
Publikacije (506)

M. Ganibegović, I. Masic, Z. Ridanović, M. Torić

In contemporary stomatology practice except routine of using X-rays methods in diagnostics of jaws and teeth, the newer methods as computerized tomography, magnetotheraphy and radiovisiotheraphy etc. are used. These methods provides the physicians doctors easier, faster and cheaper diagnostics of inflammation and other processes, and on the other hand, they provide less damages to patients [symbol: see text] organism, the basic characteristics and principles of work of some of these already mentioned diagnostic methods have been shown in the paper.

F. Kulenović, S. Papović, I. Masic, H. Mulaibrahimović

Every war is the deepest compassion of political fightings turned out with weapon in purpose of biological, economic, social, political and culture destroying of people. This aggression has all these components. Aggressors are Serbia and Monte Negro, and Croatia, and extreme Serbs and Croats living in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and their purpose is the destroying of Bosnian State, and its division into ethnic rules, and making great Serbia and Croatia. This inormal dirty war (war against the civilians, there are no two armies, genocid war, destroying one population) makes injuries, illnesses. It makes hard social economic changes, which change the whole life of the population, making striking changes of spirit and life of people. The most important fact which the people have in war is fear for own family and social survival. Main characteristics of the war is the horrible violence: killing people, raping, kidnapping and torturing in the concentration camps, robbing everything that worth, and making people refugees. This is the war against the civilisation. The last consequences of all these are deep emotional changes in people and groups, and this is the biggest social and medical problem of the community. That is the theme of this project.

In the pleiad of the great names from the Golden Age of the Arabian medicine: at-Taberi, ar-Razi, al-Magusi, al-Baitar, al-Zahrawi, ibn-Sina, ibn-Haitam, ibn-Zuhr, ibn-Rushd, ibn-Nefis the important place belongs to the physicians-practitioners--many of the applied methods by the Arabian doctors were forerunners of the contemporary diagnostic or therapeutical methods. Later the methods were modernized by the great surgeons Ambroise Pare, Agnew, Hunter, Warren, Billroth, Mayo et al. No doubts, the methods and instruments of that time were primitive and the possibilities for research work, difficult. Because of this reason a respect should be given to those great man in the history of medicine.

Organized health service started by opening a mental asylum at the Sinan's Tekke in Sarajevo, 1768. Until then, the only health Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina were apothecary shops that were mostly run by foreigners. Practically, the first qualified health personnel were apothecaries, while trained doctors were Franciscans, who in their monasteries treated the sick, translated medical books from foreign languages and founded medical libraries. Among the first trained physicians in Sarajevo were mainly Jews. Late in the nineteenth century the first Bosnians left for Istanbul and completed the medical studies. The first hospitals were founded thanks to the last Bosnian governor-vali Topal Sherif Osman-Pasha. From the funds of Ghazi Husrev-Bey's Waqf (endowment), he had the Waqf Hospital built for the civilian population and the Turkish Military Hospital for the army. The Waqf Hospital, after the Land's Hospital was established, became a hospital for the treatment of mental illnesses until 1909, when a mental hospital was founded within the Land's hospital. The Turkish Military Hospital was reconstructed and extended on several occasions over the Turkish period, and then during the Austro-Hungarian rule, too. At the time it was founded, the hospital was a modern structure built according to the West-European standards. Both of these structures were put under the State's Law on Monuments of Culture.

The aggression and the war that has been imposed on Bosnia and Herzegovina is an excellent confirmation for the necessity of information as a resource of today. To be more specific, the information became a resource more important than the material or the energy, since it was exactly through the freedom of the information system and communications that the aggressor has managed to maximally engage and use all the other resources, and to considerably block our own and put it out of function. The health system, as the most important social system after the Defence Forces and the state authorities, had to create its own information system immediately at the beginning of the war and put it into function of health protection of the population in general, and at the disposal of the BH Army soldiers. On the other hand the indicators of the aggression level and all of its negative attributes (killed soldiers, murdered or injured civilians, mode, character and the level of brutality during injuring the victims and the like) are significantly repercussioned towards ours, the aggressors' and the foreign media and the structures from which depends further outcome of the war. And, finally, all the actions within the system of health activities, from offering healts protection, through the application of methods, techniques, technologies, resources, medicaments etc, also have its educative quality and value, furthermore, since the war which still lasts on these grounds, according to its character and specificity, has been so far unregistered in human history of the world.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

A. Omanić, I. Masic

According to the data collected from the profesional associations of health workers, numerous physicians and other health workers were actively included in the former wars for liberation of our country. A great number of them was killed on the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. An the beginning of the World War II in Bosnia and Herzegovina were 380 physicians out of which 105 survived the War with a few tenth of other health workers. During the war hospitals, health center, other health institutions and a number of medical personnel were active health to the Government in organization of the health system, health workers education and out-door activities. During the World War II 3 physician congresses were organized. Now, at the time of brutal aggression on B&H we organized two Congresses of Physicians named "War medicine". Topics, formerly elaborated on the previous Congresses of the former was participant physicians will present the aims and the conclusions of the Congress.

