
Publikacije (103)

15. 10. 2013.
A. Alajbegović, J. Djelilovic-Vranic, L. Todorović, S. Alajbegović, A. Nakičević, M. Tirić-Čampara

S. Alajbegović, A. Šukalo, A. Alajbegović, J. Vranic, Melika Ambeskovic, Dervis Deljo, Lejla Alajbegović

INTRODUCTION Hypertension represents an important public health problem. Effective treatment of hypertension is imperative for primary care. GOAL The goal of this study was to examine the efficacy of Valsartan in the treatment of hypertension with emphasis on the overall efficacy in reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a sample of 738 patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study lasted for 12 months (from January 1, 2012 until December 31, 2012 year) and conducted in 18 public health institutions in B&H. Parallel follow up of Valsartan antihypertensive effect through repeated measurements every three months was conducted. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Our results indicate that both systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly after 12 weeks of Valsartan treatment. Analysis of adverse effects did not showed statistical significance of side effects for total sample. Statistical analysis by Yates chi-square did not show the presence of statistically significant differences in adverse effects by gender. CONCLUSION We conclude that Val or Val plus are effective and safe antihypertensive drugs for the treatment of mild to moderate

J. Djelilovic-Vranic, A. Alajbegović, Velija Zelija-Asimi, M. Nikšić, M. Tirić-Čampara, S. Salcic, Azra Celo

INTRODUCTION Stroke is the third leading cause of mortality, disability and dementia, but leading cause of epileptic manifestations in the elderly. Diabetes mellitus as permanently elevated blood glucose, often accompanied by dyslipidemia, is among the leading causes of atherosclerotic alteration in blood vessels and is also increasing in the world. GOAL To determine the existence and predilection of diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia, in the development of ischemic stroke. MATERIAL AND METHODS During the 2011 are analyzed all people with stroke admitted at the Neurology Clinic. All patients underwent neurological tests and the laboratory test with special emphasis on the value of blood glucose and lipid levels, with brain CT which confirmed the existence of a stroke, EEG and internist examination. RESULTS During the one-year period the stroke was confirmed in 1184 patients, aged 33-81 years and 37% in the younger age group (up to 50 yrs.). There was 50.67% male and 49.33% female patients. Ischemic stroke was confirmed in 78.0% (56% with thrombotic and 22% with embolic genesis), of which the 32% was lacunar infarcts (up to 1.5 cm) and hemorrhagic in 22% (SAH in 4.8%, and intracerebral hemorrhage in 17.2%). The most frequent risk factors were hypertension 85%, then smoking in 65%, diabetes mellitus in 39.0%, in 27.38% dyslipidemia, previous stroke in 26.69%, in 23.57% arrhythmia In the baseline sample 30.06% of patients had previously diabetes mellitus and in 8.94% the diabetes was diagnosed during hospitalization, while dyslipidemia was known from earlier in 22.0% and in 5.38% cases was detected during the hospitalization. Among treated patients 79.01% survived, while 20.09% have a fatal outcome. CONCLUSIONS Diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia, along with hypertension and smoking are the leading risk factors for the occurrence of stroke. By timely detection and treatment can be controlled slow atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels and thus prevent stroke.

A. Alajbegović, F. Kovac, Jasminka Delilović-Vranić, M. Tirić-Čampara, S. Alajbegović

A case is presented of a 35-year-old woman diagnosed with platybasia associated with Klippel-Feil syndrome type I. She was admitted to University Department of Neurology for clinical examination because of walking difficulties, dizziness, and intermittent vision disturbances. Neurological examination revealed a predominance of cerebellar symptomatology. Relevant diagnostic work-up included craniogram, cervical spine x-ray, computed tomography (CT) of the brain and craniocervical junction, magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, electroencephalography, ophthalmologic examination, urinary tract ultrasonography, laboratory tests, and psychological testing. CT of the craniocervical junction showed platybasia, congenital fusion of the second and third cervical vertebrae, and basilar invagination of dens axis. Platybasia is leveling of the angle between the floor of the anterior cranial fossa and posterior cranial fossa in the area of sella turcica, which is normally at 115-140 degrees. Basilar impression or invagination is moving up of the basis of the occiput and occipital condyles into the cranium, which means that the borders of the foramen magnum, condyles and adjacent bone are invaginated into the posterior fossa. Klippel-Feil syndrome type II is massive fusion of two of seven cervical vertebrae associated with short neck and low hair line.

