
Publikacije (68)

Jian Liu, F. Djodjic, B. Ulén, Helena Aronsson, M. Bechmann, Lars Bergström, Tore Krogstad, K. Kyllmar

Nordic agriculture faces big challenges to reduce phosphorus (P) loss from land to water for improving surface water quality. While understanding the processes controlling P loss and seeking for P mitigation measures, Norwegian and Swedish researchers have substantially benefited from and been inspired by Dr. Andrew Sharpley's career-long, high-standard P research. Here, we demonstrate how Sharpley and his research have helped the Nordic researchers to understand the role of cover crops in cold environmental conditions, best manure P management practices, and ditch processes. His work on critical source area (CSA) identification and site assessment tool development have also greatly inspired our thinking on the targeting of mitigation measures and the contextualizing tools for Nordic climate, landscape, and soils. While reflecting on Sharpley's legacy, we identify several needs for Norwegian and Swedish P research and management. These include (1) tackling the challenges caused by local/regional unevenness in livestock density and related manure management and farm P surpluses, (2) identifying CSAs of P loss with high erosion risk and high P surplus, (3) obtaining more high-resolution mapping of soils with low P sorption capacity both in the topsoil and subsoil, (4) improving cross-scale understanding of processes and mitigation measures and proper follow-up of applied mitigation measures, and (5) increasing collaborations of researchers with farmers and farmers' advisory groups and watershed groups by developing high-quality educational courses and extension materials. The needs should be addressed in the context of the challenges and opportunities created by climate change.

Lukas Hallberg, F. Djodjic, M. Bieroza

Abstract. Agricultural headwater streams are important pathways for diffuse sediment and nutrient losses, requiring mitigation strategies beyond in-field measures to intercept the transport of pollutants to downstream freshwater resources. As such, floodplains can be constructed along existing agricultural streams and ditches to improve fluvial stability and promote deposition of sediments and particulate phosphorus. In this study, we evaluated 10 remediated agricultural streams in Sweden for their capacity to reduce sediment and particulate phosphorus export and investigated the interplay between fluvial processes and phosphorus dynamics. Remediated streams with different floodplain designs (either on one side or both sides of the channel, with different width and elevation) were paired with upstream trapezoidal channels as controls. We used sedimentation plates to determine seasonal patterns in sediment deposition on channel beds and floodplains and monthly water quality monitoring. This was combined with continuous flow discharge measurements to examine suspended sediment and particulate phosphorus dynamics and reduction along reaches. Remediated streams with floodplains on both sides of the channel reduced particulate phosphorus concentrations and loads (−54 µg L−1, −0.21 kg ha−1 yr−1) along reaches, whereas increases occurred along streams with one-sided floodplains (27 µg L−1, 0.09 kg ha−1 yr−1) and control streams (46.6 µg L−1). Sediment deposition in remediated streams was five times higher on channel beds than on floodplains and there was no evident lateral distribution of sediments from channel to floodplains. There was no effect from sediment deposition on particulate phosphorus reduction, suggesting that bank stabilization was the key determinant for phosphorus mitigation in remediated streams, which can be realized with two-sided but not one-sided floodplains. Further, the overall narrow floodplain widths likely restricted reach-scale sediment deposition and its impact on P reductions. To fully understand remediated streams' potential for reductions in both nitrogen and different phosphorus species and to avoid pollution swapping effects, there is a need to further investigate how floodplain design can be optimized to achieve a holistic solution towards improved stream water quality.

Sara Sandström, H. Markensten, M. Futter, K. Kyllmar, D. O'Connell, K. Bishop, F. Djodjic

Erosion, soil loss and consequent nutrient fluxes impair water quality and can degrade arable soils. Erosion rates in Sweden are generally low but episodic losses of suspended solids (SS) can affect water quality. Identifying critical source areas (CSAs) and “hot moments” is essential to reduce erosive losses from arable land. Here we use a distributed, dynamic high-resolution erosion model that simulates the sum of all transported material, i.e., erosion within the soil profile, on the soil surface and transport through drainage systems. We simulate monthly SS transport in six small agricultural catchments with varying soil texture over 8 years. Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) was used as model performance statistics, and calibration (KGE = 0.45–0.78) and validation (KGE = 0.64–0.83) showed acceptable model performance for all catchments, with mean annual SS losses between 2.1 and 31.5 t km-2yr-1. Equifinality could be minimised by using more precise initial parameter values. We suggest that the model can be applied to comparable unmonitored catchments to identify erosion-sensitive periods and CSAs.

