
Publikacije (26)

E. Karahmet, A. Vileš, A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, Almir Toroman

Because of skeletal muscle is the main contributor to body weight in most fish, it is probable that the species of the fish is limited by the growth of this tissue. Several aspects of both somatic size and skeletal muscle growth was investigated in this research work included a total of 20 brown trout (Salmo truta m. fario Lineus), 20 brook trout (Salvelinus alpinus) and 20 rainbow trout (Oncorynchus mykkis Walbaum), the average weight of 200 grams. Gathered data showed that rainbow trout has a faster increasing white muscles then other two fish species at same body weight. Main peak of diameter white muscles was 31-40 µm (30.55%) and 41-50 µm (22.15%) for rainbow trout. In mean time in the other two fish groups (brown trout and brook trout) was 21-30 µm (40.1% or 39.27%) and 31-40 µm (39.27% or 33.85%) of measured cross sectional areas. Distribution measured cross sectional areas of red muscles laniary goes down from the 71 µm.

A. Softić, V. Šakić, V. Katica, A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, Aida Kavazović, Maja Varatanović

A. Softić, V. Šakić, V. Katica, A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, Aida Kavazović, Maja Varatanović

R. Avdić, A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, A. Softić, F. Tandir, B. Čengić, P. Bejdić, V. Ćutahija et al.

Lameness in sheep, especially in semi-extensive breeding of Dubska pramenka, which starts in the interdigital region, was the motive of our morphological and histological research, in order to and in some way, bring the structure of the interdigital sinus in correlation with the appearance of this pathological state that causes extensive economical losses in the domestic sheep breeding,. The anatomical location of the interdigital diverticulum, its histological structure, which point to abundance of sebaceous glands around the hair follicles surrounding the interdigital opening and interdigital glands in deeper layers, point to the suggestion that their secretion increases due to poor hygienic keeping conditions. Pathogens - anaerobic microorganisms, which are most commonly causing the contagious lameness find the ideal conditions for their growth and reproduction because the secretion of these glands is likely "to close" the only "air" communication - interdigital opening.

N. Mlaćo, A. Katica, B. Čengić, V. Šakić

Considering there are different and inconsistent results of the wider use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone or its analogs in cattle breeding and due to scarce research studies in the field of individual breeding, we decided to explore the influence of gonadorelin Fertagyl on the results of the blood serum progesterone levels and conception of cows in veterinary field practice. Examination of the progesterone levels involved 14 (fourteen) cows treated with gonadorelin (GnRH), Fertagyl, manufactured by Intervet, according to the manufacturer’s instructions dose of 2,5ml (250 micrograms), within five minutes after insemination. There are individual differences in progesteron concentrations according to days of sampling in treated cows, respectively individuality is manifested in all cows between days of blood sampling, except for period of luteolysis (18th day) in non-gravid cows. Our research results indicate that there is a tendency for progesterone concentration to increase in gravid cows treated with Fertagyl at the time of insemination. Progesteron concentrations in blood serum in gravid cows were higher for 0.21 ng/ml in first three days after insemination and at 6th day those concentrations were higher for 0.40 ng/ml compared to non-gravid cows.

B. Čengić, N. Varatanović, Tarik Mutevelić, A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, A. Ćutuk

Success in cattle breeding is one of the most important goals in livestock farming and it requires particular attention when it is about securing unobstructed reproduction. Final goal in cattle breeding is to produce one live calf per year, which will likewise enhance milk production through successful pregnancy. The aim of our research was to monitor uterine involution speed with aid of ultrasound device and make records when cows are ready to be inseminated again, which cows need more time to complete involution and how many cows will have uterine disorders and require therapy. The experiment was carried out from October 2009 until the end of January 2010. In our experiment 50 cows were included and 412 transrectal ultrasound examinations were performed. Cows were transrectally examined, starting from 6th day postpartum until 52 days postpartum. Speed of uterine involution has been monitored through decrease of uterine horn diameter and wall thickness. Cows with normal puerperium have completed involution in the period from 38 - 45 days postpartum, while those with abnormal puerperium needed more time to complete it or required therapy of disturbed uterine status. In total 48% of cows had normal uterine involution, 52% of cows had some abnormalities in involution and 10% of cows in experiment required therapy. With continuous monitoring of reproductive tract in cattle with ultrasound it is possible to timely detect right time for first insemination postpartum, decrease period of open days or to detect abnormalities in uterine health status and treat it.

