The problem of roe deer- vehicle collisions at the area of Karlovac County has been researched for the period of two years (2006 and 2007). Obtained results describe the frequency of wildlife collisions on several locations, risk of wildlife collisions throughout the seasons and the most critical time of day. Roe deer collisions represent 87 % of all wildlife-vehicle collisions, happened mostly at the area of low inhabitants’ density and caused in more than 50 % by the speed-limit violation. Most roe deer-vehicle collisions have happened on the counties roads through the year during the spring and autumn period at dusk & down time of the day. Special attention is put on preventive measures to reduce the risk of wildlife collisions and the responsibility for the damage in the Republic of Croatia and some EU countries.
Istraživanje pokazatelja reproduktivne djelotvornosti zeceva u kaveznom uzgoju provedeno je tijekom cetiri uzgojne sezone od 2001. do 2004. godine, u dva uzgajalista. Ukupno je obuhvaceno 107 parova tijekom njihove prve reproduktivne sezone. Uzgajalista su se nalazila u dva klimatski razlicita podrucja: uzgajaliste Volavje (kontinentalna Hrvatska) te uzgajaliste Valtura-Vodnjan (Istra-mediteranska Hrvatska). Prosjecno je godisnje utvrđeno od 24.70 do 25.37 % neproduktivnih parova. Znacajno veci broj legala po paru utvrđen je u uzgajalistu Valtura-Vodnjan (5 legala prema 4.6 u uzgajalistu Volavje, P<0.05). Broj mladuncadi po paru godisnje iznosio je 11.27 (Volavje) i 11.34 (Valtura-Vodnjan). Prosjecna velicina legla kretala se od 2.41 (Volavje) do 2.59 mladuncadi (Valtura-Vodnjan). Godisnje je doba (mjesec) imalo znacajan utjecaj na velicinu legla u oba uzgajalista (P<0.01). Nije bilo znacajnije razlike u broju odbijene mladuncadi po leglu za oba za oba uzgajalista (1.61-1.68). Ukupni gubici mladuncadi su prosjecno iznosili 36.59-37.83 %, ovisno o lokalitetu. Najveca smrtnost mladuncadi zabilježena je do odbica.
Negative trend of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) population on Croatian habitats over the last two decades of twentieth century has resulted with National Protection Act (NN 43/95) which declared capercaillie as the endangered species. First protection measure included hunting moratorium, which had to be followed with other interventions for improving habitat quality and controlling the predators. This research was focused on the capercaillie subpopulation in the central region of Croatia, on twelve micro localities in area approximately 5 500 ha wide. During the period of seven years (1998-2004) counting of adult individuals of both sex was done, distribution of leks were noted, and nesting grounds were recorded. Decrease of lekking activities as well as continuous decline of adult males was recorded through research period, with the peak in year 2003 when lekking activities were not recorded. The factors that influence capercaillie population stability (human influence-intensive forest management, traffic disturbance, tourism, poaching ; habitat degradation, climate changes and prey-predator relation) were studied with aim to asses base line monitor data. Collected information will be incorporated in a comprehensive concept for capercaillie conservation.
Based on data obtained from management plans for the last 40 years, the status of the brown hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) population in Međimurje region was analysed. Analysis of hunting - productive area, presented in management plans, showed that it has decreased for 62 %. In the same time period, from 1967 to 2005, continuous decline of hare abundance, number of offspring and hunting bag was determined. Population abundance in 2005 when compared to 1967 declined for 56 %. Population dynamics in that period is the best described by hunting bag records which has declined 9 times. In the period from 2004-2006 the research was conducted on three hunting grounds in Međimurje region (Mala Subotica, Hodosan, Cakovec.). Following the regular hunting operations 383 hares were handled. Based on the eye lens mass the age structure of hares was determined. The average rate of yearlings in selected hunting areas was 46.7 % of the total hare population. Reproduction index varied from 0.62 to 3.40 and reproduction coefficient from 0.62 to 1.54. Population density in spring varied between 15 and 23 individual hares per 100 hectares of hunting ground. Sex ratio varied from 0.39 to 0.69 depending on year. The average weight of hares according to age and gender ranged between 3.64 to 4.17 kg. The difference in weight among yearlings and older hares of both sexes was statistically significant (P<0.05)
Zakonska je obveza lovozakupnika da do 31. ožujka utvrdi maticni fond divljaci u lovistu (dobnu i spolnu strukturu) i njezino brojno stanje, sto obavljamo prebrojavanjem. U ovom tekstu opisujemo metode kojima utvrđujemo gustocu divljaci u lovistu, tj. koliko ima divljaci na 100 ha lovnoproduktivne povrsine, prema cemu utvrđujemo planove gospodarenja za tekucu lovnu godinu.