J. Djelilovic-Vranic, A. Alajbegović, M. Tirić-Čampara, A. Volić, Z. Sarajlić, Eldina Osmanagić, L. Todorović, O. Beslagić

INTRODUCTION Meniere's disease is a condition with sudden attacks of vertigo with nausea and vomiting accompanied by loss of hearing and buzzing sensation in the ears, most commonly unilateral. The exact cause of the disease is unknown. Betahistine is the analogue of histamine with weaker agonistic effect on histamine H1 receptors and stronger effect on histamine H3 receptors, while Cinnarizine has more effective effect on H1 receptors. GOAL The aim is to determine which drug is more effective in the treatment of Meniere's disease Betahistine or Cinnarizine. MATERIAL AND METHODS This study evaluates the effectiveness of Betahistine in 37 patients with the Meniere's syndrome accompanied by classic triad of symptoms treated in hospital conditions and Cinnarizine effect in 36 patients with a less severe clinical picture, which were treated as outpatients. To all patients were conducted laboratory tests, brain CAT (to exclude possible expansive process, MS or stroke) and TCD in order to eliminate any possible circulatory disturbances in VB basin. Group with classic Meniere's syndrome was treated at a dose of Betahistine of 3 x 16 mg and followed 8 weeks, while the second group was treated with Cinnarizine at a dose of 2 x 75 mg and also followed for 8 weeks. CONCLUSIONS Already after one month of therapy was noticed better effect in case of Betahistine in terms of symptoms reduction compared to the Cinnarizine effect.

A. Alajbegović, Dervis Deljo, S. Alajbegović, J. Djelilovic-Vranic, L. Todorović, M. Tirić-Čampara

Introduction: In the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) differ: treatment of relapse, treatment slow the progression of the disease (immunomodulators and immunosuppression), and symptomatic treatment. The aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the application of interferon therapy in the treatment of MS-E: Process the disease, patients with multiple sclerosis who have passed the commission for multiple sclerosis at the Neurology Clinic of Clinical Center of Sarajevo University as a reference center for referral to the Commission for multiple sclerosis from the Federal Ministry of Health in 2009 year in terms of total number examined, gender differences, diagnostic tests (MRI, CSF, EP), neurological findings and EDSS scores. Provide a section through the continuous support and education of patients during the introduction Betaferon in therapy with the goal of education for self-use and reduce the incidence of side effects of interferon therapy. Materials and methods: The material for the work they were histories of patients who are registered as patients who have undergone a commission for MS at Department of Neurology, University Clinical Center in Sarajevo. The evaluation was retrospective. It was used a specially designed form, which is usually applied to patients referred to this committee. After the collected material was carried out data processing. The study comprised 34 patients who have undergone a commission of which 16 patients received interferon therapy. Results: In 2009 at the Neurology Clinic CCUS have treated 34 patients who passed the committee for recommendation to interferon therapy (25 women and 9 men). The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is safe based on the criteria of international panel in 2000. EDSS Average score for men was 1.8, 1.9 for women, the total EDSS score was 1.8. The gender ratio is 3:1 in women than in men. Sixteen patients received interferon by the Commission for multiple sclerosis, the Federal Ministry of Health and their therapy was initiated at the clinic. Conclusion: For the period of 2009, a total of 34 patients were examined with multiple sclerosis who received interferon treatment recommendations at the expense of the Federal Solidarity Fund at the Neurology Clinic CCUS Sarajevo. The average EDSS score was 1.8. There were no significant differences in neurological findings between patients who were previously treated with interferon and patients who were waiting for treatment.

