
Publikacije (68)

M. Bieroza, L. Bergström, B. Ulén, F. Djodjic, K. Tonderski, A. Heeb, J. Svensson, J. Malgeryd

Combating eutrophication requires changes in land and water management in agricultural catchments and implementation of mitigation measures to reduce phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and suspended sediment (SS) losses. To date, such mitigation measures have been built in many agricultural catchments, but there is a lack of studies evaluating their effectiveness. Here we evaluated the effectiveness of mitigation measures in a clay soil-dominated headwater catchment by combining the evaluation of long-term and high-frequency data with punctual measurements upstream and downstream of three mitigation measures: lime-filter drains, a two-stage ditch, and a sedimentation pond. Long-term hydrochemical data at the catchment outlet showed a significant decrease in P (-15%) and SS (-28%) and an increase in nitrate nitrogen (NO-N, +13%) concentrations. High-frequency (hourly) measurements with a wet-chemistry analyzer (total and reactive P) and optical sensor (NO-N and SS) showed that the catchment is an abundant source of nutrients and sediments and that their transport is exacerbated by prolonged drought and resuspension of stream sediments during storm events. Lime-filter drains showed a decrease in SS by 76% and total P by 80% and an increase in NO-N by 45% compared with traditional drains, potentially indicating pollution swapping. The effectiveness of two-stage ditch and sedimentation pond was less evident and depended on the prevalent hydrometeorological conditions that drove the resuspension of bed sediments and associated sediment-bound P transport. These results suggest that increased frequency of prolonged drought due to changing weather patterns and resuspension of SS and sediment-bound P during storm events can override the generally positive effect of mitigation measures.

P. Drohan, M. Bechmann, A. Buda, F. Djodjic, D. Doody, Jon Duncan, Antti Iho, P. Jordan et al.

The evolution of phosphorus (P) management decision support tools (DSTs) and systems (DSS), in support of food and environmental security has been most strongly affected in developed regions by national strategies (i) to optimize levels of plant available P in agricultural soils, and (ii) to mitigate P runoff to water bodies. In the United States, Western Europe, and New Zealand, combinations of regulatory and voluntary strategies, sometimes backed by economic incentives, have often been driven by reactive legislation to protect water bodies. Farmer-specific DSSs, either based on modeling of P transfer source and transport mechanisms, or when coupled with farm-specific information or local knowledge, have typically guided best practices, education, and implementation, yet applying DSSs in data poor catchments and/or where user adoption is poor hampers the effectiveness of these systems. Recent developments focused on integrated digital mapping of hydrologically sensitive areas and critical source areas, sometimes using real-time data and weather forecasting, have rapidly advanced runoff modeling and education. Advances in technology related to monitoring, imaging, sensors, remote sensing, and analytical instrumentation will facilitate the development of DSSs that can predict heterogeneity over wider geographical areas. However, significant challenges remain in developing DSSs that incorporate "big data" in a format that is acceptable to users, and that adequately accounts for catchment variability, farming systems, and farmer behavior. Future efforts will undoubtedly focus on improving efficiency and conserving phosphate rock reserves in the face of future scarcity or prohibitive cost. Most importantly, the principles reviewed here are critical for sustainable agriculture.

R. Bol, G. Gruau, P. Mellander, R. Dupas, M. Bechmann, Eva Skarbøvik, M. Bieroza, F. Djodjic et al.

In this paper, we outline several recent insights for the priorities and challenges for future research for reducing phosphorus (P) based water eutrophication in the agricultural landscapes of Northwest Europe. We highlight that new research efforts best be focused on headwater catchments as they are a key influence on the initial chemistry of the larger river catchments, and here many management interventions are most effectively made. We emphasize the lack of understanding on how climate change will impact on P losses from agricultural landscapes. Particularly, the capability to disentangle current and future trends in P fluxes, due to climate change itself, from climate driven changes in agricultural management practices and P inputs. Knowing that, future climatic change trajectories for Western Europe will accelerate the release of the most bioavailable soil P. We stress the ambiguities created by the large varieties of sources and storage/transfer processes involved in P emissions in landscapes and the need to develop specific data treatment methods or tracers able to circumvent them, thereby helping catchment managers to identify the ultimate P sources that most contribute to diffuse P emissions. We point out that soil and aqueous P exist not only in various chemical forms, but also in range of less considered physical forms e. g., dissolved, nanoparticulate, colloidal and other particulates, all affected differently by climate as well as other environmental factors, and require bespoke mitigation measures. We support increased high resolution monitoring of headwater catchments, to not only help verify the effectiveness of catchments mitigation strategies, but also add data to further develop new water quality models (e.g., those include Fe-P interactions) which can deal with climate and land use change effects within an uncertainty framework. We finally conclude that there is a crucial need for more integrative research efforts to deal with our incomplete understanding of the mechanisms and processes associated with the identification of critical source areas, P mobilization, delivery and biogeochemical processing, as otherwise even highintensity and high-resolution research efforts will only reveal an incomplete picture of the full global impact of the terrestrial derived P on downstream aquatic and marine ecosystems.

