
Publikacije (26)

N. Hadžiomerović, R. Avdić, B. Minnich, K. Erlbacher, N. Mlaćo, F. Tandir, P. Bejdić

Microvascularization of domestic fowl kidneys was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of vascular corrosion casts (VCCs). Two types of nephrons, mammalian‐type (MT) and reptilian‐type (RT) nephrons and their glomerular structure were analysed quantitatively by 3D morphometry. A significant difference in shape and size between the MT and RT glomeruli was found. The mean diameter of the RT glomeruli was about 56 µm, while that of MT glomeruli was significantly larger, namely about 80 µm. The afferent arterioles in mammalian‐type glomeruli usually bifurcated into two lobular branches and formed a complex glomerular capillary network with numerous loops. Reptilian‐type glomeruli consisted of a single capillary forming few loops and leaving the glomerulus as efferent arteriole. Diameters of afferent and efferent arteriolar replicas were similar in all three kidney divisions of MT and RT nephrons. The absence of the interconnecting branches between the MT nephron capillaries at the gross inspection suggests that the mammalian‐type nephron glomeruli, although more complex than the reptilian type, are not equivalent to those in mammalian kidneys.

P. Bejdić, A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, L. Velić, A. Ćutuk, B. Čengić

| The aim of this study was to morphologically describe the air sac system in Rosy-faced parrots (Agapornis roseicollis) and provide useful data for future veterinary care and treatment of respiratory system diseases in these pets. The research was conducted on five birds. In order to obtain the casts of the air sacs, we applied the corrosion cast technique, where we used the 26% solution of Vinylite mass. The research showed that the anatomy of the air sacs in these parrots was very similar to that in other birds, but there was some specific characteristic regarding the arrangement and connection between the air sacs. In Rosy-faced parrots we identified nine air sacs, the one unpaired, saccus clavicularis and paired saccus cervicalis, thoracicus cranialis, thoracicus caudalis and abdominalis. The casts showed that clavicular and cranial thoracic air sacs established a connection through the diverticula sternalia. These anatomical characteristics can be common to birds from Psittaciformes order and additional research need to be performed to confirm these findings.

N. Mlaćo, A. Katica, V. Katica, A. Softić, V. Šakić, V. Ćutahija, P. Bejdić, N. Hadžiomerović et al.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, as well as in most Balkan countries, wool is a major environmental problem. After sheep shearing, farmers usually leave the wool at the shear sites, providing poorly degradable organic waste. The purchase price of such untreated wool is as low as its quality. By this research, we have tried to draw attention, from another aspect, to the quality of wool fibers of certain parts of the body, which is ultimately very important in the textile industry and in the selection of wool for further processing. The cuticle is made from cornfied cells, flakes, located on the surface of wool fibers. One of the significant roles of the cuticle is the protective. Namely, the cuticle protects the wool fibers from various external factors, whether mechanical or physic-chemical (such as ammonia evaporation in poorly maintained facilities, etc.), which can damage the fleece and thus make it less quality. We have found some differences in the flakes position and shape in the wool fibers we investigated, depending on part of the body from which they were sampled. However, by microscopic analyses of samples taken from the root of the tail, we have found that the flakes were much smaller and finer in structure than the arrangement and appearance of the cornified flakes from the rump. In this study, we have compared the appearance and arrangement of flakes of cuticle, which is very important in assessing the quality of wool and its further use as a raw material.

