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On December 8th of the year 2018 in Sarajevo held meeting “Days of AMNuBiH” - Days of Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and The Second Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing and Publishing (SWEP–2018). Venue of the both meetings were at hotel Holiday in Sarajevo (1).

Lejla Zunic, I. Masic

Acta Informatica Medica (www. actainformmed.org) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal which publish original articles, professional articles, reviews, viewpoints, and case studies, covering issues in Biomedical and Medical/Health informatics, published by the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina (www.amn. ba) (1). Acta Informatica Medica journal (Acta Inform Med) has founded in the year 1993 by Izet Masic and Zoran Ridjanovic, as official journal of Bosnian-Herzegovinan Society of Medical Informatics (BHSMI). This year Acta Informatica Medica has accepted as official journal of the European Federation for Medical Informatics ( www.efmi. org), besides 3 other journals: International Journal of Medical Informatics, Methods of Information in Medicine and European Journal of Biomedical Informatics. Journal Acta Informatica Medica is abstracted and indexed in 25 on-line data bases, including Pubmed, Pubmed Central, Scopus, Embase, Hinari, etc. Also, we sent application for including Acta as official journal of International Medical Informatics Association (www.imia.org) and to Web of Science groups (exactly to The Emerging Sources Citation Index) and waiting result of the reviewing process. During the year 2018 in Acta Informatica Medica was published 58 papers (from total amount published papers, 76.9% was original papers), where it was more published original papers in the journal than in the year 2017 (Figure 1). The journal began with the practice to publish the articles of PhD students free of charge, and in that manner opened to this population, and began with the practice of populating biomedical information technology, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the region. The journal opened to PhD students, and they embrace it through the official letter to the Editor, presenting their goals and problems. The purpose of the journal is availability in the future period, to those authors who are not able to pay a publishing fee (because the subscription fee should be secondary and the quality of the work at the first place) to publish their papers free of charge. The tendency for the future is to preserve the Open Access model, while enabling funding through the subscription and purchase of printed publications. The purpose of the journal is to continue the publishing of both its online and print edition, four times a year (ISSN: 0353-8109 (Print), ISSN: 1986-5988 (On-line)). The website of the journal is refreshed in 2018, revised by Editorial Board (new members were included) and regularly updated. The authors of the published articles in 2018 issues are from 11 countries and four continents. Acceptance rate in 2018 was 32.7% (Table 1). Scimagojr.com Index H (for 2017) for Acta Informatica Medica is 12, while scimagojr.com index (SJR) is 0.275 (2). On the aforementioned page, the total number of citations from the journal Acta Informatica Medica was 187 (it should be noted that the number is only from the journals that are covered by Scopus). Self-citation (the number of citations from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal) was 7. For the period 2013-2017, the Google Scholar h5 index was 17 and the h5 median was the 28. The journal in its function and everyday work is Importance of “Acta Informatica Medica” Journal in Spreading of Biomedical Informatics Knowledge and Experiences in Scientific and Academic Community

Dr. Karl (Karel) Bayer (Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, January 23, 1850 - Sarajevo, April 12, 1914), was physician, specialist in Neuropsychiatry (Figure 1). He graduated elementary school and gymnasium in the town of Hradec Kralove (1-6). He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague in 1876.

I. Masic, M. Jakovljevič, O. Sinanović, S. Gajović, M. Spiroski, R. Jusufović, Š. Sokolović, B. Prnjavorac et al.

Title of Days of AMNuBiH 2018” and “SWEP 2018” is “Ethical Dilemmas in Science Editing and Publishing”. Why? If one wants to create a scientific work, must have on his mind that creating a scientific work requires creativity and openness, honesty, trust, and obeying the ethical principles for writing a scientific paper. While working on a an biomedical research involving human subjects medical workers should have on mind that it is the duty of the physician to remain the protector of the life and health of that person on whom biomedical research is being carried out. The World Medical Association (WMA) has developed the Declaration of Helsinki as a statement of ethical principles to provide guidance to physicians and other participants in medical research involving human subjects.

Introduction: Austro-Hungarian monarchy had great impact on healthcare system in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and consequences of that exist today. Aim: To launch of the section „The Most Influential Physicians in the Development of Health Care in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, in which, within next issues of the Medical Archives will be presented the prominent physicians, dentists and pharmacists who gave contribution to development of healthcare system in B&H. Results: This paper provides a full overview from the literature about health care circumstances during 150 years in Bosnia and Herzegovina and important of the role health care institutions and of all the doctors working in B&H during the Austro-Hungarian administration. To some of them is devoted more attention in the texts about their life and work and their contribution to the development of the health service in B&H. Also, author gave description of the others, except for the medical activities who have contributed to our homeland, such as Dr. Jozef Kecet, Dr. Julije Makanec, Dr. Teodora Krajewska, Dr. Josef von Preindlsberger, Dr. Hamdija Karamehmedovic and others, but there are many more that we should know about and mention them. Conclusion: The fact is Austro-Hungarian model of healthcare system in that time was functional for that period and great improvement in comparison to past and the fact is that that system represents a basis even for modern medicine in territory of B&H.

