
Publikacije (123)

P. Kertes, T. Sheidow, Geoff Williams, M. Greve, I. Galić, E. Rampakakis, B. Bourgault, Anne-Sophie Courseau

Christina Ryu, Sulaiman Al-humaid, E. Rampakakis, I. Galić, John C. Chen

Purpose: To determine whether the optical coherence tomography location of a subfoveal fibrovascular scar is correlated with visual outcome in eyes successfully treated with antivascular endothelial growth factor agents for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Methods: Fifty-six eyes from 56 patients with a subfoveal disciform scar after antivascular endothelial growth factor treatment were included. The initial and final visual acuity, fluorescein angiography, and spectral domain optical coherence tomography scar characteristics were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Thirty-five of 56 eyes (62.5%) were classified as having entirely subretinal pigment epithelial (sub-RPE) scars, and 21 eyes (37.5%) had subretinal component scars. Mean initial visual acuity was similar between sub-RPE and subretinal scars (20/100 vs. 20/125, P = 0.517); mean final visual acuity was better in the sub-RPE scar group (20/60 vs. 20/200, P = 0.001). Eyes with sub-RPE scar had better preservation of the external limiting membrane, ellipsoid layer, and retinal thickness (P < 0.001, P = 0.017, P = 0.004, respectively) than subretinal component scar eyes. There was no difference between the groups in scar thickness or scar area (P = 0.707, P = 0.186, respectively). Conclusion: Sub-RPE location of subfoveal scarring in eyes treated for neovascular age-related macular degeneration is associated with better preservation of outer retinal structures and better vision, when compared with a subretinal scar.

Natalia Vila, P. Zoroquiain, Vasco Bravo-Filho, E. Antecka, H. Dietrich, John C. Chen, I. Galić, M. Kapusta et al.

Purpose. To describe the histopathological features of vitreous samples obtained after vitrectomy surgery from diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Methods. Vitreous specimens from 137 patients who underwent vitrectomy for different clinical conditions were analysed. All samples were centrifuged and each resulting pellet was fixed and processed as part of routine paraffin section histopathology. The histopathological features were categorized in a semiquantitative fashion. The samples from diabetic and nondiabetic patients were compared. Results. The 125 included patients (58 diabetic, 60% males) were aged 64.2 ± 13.9 years. The presence of hemorrhage, inflammatory cells, and histiocytes was significantly higher in the diabetic group (P < 0.001, P = 0.028, and P = 0.016, resp.), showing more vessels (P < 0.001) and ghost vessels (P = 0.049). The presence of inflammatory cells was the feature with the highest sensitivity for detecting diabetes mellitus (98%) and also the highest negative predictive value (89%). In the multivariate analysis, three variables emerged as independent significant predictors of diabetes in vitrectomy samples: hemorrhage, endothelial-lined vessels, and age (P < 0.001, P < 0.001, and P = 0.019, resp.). Conclusions. Different histopathological features can be found in vitreous samples from diabetic patients. Analysis of vitrectomy samples may serve as a tool for diabetes management.

Krešimir Matoš, Zrinka Jurec, I. Galić, M. Vodanović

INTRODUCTION Occupational diseases are diseases caused by occupational exposures at the workplace, while diseases related to work are diseases caused by many factors, wherein the harmful work conditions are one of the possible causes. Dental medicine is a profession with a high risk of developing occupational diseases. The aim of this paper was to present the results of a survey about occupational health risks and health related habits among dental students at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb and to show how this survey led to an improvement in education by introducing a new course into the dental curriculum. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS Students of all years at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb (total of 663) were offered to participate in a survey about occupational health risks and health related habits. RESULTS A questionnaire was completed by 351 students. 28.0% of male students and 22.5% of female students were smokers. During the first two years of study, up to 84.6% of students consumed alcoholic beverages at least once a week. Prior to enrollment in the university, 85.3% male and 77.6% female students were engaged in sports. The significant drop in the number of students who participated in sports was noticed in the first study year in both sexes. Student awareness of the health risks related to dental profession increases with the year of study. Most students believe that occupational diseases can be prevented. CONCLUSION The results have shown that students enter the School of Dental Medicine with a relatively low level of awareness of the health hazards of dental profession. Although the level of awareness increases with years of study, harmful habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and the lack of physical activity also remain present in the later years of study.

Jelena Cavrić, I. Galić, M. Vodanović, H. Brkić, Jelena Gregov, S. Viva, L. Rey, R. Cameriere

A. Deitos, C. Costa, E. Michel-Crosato, I. Galić, R. Cameriere, M. G. Biazevic

I. Galić, T. Lauc, H. Brkić, M. Vodanović, Elizabeta Galić, M. G. Biazevic, I. Brakus, Jozo Badrov et al.

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