
Publikacije (13)

W. Kozlowski, Fernando Kuipers, Rob Smets, Belma Turkovic

Quantum entanglement is so fundamentally different from a network packet that several quantum network stacks have been proposed; one of which has even been experimentally demonstrated. Several simulators have also been developed to make up for limited hardware availability, and which facilitate the design and evaluation of quantum network protocols. However, the lack of shared tooling and community-agreed node architectures has resulted in protocol implementations that are tightly coupled to their simulators. Besides limiting their reusability between different simulators, it also makes building upon prior results and simulations difficult. To address this problem, we have developed QuIP: a P4-based Quantum Internet Protocol prototyping framework for quantum network protocol design. QuIP is a framework for designing and implementing quantum network protocols in a platform-agnostic fashion. It achieves this by providing the means to flexibly, but rigorously, define device architectures against which quantum network protocols can be implemented in the network programming language $\text{P}4_{16}$ . QuIP also comes with the necessary tooling to enable their execution in existing quantum network simulators. We demonstrate its use by showcasing V1Quantum, a completely new device architecture, implementing a link- and network-layer protocol, and simulating it in the existing simulator NetSquid.

Belma Turkovic, Sjors Nijhuis, F. Kuipers

The concept of network slicing enables operators to provision multiple virtual networks on top of a single (shared) physical infrastructure. Adding elasticity to slicing, i.e., the ability to on-demand provision/release dedicated network resources, improves resource utilization. However, efficiently allocating and scaling slice resources, while maintaining state consistency, is challenging. Especially with P4-programmab1e network devices that process packets at Tbps speeds, controller-driven scaling of network functions would be too time-consuming, and data-plane scaling is needed. In this paper, we address this need, by developing a custom scaling protocol and framework that can consistently, with negligible delay, scale network slices and functions transparently to the slice end-users. We compare, via emulation and experiments on programmable hardware, our approach to state-of-the-art scaling techniques and demonstrate significant slice resource utilization improvements and scaling duration reductions.

Belma Turkovic, Soovam Biswal, A. Vijay, Antonia Hüfner, F. Kuipers

Networks often need to concurrently process millions of flows with varying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements. Doing so by deploying flow-specific rules at network nodes would require significant memory and overhead.In this paper, we take a fundamentally different approach, called P4QoS, by embedding QoS requirements in the packets themselves and leveraging P4-programmable network switches to process the traffic based on them. We illustrate and evaluate our approach with latency as our QoS metric, but our concept can be applied to other metrics as well. Our evaluation, both in software (Mininet) and in hardware (Intel Tofino), shows that P4QoS can satisfy application-specific QoS requirements with negligible memory overhead.

Belma Turkovic, F. Kuipers

Congestion control algorithms are usually developed in isolation without thoroughly investigating their co-existence and interactions with other protocols and/or congestion control algorithms. As a result, flows using different algorithms and/or having different Round-Trip Times may overpower each other, resulting in unfair resource distribution, with a subset of the flows usually claiming most of the capacity.To solve the aforementioned problem, we make use of programmable switches and the network programming language P4 to enforce fairness from within the network itself, instead of from the congestion control algorithms ran at the end-points. Our solution P4air continuously monitors the properties of all flows that pass through a switch and groups them based on the behavior of the congestion control algorithms used. Furthermore, for each group, it applies appropriate measures to suppress the aggressive flows and boost smaller flows. Our experiments, using modern programmable hardware (Barefoot Tofino switch), demonstrate significant performance gains for P4air in terms of fairness compared to state-of-the-art solutions.

Belma Turkovic, Jorik Oostenbrink, F. Kuipers, I. Keslassy, A. Orda

F1ows that have exceeded a given percentage of the last sliding window of N packets, denoted as heavy-hitter flows, require special handling, since they may disrupt the service of other flows or may be indicative of malicious traffic. However, even when equipped with a programmable switch, it is unclear how to detect heavy hitters on a per-packet basis, while obeying the stringent switch memory access rates. For instance, existing solutions, such as HashPipe, cannot detect heavy hitters without halving the line rate and do not support sliding windows. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to present heavy-hitter detection solutions that provide per-packet granularity at line-rate performance. We realize this by introducing (1) Modulo sketching, a novel counting algorithm that reuses counters and limits the impact of smaller flows beyond early processing stages; and (2) Sequential Zeroing, a new approach to extending interval-based schemes to sliding window measurements. Our solutions are extensively evaluated, both via simulations and experiments on a Netronome SmartNIC, and demonstrate significant performance gains over the state-of-theart.

Kurian Polachan, Belma Turkovic, Prabhakar T. Venkata, C. Singh, F. Kuipers

Tactile internet" refers to a network that can support real-time interactions between human operators and remote cyber-physical systems as if they were near to each other. For this, the network should support ultra-low latency communication, often referred to as the 1ms challenge. However, we observe that network requirements, such as latency and bandwidth, of tactile internet based cyber-physical systems or Tactile Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS) are not static: they severely fluctuate over time. Therefore, for TCPS, static provisioning of network resources is sub-optimal. For optimal utilization of network resources, we propose a mechanism to, per TCPS flow, dynamically create, destroy and switch network slices, based on the network resources needed at that time. Our solution consists of two main components. First, we develop a clustering algorithm to determine the slices and their specifications required to support a TCPS flow. Second, we leverage Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and P4-programmable switches to enable on- the-fly provisioning and switching of these slices.