In December of the 2017 passed away Kasim Muminhodzic, professor emeritus of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tuzla, on the subject of Gastroenterology. He was born in Lukavac near Tuzla in 1941. Graduated at the Medical Faculty in Belgrade, then the capital of former Yugoslavia. Completed specialization in Internal Medicine at one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the former Yugoslavia–the Military Medical Academy (MMA) in Belgrade.

1. 10. 2018.

The book OCT Angiography is a handwriting which presents a good example of establishing a correlation with world literature in the field of new, sophisticated ophthalmology diagnostics. It represents a concise and sufficiently detailed monography on the new OCTA diagnostic method in ophthalmology. It is very important to note that the author of the book used their own material with her own descriptions and comments on every single image included, which gives the material a great value and worthiness. The book has 24 chapters: 1) Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography; 2) Choroidal Neovascularization; 3) Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration; 4) Neovascular/Exudative/Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration; 5) Central Serous Retinography; 6) Polipoidal Choroidal Vassculopathy, Idiopathic Polipoidal Choreidal Vasculopathy; 7) Diabetic Retinopathy; 8) Degenerative Myopia) 9) Retinal Artery Occlusion; 10) Retinal Vein Oclussion; 11) Sybvnchysis Scientillans; 12) Posterior Vitreous Detachment; 13) Epiretinal Membrane, Cellophane Maculopathy and Macular Pucker; 14) Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome; 15) Macular Pseudohole; 16) Lamellar Macular Hole; 18) Full Thickness Macular Hole, Stage 4; 19) Toxoplasmic Chorioretinitis; 20) Albinism; 21) X-linked Juvenile Retinoschisis; 22) Radiation Retinopathy; 23) Glaucoma; 24) Optic Neuritis and Papilledema. Auhors of these chapers are: Aida Kasumovic, MD; Emir Cabric, MD, PhD; Maja Zivkovic, MD, PhD; Lejla Muhamedagic, MD, MSc; Orhan Lepara, MD, PhD; Nesina Avdagic, MD; PhD and Tatjana Jeftic, MD. Authors are physicians and teachers from universities in Sarajevo and Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Nis (Serbia). Some of pathological cases are presented with ten to fifteen individual images and figures, aiming to help the reader properly read and analyse the patient from beginning to the end. Also, images are organized so the reader can easily compare and understand correlation between them. Documented findings give the physician a possibility of careful comparison with earlier findings of the classic OCT. The author of this work has very skillfully introduced a reader into anatomy, physiology and pathology of the most common diseases of the posterior ocular segment. The book gives also a very good overview of optic nerve pathology and OCTA findings. MonographyOCT Angiography completes the requirements of educational literature from the domain of diagnostics the posterior eyesegment and can serve ophthalmologists, resiOCT ANGIOGRAPHY

Writing of scientific articles requires high competence and scientific awareness, and the respect of scientific patterns of behavior. Every article should essentially be followed by the IMRAD structure, which is generally represented, with minor modifications, in the entire modern scientific publishing. Writing articles must follow the thread, have a meaningful beginning and end, and from each and every part of the context. Also, it is indicate the benefits of the paper, to its defect, defining ambiguous points that would have the process for further analysis in some subsequent studies by the same or another group of authors. It means, the chapter - Discussion represents the heart of every scientific article. The writing of the discussion itself must point to the specificity of the results of the work itself. Author wants to point out the importance of quality description of chapter Discussion, when scientists prepare their articles with presenting own results comparing it with results of other authors with similar topic.

In medicine of the 21st century, which is essentially a digital medicine, Medical Informatics in theory should be an essential subject while studying medicine. This paper has a descriptive character, and represents an analysis of the existence of the subject “Medical Informatics” at the Medical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fact is that Medical Informatics in Bosnia and Herzegovina essentially does not exist, and that the establishment of the subject of Medical Informatics is necessary. How it came to this, the question remains, but the fact is that taking into account the modern clinical medicine, as well as modern scientific research, Medical Informatics still deserves a place in the syllabuses related to the study of clinical medicine.

Warner V. Slack (1933-2018), MD, FACMI worked as Professor at Harward Medical School (1-4). Dr. Slack was a 1955 graduate of Princeton, and a 1959 graduate of Columbia UniversityÂ’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Warner Slack received his bachelorÂ’s degree from Princeton University. His medical internship and residency training in neurology at the University of Wisconsin.

