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Pediatrics is defined as the science of a healthy and sick child from birth to end of adolescence. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are the leading causes of mortality in adults, with frequent onset in childhood. The cardiologic examination starts with anamnesis in a pleasant atmosphere, refined space, enough time and patience, detailed measurements, and preferably a noncrying child. Anamnesis, regardless of the development of diagnostic procedures, still constitutes the basis of every clinical examination. The basic characteristics of pediatric cardiac anamnesis are comprehensiveness, that is, details, clarity, concurrency, and chronology. Proper and conscientiously taken anamnesis with a thorough clinical examination of a sick child is a solid protection against dehumanizing the relationship between a physician and patient. Pediatric cardiac anamnesis can be variable, completely negative, but very rich. Anamnesis should, first of all, clarify whether only a child is sick or it is perceived like that be his or her environment. Preschool and school-age children are normally attending anamnesis. High-quality, comprehensive medical history can keep the patient at one level of health care, with a strict focus primarily on the diagnostic processes, reduce crowds in specialist and subspecialist institutions, and make economic savings. A large number of patients in specialist and subspecialist clinics can be reduced by proper screening and by developing primary health-care system (from the local health-care center). Taking patient's medical history with thoroughness has a strong educative character for young doctors at the beginning of their careers.

1. 8. 2017.

Introduction: Accidental murmurs occur in anatomically and physiologically normal heart. Accidental (innocent) murmurs have their own clearly defined clinical characteristics (asymptomatic, they require minimal follow-up care). Aim: To point out the significance of auscultation of the heart in the differentiation of heart murmurs and show clinical characteristics of accidental heart murmurs. Material and methods: Article presents review of literature which deals with the issue of accidental heart murmurs in the pediatric cardiology. Results: In the group of accidental murmurs we include classic vibratory parasternal-precordial Stills murmur, pulmonary ejection murmur, the systolic murmur of pulmonary flow in neonates, venous hum, carotid bruit, Potaine murmur, benign cephalic murmur and mammary souffle. Conclusion: Accidental heart murmurs are revealed by auscultation in over 50% of children and youth, with a peak occurrence between 3-6 years or 8-12 years of life. Reducing the frequency of murmurs in the later period can be related to poor conduction of the murmur, although the disappearance of murmur in principle is not expected. It is the most common reason of cardiac treatment of the child, and is a common cause of unreasonable concern of parents.

Introduction: This paper presents mobile application implementing a decision support system for acid-base disorder diagnosis and treatment recommendation. Material and methods: The application was developed using the official integrated development environment for the Android platform (to maximize availability and minimize investments in specialized hardware) called Android Studio. Results: The application identifies disorder, based on the blood gas analysis, evaluates whether the disorder has been compensated, and based on additional input related to electrolyte imbalance, provides recommendations for treatment. Conclusion: The application is a tool in the hands of the user, which provides assistance during acid-base disorders treatment. The application will assist the physician in clinical practice and is focused on the treatment in intensive care.

Z. Begić, S. Pandur, Edo Omerbasic, Almira Kadić, Mirza Halimić

Introduction: Modern pediatric cardiology mainly deals with congenital heart defects (CHD), as the most common congenital anomalies. In most cases CHD requires surgical or interventional treatment. Goal: The goal of the research was to evaluate CHD treatment at Pediatric Clinic, University Clinical Center (UCC) Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). UCC Sarajevo is the only institution in B&H where cardiac treatment of CHD in pediatric population is performed. Pediatric cardiosurgery has started to develop in Bosnia and Herzegovina in April 1997. Patients and methods: Study included 745 patients (period from April 1997 to January 2017). Results: Cardiac treatment was performed on 745 patients with CHD, 541 (72.6%) of them were acyanotic patients and 204 (27.4%) were cyanotic patients. Reoperation was performed in 49 (6.5%) of patients. Out of total number of patients, 59 (7.9%) died. In 660 children (88.5%) a complete correction and in 85 (11.5%) a palliative operation/correction was performed. Defects with left to right shunt were present in 397 (53.2%) patients, complex heart defects with Tetralogy of Fallot in 173 (23.2%), obstructive heart defects in 106 (14.2%), obstructive heart defects with shunt in 53 (7.1%), and others in 16 (2.1%) of patients. During surgery, extracorporeal circulation was regulated in 554 (74.3%) patients. Peri and early postoperative complications occurred in 180 (24.1%) of patients. During this period 24 pacemakers were implanted and 24 radiofrequency ablations were performed. Conclusion: Results of CHD cardiac treatment in childhood, which took place simultaneously, followed by the contractual joint programs and individual work of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian team has reached the highest level in the last two years, not only by the number, type and complexity of corrected CHD, but also by the age and body weight of the patients who underwent surgery, and development of invasive procedures, arrhytmology, pacemaker placement, intensive peri and postoperative treatment. That led pediatric cardiac surgery of UCC Sarajevo, to a position of leading center in the region.