N. Mlaćo, A. Katica, V. Katica, A. Softić, V. Šakić, V. Ćutahija, P. Bejdić, N. Hadžiomerović et al.

U Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori, kao i vecini zemalja Balkana, vuna predstavlja veliki ekoloski problem. Nakon striže ovaca, farmeri obicno ostavljaju vunu na mjestima striže sto predstavlja tesko razgradiv otpad organskog porijekla. Otkupna cijena takve, netretirane vune je veoma mala kao i njen kvalitet. Istraživanjem smo pokusali skrenuti pažnju na kvalitet vunskih vlakana pojedinih dijelova tijela, sa jednog drugog aspekta, sto je u konacnici veoma bitno u tekstilnoj industriji i selekciji vune u daljoj preradi. Kutikulu cine orožale celije, ljuspice, koje se nalaze na povrsini runskih vlakana. Jedna od znacajnih uloga kutikule je zastitna. Naime, kutikula stiti vunsko vlakno od razlicitih vanjskih inzulta, bilo mehanickih, fizicko-hemijskih (kao sto je isparavanje amonijaka u lose održavanim nastambama i sl.), koji mogu ostetiti runo, te ga na taj nacin uciniti manje kvalitetnim. Na istraživanim uzorcima runskih vlakana ustanovili smo izvjesne razlike u položaju i obliku orožalih ljuspica, zavisno od dijela tijela odakle su uzorkovane. Međutim, mikroskopskom analizom uzoraka uzetih sa korijena repa, ustanovili smo da su ljuspice znatno manjih dimenzija, finije građe u odnosu na raspored i izgled rožnih ljuspica sapi. U radu smo komparirali izgled, raspored ljuspica kutikule, sto je veoma važno u procjeni kvaliteta vune, te njenoj daljoj upotrebi kao sirovine.

S. Pilić, N. Mlaćo, A. Katica, V. Katica, I. Mujezinović, J. Katica

Aquaculture as an agricultural activity in our country is capable ofproducing large amounts of different types and categories of fish. Climate andgeographic characteristics of our country, the terrain and development of agriculturalproduction as well as compliance with the principle of “sustainable development”,the position and importance of fishery in a multipurpose water utilization, mustdetermine the direction of development of the future trout production. The mostimportant type of fish grown in the trout fisheries in BiH is the rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). In addition to the fact that growing thistype of fish is attractive to many producers, considering the high yield potential,it is also characterized by a significant level of tolerance to varying microambientconditions of the environment. Given the importance of fish production in Bosniaand Herzegovina, which is one of the rare branches of food sector that has fulfilledthe international standards and criteria and secured access to the markets of the EUcountries, it is necessary to establish optimal conditions to ensure high productivityof salmonid fisheries. Studying the reproductive cycles can provide very preciseand significant results of the overall condition of the entire organism during thisvery complex physiological process and of the overall population in the respectiveecosystem.

S. Pilić, N. Mlaćo, A. Katica, V. Katica, I. Mujezinović, J. Katica

Akvakultura kao poljoprivredna djelatnost u našoj zemlji je u stanjuproizvoditi velike količine ribe različitih vrsta i kategorija. Klimatske i geografskekarakteristike naše zemlje, njen reljef i razvoj poljoprivredne proizvodnje kao ipoštovanje principa „održivog razvoja”, mjesta i značaja ribarstva u višenamjenskomkorišćenju voda, moraju da određuju pravac razvoja proizvodnje pastrmki ubudućnosti. Najvažnija riblja vrsta koja se uzgaja u pastrmskim ribnjacima kodnas je kalifornijska pastrmka, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). Osim što jegajenje ove vrste ribe privlačno za veliki broj proizvođača, s obzirom na mogućnostpostizanja visokih prinosa, nju odlikuje i značajna tolerantnost na variranjamikroambijentalnih uvjeta okoliša. S obzirom za značaj proizvodnje ribe u Bosni iHercegovini, koja je jedna od rijetkih grana prehrambenog sektora koja je uspjelaispuniti međunarodne standarde i postavljene kriterije te osigurati izlazak na tržištezemalja Europske unije, neophodno je ustanoviti optimalne uslove koji obezbjeđujuvisoku produktivnost salmonidnog gospodarstva. Proučavanje reproduktivnogciklusa može dati vrlo precizne i značajne rezultate o stanju organizma za vrijemeovog vrlo složenog fiziološkog procesa, kao i populacije u datom ekosistemu.