A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, M. Hamamdžić, N. Varatanović, B. Čengić

Glandulla mammae is a secondary sexual characteristic. The composition and structure of the mammary gland depends on the functional state of the gland and is affected by hormones. The mammary gland reaches its full development during gestation and it becomes functional and secretory upon delivery. Lactocytes of the mammary gland may be squamous in shape, low or high prismatic, depending on the phase of the glandular cycle. Lactocytes are affected by LTH hormones due to which they are called prolactin. The function of the mammary gland is also affected by STH, and indirectly by TTH. Examined material was taken from Central Bosnia Canton, under field conditions of veterinary practice. The assay of histological features of the mammary gland of Dubska pramenka was conducted during the dry period as well as during lactation. The total number of animals was 16, eight (8) during the dry period and eight (8) during lactation period. Following the development of histological preparations, we conducted a descriptive overview - interpretation of the histological structures. The study of histological preparations of the mammary gland of Dubska pramenka during the dry period and lactation shows that the parenchyma is well developed, more or less, with reduced intersticium. Histological appereance of the lactocytes resembles that of the perifollicular tissue, the presence of different cells is higher during the lactation - the onset of glandural cycle. Well-developed lactiferous ducts with cavity, with or without secretion, but with preserved epithelium are the characteristics of both periods. The glandural tissue is well-developed and the secretion was present regardless of the examination period.

V. Katica, V. Šakić, R. Ćutuk, A. Softić, A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, Maja Varatanović

Horse breeding is a branch of animal husbandry that keeps loosing its importance in BiH, in particular in the postwar period. Horse population number tends to decline constantly. In 1990, horse population in BiH was about 99.803, in 2004 about 27.156, in 2006 about 25.699, while in 2009 the number decreased to 21.185 with the objective tendency of further decline. These data support the opinion of many livestock breeding experts that horse breeding surely became the most endangered livestock breeding in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, horse population has an estimate of 1000. Only thanks to a number of enthusiasts in horse breeding, horse population has been surviving, sometimes under unbelievable circumstances lacking food, water and adequate accommodation. These facts command a thorough research both phenotypic and genetic, with the goal of complete determination of this horse population. Key words: Horse breeding, Bosnia and Herzegovina mountain horse, free breeding

N. Varatanović, A. Katica, Tarik Mutevelić, N. Mlaćo, E. Hamzić

Health control of the mammary gland was conducted comparing results of CMT (California Mastitis Test) and bacteriological findings of milk samples during one year. A total of 3863 secretion samples of mammary glands were collected. There were 85.3% matches for CMT and bacteriological findings. The most frequently isolated causative agents were: staphylococci (52.4%), streptococcus bacteria (23.5%), mixed infections (13.1%), and enterobacteria (10.3%). Secretions disorder and inflammations of mammary gland are most common for the warm period of the year, and very rare for the winter period. With permanent use of these two methods it is possible to obtain satisfactory results in order to get better milk production and health condition of the mammary gland. .

N. Varatanović, A. Katica, Tarik Mutevelić, B. Čengić, N. Mlaćo, E. Hamzić

With 268 heifers in farm breeding, udder examination has been performed for clinical mastitis during 14 days after calving. From each quarter we took secretion samples and performed bacteriological analysis. From total number of heifers, 56 of them had shown clinical signs of inflammation, and 12 were bacteriologicaly positive. By bacteriological analysis mastitis pathogens had been found, even in 14 heifers without inflammation signs, at least until the end of test period. From the total number of tested heifers in 3,35% of cases Streptococcus agalactiae have been found, 4,85% coagulase positive staphilococcae (CPS) and 1,49% Corynebacterium pyogenes. Because coagulasa positive staphilococci were the most present bacteries in the period of 14 days, we made opinion that the same are the most often mastitis pathogen. Heifers with intramammarian infections like these, represent source of infection fot other non-infected animals in herd.

N. Varatanović, K. Amela, Tarik Mutevelić, B. Čengić, N. Mlaćo

Swine breeding production as one of teh most perspective branch in livestock farming require particular attention when it is about reproduction of the flock. Final goal of every swine breeding farm is of course to increase reproduction of the animals and ensure healthy progeny. Aim of our research was to on the basis of detailed microscopic analyse of the ovaries in researched periods and results obtained accelerate reproduction in swine breeding production and by that total flock craft. We have culled 36 sows cross breed of Swedish Landrace and Large White whose are breeded in farm conditions in the periods of estrous and post partum. Immediately after culling we have separated ovaries from surrounding tissue and using micrometer we have measured lenght and width of evident follicles. Obtained results showed that the most ideal period for next mating of sows is 21 to 28 days post partum, when the biggest values of examined parameters had been recorded - lenght and width of follicles, what indicate to increase of ovarial activity.

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