E. Begić, Z. Begić, Amra Dobrača, E. Hasanbegović

Cough is one of the most common symptoms that doctor faces in working with pediatric population, and according to some characteristics of cough, doctors can often conclude localization, and sometimes even the nature of the disease that causes it. Cough is not only the physiological defense reaction, but a symptom of a disease. According to duration it can be acute, chronic and recidivist, recurrent and persistent, strong or discreet, caused by changes in body position and changes in outside temperature. Pathoanatomically it is divided into lobar, lobular, alveolar and interstitial, pathogenetically to bronchogenic and hematogenous, as well as in immuno competent and immunocompromised, and clinically on the local and inpatient (72 hours after hospital admission). Considering the contents, cough can be productive–with secretion from the respiratory tract, and unproductive-dry, without secretion. By auscultation bronchial breathing, rattle and crepitus can be heard. The primary diagnostics is radiological, posterior to anterior (P-A) and lateral footage of the chest. Laboratory findings in typical pneumonia, are characterized by leukocytosis, neutrophilia and shift of blood image to the left. Sedimentation is accelerated and C-reactive protein is elevated. The basic bacteriological diagnosis is sputum Gram’s stain and culture of sputum. In atypical pneumonia, leukocytes are usually in the normal range, and it is necessary to do serological tests (IgM and IgG antibodies). The role of doctors in primary health care is auscultation differentiation of murmurs with confirmation of doubt if there is pathological findings by laboratory tests and treatment, depending on the type of cough. Treatment is essentially pharmacological, with irrefutable importance of non-pharmacological measures.

E. Begić, Mensur Mandžuka, Z. Begić, Amra Dobrača, E. Hasanbegović

Introduction: Malignancies in children are second most frequent cause of death after accidents in pediatric age, while leukemias represents 30% of all malignancies of children age. Aim: To present the social and demographic characteristics of patients with a diagnosis of leukemia in Bosnia and Herzegovina during six years period. Patients and Methods: The study included 97 patients (from birth to 18 years old) with diagnosis of acute leukemia. Results: During the aforementioned period at the Pediatric Clinic of University Clinical Centre Sarajevo, 244 patients with the diagnosis of malignancy were treated (99 children were with leukemia (40.6%). Acute leukemia’s were diagnosed in 97 patients and chronic in 2 patients. Out of 97 treated patients with acute leukemia, they almost of all cantons of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brcko District and the Republic Srpska. Patients were usually coming from the Tuzla Canton Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (28 patients). Based on the cytomorphological diagnosis of patients according to the FAB classification, the most was a present ALL-L1 type of acute leukemia’s. Mortality of patients with ALL was 15,3%, while mortality of patient with AML was 36,8%. Conclusion: In Bosnia and Herzegovina, during six year period, the largest number of patients with leukaemia came from Tuzla Canton. The most common age of patients was preschool and school ages. Male sex was dominant in patients with diagnosis AML. According to the FAB classification, ALL-L1 type of acute leukemia was the most common.

S. Pesto, Z. Begić, Sabina Prevljak, Ehlimana Pecar, N. Kukavica, E. Begić

Pulmonary hypertension is a pathophysiological state hemodynamically defined as the increase of the mean pulmonary arterial pressure above 25, or 30 mmHg at rest, measured by catheterization of the right heart. Laboratory findings usually reveals polycythemia, the ECG right ventricle hypertrophy, and x-ray characteristic of diseased branches (echocardiography and biomarkers such as B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal pro-BNP hormones are potentially helpful tools in identifying PH). Echocardiography can be found the increase of the right atrium and ventricle, right ventricular hypertrophy, abnormal contraction of the interventricular septum, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and decreased left ventricular size, with reduced volumes of systole and end diastole. Doppler confirming tricuspid regurgitation. Pharmacological therapy would represent a use: Calcium Channel Blockers, Prostacyclin Analogues, Endothelin Receptor Antagonists and Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors. Alpha adrenergic antagonists, endothelial receptor subtype A (Bosentan, Tracller) with treatment of the underlying disease or anticongestive therapy, are recommended. In case of inadequate response to treatment with a specific drug, guidelines recommend the combined use of drugs from the basic three groups, using their synergism.

