
Publikacije (506)

I. Masic, A. Macić, B. Banjanović, Z. Knezević, Z. Masic, S. Toromanovic, H. Pandza, E. Pasic

Health telematics is a composite term for health-related activities, services and systems carried out over a distance by means of information and communications technololgies, for the purposes of global health promotion, disease control and health care, as well as education, management, and research for health. The concept of health telematics encompasses the following functional areas:--tele-education;--telemedicine;--telematics for health research;--telematics for health services management. Communications technologies are rapidly revolutionizing health care. For example, electronic communications support diagnosis and treatment of disease. TeleMedicine is an umbrella term for growing disciplines such as TeleRadiology, TelePathology, TeleCardiology, TelePsychiatry and TeleEducation. TeleMedicine is a component of TeleHealth, which includes the use of telecommunications technology and services for the surveillance and control of diseases and education. In this article authors describes the role of telemedicine and telematics in medical education and medical praxis.

Development of health-care system depends of using modern IT. The world is already prepared for global Large Seale Networking. Existing PC-Based DCS could be able to achieve higher intelligence, integrity, speed, memory capacity. Currently in this climate IT will develop and demonstrate revolutionary applications in basic science, medicine, environment protection, etc. Totally specific principle and approach to system philosophy needs to be used for next generations at QC with HECC. DCS are helping and it will do in future to overcome limitations of traditional technology to make better environment. In same time IT allow to gain high speed access to scientific and medicine instruments, surgical and other therapeutic interventions and better organisation of primary health care what Bosnian people have to do!

I. Masic, A. Mulaomerović, E. Dykstra

This paper reports on the result of an in-depth review by the Federal Ministry of Helath (MOH)/This review was undertaken by an expert committee appointed to review the delivery of emergency healthcare services in the context of the overall organizational structure of the country's healthcare system. Within their mission to reform health care system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was worked out by the expert commission for the development of the health care organizational scheme proposal, in part dealing with urgent medical services. The committee's followed the universal and well-documented principle that 1) The timely delivery of particularly pre-hospital emergency healthcare reduces unnecessary loss-of life and disability 2) The timely delivery of emergency healthcare has a positive impact on effectiveness and efficiency of the overall performance of the healthcare systems. A retrospective analysis of pre-hospital emergency services based on a systems analysis, procedures and experiences revealed the need for a system approach such as documented, for instance, by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) "Agenda for the Future" in the U.S.A. A preliminary set of recommendations was made which requires further follow up, particularly through an international dialogue at Conference like these. Of paramount importance is the development of a systems approach to the delivery of Emergency Healthcare, both in the pre-hospital and in-hospital domain. This systems approach should be developed in the context of the overall infrastructure and healthcare system of BiH. When such an organizational concept is accepted as a "doctrine", then it will be possible to establish a truly national system, with--and this is of great importance--a set of minimum quality standards attached.

Z. Hadziahmetovic, F. Gavrankapetanovć, I. Masic

In international classification of injuries, very often there are some specific conditions that are not clearly defined. War initiated that about specific conditions before all injuries a discussion in term of more correct presentation through the code is being made. Very often, some conditions in international classification are being led as INSUFFICIENTLY DEFINED or UNMARKED PART. When we have present large destruction due to wounding with projectiles of high kinetic energy (initial velocity), and especially stepping on land-mines, we have the situations that can not be correctly defined. The amount of these injuries which are about to follow in the future period authors will declare in few examples which have been surgically treated in Traumatological Clinic in Sarajevo. All injuries were result of stepping on land-mines and in all cases it was about foot. The stated injuries we were not able to code as amputations because the distal part of the injury was vascularized, later on we found out that there are possibilities of surgical reconstruction in meaning of functional foot, since we do not have open (explosive) fracture here. May-be, as a clinical formulation or for initial observation a more appropriate name is (term analogue in surgery of other regions beside limbs) INTERCALARY amputation of limbs. The same one could be moved from deficiency to a complete lack which surely must be linked to its causality.

