
Publikacije (39)

M. Maksimovic, V. Vujovic, B. Perišić

Health is the fundamental capability humans require to perceive, feel, and act effectively, and as such, it represents a primary element in the development of the individual, but also of the environment humans belongs to. That is why it is necessary to provide adequate ways and means to ensure the appropriate healthcare delivery based on parameters monitoring and direct providing of the medical assistance. The new technologies development and implementation, especially the Internet and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) commonly known as the Internet of Things (IoT), enable global approach to the health care system infrastructure development. This leads to e-health system that, in real time manner, supplies a valuable set of information relevant to all of the stakeholders (patients, medical and paramedical stuff, and health insurance) regardless their current location. Commercial systems in this area usually do not meet the general patient needs, and those that do are usually economically unacceptable due to the high operational and development costs. In this paper, based on well-known low-cost technologies, there is a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) solution for a sustainable and adaptable patient oriented infrastructure development, presented.

V. Vujovic, M. Maksimovic, B. Perišić, G. Milošević

In past few years, automatic remote systems for monitoring a wide range of environment or process parameters have exposed a rapid growth concerning the technology issues. Entering the era of Internet of Things (IoTs), a highly dynamic and radically distributed networked system, usage of small, cheap, flexible and end-user programmable computer hardware becomes apparent. These objects, deployed in various environments, are able to communicate and to interact among themselves, with end-users or other entities in the network. Using such objects, tasks like monitoring, control or data processing can be easily done. But, in some case, the target environments are often too dangerous, hazardous, unwired, or difficult to access. In such unfriendly environments there are many challenges for monitoring systems (wireless sensor networks) deployment and maintenance. As the possible solution, in this paper we have suggested the creation of an economical remote monitoring system, based on cheap computer board (Raspberry Pi), wireless sensors and GSM/GPRS (Global System for Mobile Communications/General packet radio service). In other words, the Raspberry Pi platform is utilized as central processing unit which provides a set of services for accessing sensor data, and communicates with end users, while different types of sensors (depending of target parameters) can constitute the detection module. 3G/4G USB Modem or GSM/GPRS shields can be used as GSM/GPRS communication module in order to ensure Internet connection. A whole system presents an IoT solution, precisely a Sensor Web node, which can be accessed all over the world, and provide information from a monitored environment. Performed research shows a possibility of setting up this system for a remote communication, control function and monitoring in unfriendly environments. The usage of low cost pieces of hardware verifies that the Raspberry Pi is highly suitable for numerous IoT concept applications and especially in the unfriendly environments.

In the last decade, we are faced with a dozen food crisis, which have impact on human health. EU as response to food contamination applies a set of laws and standards for food traceability through all stages of production, processing and distribution, forcing that all food and feed operators implement special traceability systems. One of the main and a crucial element of this system is food transport from manufacturer to consumer, and possibility for monitoring food quality through the transportation process. Applying new technologies, like Internet of Things (IoT), nowadays it is possible to connect food producers, transportation and hospitality/retail companies. A low cost solution based on IoT for real-time food tracebility and monitoring in food transportation process is presented in this paper.

Food safety is a scientific field which includes a number of routines and inspections at every stage of the food chain that should be adopted to avoid potentially dangerous health risks. Novel and efficient solutions across the supply chain are the consequence of constant upgrades of information and communication technologies. With the help of internet of things (IoT) connected testing equipment, food quality can be monitored at any point from farm to table, connecting at the same time food producers, transportation and hospitality/retail companies. Relying on the fact that food transporting and packaging units are the most critical points in food production, the survey of IoT applications in food packaging and transportation is given in this paper. To demonstrate the significance of IoT appliance and defined concepts, a proposal of low cost solution based on IoT for real-time food traceability and monitoring in food transportation process is presented.