J. Djelilovic-Vranic, A. Alajbegović, M. Tirić-Čampara, A. Nakičević, Eldina Osmanagić, S. Salcic, M. Nikšić

Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory, autoimmune, disease of the white mass of the brain, which sometimes may involve the gray matter (subcortical and ones in the anterior horns of the spinal cord) with the chronic nature and generally with progressive course. As a possible cause of this disease state are listed genetic predisposition, early viral infections and environmental factors, with special effects of stress as a provoking factor in first episode of the disease and relapses because stress leads to modulation of the immune system and immune response to various causes. Goal: To determine the existence of intense stressful events as a factor in the development of the first episode of illness and worsening of the seizures. Material and methods: We analyzed all newly discovered cases of multiple sclerosis over a two year period (January 2010 – December 2011) during the first or second hospitalization, and worsening of seizures for previously diagnosed patients in this period. In order to confirm the MS diagnosis are taken history, neurological examination, MRI of the brain, VEP, CSF examination and for those with repeated hospitalization only follow-up of EDSS scores trough neurological examination. Results: During the two year period there were 109 newly diagnosed cases of MS from which 80 F and 29 M (ratio 2.7:1), aged 17-59 years, mean age 32.93±9.69 years and 41 patients (29 F and 12M with seizures worsening in previously diagnosed disease. Disease duration was from 6 months to 17 years. 72.94% had relapsing-remitting course of the disease (RRMS) and 27.1% had secondary progressive type (SPMS). Stress as a provoking factor preceded in 47.44% the first episode of the disease, infections (respiratory) in 18.3%, and the pregnancy with postpartum period in 8.77% women, whereas in the group of patients with previously diagnosed illness relapse (n=41) showed that the infection is most common precipitating factor which preceded relapse in 58.54% of patients, stress in 29.02%) and the pregnancy with postpartum period in 12.5% of patients. Conclusion: An intensive stressor is certainly one of the triggers for the development of Multiple Sclerosis, as the first episode and worsening of previously established disease.

A. Alajbegović, J. Djelilovic-Vranic, N. Loga, S. Alajbegović, L. Todorović, M. Tirić-Čampara, I. Masic

INTRODUCTION Brain tumors are a unique and heterogeneous group of tumors with which face a variety of specialties, mostly oncologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons. Due to their specific location all brain tumors are malignant, regardless of their malignant potential, because any expansion process within the skull, increased intracranial pressure and destruction of surrounding structures, which can cause neurological, quantitative disturbances of consciousness or death. GOAL The goal of this study was to record neoplastic processes of the central nervous system in patients of Neurology Clinic, Clinical Center of Sarajevo University in the twenty-year period (January 1st 1990-December 31st 2009). The study was partly retrospective and partly prospective determined by three time periods. MATERIAL AND METHODS We reviewed medical records and documentation of patients treated at Neurology Clinic, which has 102 beds. All patients' data were collected using a specially designed questionnaire for this study. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The number of secondary tumor process for the period 2000-2005 is greater than in the period 1990-1999, while in the period 2000-2009 is increasing (17.2%-30.3%). The male-female ratio is 52:48. During the first two monitoring period there were statistically significantly more men, and in the last monitoring period there were more women. The mean patient's age was 60 years. The most common symptom was hemiparesis for all observed periods evaluated with standard diagnostic tests: CT and MRI. CONCLUSION We can conclude that CNS neoplasms in patients of Neurology Clinic, Clinical Center of Sarajevo University are present in the twenty-year period with total of 1.47%, and showed a decrease of 2.7% (1990-1999) to 0.47% for the period 2006-2009.