Lukas Hallberg, F. Djodjic, M. Bieroza

. Agricultural headwater streams are important pathways for diffuse sediment and nutrient losses, requiring mitigation 10 strategies beyond in-field measures to intercept the transport of pollutants to downstream freshwater resources. As such, floodplains can be constructed along existing agricultural streams and ditches to improve fluvial stability and promote deposition of sediments and particulate phosphorus. In this study, we evaluated 10 remediated agricultural streams in Sweden for their capacity to reduce sediment and particulate phosphorus export and investigated the interplay between fluvial processes and phosphorus dynamics. Remediated streams with different floodplain designs (either on one side or both sides of channel, 15 with different width and elevation) were paired with upstream trapezoidal channels as controls. We used sedimentation plates to determine seasonal patterns in sediment deposition on channel beds and floodplains and monthly water quality monitoring. This was combined with continuous flow discharge measurements to examine suspended sediment and particulate phosphorus dynamics and reduction along reaches. Remediated streams with floodplains on both sides of the channel reduced particulate phosphorus concentrations and loads (-54 μg L -1 , -0.21 kg ha -1 yr -1 ) along reaches, whereas increases occurred along streams 20 with one-sided floodplains (27 μg L -1 , 0.09 kg ha -1 yr -1 ) and control streams (46.6 μg L -1 ). Sediment deposition in remediated streams was five times higher on channel beds compared to floodplains and there was no evident lateral distribution of sediments from channel to floodplains. There was no effect from sediment deposition on particulate phosphorus reduction, suggesting that bank stabilization was the key determinant for phosphorus mitigation in remediated streams, which can be realized with two-sided but not one-sided floodplains. Further, the overall narrow floodplain widths likely restricted reach-

Sara Sandström, M. Futter, D. O'Connell, E. Lannergård, J. Rakovic, K. Kyllmar, L. Gill, F. Djodjic

Agriculture is a major source of sediment and particulate phosphorus (P) inputs to freshwaters. Distinguishing between P fractions in sediment can aid in understanding its eutrophication risk. Although streams and rivers are important parts of the P cycle in agricultural catchments, streambed sediment and especially fluvial suspended sediment (FSS) and its P fractions are less studied. To address this knowledge gap, seasonal variations in FSS P fractions and their relation to water quality and streambed sediment were examined in three Swedish agricultural headwater catchments over 2 yr. Sequential fractionation was used to characterize P fractions in both streambed sediment and FSS. All catchments had similar annual P losses (0.4-0.8 kg ha-1 ), suspended solids (124-183 mg L-1 ), and FSS total P concentrations (1.15-1.19 mg g-1 ). However, distribution of P fractions and the dominant P fractions in FSS differed among catchments (p < .05), which was most likely dependent on differences in catchment geology, clay content, external P sources, and flow conditions. The most prominent seasonal pattern in all catchments was found for iron-bound P, with high concentrations during low summer flows and low concentrations during winter high flows. Streambed sediment P fractions were in the same concentration ranges as in FSS, and the distribution of the fractions differed between catchments. This study highlights the need to quantify P fractions, not just total P in FSS, to obtain a more complete understanding of the eutrophication risk posed by agricultural sediment losses.

M. Piniewski, S. Tattari, J. Koskiaho, O. Olsson, F. Djodjic, M. Giełczewski, P. Marcinkowski, Marta Księżniak et al.

M. Bieroza, B. Ulén, P. Geranmayeh, F. Djodjic, A. Heeb

<p>Reducing eutrophication requires large financial investments that can be for example used to support catchment stakeholders in building agri-environment mitigation measures. These measures aim at reducing nutrient and sediment losses from agricultural land to recipient waters. In recent years, a large number of studies has looked into their effectiveness and generally show that some measures are successful and others fail to deliver expected improvements in water quality, which is increasingly difficult to communicate to stakeholders expecting immediate results. Particularly, transport mitigation measures that aim at intercepting stream or drainage flow, can have a varying effectiveness. Two measures of the same type and built in a seemingly similar way can have completely opposite impact on water quality, depending on the local catchment properties. In this paper we examine factors controlling effectiveness of mitigation measures looking at their hydrochemical positioning in the catchment in relation to pollution sources including nutrient legacy sources, their hydrochemical behaviour, design, management and stakeholders&#8217; engagement, using examples for transport mitigation measures: constructed wetlands, sedimentation ponds, two-stage ditches and drainage filters. We discuss also typical trade-offs in attainment of different ecosystem services which catchment stakeholders should consider prior to selecting and building the measures, including pollution swapping mechanisms e.g. reducing P-controlled eutrophication but increasing N-controlled eutrophication or reducing eutrophication vs. increasing greenhouse gas emissions. We show also how increasing weather variability and nutrient saturation can lead to further deterioration in water quality despite implementation of measures, making mitigation efforts ineffective under changing climate and in catchments with nutrient legacy sources.</p><p>&#160;</p>

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