The beginnings of the health institutions go back to the Ottoman period, to the second half of the 19th century, when the Bosnian governor Topal Osman pasha built 5 hospitals supported by the Vakuf. The biggest and the most important one was the Vakuf's Hospital in Sarajevo, built up, 1866 with 32 beds. The first modern hospital, built on that time contemporary principles is the Turkish military Hospital in Sarajevo, completed in 1866, too. The first schooled physicians were Franciscans, later some of them came from other parts of Europe (Dr Gustav Gal-Velibeg, Dr Regelsberger Alibeg, Dr Nisim Zak, Dr Pavle Kramer, Dr Albinus Simensen, Dr Joseph Kotchet and the first trained physicians Bosnians Dr Mehmed Serbić, Dr Zarif Skender, Dr Ishak Salom). By the arrival of Austro-Hungarian administration an era of the contemporary health service was organized here. The modern hospitals, for that time, were built. During the period in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13 communal, 9 district and 6 area hospitals same to existence. The health service was organized according the modern European rules. Many doctors of that time studied medicine in Vienna, Budapest, Prague and other well-known European medical centres. Many of them spent their parts of the life in the health institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many known Viennese and other European doctors worked in our health institutions, introducing their experiences to us, but achieve some new ones, for the Balkan pathology was a challenge for the foreign doctors. One of the biggest and most interesting institutions of the Austro-Hungarian period in Bosnia is the Regional Hospital in Sarajevo, opened on 1st of July 1894, with the capacity of 238 beds. It was rebuilt and adapted several times: Internal Diseases (chief Dr Geza Kobker), Surgery (chief Dr Joseph Preindeisberger), Dermato-venerology (chief Dr Leopold Gluck) and Gynecology Obstetrics (chief Doz. Dr Otto Weiss).

Z. Ridanović, I. Masic

The trade-off between the cost of a test and its information content are presented in this paper. In cost-effectiveness analysis, the ratio of diagnostic costs, including the risks of testings, to the number of cases detected provides and index of diagnostic benefit. This ratio may be useful under conditions of uncertainty.

Z. Dizdarević, H. Zutić, I. Masic, A. Konjicija, F. Dalagija, B. Mehić, V. Lovre, M. Pećanac

Bronchoalveolar lavage is a relatively new method in pulmonology. Treatment of broncho-alveolar fluid-washing/BALF/obtained after the procedure of broncho-alveolar lavage/BAL/enables obtaining of samples for investigation of inflammatory and immune cells, so-called alveolar, which, treated by different laboratory procedures, represent the source for different informations at many lung diseases. Analysis of BALF is significant in the differential diagnosis of interstitial lung changes, in the estimate of process activity as well in analysis of therapy with glucocorticosteroids, as well as in the estimate of immune cells state, particularly T abd B lymphocyte subpopulations. We have analysed BALF in 161 patients with lung sarcoidosis with the purpose of analysing the process activity and according to activity of lymphocyte alveolitis in relation to total lymphocyte number in BALF cytogram and by identification of T and B lymphocytes and their subpopulations/CD4, CD8, CD11/as well as by the index CD4/CD8. We have determined the CD4, CD8, CD11 values as well as B lymphocytes by monoclonal antibodies, manufactured by ORTHO-mune/USA/, signed by the manufacturer as OKT4, OKT8, OKT11, OKT22, conjugated by gost antimice IgG antibodies. The working procedure we have done according to instructions of the manufacturer by immunofluorescent technic.

I. Masic, Z. Ridanović

Medical informatics, especially computer data bases for collecting, processing and searching of scientific and research informations and publications is important for medical science and for the medical practice. Medical scientific informatics has developed as a special part of medical informatics. It is very important for medical education, medical research and publishing in biomedical disciplines. This paper presents the main characteristics of scientific and research information, their resources, searching of medical literature from biomedical journals. A historical survey of the foundation of the System for Biomedical Scientific Information in ex Yugoslavia (SBMNI) has been presented, with its conceptual basis, the current organization, the achieved results and experiences obtained.

I. Masic, Z. Ridanović

Time of information in which we live resulted in the increase of the amount of the information exponential growth of the new kind of knowledge, flourishing of the familiar ones, and the appearance of the new sciences. Medical (health) informatics occupies the central place in all the segments of modern medicine in the past thirty years--in practical work, education and scientific research. In all that, computers have taken over the most important role and are used intensively for the development of the health information systems. Following activities develop intensively within the area of health informatics: health- documentation, health-statistics, health-informatics and biomedical scientific and professional information. Starting with the fact that in this century and especially after the World War II, great advancement in bio-medical sciences is visible, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is clear that as a result of the above increase in scientific research, in the number of scientists, and funds invested in scientific institutions, equipment and documentation, is visible. Innovations and developments in science demand analytic-synthetic processing of scientific information and their utilisation research. This can be realised by collecting sources (documents) for reading, noting, editing, discovering-which is the integral part of scientific developmental research. Scholarly journals as well as the publications that follow the latest events in the world of science, and inform their users in the area of bio-medicine quickly and efficiently, play an important role in the professional literature.

D. Nikšić, I. Masic

Inclusion of malignant neoplasms' reports in this republic is not complete, it the reason that data on mortality are the most competent for analyse. General rate of malignant diseases' mortality is increased, but it is lower than the same rates in developed European countries, in Slovenia, Croatia and vojvodina. Men become ill more frequent than women. Increased mortality of malignant diseases of trachea, bronchii and lungs, then stomach and liver in expected in total population. Increased mortality of breast cancer as well as cancer of trachea, bronchii and lungs, then liver and stomach is also expected. In male population increased mortality of cancer of trachea, bronchii and lungs, then stomach is expected, particularly at the age of 35 and later. A Expected mortality trend of cancer Bosnia and Herzegovina will have growing tendency during next period. Better registration of death causes, objective getting old of population, inadequate primary and secondary prevention, and non-existing causal therapy for longer period will all influence on mentioned growing tendency.

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