I. Masic, H. Pandza, Z. Ridanović

In this paper author discussed about experiences of implementing curriculum of education of Medical informatics on biomedical faculties in Sarajevo. Theoretical and practical part of education process, according to new curriculum, during 6 years period of studying at Faculty of medicine in Sarajevo, is hold within the second semester and consists of 30 hours. At Faculty of Dental Medicine in Sarajevo, education is hold in the fourth semester, and consists of 45 hours. At Higher Medical School in Sarajevo, education is also hold in the fourth semester, and consists of 30 hours of theoretical and 30 hours of practical hours as well. Curriculum of Medical Informatics is identical at all these three institutions. Faculty of Dental Medicine education process points out dental informatics, and Higher Medical School devotes more time in education on nursing informatics.

B. Prnjavorac, E. Ajanović, I. Masic, B. Rakić-Prnjavorac, K. Kahvić, S. Kahvić, M. Smailbegović

The data in computing programs could make two types of problems, functioning of medical equipment and analyses of medical datas. The first one is not use limiting problem. The troubles could be performed in calculation of pregnancy dates but the final calculation in up to medical practitioners. The former situation, analyses of medical datas, could be limited without complete and correct datas, mainly in analyses of life expectancy tables, and related fields.

B. Banjanović, I. Masic

Health telematics is a composite term for health-related activities, services and systems carried out over a distance by means of information and communications technologies, for the purposes of global health promotion, disease control and health care, as well as education, management, and research for health. The concept of health telematics encompasses the following functional areas: --tele-education;--telemedicine;--telematics for health research;--telematics for health services management. Communications technologies are rapidly revolutionizing health care. For example, electronic communications support diagnosis and treatment of disease. TeleMedicine is an umbrella term for growing disciplines such as TeleRadiology. TelePathology. TeleCardiology, TelePsychiatry and TeleEducation. TeleMedicine is a component of TeleHealth, which includes the use of telecommunications technology and services for the surveillance and control of diseases and education. In this article authors describes the role of telemedicine and telematics in medical education and medical praxis.

I. Masic, H. Pandza, Z. Knezević, S. Toromanovic

Bosnia and Herzegovina has been developing new Health Care System based on Electronic Registration Card. Developing countries proceeded from the manual and semiautomatic method of medical data processing to the new method of entering, storage, transfer, searching and protection of data using electronic equipment. Currently, many European countries have developed a Medical Card Based Electronic Information System. Both technologies offer the advantages and disadvantages. Three types of electronic card are currently in use: Hybrid Card, Smart Card and Laser Card. Hybrid Card offers characteristics of both Smart Card and Laser Card. The differences among these cards, such as a capacity, total price, price per byte, security system are discussed here. The dilemma is, which card should be used as a data carrier. The Electronic Family Registration Card is a question of strategic interest for B&H, but also a big investment. We should avoid the errors of other countries that have been developing card-based system. In this article we present all mentioned cards and compare advantages and disadvantages of different technologies.

Medical informatics has been the first science that connects all traditional medical disciplines, thanking to common information needs and requirements of these disciplines. Its goal is incorporating of information technology into medical praxis, getting medical professionals in touch with capabilities of computer technology and preparing the professionals for the future that belongs to more and more powerful computer technologies. Information as a "crucial" component of medicine is in the focus of each investigation. There are many problems that have to be solved through fundamental investigation: knowledge databases; knowledge structuring problems; joining the different kinds of knowledge; knowledge and representation of decision making process; medical concepts; integration and information and knowledge exchange; education of medical staff; structure and organisation. What kinds of management are the best for application in the field of medical informatics? What are the changes in organisation and structure when computer are used? How to connect education processes in clinical centres, libraries, clinical functions and investigations? In this article author discuss about the theoretical and practical part of the education process on biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to new curriculum.

