
Publikacije (506)

M. Torić, I. Masic

Radiovisiography is a modern diagnostic method based on use of digital rentgen. Principle is use of so called CCD chip in sensor that is put in patient's mouth. Information are stored and, after processing, are reproduced as rentgen picture on screen or photo on printer. Appropriate software that support rentgen picture processing in several dimensions is used. Advantages comparing to classical rentgen are great. Principle machine works, hardware and software performances, advantages and disadvantages comparing to classical method are described in the paper.

Man's mind is improved only by learning unknown things from scientists and from books, and mankind is exalted through self-developing of its nature. This is essence of Risael achlak (learning about behaviour), that modern humanism consisting of rational science and ethical perspective of Qur'an and its directions (important in the respect of limitation of man's behaviour towards religion and religious ethics in general) is based on. Ethical dimension of Qur'an is a consisting part of Qur'an's metaphysical and anthropological dimension. Basically, in its purpose, ethics appears as practical theology. In Its announcing of the God, Qur'an does not make division of spiritual and ethical; mind and will. Ethics just implements The Message at the field of the world of human acts. Thus, the relations between society and a single human being, as well as the relations among all people, are determined. Through developing its attitudes, ethics has concretized elements, tenets and values of human's real life. Qur'anic ethics is a programme of ethical revolution of mankind and society (whose the most exalted goal is confirmation of personality). That personality has got a task to, according to Qur'an, people have to change the world through enhancing it. These general tenets and attitudes produce specific direction and attitudes in certain fields, including tenets and attitudes in the field of medical ethics. These tenets had been defined in pre-islamic period. Even today, the tenets from Hypocrate's Wote are quoted and implemented. But, Arabian physicians have implemented a modified version of the Wote, that has been based upon Qur'anic tenets. The text and tenets of that Wote was described in this paper.

I. Masic, H. Pandza, Z. Ridanović, M. Dover

The biggest problem in organisation of the effective and rational health care of good quality in Bosnia quality and Herzegovina is a functional and updated Health Information System. In this system, important role play Health Statistic System in which documentation and evidence are very important segment. Developed countries proceeded from the manual and semiautomatic method of medical data processing and system management to the new methods of entering, storage, transfer, searching and protection of data using electronic equipment. Recently, the competition between manufacturers of the Smart Card and Laser Card is reality. Also scientific and professional debate exists about the standard card for storage of medical information in Health Care System. First option is supported by West European countries that developing Smart Card called Eurocard and second by USA and Far East countries. Because the Health Care System and other segments of Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina innovate intensively similar systems, the authors of this article intend to open discussion, and to show advantages and failures of each technological medium.

In this paper author gives a brief overview of current state of development process of health care system in B&h which was significantly changed during aggression to our country. Main part of medical facilities of that system was either destroyed, especially medical equipment, which is now unused old. An important segment in health care reforms in Federal program of health in B&H have to be gathering and using of modern medical chronologies based on microprocessors. In that case, we need start with education of medical staff in that field.

J. Zvárová, I. Masic

Medical informatics is the first science that has incorporated all traditional medical disciplines. That progress is possible due to fast development of new technologies, particularly in informatics, as well as due to common needs of all medical disciplines. Information is crucial component of all investigations, and that is why the main goal should be incorporation of information technologies into medical practice. Due to its complexity, medical informatics is interdisciplinary. That is evident through incorporation of different methods, principles, techniques etc., that are used while carrying out the tasks in the field of medical informatics. Implementation of modern technologies, particularly information technologies in medicine, will enable faster data processing; it will reduce expenditures in all branches of medicine (statistics, documentation or documentary etc.). Thus, medical staff will have much more time to devote themselves to primary tasks.