M. Maksimovic, V. Vujovic, B. Perišić, V. Milosevic

The recent proliferation of global networking has an enormous impact on the cooperation of smart elements, of arbitrary kind and purpose that can be located anywhere and interact with each other according to the predefined protocol. Furthermore, these elements have to be intelligently orchestrated in order to support distributed sensing and/or monitoring/control of real world phenomena. That is why the Internet of Things (IoT) concept raises like a new, promising paradigm for Future Internet development. Considering that Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are envisioned as integral part of arbitrary IoTs, and the potentially huge number of cooperating IoTs that are usually used in the real world phenomena monitoring and management, the reliability of individual sensor nodes and the overall network performance monitoring and improvement are definitely challenging issues. One of the most interesting real world phenomena that can be monitored by WSN is indoor or outdoor fire. The incorporation of soft computing technologies, like fuzzy logic, in sensor nodes has to be investigated in order to gain the manageable network performance monitoring/control and the maximal extension of components life cycle. Many aspects, such as routes, channel access, locating, energy efficiency, coverage, network capacity, data aggregation and Quality of Services (QoS) have been explored extensively. In this article two fuzzy logic approaches, with temporal characteristics, are proposed for monitoring and determining confidence of fire in order to optimize and reduce the number of rules that have to be checked to make the correct decisions. We assume that this reduction may lower sensor activities without relevant impact on quality of operation and extend battery life directly contributing the efficiency, robustness and cost effectiveness of sensing network. In order to get a real time verification of proposed approaches a prototype sensor web node, based on Representational State Transfer (RESTful) services, is created as an infrastructure that supports fast critical event signaling and remote access to sensor data via the Internet.

V. Vujovic, M. Maksimovic, B. Perišić

The rapid computer and communication technologies development have dramatically influenced the educational process in recent decades. Thus, the learning itself, considering a learner and the influence of learning environment, has to be re-conceptualized. Relying on modern teaching and learning activities, the collaboration, involving the interaction with others, critical approach to other people work, and acceptance of criticism and alternative viewpoints, has become especially important aspect of any engineering education. Computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) appears as one of the basic learning strategies in education processes nowadays that increases the overall knowledge of the participating learners. In this paper, using the CSCL principles, we have described the importance of: interaction; cognition and context; and collaboration within the networked computermediated environment, in the engineering education process. Besides that, two open source software products have been extended in order to provide the interactive CSCL environment that stimulates students' interaction and aids the creativity and critical thinking development.

M. Maksimovic, V. Vujovic, Vladimir Miloevic, B. Pericic

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), composed of spatially distributed autonomous sensor nodes, have a wide range of application. One of the most interesting phenomena that can be monitored by WSN, among various physical, chemical and biological phenomena and different kind of events, is fire. In case of fire presence continuous monitoring and/or recording of sensitive or restricted parts are necessary for timely response and reaction. Fire monitoring applications require accurate deployment of the sensor nodes because their positions have a dramatic impact on the effectiveness of the WSN and the efficiency of its operation. The choice of the deployment scheme depends highly on the type of sensors, application and the environment that the sensors will operate in (residential buildings, hospitals, historical buildings, malls etc.). The main advantage of WSN usage can be also identified as a simple reconfiguration and maintenance of the created infrastructure, what can be of great importance for systems that are physically unaffected by changes, but they tend to change in terms of safety (e.g. ships, oil productive platforms, etc.). Knowing that the positions of nodes have a dramatic impact on the effectiveness of the WSN and the efficiency of its operation, in this paper the various strategies for positioning nodes in WSNs are considered: grid, triangular and strip. The objective of this paper is to properly place the heat detectors in certain indoor area, in such way that next two important network design objectives are satisfied: to maximize the network lifetime after fire ignition and to use a minimum number of sensors in order to achieve full area coverage.

M. Maksimovic, Herzegovina, V. Vujovic, V. Milosevic

The main goal of soft computing technologies (fuzzy logic, neural networks, fuzzy rule-based systems, data mining techniques...) is to find and describe the structural patterns in the data in order to try to explain connections between data and on their basis create predictive or descriptive models. Integration of these technologies in sensor nodes seems to be a good idea because it can significantly lead to network performances improvements, above all to reduce the energy consumption and enhance the lifetime of the network. The purpose of this paper is to analyze different algorithms in the case of fire confidence determination in order to see which of the methods and parameter values work best for the given problem. Hence, an analysis between different classification algorithms in a case of nominal and numerical data sets is performed with the goal to realize which of applied techniques obtain higher accuracy and less error