A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, M. Kati̇ca

Reproductive ability of the domestic cats, based on the experience, varies, which depends on the range of both internal and external factors. Like their wild counterparts, the domestic cats reproduce several times a year; hence, they are polyestric animals. Actuality of endocrinological testing, considering the extreme importance of the ovaries in the neuroendocrinology system and the importance of impact of different factors, climatic factors in particular from the aspect of the onset and detection of estrus, prompted us to determine the frequency of estrus during the period of one year, based on the level of estradiol concentration in blood serum.

P. Bejdić, R. Avdić, L. Amidžić, V. Ćutahija, F. Tandir, N. Hadžiomerović, A. Katica, N. Mlaćo

Ultrastructure of plasma cells in Harderian gland was investigated using the transmission electron microscopy. For this research, we examined the glands of 32 laying hens collected at 1, 7, 20 and 40 days and 4, 6, 8 and 12 months of the birds' ages. The research showed that the stroma of the gland contains a large number of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Most of the plasma cells are mature, but morphologically do not show productive activity. Only some individual plasma cells, situated under the secretory epithelium of primary and secondary ducts, have extremely dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum which contain moderately dense, granular material. The morphology of these cells indicates that they are in active stage of immunoglobulin production. Also, we identified plasma cells with two types of Russell bodies. One type of these bodies was small, round or oval, while the other had irregular, angular shape. It was noted that one plasma cell never contains both type of Russell bodies at the same time. These cells were often affected by apoptosis. Among them, in deeper part of the stroma, were situated the small plasmablast cells.

D. Rukavina, Ć. Crnkić, M. Mačkić-Đurović, A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, A. Zahirović

The aim of the present study was to investigate values of hematological and some biochemical parameters of autochthonous Bosnian mountain horse breed by revealing the differences related to age and gender. These horses are adapted to specific environmental and climatic conditions in the region and their blood parameters might differ from other horse breeds. Blood samples were collected on stud farm “Borike” from 30 clinically healthy adult horses of both gender (16 females and 14 males), aged between two and twenty-three years. Horses were grouped in three age classes: young mature horses (2-6 years, n=10), middle age horses (7-14 years, n=10) and old horses (>14 years, n=10). A total of eleven hematological and twelve biochemical parameters were analyzed. Gender significantly affected LYM (p=0.009), EOS (p=0.016), UREA (p=0.018), P (p=0.028), TBIL (p=0.048) and AMYL (p=0.033) levels. Values of UREA, TBIL and AMYL were significantly higher in males, while values of LYM, EOS and P were significantly higher in females. Age significantly affected GLU (p=0.019) and UREA (p=0.001) levels. Values of GLU were significantly lower in middle age horses than in old horses while values of UREA were significantly lower in young mature horses than in middle age and old horses. UREA was the only parameter affected by both age and gender. Results obtained in the present study showed that gender had much more powerful effect on the investigated parameters in clinically healthy adult Bosnian mountain horses then did the age.

V. Katica, N. Mlaćo, A. Katica, J. Katica

Dementia is a loss of mental ability (ability to think, remember and make logical conclusions) which, in principle affects normal everyday life of a person. Dementia is not a disease but a group of symptoms that may cause different diseases. Symptoms include change of behaviour, character and unexpected changes in the mood. Poor quality of nutrition affects significantly the intensity of dementia. Balanced diet that meets healthy safety standards and requirements will satisfy the needs of an organism for vitamins and minerals and special attention should be given to intake of folic acid, vitamin B12 and minerals zinc and selenium. Intake of omega3 fatty acids is a source of fuel for blood vessels, particularly for the ones of the nervous tissues.

N. Mlaćo, Ervin Bucan, A. Katica, A. Softić, V. Katica, V. Šakić, S. Pilić, J. Katica

Microscopic analysis of the skin and cuticle of wool fibers in Dubska pramenka show different qualitative parameters. The research study included different parts of the body and the samples of the wool fibers from different regions of the body. Histological description shows difference in the basic structurers of the skin in Dubska pramenka. A very pronounced thin epidermis, while dermis and hypodermis are more developed on the samples from the shoulder. Cornified flakes-cuticle of the root of the tail was of a fine structure, and cornified flakes from the rump showed the features of the rough wool fibers. “Transitional form of cuticle” was dominant on the shoulder. The qualitative parameters have a significant influence on the overall quality of wool in general, and the research contributes to a greater usability value of the wool and development of livestock farming in areas in a broader sense.

