools were selected randomly, which were stratified by geographical location. 499 employees were invited to participate in the study, and 475 agreed to participate. According to the definition of their attitude towards religion the subjects were divided into three groups: non-religious, only religious and practical believers. Results: None of the subjects possesses a donor card. To the question whether the subjects support the idea of organ transplantation, most replied that they support the idea of donating organs both during life and after death. Regarding this question there is a significant difference between the groups (p = 0.0063). To the question whether they are prepared to donate an organ of a deceased family member, most replied that they would consent to donating an organ, whilst a significant number also replied that they were not sure. The results show that there is no significant difference between the replies given by the groups (p = 0.7694). To the question regarding to whom they were prepared to donate an organ, most said they were prepared to donate one to a member of their family, then to a close relative, whilst the least would donate to a stranger. The results show that there is a significant difference between the groups (p = 0.0002). Conclusion: In order to reduce the wide disparity between the need and organ donation amongst other things a more active relationship is necessary between health workers, religious officials and school staff.

Åsa Thelaus, T. Pettersson, M. Gordon, F. Krupic, O. Sköldenberg

We investigated if a femoral nerve block (FNB) for patients with a proximal femoral fracture (PFF) and administered by an orthopaedic registrar (OR) instead of an anaesthesiology registrar (AR) lowers the lead time to block and reduces the total amount of rescue analgesics during the preoperative phase. 205 patients were included in a prospective observational cohort study. The main outcome variable was rescue analgesics as total intravenous morphine prior to surgery. All results were adjusted for confounding using age, sex, cognitive dysfunction, and ASA classification. The OR group (n = 135) was over 2 hours faster in performing the block compared to the AR group (n = 70) but was nonetheless correlated with an increased amount of rescue analgesics during the study, 2.4 mg morphine (95% CI 0.0–4.9) more compared to the AR group. We found no difference between the groups in the risk of adverse events. We conclude that, for patients with an acute PFF and with morphine consumption as end point, how soon from arrival to hospital the patients receive a FNB is of lesser importance than who is administering it. Based on our results we recommend that emergency hospitals should have routines for anaesthesiologists performing FNB on this frail patient group.

A. Bajraktarević, S. Užičanin, F. Krupic, A. Abduzaimovic, E. Beslagic, I. Suljević, A. Mašala

S. Delibegović, Anhel Koluh, E. Čičkušić, M. Kati̇ca, Jasminka Mustedanagić, F. Krupic

Abstract Background: After laparoscopic repair of an incisive hernia, intraperitoneal prosthetic mesh, as a foreign material, is a strong stimulus for the development of adhesion, which may be the cause of serious complications. This experimental study compared three different meshes and their ability to prevent the formation of adhesion and shrinkage. Methods: Ninety rats were divided randomly into three groups: in Group 1 Proceed mesh was implanted, in Group 2 Ultrapro mesh was implanted, and in Group 3 TiMesh was implanted. Mesh samples were fixed as an intraabdominal mesh in the upper part of the abdomen. Ten animals from each group were sacrificed on days 7, 28 and 60 post-surgery. After opening the abdomen, the formation of adhesion was assessed according to the Surgical Membrane Study Group (SMSG) score, the percentage of shrinkage of the mesh was established and inflammatory reaction scored. Results: The SMSG score for adhesion was statistically significantly higher on all the postoperative days in the Proceed and Ultrapro mesh groups than in the TiMesh group which caused milder inflammatory reaction on 60th day than others meshes. The size of the mesh after 7 days was statistically significantly smaller in the Proceed and Ultrapro groups than in the TiMesh group, but after 60 days it was statistically significantly larger than in the TiMesh group. Conclusion: The least formation of adhesion was noted in the TiMesh group, in which the highest level of shrinkage was noticed after 28 and 60 days. TiMesh has advantages over the other meshes studied, but a larger size mesh may be recommended for intraperitoneal application.

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