V. Vujovic, M. Maksimovic, B. Perišić

Entering the era of Internet of Things, the use of Wireless Sensor Network and Sensor Web elements becomes a daily phenomenon. Information systems which must ensure that an increasing number of devices access and analyze the data collected from the wireless sensor nodes, have become complex and difficult to maintain. Due to the discrete nature of computer based systems, where the relationship between action and response may not be proportional, there is a huge risk when control is concerned. Design of unique sensor network that will meet the imposed needs sometimes is a serious task usually involving experts from different areas of the problem, design and implementation domains. On the other hand the introduction of novel technologies and techniques, like DomainSpecific Modeling and RESTful service technology, in sensor networks design, raises the importance of problem domain. The involvement of such a wide variety of stakeholders, together with the nature of computer based systems and the constantly changing methods and technologies, sometimes leads to overall project failure mainly because of the lack of a mutually agreed high level domain specific model. In this paper, the specification of meta-model for RESTful Sensor Web Network modeling together with accompanying language editor, are described. The verification and validation of its functionality is performed based on suitable examples of sensor network design models.

D. Kosmajac, V. Vujovic, M. Maksimovic, Nikola Davidovic, B. Perišić

Considering historical development and expansion of World Wide Web, it is obvious that there is no unique tendency in terms of supporting software technologies. Moreover, vast amount of different technologies has emerged because the system as a whole became quite complex and diverse. Heterogeneity, which is characteristic of distributed systems based on Web, is one of the main challenges which system designer may encounter. The paper presents and discusses a software solution proposal which mainly relies on widely deployed Internet stack protocols and REST (Representational State Transfer) style of Web services. Further, the paper compares standardized approach based on SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) to a proposed one based on REST. As a result, the implementation represents a control component with broker architecture.

V. Vujovic, M. Maksimovic

The main building block of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is sensor node consisted of four basic elements: the sensor unit, processing unit, communication and power units. In this paper we propose the Raspberry Pi, cheap, flexible, fully customizable and programmable small computer board and abilities of its usage as WSN node and SensorWeb node. The Raspberry Pi brings the advantages of a PC to the domain of sensor network, what makes it the perfect platform for interfacing with wide variety of external peripherals. Comparative analysis of its key elements and performances with some of current existing wireless sensor nodes have shown that despite few disadvantages, the Raspberry Pi remains an inexpensive computer with its very successfully usage in sensor network domain and diverse range of research applications.

V. Vujovic, M. Maksimovic, B. Perišić, V. Milosevic

Effectiveness of communication is measured by speed, ease, and accuracy in which the information can be understood. From the cognitive aspect graphical presentations are usually more effective than textual ones, especially when communication between end-users and/or domain practitioners is concerned. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) graphical tools have become extremely popular concerning the development of applications for a large number of domains. In this paper the emphasis is put on the design and implementation of Graphical Editor for RESTful Sensor Web Network in order to equip designers, with no expert knowledge in specific solution-domain, with a tool that would enable them to easily define tasks, specify network architecture and implement RESTful services. Based on the pilot sensor network design model, the verification, validation and proper functionality of proposed Graphical Editor are performed.

Entering the era of Internet of Things, the use of Wireless Sensor Network and Sensor Web elements becomes daily. Information systems which must ensure that an increasing number of devices access and analyze the data collected from the wireless sensor nodes, have become complex and difficult to maintain. Due to the discrete nature of computer based systems, where the relationship between action and response may not be proportional, there is a huge risk when control is concerned. Design of unique sensor network that will meet the imposed needs sometimes is a serious task usually involving experts from different areas of the problem, design and implementation domains. On the other hand the introduction of novel technologies and techniques, like Domain-Specific Modeling and RESTful service technology, in sensor networks design, raises the importance of problem domain. The involvement of such a wide variety of stakeholders, joined with the nature of computer based systems and the constantly changing methods and technologies, sometimes leads to the overall project failure mainly because of the lack of mutually agreed high level domain specific model. In this paper the specification of meta-model for RESTful SensorWeb Network modeling together with accompanying language editor are described. The verification and validation of its functionality is performed based on suitable examples of sensor network design models.

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