
Publikacije (17)

Suncica Hadzidedic, A. Cristea, Derrick G. Watson

: The effect of emotions and personalisation on continuance use intentions in online health services is underexplored. Accordingly, we propose a research model for examining the impact of emotion- and personalisation-based factors on cancer website reuse intentions. We conducted a study using a real-world NGO cancer-support website, which was evaluated by 98 participants via an online questionnaire. Model relations were estimated using the PLS-SEM method. Our findings indicated that pre-use emotions did not significantly influence perceived personalisation. However, satisfaction with personalisation, and perceived usefulness mediated by satisfaction, increased reuse intentions. In addition, post-use positive emotions potentially influenced reuse intentions. Our paper, therefore, illustrates the applicability of theory regarding continuance use intentions to cancer-support websites and highlights the importance of personalisation for these purposes.

Kai Widdeson, Suncica Hadzidedic

This paper addresses and evaluates approaches to incorporating personality data into a recommender system. Automatic personality recognition is enabled by the LIWC dictionary. Personality-aware pre-filtering techniques are developed and discussed, with the introduced non-targeted stratified personality sampling performing the best. A novel personality-aware model, FFM-SVD, is proposed and shown to outperform alternative models in prediction accuracy.

David C. Kutner, Suncica Hadzidedic

Deafblind people have both hearing and visual impairments, which makes communication with other people often dependent on expensive technologies e.g., Braille displays, or on caregivers acting as interpreters. This paper presents Morse I/O (MIO), a vibrotactile interface for Android, evaluated through experiments and interviews with deafblind participants. MIO was shown to enable consistent text entry and recognition after only a few hours of practice. The participants were willing to continue using the interface, although there were perceived difficulties in learning to use it. Overall, MIO is a cost-effective, portable interface for deafblind people without access to Braille displays or similar.

Suncica Hadzidedic, Silvia Berenice Fajardo Flores, Belma Ramic-Brkic

Purpose This paper aims to address the user perspective about usability, security and use of five authentication schemes (text and graphical passwords, biometrics and hardware tokens) from a population not covered previously in the literature. Additionally, this paper explores the criteria users apply in creating their text passwords. Design/methodology/approach An online survey study was performed in spring 2019 with university students in Mexico and Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of 197 responses were collected. Findings Fingerprint-based authentication was most frequently perceived as usable and secure. However, text passwords were the predominantly used method for unlocking computer devices. The participants preferred to apply personal criteria for creating text passwords, which, interestingly, coincided with the general password guidelines, e.g. length, combining letters and special characters. Originality/value Research on young adults’ perceptions of different authentication methods is driven by the increasing frequency and sophistication of security breaches, as well as their significant consequences. This study provided insight into the commonly used authentication methods among youth from two geographic locations, which have not been accounted for previously.

Babatunde Kazeem Oladejo, Suncica Hadzidedic

Purpose This paper aims to examine the state of the art in electronic records management (ERM) with the goal of identifying the prevailing research topics, gaps and issues in the field. Design/methodology/approach First, a wide search was performed on academic research databases, limited to the period between 2008–2018. Second, the search results were reviewed for relevance and duplicates. Finally, the study sources were checked against the list of journals and conferences ranked by computing research and education and JourQual. The final sample of 55 selected studies was analyzed in depth. Findings ERM has lost some research momentum due to being deeply embedded in affiliate information systems areas and the changing records management landscape. Additionally, the requirement models specified by Governmental/National Archives might have constrained technology innovation in ERM. A lack of application was identified for the social media research area. Research limitations/implications Limitations were encountered in available search tool functionality and keyword confusion leading to inflated search results. While effort has been made to obtain optimal search results, some relevant articles may have been omitted. Originality/value The last ERM state-of-the-art review was in 1997. A lot has changed since then. This paper will help researchers understand the current state of ERM research, its understudied areas and identify gaps for future studies.

BACKGROUND Alzheimer's disease is a complex disorder of unclear etiology that develops in the elderly population. It is a debilitating, progressive neurodegeneration for which disease-modifying therapies do not exist. Previous studies have suggested that, for a subset of patients, dysregulation in hemostasis might be one of the molecular mechanisms that ultimately leads to the development of neurodegeneration resulting in cognitive decline that represents the most prominent symptomatic characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. OBJECTIVE To examine a relationship between factors that are part of coagulation and anticoagulation pathways with cognitive decline that develops during Alzheimer's disease. METHODS SOMAscan assay was used to measure levels of coagulation/anticoagulation factors V, VII, IX, X, Xa, XI, antithrombin III, protein S, protein C, and activated protein C in plasma samples obtained from three groups of subjects: 1) subjects with stable cognitively healthy function, 2) subjects with stable mild cognitive impairment, and 3) subjects diagnosed with probable Alzheimer's disease. RESULTS Our results show that protein levels of coagulation factor XI are significantly increased in patients who are diagnosed with probable Alzheimer's disease compared with cognitively healthy subjects or patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that significant predictors of Alzheimer's-type diagnosis are factors IX and XI-an increase in both factors is associated with a reduction in cognitive function. CONCLUSION Our study justifies further investigations of biological pathways involving coagulation/anticoagulation factors in relation to dementia, including dementia resulting from Alzheimer's-type neurodegeneration.

