
Publikacije (27)

J. Velagić, Haris Balta

This paper treats the problem of 3D outdoor environment mapping using images acquired by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The main focus is on the generation of 3D model for large scale environments. In order to perform 3D model reconstruction and mapping from 2D aerial images we employed a Structure from Motion (SfM) based approach. The obtained results using this approach for different scenarios, the rubble field and village, are presented. The generated UAV 3D point cloud data are compared with the ground truth using the least square method, where the ground truth represents a reference model with high accuracy geodetic precision. The comparison of the 3D environment models with the rubble field and village scenarios and the ground truth data is also given.

Haris Balta, J. Velagić, Halil Beglerovic, G. D. Cubber, B. Siciliano

The paper proposes a novel framework for registering and segmenting 3D point clouds of large-scale natural terrain and complex environments coming from a multisensor heterogeneous robotics system, consisting of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles. This framework involves data acquisition and pre-processing, 3D heterogeneous registration and integrated multi-sensor based segmentation modules. The first module provides robust and accurate homogeneous registrations of 3D environmental models based on sensors’ measurements acquired from the ground (UGV) and aerial (UAV) robots. For 3D UGV registration, we proposed a novel local minima escape ICP (LME-ICP) method, which is based on the well known iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm extending it by the introduction of our local minima estimation and local minima escape mechanisms. It did not require any prior known pose estimation information acquired from sensing systems like odometry, global positioning system (GPS), or inertial measurement units (IMU). The 3D UAV registration has been performed using the Structure from Motion (SfM) approach. In order to improve and speed up the process of outliers removal for large-scale outdoor environments, we introduced the Fast Cluster Statistical Outlier Removal (FCSOR) method. This method was used to filter out the noise and to downsample the input data, which will spare computational and memory resources for further processing steps. Then, we co-registered a point cloud acquired from a laser ranger (UGV) and a point cloud generated from images (UAV) generated by the SfM method. The 3D heterogeneous module consists of a semi-automated 3D scan registration system, developed with the aim to overcome the shortcomings of the existing fully automated 3D registration approaches. This semi-automated registration system is based on the novel Scale Invariant Registration Method (SIRM). The SIRM provides the initial scaling between two heterogenous point clouds and provides an adaptive mechanism for tuning the mean scale, based on the difference between two consecutive estimated point clouds’ alignment error values. Once aligned, the resulting homogeneous ground-aerial point cloud is further processed by a segmentation module. For this purpose, we have proposed a system for integrated multi-sensor based segmentation of 3D point clouds. This system followed a two steps sequence: ground-object segmentation and color-based region-growing segmentation. The experimental validation of the proposed 3D heterogeneous registration and integrated segmentation framework was performed on large-scale datasets representing unstructured outdoor environments, demonstrating the potential and benefits of the proposed semi-automated 3D registration system in real-world environments.

Niels Nauwynck, Haris Balta, Geert De Cubber, H. Sahli

<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"> </p><p class="Abstract">This article considers the development of a system to enable the in-flight-launch of one aerial system by another. The article discusses how an optimal release mechanism was developed taking into account the aerodynamics of one specific mothership and child Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Furthermore, it discusses the PID-based control concept that was introduced in order to autonomously stabilise the child UAV after being released from the mothership UAV. Finally, the article demonstrates how the concept of a mothership and child UAV combination could be taken advantage of in the context of a search and rescue operation.</p><p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span lang="EN-US"><span style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: small;"><br /></span></span></p>

Haris Balta, J. Velagić, G. D. Cubber, B. Siciliano

This paper addresses the problem of 3D registration of outdoor environments combining heterogeneous datasets acquired from unmanned aerial (UAV) and ground (UGV) vehicles. In order to solve this problem, we introduced a novel Scale Invariant Registration Method (SIRM) for semi-automated registration of 3D point clouds. The method is capable of coping with an arbitrary scale difference between the point clouds, without any information about their initial position and orientation. Furthermore, the SIRM does not require having a good initial overlap between two heterogeneous datasets. Our method strikes an elegant balance between the existing fully automated 3D registration systems (which often fail in the case of heterogeneous datasets and harsh outdoor environments) and fully manual registration approaches (which are labour-intensive). The experimental validation of the proposed 3D heterogeneous registration system was performed on large-scale datasets representing unstructured and harsh outdoor environments, demonstrating the potential and benefits of the proposed 3D registration system in real-world environments.