Sara Sandström, F. Djodjic, K. Kyllmar, M. Futter, K. Bishop

Elevated phosphorus (P) concentrations are a known contributor to eutrophication and degradation of surface water quality. Diffuse losses from agriculture are one of the main P-sources. A large fraction of agricultural diffuse source P is transported in particulate form associated with suspended sediments in streams and rivers. However, the sources, composition and role of suspended sediment and attached P are less investigated. In this project, we aim at increasing the understanding of these issues, in particular in small agricultural streams, by improving both the modeling and understanding of the processes governing exchange of P between sediment and water phase and the identification of critical source areas (CSAs) for P-transport using distributed high-resolution erosion models. Earlier studies have found strong positive linear correlations between concentrations of suspended material and particulate P in stream water, but with highly variable slopes of the correlation line between sites. Our hypothesis is that this variability in the slope of the relationship between suspended material and particulate P can be further clarified by inclusion of catchment properties, e.g. soil type and catchment soil P content. For investigation of the composition of P in suspended sediment, time integrated Philippe’s samplers will be installed in four different agricultural streams to collect suspended material during approximately 6 months, from autumn to spring, the season with highest P-transport in these areas. The four catchments are all in the Swedish Environmental Monitoring program and have long time-series data on water flow as well as nutrient and suspended sediment concentrations. The samplers will be emptied and reinstalled once a month and the collected material analyzed using P-fractionation, 31P-NMR and XANES-analysis to get a better picture of amounts and forms of P bound to the suspended material. Sediment cores from the bed sediment will also be analyzed. Based on this new knowledge regarding the different forms of P in suspended sediment, we will further develop models of P exchange between solid and water phase. Finally, since earlier studies of erosion modeling based on high-resolution elevation maps have shown high agreement between predicted and observed CSAs we will use this approach with a focus on dynamic modeling for hypothesis testing and quantification of transport of P and suspended material from CSAs in agricultural catchments.

I. Thomas, P. Mellander, P. Murphy, O. Fenton, O. Shine, F. Djodjic, P. Dunlop, P. Jordan

H. Andersson, L. Bergström, F. Djodjic, B. Ulén, H. Kirchmann

Leaching of phosphorus (P) from agricultural land is a major contributor to eutrophication of surface waters in many countries, and effective mitigation options to reduce P in leachate are needed. In this study, intact columns (0.77 m deep) of subsoil from three Swedish agricultural soils (one sand and two clay) were used to examine whether placing quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO) on the subsoil could reduce P leaching over a 3‐yr period. Leaching of particulate P (PP) was significantly less from clay soil columns with lime than from clay soil columns without (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively), with a relative reduction of 49 and 51% in the two soils. Leaching of dissolved reactive P (DRP) was less from sand columns with lime than from sand columns without, although not significantly so due to large variation in P leaching between columns. These results indicate that placement of lime on subsoil has potential to reduce P leaching, especially of PP from clay soils. However, more studies including both topsoil and subsoil and a range of soil types are needed to assess the full potential of this P mitigation option.

Are Vallin, A. Grimvall, E. Sundblad, F. Djodjic

Large parts of the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat and Skagerrak suffer from eutrophication. Historically, this is due to due to an excessive input of nitrogen and phosphorus to the sea. In the present ...

H. Andersson, L. Bergström, B. Ulén, F. Djodjic, H. Kirchmann

The importance of subsoil features for phosphorus (P) leaching is frequently mentioned, but subsoil effects are still poorly documented. This study examined whether the subsoil of four agricultural Swedish soils (two sand and two clay) functioned as a source or sink for P leaching by measuring P leaching from intact soil columns with topsoil (1.05 m deep) and without topsoil (0.77 m deep) over 3 yr. One sandy soil with high topsoil P content (Olsen P, 84 mg kg) and high subsoil sorption capacity (P sorption index [PSI], 3.7 mmol kg) had low leaching of dissolved reactive P (DRP) from full-length and subsoil lysimeters (0.12 and 0.08 kg ha yr, respectively). The other sandy soil, with high Olsen P content in the topsoil and subsoil (27 and 19 mg kg, respectively) and low PSI in the subsoil (1.4 mmol kg), had high DRP leaching from full-length and subsoil lysimeters (3.33 and 3.29 kg ha yr, respectively). High P content at depth (Olsen P, 21 mg kg) in one clay soil resulted in relatively higher subsoil DRP contribution (89%) to total leaching than observed in the other clay soil (71%). These results indicate that the subsoil can act as source or sink for P leaching, depending on P content, degree of P saturation, and P sorption capacity, and therefore subsoil properties should be considered when selecting mitigation measures to reduce P leaching.

L. Bergström, H. Kirchmann, F. Djodjic, K. Kyllmar, B. Ulén, Jian Liu, H. Andersson, H. Aronsson et al.

Transport of phosphorus (P) from agricultural fields to water bodies deteriorates water quality and causes eutrophication. To reduce P losses and optimize P use efficiency by crops, better knowledge is needed of P turnover in soil and the efficiency of best management practices (BMPs). In this review, we examined these issues using results from 10 Swedish long-term soil fertility trials and various studies on subsurface losses of P. The fertility trials are more than 50 years old and consist of two cropping systems with farmyard manure and mineral fertilizer. One major finding was that replacement of P removed by crops with fertilizer P was not sufficient to maintain soil P concentrations, determined with acid ammonium lactate extraction. The BMPs for reducing P leaching losses reviewed here included catch crops, constructed wetlands, structure liming of clay soils, and various manure application strategies. None of the eight catch crops tested reduced P leaching significantly, whereas total P loads were reduced by 36% by wetland installation, by 39 to 55% by structure liming (tested at two sites), and by 50% by incorporation of pig slurry into a clay soil instead of surface application. Trend analysis of P monitoring data since the 1980s for a number of small Swedish catchments in which various BMPs have been implemented showed no clear pattern, and both upward and downward trends were observed. However, other factors, such as weather conditions and soil type, have profound effects on P losses, which can mask the effects of BMPs.

A. Sharpley, L. Bergström, H. Aronsson, M. Bechmann, C. Bolster, K. Börling, F. Djodjic, H. Jarvie et al.

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