
Publikacije (31)


To identify and specify trace bent functions of the form Tr(P(x)), where P(x) ∈ F(2<sup>n</sup>)[x], has been an important research topic lately. We characterize a class of vectorial (hyper)bent functions of the form F(x) = Tr<sub>k</sub><sup>n</sup> (Σ<sub>i=0(</sub>2<sup>k</sup>) a<sub>i</sub>x<sup>i(</sup>(2<sup>k</sup>)<sup>-1)</sup>), where n = 2k, in terms of finding an explicit expression for the coefficients a<sub>i</sub> so that F is vectorial hyperbent. These coefficients only depend on the choice of the interpolating polynomial used in the Lagrange interpolation of the elements of U and some prespecified outputs, where U is the cyclic group of (2<sup>n/2</sup> + 1)th roots of unity in F(2<sup>n</sup>). We show that these interpolation polynomials can be chosen in exactly (2<sup>k</sup> + 1)!2<sup>k-1</sup> ways and this is the exact number of vectorial hyperbent functions of the form Tr<sub>k</sub><sup>n</sup> (Σ<sub>i=0</sub><sup>2k</sup> a<sub>i</sub>x<sup>i(</sup>(2<sup>k</sup>)<sup>-1)</sup>). Furthermore, a simple optimization method is proposed for selecting the interpolation polynomials that give rise to trace polynomials with a few nonzero coefficients.

S. Ribic, Maida Beganović

Lazarus is a free development tool, designed for rapid application development in Object Pascal language. The IDE is available on variety of platforms, and partially supports cross compilation. Cross compilation simplifies the development process, because it can be done on just one platform. During the research, we investigated the required steps to make the cross compilation possible at all.

Alvin Huseinović, S. Ribic

Physical memory can contain various data such as user passwords, encryption keys, web browser activity and other traces interesting for forensic analysis. Virtual machine physical memory is usually presented as a file on a host operating system. In this paper, the obtaining and analyzing of the virtual machine memory dump are presented.

A. Tanovic, S. Ribic, Zvjezdan Sehovac

ISO/IEC 20000 is the first international standard for IT Service Management. Previous researches have showed that this standard needs improvements. This paper is focused on the improvement of the process model for ISO/IEC 20000 standard. The paper is based on the improvement of process model for ISO/IEC 20000 standard by using the comparison with ITIL 2011 framework and with eTOM and ISO/IEC 27000 standard. The result of the research is the new improved process model for ISO/IEC 20000 standard which can be implemented in any business environment. This is the first research which takes more than one other ITSM framework or standard for the comparison with ISO/IEC 20000 standard. The paper has a practical significance because this new model will be also implemented in BH Telecom, the leading Telecom operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Domain specific languages are used in situations when general-purpose languages or classical user interface are not best suitable for describing the problem and solution. During automatic school timetable generation, there are different requirements that need to be satisfied and they might clutter the user interface. There is a proposal with implementation details of the domain specific language designed for explaining many different constraints that appear in timetable description: the language syntax, some regular sentences, required data structures for implementation and example of generated equations.

S. Kapetanovic, S. Ribic

The Internet is a tool widely available all around the world. It is used by home users or by companies to satisfy their private or business needs. The object of this work is to investigate about the real status of the IPv6 protocol implementation in BiH. The goal of the research is to determine the implementation level of the IPv6 standard in public service companies in BiH, covering the telecommunication industry. The research focuses on technical and social aspects of IPv6 development in BiH. At the end, the aim is to determine the degree of readiness to implement the new standard which is essential for companies that provide Internet services (ISP).

Evolutionary strategy is here used in searching objective function for two phase integer linear programming approach to solving the school time tabling problem. This allows improvements in generated timetables even for criteria, which are not easily expressed by ordinary objective function.

The authors of this paper recently researched the possibility of developing programming language implementation, that is neither compiler, nor interpreter. The concept is based on keeping the complete program in native machine code, but the specialized editor can 'on the fly' decompile the machine code and display it as high level language. The displayed code can be edited and saved again as pure machine code. This paper reviews the possibility of optimizing generated code, while still retaining the possibility of decompilation. We found many important code sequences which can be replaced with shorter ones while keeping the code in decompilable executable format.

In this paper, we propose one model for high school timetable generation, which uses two-phase linear integer programming to solve the problem. This reduces the required computation time, by decomposing the problem to determine the day and then, in the second phase, to generate a daily schedule. The approach was demonstrated on a test problem, and the results for various settings of the model parameters are presented.

Organizing and completing the final oral defense of a Ph.D. thesis over the Internet as a videoconference session presented both a technical and legal challenge to participants in the process. In this paper we present the experience gained and some recommendations for future similar endeavors as a result of preparing and accomplishing the first Ph.D. defense held at the Universities of Bosnia Herzegovina, with the president of the defense committee guiding the event remotely from his office in the USA. The whole event took place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo.

High level programming languages are usually implemented as compilers, interpreters, pseudo compilers, just in time compilers and compact form interpreters. All of the mentioned approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. The approach proposed in this paper eliminates need for source code as physical entity, making the native machine code the only file that exists and is archived, while the special viewer/editor shows and edits it in a form understandable as a high level language. The viewer/editor acts as integrated all-in-one editor, decompiler and incremental compiler.

S. Ribic, B. Herzegovina

Highlevelprogramming languages are usuallyimplemented as compilers, interpreters, pseudocompilers, justintime compilers andcompact forminterpreters. Allof thementioned approaches havetheir advantages anddisadvantages. Theapproach proposed in this papereliminates needforsource codeas physical entity, making thenative machine code theonly file that exists andisarchived, while the special viewerleditor showsandedits itinaform understandable asa highlevel language. The viewerleditor acts asintegrated all-in-one editor, decompiler andincremental compiler.

In this thesis it will be investigated the possibility of developing the programming language translator, heavily based on decompilation. Instead of keeping program in source code, it will be kept in native machine code, but it will be transparently visible as high level language program, with the help of the specialized editor

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