P. Y. Baudoin, D. Doroftei, Geert De Cubber, J. Habumuremyi, Haris Balta, I. Doroftei

During the Humanitarian-demining actions, teleoperation of sensors or multi-sensor heads can enhance-detection process by allowing more precise scanning, which is use-ful for the optimization of the signal processing algorithms. This chapter summarizes the technologies and experiences developed during 16 years through national and/or European-funded projects, illustrated by some contributions of our own laboratory, located at the Royal Military Academy of Brussels, focusing on the detection of unex-ploded devices and the implementation of mobile robotics systems on minefields.

G. D. Cubber, D. Doroftei, Haris Balta, A. Matos, Eduardo Silva, Daniel Serrano, S. Govindaraj, Rui Roda et al.

This chapter describes how the different ICARUS unmanned search and rescue tools have been evaluated and validated using operational benchmarking techniques. Two large‐scale simulated disaster scenarios were organized: a simulated shipwreck and an earthquake response scenario. Next to these simulated response scenarios, where ICARUS tools were deployed in tight interaction with real end users, ICARUS tools also participated to a real relief, embedded in a team of end users for a flood response mission. These validation trials allow us to conclude that the ICARUS tools fulfil the user require‐ ments and goals set up at the beginning of the project.

Niels Nauwynck, Haris Balta, G. D. Cubber, H. Sahli

This paper considers the development of a system to enable the in-flight-launch of one aerial system by another. The paper will discuss how an optimal release mechanism was developed, taking into account the aerodynamics of one specific mother and child UAV. Furthermore, it will discuss the PID-based control concept that was introduced in order to autonomously stabilize the child UAV after being released from the mothership UAV. Finally, the paper will show how the concept of a mothership UAV + child UAV combination could be usefully taken into advantage in the context of a search and rescue operation.

K. Berns, Atabak Nezhadfard, Massimo Tosa, Haris Balta, G. D. Cubber

This chapter describes two unmanned ground vehicles that can help search and rescue teams in their difficult, but life-saving tasks. These robotic assets have been developed within the framework of the European project ICARUS. The large unmanned ground vehicle is intended to be a mobile base station. It is equipped with a powerful manipulator arm and can be used for debris removal, shoring operations, and remote structural operations (cutting, welding, hammering, etc.) on very rough terrain. The smaller unmanned ground vehicle is also equipped with an array of sensors, enabling it to search for victims inside semi-destroyed buildings. Working together with each other and the human search and rescue workers, these robotic assets form a powerful team, increasing the effectiveness of search and rescue operations, as proven by operational validation tests in collaboration with end users.

The paper considers a problem of 3D environment model reconstruction from a set of 2D images acquired by the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in near real-time. The designed framework combines the FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test) algorithm and optical flow approach for detection of interest image points and adjacent images reconstruction. The robust estimation of camera locations is performed using the image points tracking. The coordinates of 3D points and the projection matrix are computed simultaneously using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) algorithm, from which the 3D model of environment is generated. The designed framework is tested using real image data and video sequences captured with camera mounted on the UAV. The effectiveness and quality of the proposed framework are verified through analyses of accuracy of the 3D model reconstruction and its time execution.

K. Berns, Atabak Nezhadfard, Massimo Tosa, Haris Balta, G. D. Cubber

This chapter describes two unmanned ground vehicles that can help search and rescue teams in their difficult, but life-saving tasks. These robotic assets have been developed within the framework of the European project ICARUS. The large unmanned ground vehicle is intended to be a mobile base station. It is equipped with a powerful manipulator arm and can be used for debris removal, shoring operations, and remote struc- tural operations (cutting, welding, hammering, etc.) on very rough terrain. The smaller unmanned ground vehicle is also equipped with an array of sensors, enabling it to search for victims inside semi-destroyed buildings. Working together with each other and the human search and rescue workers, these robotic assets form a powerful team, increasing the effectiveness of search and rescue operations, as proven by operational validation tests in collaboration with end users.