Belma Ramic-Brkic, Alican Balik, Suncica Hadzidedic, Nirvana Pistoljevic

Research has shown technology fosters learning environments that stimulate improved academic performance, learners' satisfaction and completion rates. For this reason, an increasing number of researchers focus on the development of tools and applications that support the learning process of children. The tool presented here is a web application for educators, therapists, parents, and children with and without disabilities. The core concept of this tool is aiding professionals in creating relevant educational content and motivating children by presenting learning materials and tasks in a modern, relevant and motivating way. A pilot study was performed with five professionals, daily delivering instruction to children, mostly diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, at an NGO in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study findings show a general positive attitude towards the use of the web tool in the classroom and its functionalities for creating teaching material.

Alzheimer's disease represents the most common age-related neurodegenerative disorder and a leading cause of progressive cognitive impairment. Predicting cognitive decline is challenging but would be invaluable in an increasingly aging population which also experiences a rising cardiovascular risk. In order to examine whether plasma measurements of one of the established biomarkers of heart failure, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), reflect a decline in cognitive function, associated with Alzheimer's disease neurodegeneration, BNP levels were analysed, by using a novel assay called a SOMAscan, in 1. cognitively healthy, control subjects; 2. subjects with mild cognitive impairment, and 3. subjects with Alzheimer's disease. The results of our study show that the levels of the BNP were significantly different between the three types of diagnoses (p < 0.05), whereby subjects with mild cognitive impairment had the lowest mean BNP value, and healthy subjects had the highest BNP value. Importantly, our results show that the levels of the BNP are influenced by the presence of at least one APOE4 allele in the healthy (p < 0.05) and in the Alzheimer's disease groups of subjects (p < 0.1). As the levels of the BNP appear to be independent of the APOE4 genotype in subjects with mild cognitive impairment, the results of our study support inclusion of measurements of plasma levels of the BNP in the list of the core Alzheimer's disease biomarkers for identification of the mild cognitive impairment group of patients. In addition, the results of our study warrant further investigations into molecular links between Alzheimer's disease-type cognitive decline and cardiovascular disorders.

1Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2University Clinical Center Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina KeYWORdS: natriuretic peptides, brain natriuretic peptide, biomarker of myocardial infarction, Alzheimer’s disease. citAtiON: Cardiol Croat. 2018;13(11-12):435. | https://doi.org/10.15836/ccar2018.435 *AddReSS fOR cORReSpONdeNce: Edin Begic, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, Sarajevo Medical School, Department of Pharmacology, Hrasnicka cesta 3a, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. / Phone: +38761303375 / E-mail: edinbegic90@gmail.com ORcid: Edin Begic, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6842-262X • Suncica Hadzidedic, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9026-8737 Ajla Kulaglic, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3410-7079 • Belma Ramic-Brkic, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8205-0137 Zijo Begic, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1863-5755 • Mirsada Causevic, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6099-6415