In Prague on 4th May 2018 was organized Special Topic Conference dedicated to acknowledging and honoring of Prof. Jana Zvarova, founder and Editor in Chief of both this European Journal for Biomedical Informatics and the International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare, who suddenly and unexpectedly passed away in July 2017...

Antoine Remond (1917-1998) is a French researcher, neurologist and clinical electrophysiologist. He is considered one of the founders of cognitive neuroscience (1-4). He was born in Argentina in 1917 in a scientific family...

Lejla Zunic, E. Begić, I. Masic

There is no journal in the Balkans covering the area of medical informatics (1). By searching scimagojr.com, the term “medical informatics” is not in options, and by clicking on the term “health informatics” there are no journals in the Balkans, the Mediterranean countries or Eastern Europe. Acta Informatica Medica is the last journal in this geographic area covering the field of Medical informatics...

22. 4. 2018.
C. Lovis, G. Mihalas, J. Mantas, N. Peek, R. Balicer, I. Masic, L. Stoicu-Tivadar

In summer of the year 2017, unfortunately, passed away respective academician Zelimir Jaksic, former dean of Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb and former Director of “Andrija Stampar” School of Public Health in Zagreb. In 1955, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zagreb. From 1955 to 1959, he worked in the Department of General Medicine at the Zagreb Primary Health Care Center. He completed residency in the Hygiene and Social Medicine and became specialist in 1960. In 1965, he presented his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Assessment of Diabetes Incidence and its Early Detection”. He was habilitated at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zagreb in 1967. Then he was elected as a full professor of Social Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, in 1974. Professor Zelimir Jaksic was a fruitful organizer and researcher of numerous research and field experiments in epidemiology and the prevention of chronic diseases. Special emphasis was placed on the organization of Primary Health Care and Medical Education. From 1972 to 1974, he was the head of the World Health Organization’s Health Service Development Research team in Iran. The head of the Health Care Institute of the School of Public Health from 1975 to 1977, and for two years later he established the Primary Care and General Medicine Department at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb. The duty of the Director of the School of Public Health “Andrija Stampar” carried from 1978 to 1981. At that time, he established and coordinated international postgraduate courses in “Planning and Management of Primary Health Care in Developing Countries” and “Training of Teachers in General Medical Practice”, and since 1982, he was the Director of the World Health Organization’s Primary Health Care Collaboration Center at the School of National Health “Andrija Stampar”. In 1985 became the main researcher of the international project “Continuous Education for Primary Health Care Using Video and Computer Technologies” in collaboration with Japan. Since 1972 professor Zelimir Jaksic was a regular member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia. In 1983 he was admitted to the Royal College of General Practitioners in London, and in 1988 he became professor at the Boston University. Professor Jaksic was the main project researcher between Yugoslavia and Japan. From 1987 to 1990, he was a vice dean, and later Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zagreb. For his contribution to the Development of General medicine in the world in 1999, at Palma de Mallorca received Hippocrates Medal from the European branch of the World Association of Family Physicians WONCA Europe. In 2005 he was elected to Professor emeritus of the University of Zagreb. Generations of undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as generations of specialists and specialists of General and Social Medicine will remember professor Jaksic as a calm, patient and good-natured teacher and educator. He was appreciated by his colleagues, associates, students and all the associations. He was a fruitful organizer and scientist especially in the field of epidemiology and the prevention of chronic illnesses, followed by the field of healthcare organization, in particular primary health care, and medical education. Professor Jaksic was a leader or associate at several international scientific projects and international postgraduate courses. For his contribution to the development of General Medicine in the US and worldwide he has received more awards and medals. Professor Jaksic will remain in our memories as a giant of medical education, and his scientific and professional achievements and for the future generations of doctors will be a lasting impetus and inspiration. His students, residents, specialists, colleagues and associates will remember him for his immense patience and benevolence in fostering creative thinking and activities in social medicine, epidemiology and family medicine. The School of public health “Andrija Stampar” lost one of its greats, who partly made it famous and well-known in the former Yugoslav areas, but also in Europe and the World. I personally remember him as a tireless worker, but also associate whose experiences was welcomed in my academic career. He loved Sarajevo and established good cooperation with the Institute and the Department of Social medicine and the organization of health, and several years ago we implemented several joint projects, some of which remained recognizable in Europe. A particularly important project was the “YugoslavSwedish Days of Social Medicine”, on which we worked together with the Karolinska Institute for Social Medicine in Stockholm for ten years, and which experiences and results significantly improved social medicine in our region.

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