I. Masic, H. Kulenović

This year it has been 50 years since the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo was founded. Half a century in existence of a scientific and educational institution represents a period which is sufficient to make a serious retrospective, but also to make a serious analysis and projections for the future. Medical Faculty in Sarajevo was therefore been opened in 1944. There were students in the first generation, who completed the educational process from the first year program of studies. Due to circumstances of war this process at the Faculty was interrupted. On November 16, 1946. Medical Faculty in Sarajevo was reopened and since then it has been continuously working for 50 years, maintaining its educational, scientific and health activities. Former departments of the General Hospital in Sarajevo have grown into its clinical departments and during the period between 1947 until 1952, the majority of its institutes have been already constructed. The development of some of the clinics was however a little bit slower. Within the educational process we can separate four stages in the development of the Faculty; period from 1954 which has been characterized by a classical middle-european educational plan and program; from 1954-1956, the so-called "block system" of monocourse educational process; in the period 1956-1990, a five years study curriculum has been promoted with attempts to reform the educational process; from 1990 until today, the six-years study curriculum has been introduced, being in accordance with the plans and programs of European educational institutions. There were 14,000 students who have throughout this period been enrolled in Medical Faculty in Sarajevo, and 6575 have successfully completed their academic curriculum and obtained the title doctor of medicine. The Faculty has also preserved the continuity of its work under the circumstances of aggression and blockade of Sarajevo. Educational process was maintained without interruptions applying the methods adapted for the circumstances of war, which nevertheless assume full study plans and programs. The results of this work were 164 graduated doctors of medicine, 21 masters of medical sciences, and 17 successfully defended doctoral theses. The Faculty is presently involved in reralization of 15 scientific-research projects with a dominant war-related issues investigates. The Faculty organized or sponsored 9 scientific meetings. The contribution of its professors and assistants, but also of its students was invaluable in this war, some of whom have sacrificed their lives, and some of whom were seriously wounded and remained disabled in their strive to maintain the principles and ethics of their profession.

I. Masic, Z. Ridanović, H. Pandza

Expert systems are software systems that can successfully compare to human experts. Their purpose is mostly advisory. Besides, they give explanation and advice to human experts when performing certain tasks. They are intelligent information systems, and are capable to explain and justify their conclusions. Knowledge systems are smaller software systems, and are usually less successful than human experts. Main reasons for expert systems development in medicine are: need for justification of decisions, need for enhancing performances in many uncertain relations; need for explaining of decision making process etc. One of the reasons of developing knowledge-based systems was that conventional statistic formalisms have not provided satisfactory solutions in medical decision making (MDM). Also, today, the relations between cases and conclusions are not universally valid. So, few causes can provide the same conclusion. Besides, data are not necessarily absolutely accurate. The area of applying expert systems is very wide: diagnosis, prognosis, self-education, directing etc. Basic structure of expert system consists of: knowledge, data base, inferring mechanism, explaining mechanism and user-interface. Though, expert systems also have certain bad features: primarily, they are not physicians i.e. they can not examine a patient. Furthermore, expert system that is good for one certain area is often not good for another one. There are some cases, when these systems can confuse a physician and make him to make a wrong decision. This occurs very often in two specific cases: when the clinical situation is urgent; and when accuracy of clinical information is not definite.

Z. Sabanovic, I. Masic

During the last decade the spreadsheets take very important place in many different kind of theoretical and practical applications. In recent years the PC-Windows Operating System allowed us to use and develop many sorts of specialised software packages, as well as expert packages, applicable in medicine. The relationship or communication between man and computer has been improved using new hardware configuration based on fast and intelligent processors, software modification and audio-visual technology. The facts mentioned above have instantly produced circumstances for more powerful spreadsheet software. According to powerful spreadsheet features we can utilise calculation and maximise HIGM requirement for our software configuration. The investigation within large area of Tuzla-Podrinje Kanton shows us that small number of people are using spreadsheet in medical application. Very small percentage of people have limited number of applications on calculation like, subtraction, addition, multiplication, division and percentage. They have often used spreadsheet as an integral part of the following software packages, EXCEL ver. 5.0 and very little Lotus 1-2-3 because Lotus is in these days behind. The aim of this paper is to highlight application of the spreadsheet USING EXCEL software package. Apart from simple calculation and graphic presentation in "DSS-Decision making support system" can be used for model simulation, generator configuration, management monitoring, support and decision making in health care.

I. Masic, Z. Ridanović

Ethics, especially medical ethics, is of a great importance in health data protection, and in medical informatics field ethical principles have great importance in confidentiality, security, and access to patient records. This is not as simple problem as it looks in the first sight, and-in that context-it is significant that many jurisdictions have drafted laws in this regard. As medical informatics has been developed, this ethical problem is becoming very important for medical informatics. Many efforts to make fundamental principles "according to which data protection and access to official information could be reconciled" are made. The principles described in this paper are independent of any process, as they are based on ethical principles. It avoids any kind of conflict or misunderstandings. They can be a base for making of an ethical code for informatics in health care delivery. These principles are independent of any particular "laws", and they can serve as to establish uniformity of standards in medical informatics.

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