Belma Turkovic, F. Kuipers, S. Uhlig

Congestion control algorithms are crucial in achieving high utilization while preventing overloading the network. Over the years, many different congestion control algorithms have been developed, each trying to improve over others in specific situations. However, their interactions and co-existence has, to date, not been thoroughly evaluated, which is the focus of this paper. Through head-to-head comparisons of loss-based, delay-based and hybrid types of congestion control algorithms, we reveal that fairness in resources claimed is often not achieved, especially when flows sharing a link have different round-trip times or belong to different groups.

Belma Turkovic, F. Kuipers, S. Uhlig

Congestion control algorithms are crucial in achieving high utilization while preventing overloading the network. Over the years, many different congestion control algorithms have been developed, each trying to improve in specific situations. However, their interactions and co-existence has, to date, not been thoroughly evaluated, which is the focus of this paper. Through head-to-head comparisons of representatives from loss-based, delay-based and hybrid types of congestion control algorithms, we reveal that fairness in resources claimed is often not attained, especially when flows sharing a link have different RTTs.

Belma Turkovic, Jorik Oostenbrink, F. Kuipers

The ability to detect, in real-time, heavy hitters is beneficial to many network applications, such as DoS and anomaly detection. Through programmable languages as P4, heavy hitter detection can be implemented directly in the data-plane, allowing custom actions to be applied to packets as they are processed at a network node. This enables networks to immediately respond to changes in network traffic in the data-plane itself and allows for different QoS profiles for heavy hitter and non-heavy hitter traffic. Current interval-based methods that flush the whole counting structure are not well-suited for programmable hardware (the data-plane), because they either require more resources than available in that hardware, they do not provide good accuracy, or require too many actions from the control-plane. A sliding window approach that maintains accuracy over time would solve these issues. However, to the best of our knowledge, the concept of sliding windows in programmable hardware has not been studied yet. In this paper, we develop streaming approaches to detect heavy hitters in the data-plane. We consider the problems of (1) adopting a sliding window and (2) identifying heavy hitters separately and propose multiple memory- and processing-efficient solutions for each of them. These solutions are suitable for P4 programmable hardware and can be combined at will to solve the streaming variant of the heavy hitter detection problem.

Belma Turkovic, F. Kuipers, Niels L. M. van Adrichem, K. Langendoen

Along with exciting visions for 5G communications and the Tactile Internet, the networking requirement of attaining extremely low end-to-end latency has appeared. While network devices are typically equipped with buffers to counteract packet loss caused by short-lived traffic bursts, the more those buffers get filled, the more delay is added to every packet passing through. In this paper, we develop congestion avoidance methods that harness the power of fully programmable data-planes. The corresponding programmable switches, through languages such as P4, can be programmed to gather and react to important packet meta-data, such as queue load, while the data packets are being processed. In particular, we enable P4 switches to (1) track processing and queuing delays of latency-critical flows and (2) react immediately in the data-plane to congestion by rerouting the affected flows. Through a proof-of-concept implementation in emulation and on real hardware, we demonstrate that a data-plane approach reduces average and maximum delay, as well as jitter, when compared to non-programmable approaches.

Daniël Van Den Berg, Rebecca Glans, Dorian De Koning, F. Kuipers, J. Lugtenburg, Kurian Polachan, Prabhakar T. Venkata, C. Singh et al.

The Tactile Internet presently constitutes a vision of an Internet over which, in addition to current communications modalities, a sense of touch can be transported. In that case, people would no longer need to be physically near the systems they operate, but could control them remotely. The main problem that needs to be solved to realize the Tactile Internet is summarized by the “1 ms challenge.” If the response time of a system is below 1 ms, the end-user will not be able to tell the difference between controlling a system locally or from another location. This paper offers a summary of the requirements for haptic communications, followed by an overview of challenges in realizing the Tactile Internet. In addition, possible solutions to these challenges are proposed and discussed. For example, the development of the fifth generation mobile communication networks will provide a good foundation upon which a Tactile Internet could be built. This paper also describes the design of a modular testbed needed for testing of a wide variety of haptic system applications.

Rintse van de Vlasakker, Belma Turkovic, Nassima Toumi, Ramon de, Souza Schwartz, Peter-Paul Schackmann

—5G and beyond 5G networks are designed to enable a set of novel applications and industry verticals with very different requirements, such as agriculture, transport, or healthcare. For example, to support automotive and teleoperated transport, 5G systems are expected to guarantee URLLC (Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications) requirements with minimal interruption times. The 5G-Blueprint project aims to provide technical solutions for 5G-enabled uninterrupted (i.e., seamless) communications in cross-border teleoperated automotive use cases. To support these services, this poster presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first practical implementation of seamless 5G Standalone Roaming using off-the-shelf UEs and gNBs. Preliminary results of our experiments show an interruption time in the range of 100-150 milliseconds, thereby meeting the requirements of teleoperated automotive services.

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