Affective computing has received substantial attention in the recent time. However, its application to personalised online cancer services is understudied. Therefore, this research primarily explores the role of emotions in predicting the preference for personalisation features, and in forming behavioural intentions in cancer website usage. Secondly, this research seeks to understand whether users of cancer websites prefer to be offered emotion-based personalisation to other options – personalised or non-personalised. Emotion-based personalisation was implemented, in several phases, on the cancer website developed for the purpose of this research. A number of controlled experiments were carried out, in which users interacted with the cancer website and evaluated its personalisation features. The findings confirm that users more likely reuse a cancer website when they are satisfied with its personalisation services and find the website usable. Moreover, both negative emotions (e.g., sadness and fear) and positive ones (e.g., interest) encourage reuse intentions. Post-use negative emotions are primarily influenced by the website’s usability, while satisfaction with personalisation and usefulness of adaptive and adaptable services intensifies positive emotions. The website is perceived usable and it induces user satisfaction when its personalisation is considered useful. The findings imply that discrete emotions (of the nine basic emotions studied here) stimulate or discourage interaction with certain website features and content. Moreover, emotions experienced at the start of website use affect the perception about the usefulness of individual features available on the website. Generally, users experiencing positive emotions are eager to explore the website and be involved in the tailoring process. The effect of negative emotions is more difficult to generalise; it depends on the specific emotion and the personalisation feature in question. Overall, negative emotions are more likely to inhibit the use or perception of website features that require providing user personal information and interests, or entail extensive engagement from the user side. With regard to the second aim, this research suggests that emotion-based personalisation on a cancer website is preferred, however not significantly over generic personalisation or no personalisation at all. Nevertheless, the findings urged for further research. The survey and interview results consistently showed that: personalisation was perceived as useful, users were satisfied with it, that the website with emotion-based personalisation had the highest usability and most users prefer that type of personalisation. Moreover, repeat visitors and long-time cancer website users, who have been directly affected by cancer, decisively desired emotion-based personalisation. Overall, this research provides multiple theoretical and practical implications for personalisation adoption on cancer websites and stimulating reuse intentions. It recommends rules for adaptation and personalisation algorithms that incorporate user emotions. Moreover, it extends the existing theory and proposes a framework for understanding the emotion- and personalisation-related factors that influence intentions to revisit and reuse a personalised cancer website.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the type of personalisation services satisfying the needs of cancer websites’ target users, and the influence of their emotional states on website usage intentions. Design/methodology/approach: Three data collection methods were employed. Survey questionnaires were distributed to online health users. Interviews with representatives of the cancer-affected population further explored emotions as stimuli for online cancer-related activities. Finally, availability of personalisation features was evaluated on existing health websites in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the UK. Findings: A clear preference emerged for personalisation on cancer-related websites. There are specific personalisation features the cancer-affected population desires. Interestingly, certain emotions were found to stimulate visits to health websites. Research limitations/implications: Fighting cancer implies constant support, including from cancer-related websites. It is thus vital to understand the required personalisation, stemming from target users’ actual needs, including the neglected user characteristics, as are emotions for cancer-affected people. This supports emotion-based personalisation. Originality/value: The paper focusses on the cancer-affected population, and developing a comprehensive understanding of their personalisation needs in online health services. It further shows which emotions influence intentions to use cancer websites. The three concepts combined have not yet been studied, to the best of the authors’ knowledge.

D. A. Qudah, A. Cristea, Suncica Hadzidedic, Samar Al-Saqqa, Rizik M. H. Al-Sayyad

The art of personalized e-advertising relies in attracting a user attention to the recommended product, as it relates to their taste, interest and data. Whilst in practice, companies attempt various forms of personalization, research of e-advertising is rare, and seldom routed in solid theory. Adaptive hypermedia (AH) techniques have contributed to the development of personalized tools for adaptive content delivery, mostly in educational domain. This study explores the use of these theories and techniques in a specific field -- adaptive e-advertisements, via implementing and evaluating an adaptive e-advertisement system called "MyAds". The novelty of this approach relies in a systematic design, implementation and evaluation based on an adaptive hypermedia taxonomy-. In particular, this paper reports on a case study, which investigated users' perceptions' on the proposed system MyAds and the reflection of the acceptance level of the users. The results from both implicit and explicit feedback indicated that users found MyAds acceptable and agreed that the implemented AH features within the system contributed to an enhanced experience through the exposure to different personalization methods. Appealing ideas of the system were ease of use, personalization and diversity in a non-intrusive way.

D. A. Qudah, A. Cristea, Suncica Hadzidedic, Samar Al-Saqqa, Ali Rodan, Wei Yang

Personalized e-advertising is the art of attracting users' attention by correlating to their tastes and interests. The evolving research of adaptive hypermedia with its techniques and theories contributed to the personalization field. This paper reports the case study of "My Ads", an adaptive e-advertisement delivery system that is based on a new theoretical framework, to evaluate users' acceptance of personalized ads. The results indicated that the implemented features within the system contributed to an enhanced experience through the exposure to different personalization methods and the appealing ideas of the system.

Lei Shi, A. Cristea, Suncica Hadzidedic

Evidence points to the fact that the integration of Social Networking Sites (SNS) features, into e-learning environments has been highly accepted by students, because of its benefits of improving the learning experience. Yet, not enough attention has been paid to what role learners' profiles play in the use of social e-learning environments, which does not match the importance of profiles in SNS. This paper presents how profiles are implemented in the second version of Topolor, a social personalised adaptive e-learning environment (SPAEE), and learners' perceived acceptance of the design and the implementation. To complement the findings, a case study is conducted to analyze the profile-related features in Topolor, which illustrates a generally high level of learner acceptance of these features. The analysis is finally concluded to suggest future research directions, in order to further analyze and improve these features.

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