Z. Begić, E. Begić, S. Mesihović-Dinarević, I. Masic, S. Pesto, Mirza Halimić, Almira Kadić, Amra Dobrača

Objective: To show the place and role of continuous electrocardiographic twenty-four-hour ECG monitoring in daily clinical practice of pediatric cardiologists. Methods: According to protocol, 2753 patients underwent dynamic continuous ECG Holter monitoring (data collected from the “Register of ECG Holter monitoring” of Pediatric Clinic, UCC Sarajevo in period April 2003- April 2015). Results: There were 50,5% boys and 49,5% girls, aged from birth to 19 years (1,63% - neonates and infants, 2,6% - toddlers, 9,95% - preschool children, 35,5% - gradeschoolers and 50,3% children in puberty and adolescence). In 68,1% of patients Holter was performed for the first time. Indications for conducting Holter were: arrhythmias in 42,2% cases, precordial pain in 23,5%, suspicion of pre-excitation and/or pre-excitation in 10%, crisis of consciousness in 8%, uncorrected congenital/acquired heart defects in 4,2%, operated heart defects in 3,7%, hypertension in 3,1% cases, control of the pacemaker in 1,63% and other causes in 3,5% cases. Discharge diagnosis after ECG Holter monitoring were: insignificant arrhythmias in 47,1% cases, wandering pacemaker in 21,3%, pre-excitation in 16,2%, benign ventricular premature beats in 6,3%, atrioventricular block in 3%, sinus pause in 2.2% cases and other arrhythmias in 3,5%. In mentioned period 57 cases of Wolf Parkinson White syndrome were registered, in 4,5% of patients antiarrhythmic therapy was administered. Radiofrequent ablation was performed in 23 cases. Conclusion: The development of pediatric cardiac surgery has initiated development of pediatric arrhythmology as imperative segment of pediatric cardiology. Continuous ECG Holter monitoring has become irreplaceable method in everyday diagnostics and therapy of arrhythmias in children.

Z. Begić, S. Dinarevic, S. Pesto, E. Begić, Amra Dobrača, I. Masic

Introduction: The most common clinical sign in pediatric cardiology is a heart murmur (organic and inorganic). Organic are sign of heart disease, while inorganic (basically divided into accidental and functional) murmurs occur on anatomically healthy heart. Aim: To determine the justification of the application of the methods of cardiac treatment. Patients and methods: Study included 116 children aged from 1 to 15 years, who were referred due to cardiac treatment to Pediatric Clinic, of Sarajevo University Clinical Center. Results: The first group consisted of children with innocent heart murmur, 97 (53 males). The second group consisted of patients with organic murmur, 19 (13 males). The average age of the first group was 7.69 (1.01–15.01) years old, and of the second group 3.15 (1.01- 8.06) years old, and there is a significant difference between these two groups (p <0.001). Medical history questions about potentially harmful habits of mother in pregnancy, found significant differences in the frequency of the existence of habits between the first and second groups of subjects (14.44% vs. 85.1%, p = 0.013). The values of the pulse of patients showed statistically significant difference (p = 0.012). The most common place of the murmurs’ appearance is the second left intercostal space. In the first group, the most common were vibratory (32.3%) and ejection (31.9%) and in the second the most common were holosystolic (73.7%) murmur. Analyzing the R/S ratio of V1, a significant difference among the two groups was found (mean 0.78 vs. the values for 1.45, p = 0.003). There is a significance in terms of developed hypertrophy of the heart cavities (BVH) between the two groups. The most common accidental murmur was classic vibratory Still’s murmurs (55.43%) and the most common congenital heart defects was ASD (36.8%). Conclusions: A heart murmur itself, should not be the purpose of auscultation. One of the tasks of pediatricians, pediatric cardiologists in particular would be to improve auscultation, as a sovereign method of heart murmurs assessment. Heart murmur assessment should be adapted to recognize whether heart murmur is innocent, or there is suspected or probable congenital heart defect.

Mirza Halimić, S. Mesihović-Dinarević, Almira Kadić, Z. Begić, M. Marx

This case report presents a four month old infant with anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) syndrome including clinical presentation of severe cardiomyopathy and left-sided heart failure. Child was operated for reimplantation of ALCAPA to aortic root with satisfactory outcome.

Normal acid-base status represents the value of hydrogen ions in extracellular fluid is within pH range of 7.36 (44 nmol/L) and 7.44 (36 nmol/L). Acid-base balance disorders may be a result of enhancement or reduction in amount of hydrogen ions, and include four basic disorders: metabolic and respiratory acidosis, metabolic and respiratory alkalosis. First step implies diagnosing the type of acid-base status disorder. The application input consists of blood analysis data and body weight info. Next step is determining the significance of the disorder and finally recommending future treatment. Software offers the optional functionality of entering mineral level values to improve treatment recommendations. Following the latest trends, along with the aim of increasing availability and mobility of the system, the software is developed for the Android platform using the Java programming language.

A. Bajraktarević, F. Alendar, Elvedin Landžo, A. Rovcanin, E. Beslagic, L. Kumasin, E. Lokmic, A. Skopljak et al.

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