J. Djelilovic-Vranic, A. Alajbegović

INTRODUCTION Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory, autoimmune, demyelinating, disease but also degeneration of axons, with mainly progressive course, causing greater or lesser degree of disability. In addition to genetic predisposition the environmental factors, with particular importance of early viral infection, have an essential role in the development of MS. These are called long-acting viruses that remain hidden in the body for years by encouraging latent immunological changes in the body, eventually resulting in autoimmune demyelination and the appearance of disease symptoms, which confirms the high titer of antibodies to certain viruses in patients with the MS. To first of all herpes simplex virus, Epstein Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and rubella virus. GOAL Goal of this study is to analyze the incidence of early infection with rubella virus, herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr, in MS patients using titers of IgG and IgM antibodies. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included patients treated at the Neurology Clinic in Sarajevo, with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (newly discovered) in the period January 2009-December 2011. To all patients beside history and neurological examination and tests to confirm the MS (brain MRI, evoked potentials and CSF examination) made serological tests for viruses, HSV, Rubella virus, cytomegalovirus and Ebstain-Barr's virus, with reference to the previous parameters (old) and new viral infection. RESULTS In this period there were 118 newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis from which 69.5% (82) female and 30.5% (36) male patients aged 23-56 years. IgG antibodies to herpes simplex virus was positive in 93.2% (110 patients) (72 F and 38 M and IgM only in 0.84% (1 patient). Ig G in Cytomegalovirus was positive in 86.44% (102 subjects, 71 females and 31 males), while IgM was negative in whole sample. IgG Rubella virus was positive in 61.01% (72 patients, 52 F and 20 M) and IgM was negative in all, while IgG in Ebstain-Barr's virus was positive in 83% (98 patients). CONCLUSION Early infection by herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr and Rubella is present in patients with multiple sclerosis in a significant number so the conclusions is the fact that in the development of multiple sclerosis an important role early exposure to these viruses. Key words: early viral infection, multiple sclerosis.

M. Tirić-Čampara, E. Tupković, Edin Mazalovic, Emir Karalic, M. Biscevic, J. Djelilovic-Vranic, A. Alajbegović

INTRODUCTION in fighting sports there are many opened issues related with levels of aggression and anxiety. MATERIAL AND METHODS Our study is performed with healthy young athletes: kick boxers, karate fighters, and boxers. Examined group consisted of 55 members (45 male) with average age of 20.2 +/- 3.8 years. In analysis of level of aggression Questionnaire A-87 is used. Its purpose is assessment of aggressive behaviour in provoked situations, or measurement of impulsive aggression. Questionnaire A-87 consists of 15 items of different situations with five possible responses. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The possible responses or reactions are the five most frequent forms of aggressive responses: a) verbal manifest aggression (VM); b) physical manifest aggression (PHM); c) indirect aggression (IND); d) verbal latent aggression (VL), and e) physical latent aggression (PHL). In the analysis of anxiety is used Beck Anxiety Inventory, BAI. Average training period was 7.8 +/- 3.6 years. Even 37 athletes during sporting carriers were injured, and most of examiners (precisely 13) experienced 3 injuries. Average value of BAI was 12.7 +/- 8.7. Average value of total aggression was 152.2 +/- 40.9; highest levels were observed in VM (33.9) and VL (30.1). Significant positive correlations of all components of aggression with level of anxiety is observed (p < 0.05), most prominent IND (r = 0.4263; p = 0.0012), and VL (r = 0.4163; p = 0.0016), and also total aggression (r = 0.4822; p = 0.0002). Slightly significant positive correlation of total aggression with age of examiners is also observed (r = 0.2668, p = 0.0489). Positive correlation VM (r = 0.4928; p = 0.0001), PHL (r = 0.2761; p = 0.0413), and total aggression (r = 0.347; p = 0.0094) is observed with number of injuries of examined athletes. Also, positive correlation (r = 0.2927, p = 0.0301) is observed with level of anxiety and number of injuries. Higher level of aggression and anxiety might change attitude of some sports authorities (especially coaches), and additional psychological training of fight sports might be necessary. CONCLUSION Assessment of basically levels of aggression and anxiety of athletes might be valuable not only in sport activities, but in overall aspects of life.