U nas se sve vise prelazi s tradicionalnog nacina proizvodnje u poljoprivredi na intenzivnu proizvodnju sto ugrožava stanista divljaci, ali i ostalih vrsta. Bas stoga danasnja europska politika potice manje intenzivnu poljoprivredu usmjerenu prema proizvodnji kvalitetne i zdrave hrane, a koja ce biti prihvatljiva za okolis.
Male roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) aged 2 years was shot near Nasice in Croatia, exhibiting anomalous development of legs. Based on visual examination and radiographs, polydactyly was determined and described on three limbs. On front and hind right foot the duplication of digit 2 was determined and on hind left foot there was a 2nd extra metatarsal bone with 3 digits. Described case of oligodactyly was recorded in a male roe deer aged 3 years shot near Bjelovar. Oligodactyly was determined on 4 limbs based on a photograph, but it was described just on front left foot. Radiographic analysis revealed fusion of digits 3 and 4. Presented case of olygodactyly recorded in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from Bjelovar is believed to be the first case described in Croatia.
Razmatranje odnosa vjernika prema znanosti i religiji, poglavito s filozofskog stajalista, izazovna je tema razmatranja cak i laicima za ta podrucja. Polazisne tocke naseg razmatranja su definicije filozofije, znanosti, istine i vjere, kako ih mi razumijevamo, ali ne zato da bismo osporavali razlicito shvacanje od naseg, nego zato da bismo izbjegli eventualne nesporazume. Filozofiju (mudrost) možemo shvatiti i kao znanost o najopcenitijim zakonima razvoja prirode, drustva i misljenje ili pitanje odnosa misljenja prema bitku. Znanost je pak ljudska djelatnost koja istražuje ono sto nije poznato na spoznajnoj razini, za razliku od struke koja primjenjuje ono sto se zna. Znanost, struku i religiju povezuje Istina. Sto je Istina? To je smisao, rijec koja je u skladu sa stvarnoscu, ili, također, sama stvarnost koja se otkriva, koja je jasna, ocita duhu. Vjernik zna, na svoj nacin, sto je njemu istina ; znanstvenik svoja dostignuca mora utvrditi na razini Istine. Vjeru covjek prima kao Božji dar. Brojni radovi o toj temi jasno govore o njezinoj kompleksnosti, i bas zato treba bez granica njegovati dijalog o tim vjecnim temama.
U ovom clanku autori iznose svoj stav kojim nastoje prikazati da lovstvo nije u suprotnosti sa zastitom prirode, naprotiv ono može biti, ako je ispravno shvaceno i dakako ispravno provođeno, ucinkovit djelatan cimbenik u ocuvanju i zastiti prirode. Ne nastojeci dati sveobuhvatno opravdanje lovstva, nastojimo prikazati neizostavnost lova kao znacajnog cimbenika u povijesnom razvoju covjeka, uvažavajuci pri tome dio prigovora koji se upucuju lovu i lovstvu. Možemo reci da je lov jedan od osnovnih cimbenika covjekova razvoja kako na bioloskoj i evolucijskoj razini, tako i na duhovnom i kulturnom planu. Danas možemo reci da lovstvo ima znacajke ne samo strucne, prakticne discipline, nego i znanstvene znacajke jer svoj objekt proucava temeljem bioloskih znanja, poglavito sumarstva, veterinarske medicine, ekologije i slicnih znanosti u svojoj prirodoznanstvenoj specificnosti. Opce je poznato da je i lov, bez obzira na motive, cesto puta bio instrument devastacije prirode. Suvremeni nacin života, u svojem ispravnom obliku omogucuje da covjek, koristeci prirodne izvore, od prirode uzme visak koji ona pruža, a da pri tom ne ugrozi kolijevku svojeg postojanja, ali ni prirodnu cjelovitost. Tada, smatramo, on ne cini bioloski, niti eticki neprihvatljivu djelatnost. Suvremeno lovstvo nudi modus kojim lov nije ni instrumentalno, niti sadržajno element razaranja, nego je važna poluga ocuvanja i zastite prirode.
Certain indicators of hare population dynamics (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) were analyzed during the 2004/2005 hunting season in 5 hunting grounds of northwestern Croatia. Selected areas included both lowland and mountain habitats. In that period 279 eyes were collected following the regular hunting operations for the purpose of age determination according to the mass of eye lenses. Individual hares were divided into two groups, one included yearlings, while older hares were grouped in the second group. The results of our analysis showed that the average rate of yearlings in the selected areas was 50.4% of total hare population. The increase in population number, which was anticipated by the management plan, was not achieved in 3 hunting grounds. The reproduction index, which indicates that survival rate of offspring per female greatly varied from 1.33 to 3.40. The average value of the reproduction coefficient was 1.07. Population density in spring varied between 13 and 20.3 individual hares per 100 hectares of hunting ground. The sex ratio value 0.48 indicates the predominance of males. The average weight of hares according to age and gender ranged between 3.41 to 3.84 kg. The difference in weight among males was statistically significant (P<0.05).
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