M. Kati̇ca, A. Katica, N. Mlaćo

Katekolaminler, ondokuzuncu yuzyildan yirminci yuzyila geciste yapilan cesitli calismalardan sonra tespit edilmistir. Hormonal rolleri reseptorleri araciligiyla belirgindir ve bu rol tum organlar ve vucut sistemleri icin cok onemlidir. Ayrica, katekolaminler norotransmitter rolune de sahiptir. Katekolaminlerin rolu, insan ve evcil hayvanlarin sindirim sisteminde gorulmektedir. Reseptorleri araciligiyla mide, ince ve kalin bagirsaktaki hareketlilik ve salgilamayi mide ve bagirsaklarin yumusak kas gucunu azaltip gevsetici yonde guclu sekilde desteklerler. Bu yolla, normal homeostazisin surdurulmesine aktif olarak katki saglarlar. Mide duz kaslarinin yani sira, evcil memeli ve kanatlilarin ince ve kalin bagirsagindaki adrenerjik (α ve s) reseptorlerinin temsil ve dagiliminda belirgin farkliliklar vardir. Noradrenalin’in aktivitesi α–adrenoseptorleri araciligiyla mide-bagirsak kanali salgisindaki artisi onemli olcude etkiler. Adrenalin, β-adrenoseptorleri araciligiyla, hem ince hem de kalin bagirsakta peristaltik hareketlerindeki azalmayi etkiledigi gibi, ayni zamanda, tek mideli hayvanlarin midesindeki ve cok midelilerin rumenindeki gucu (hareketliligi) azaltir

A. Katica, N. Mlaćo, R. Avdić, F. Tandir, V. Ćutahija, P. Bejdić, N. Hadžiomerović

Bosnia and Herzegovina has always had a developed sheep production, at least from the aspect of the number of sheep per capita. Today, the ratio is 1 sheep per 4 persons, because the cattle production, globally looking, is decimated by war. Thanks to the geographic location of the country, the quality of mountain pastures and environment that is still healthy, we believe that with increased investments in sheep production we could increase the number of heads, which would have positive effects on production of meat and milk of exceptional quality. The study involving the uterus of Dubska pramenka during sexual season under nomadic conditions of holding, demonstrated that, in adequate zoo hygiene conditions (holding, feeding, treatment of animal), the sheep showed increased reproductive parameters as well as parameters manifested in meat and milk production. In our studies, microstructure of uterus of Dubska pramenka during sexual season shows extremely positive characteristics for nidation of the egg cell and normal development of the embryo. Epithelium of the uterus is in a form of high-prismatic cells, which points to significant cell activity; perfusion and development of myometrium are visible. The uterine glands are extremely well developed and their histological structure indicates increased secretion and preparation of the uterus for gravidity.

N. Mlaćo, A. Katica, S. Pilić

The testes of fish are paired organs, of a variable shape in different species of fish. Their structure in the salmonid species is lobular. With the histological assays, we established that the lobes were separated by the connective tissue septa, which, given the intensity of spermatogenesis in the studied groups of fish (Salmo trutta m. Fario; Oncorhynchus mykiss) sporadically disappear, in fact, they break. In the space between the lobes there are also cross-sections of blood vessels with visible erythrocytes. During the spermatogenesis, in the interstitium there are clearly observable interstitial endocrine (Leydig) cells that excrete steroid hormones. The intensity of the spermatogenesis in the studied fish varies, which is concluded on the basis of the presence of the spermatogenesis cells. In nature, the reproductive cycle in fish is mostly based on an annual cycle, and that is why different stages of reproduction take place at a different temperature and during a different photoperiod. Hence, regardless of the same time period, the spawning time in November, different types of breeding, and finally salmon farming, point to the very important factors that influence reproduction - diet and microclimatic conditions.

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