A. Alajbegović, A. Gutošić

Brain tumors are unique and heterogeneous group of tumors which face a variety of specialty, most oncologists, neurologists, and neurosurgeons. Due to its specific location, all brain tumors are malignant, regardless of their malignant potential, because any expansion process inside the skull, increasing intracranial pressure and the destruction of surrounding structures, which may cause neurological injuries, quantitative disturbances of consciousness or death.

28. 6. 2011.
Jasminka Delilović-Vranić, A. Alajbegović, M. Tirić-Čampara, L. Todorović

Stroke is a suddenly developing disorder, caused by focal disturbance of cerebral circulation, followed by neurologic deficits of varying intensity with duration longer than 1 hour; it mostly occurs in old and middle age, and rarely at a younger age. The aim of the study was to analyze the occurrence of stroke at a younger age (18-49 years). We analyzed all stroke patients aged 18-49 treated at University Department of Neurology in Sarajevo during 2009, including analysis of their risk factors. During the one-year period, there were 820 stroke patients in total, 132 (18.5%) of them aged 18-49, male to female ratio 51.35%:48.65%. The majority of strokes were of ischemic type (94.59%), with only 5.41% of hemorrhagic stroke. The following risk factors were confirmed in study patients: hypertension (64.86%), smoking (57.76%), dyslipidemia (48.65%), ischemic heart disease (43.32%), psychological stress (29.73%), diabetes mellitus type 2 (24.43%), previous stroke including transient ischemic attack (21.62%), and others. During the one-month follow-up, 27.03% of patients achieved complete recovery, whereas mild neurologic signs were retained in 54.05%, signs of severe deficit requiring assistance in 13.51%, and 5.41% of patients died. In conclusion, stroke occurs even at a younger age in certain percentage. Along with smoking, diabetes, dyslipidemia and stress, hypertension is one of the leading risk factors for stroke also at a younger age. Timely and appropriate treatment contributes to faster recovery and shorter hospital stay, while reducing overall stroke sequels. The best prevention is primary, i.e. fighting risk factors and healthy lifestyle.

Jasminka Đelilović-Vranić, A. Alajbegović, E. Hodžić, M. Čampara, L. Todorović, N. Subasić, S. Hajrić

4 th international epilepsy symposium in Pula – how to start seizure treatment Disorders of circulation in the brain caused by a reduced or complete interruption of blood fl ow in certain irrigation area, have resulted in " outage of some function " of the brain, depending on localization of disorder. If that outage lasts for a shorter period of time-up to 1 hour, we are talking about transient ischemic attacks, and if a neurological defi cit lasts longer than an hour, we are talking about stroke with thrombotic or embolic genesis. Stroke is despite diagnostic and therapeutic advances in medicine, the third leading cause of mortality in the world (after cardiovascular and malignant diseases), the second leading cause of disability (after trauma) and also the second leading cause of demen-tia. Previously there was the understanding that stroke is a disease of older age, today is the fact that 46% of stroke patients are aged 45-59 years. Th e leading risk factor for stroke is hypertension followed by smoking, heart disease and cardiac rhythm disturbances, especially atrial fi brillation, followed by diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, stress, physical inactivity, obesity, unhealthy diet... Atrial fi brillation with other cardiac rhythm disturbances is the cause for the occurrence of stroke in 20-25% of cases, and is much more common cause of TIA in both the front and rear brain circulation. Th e most frequently cardiac rhythm disturbances are the result of arteriosclerotic change of the heart and blood vessels, but atrial fi brillation can occur in the endo-crine metabolic disorders, mostly hyperthyroidism. At the Neurology Clinic in Sarajevo, we explored the correlation of atrial fi brillation in cases of TIA and ischemic stroke, and came to the conclusion that in cases of ischemic stroke, atrial fi brillation was present as the cause in 20%, and in TIA cases in as many as 27%. CONCLUSION-Atrial fi brillation has a significant place in the etiology of TIA, the anterior and posterior brain circulation, but also of defi nite isch-emic stroke. Duly detection of atrial fi brillation and its treatment it is possible to prevent the occurrence of defi nite stroke, at least in part.

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