Even in 15th and 16th century there were people in Bosnia, preparing medicaments and selling different kinds of medical herbs. At first, they were Jews, later Muslims. They were called "attars"--drugsellers. They were very familiar with herbs of medical purpose. They could recognize herb by its colour and outlook. The goods were sold in specialized shops--attar shop. When analysing Materia Medica from an attar shop--according to the list from the 1911 (dr. Moritz Levy: "Sefards in Bosnia"), we can conclude that assortment of medical herbs and some medicaments was correct. Some Galen forms used in that time, are still in use nowadays. This paper describes all materials encompassed by Materia Medica. They are classified as organic and non-organic materials, and their use in therapy was also emphasized. Materia Medica of attar shops gives us a lot of material for research of non-official medicine and pharmacy from that time.

B. Prnjavorac, E. Ajanović, I. Masic, B. Rakić-Prnjavorac, K. Kahvić, S. Kahvić, M. Smailbegović

Inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE inhibitors) have been introduced more than fifteen years ago into the treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction and diabetic nephropathy. The therapeutic success is related to their action in reduction of plasma and tissue angiotensin II concentrations and potentiation of endogenous kinins. They are able to improve myocardium metabolic status, prevent cardiac hypertrophy, limit myocardial infarct size, and thus prevent heart failure. Since 1987 ACE inhibitors are introduced in the clinical practice in our clinic. We introduced the therapy with lisinopril (Lopril), in 70% of patients among 2855 patients that were admitted in Coronary Care Unit in 1997 and 1998. Lisinopril was introduced as soon as the patient was admitted, together with fibrinolitic, Heparin and Aspirin therapy. Since that time we noticed decrease in postinfarction heart failure in comparison to previous years. We recommend permanent therapy with a small doses of ACE inhibitors in patients with heart infarction.

A. Dedic, I. Masic

According to Salomon, diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by inadequate insulin action. As a syndrome, it could come in practice in many different forms. This disease, from genetic aspect presents a very heterogeneous phenomenon. For that reason a research of oral cavity tissue in diabetic patients presents a very complex problem from the scientific point of view. Truly, in the research today there are controversial cognition about relationship between diabetes mellitus and oral cavity diseases: diabetic stomatopathy, oral candidiasis, alterations of oral mucosa and periodontia. In this paper a special aspect is given to the research of incidence of candidiasis which is the result of contamination of all other pathological alterations in oral cavity.

D. Nikšić, I. Masic, A. Mehmedbegović-Živanović

Traffic security in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina is getting worse. Use of motor vehicles and frequency of roads are in constant increase. Import of cars of different types, models, ages and quality caused that we are among the countries with insufficiently developed traffic security. Critical group of the traffic participants consists of young people and children. Their behaviour in traffic depends on their knowledge and attitude gained at home and school. Goal of this paper is to point out the importance of health-education activities in traffic security development. Evaluation was performed among the school children in a transit area in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results show that school children have no enough knowledge about traffic rules; 13.4% of them don't know a single traffic sign. Even 19.9% of them got injured in traffic accidents, out of which 41.4% got injured while riding a bicycle and 22.4% as pedestrians. These initial results show that level of children's traffic culture can be raised only through systematic and permanent education within regular curriculum. Topics on traffic security should be an integral part of education programme, and presented through various subjects.

H. Pandza, I. Masic

Expert systems are software systems developed using different techniques of artificial intelligence that can act parallel to the "human" experts. The main role is consultative These are intelligent information systems that use more then 2000 different rules and that are capable to explain their decisions. Databases of such systems can contain huge number of data about different diseases and therapy modalities. In development of Medical Expert systems the rule of human experts is crucial. The teams of such experts are developing expert system considering the changes in medicine. Several modes of work are available. Consultation mode is used in cases when the diagnosis and treatment is uncertain. The human enter data about symptoms and signs of some medical disorder and computer creates a list of possible diagnosis and additional diagnostic test. Therapy for condition is also suggested. Simulation mode can simulate virtual patient and allows students and doctors to learn mode about some medical conditions. Some expert system as HEPAT can make "Decision Tree" for new-born jaundice. Similar expert system will be available in future for other fields in medicine. Some of expert systems are described in article.

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