G. D. Cubber, D. Doroftei, Haris Balta, A. Matos, Eduardo Silva, Daniel Serrano, S. Govindaraj, Rui Roda et al.

This chapter describes how the different ICARUS unmanned search and rescue tools have been evaluated and validated using operational benchmarking techniques. Two large‐scale simulated disaster scenarios were organized: a simulated shipwreck and an earthquake response scenario. Next to these simulated response scenarios, where ICARUS tools were deployed in tight interaction with real end users, ICARUS tools also participated to a real relief, embedded in a team of end users for a flood response mission. These validation trials allow us to conclude that the ICARUS tools fulfil the user require‐ ments and goals set up at the beginning of the project.

Haris Balta, J. Będkowski, S. Govindaraj, K. Majek, P. Musialik, Daniel Serrano, K. Alexis, R. Siegwart et al.

Search‐and‐rescue operations have recently been confronted with the introduction of robotic tools that assist the human search‐and‐rescue workers in their dangerous but life‐saving job of searching for human survivors after major catastrophes. However, the world of search and rescue is highly reliant on strict procedures for the transfer of messages, alarms, data, and command and control over the deployed assets. The introduction of robotic tools into this world causes an important structural change in this procedural toolchain. Moreover, the introduction of search‐and‐rescue robots acting as data gatherers could potentially lead to an information overload toward the human search‐and‐rescue workers, if the data acquired by these robotic tools are not managed in an intelligent way. With that in mind, we present in this paper an integrated data combination and data management architecture that is able to accommodate real‐time data gathered by a fleet of robotic vehicles on a crisis site, and we present and publish these data in a way that is easy to understand by end‐users. In the scope of this paper, a fleet of unmanned ground and aerial search‐and‐rescue vehicles is considered, developed within the scope of the European ICARUS project. As a first step toward the integrated data‐management methodology, the different robotic systems require an interoperable framework in order to pass data from one to another and toward the unified command and control station. As a second step, a data fusion methodology will be presented, combining the data acquired by the different heterogenic robotic systems. The computation needed for this process is done in a novel mobile data center and then (as a third step) published in a software as a service (SaaS) model. The SaaS model helps in providing access to robotic data over ubiquitous Ethernet connections. As a final step, we show how the presented data‐management architecture allows for reusing recorded exercises with real robots and rescue teams for training purposes and teaching search‐and‐rescue personnel how to handle the different robotic tools. The system was validated in two experiments. First, in the controlled environment of a military testing base, a fleet of unmanned ground and aerial vehicles was deployed in an earthquake‐response scenario. The data gathered by the different interoperable robotic systems were combined by a novel mobile data center and presented to the end‐user public. Second, an unmanned aerial system was deployed on an actual mission with an international relief team to help with the relief operations after major flooding in Bosnia in the spring of 2014. Due to the nature of the event (floods), no ground vehicles were deployed here, but all data acquired by the aerial system (mainly three‐dimensional maps) were stored in the ICARUS data center, where they were securely published for authorized personnel all over the world. This mission (which is, to our knowledge, the first recorded deployment of an unmanned aerial system by an official governmental international search‐and‐rescue team in another country) proved also the concept of the procedural integration of the ICARUS data management system into the existing procedural toolchain of the search and rescue workers, and this in an international context (deployment from Belgium to Bosnia). The feedback received from the search‐and‐rescue personnel on both validation exercises was highly positive, proving that the ICARUS data management system can efficiently increase the situational awareness of the search‐and‐rescue personnel.

Mario Monteiro Marques, R. Parreira, V. Lobo, A. Martins, A. Matos, N. Cruz, J. Almeida, J. Alves et al.

Today, in our landscape perception exists a gap that needs to be fulfilled. It's important to increase the coverage, temporal and spatial resolution in order to cover this gap, as well as reduce costs with human resources that usually take this kind of tasks. Unmanned Autonomous vehicles with their inherent autonomy and reduced needs of human and communication resources, can provide additional capabilities and a new innovative solution to this problem This paper presents and describes the participation of ICARUS Team at euRathlon 2015 and the importance of this type of events performed with multiple unnamed systems.

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