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I. Masic, A. Novo, Z. Masic

Possibilities of introduction of distance learning in medical curriculum are the title of project which has been realizing at Department of Medical Informatics, Medical Faculty since year 2002. The Project is approved by Federal and Cantonal ministries of science and education. The purpose of this project is to support improvement educational process at biomedical faculties using contemporary methods, methodologies and information technologies in accordance with strategy and objectives given by Bologna declaration. The pilot project is realized during three years, the theoretical and practical parts of the subject Medical Informatics are adapted to modern concepts of education using world trends of distance learning. One group of students from the Medical Faculty was involved in this project, which was finalized by electronic registration of an exam and electronic testing on 20 June 2005, in public in the Physiological amphitheatre of the Medical faculty in Sarajevo. In this article we have given description of the project and phases of its realization, and basic adventages and disadvantages we have noticed so far.

J. Žiga, I. Masic

In the structure of ruining of the social values system, in post war Bosnia and Herzegovina we possess the worrying degradation of the professional morals in the educational performance: irreal examination, intervention, bribe, sexual black mail and similar. That confirmed the results of the extensive examination which recently was realized on this subject. The negative crisis effects of the professional morals in the educational system will, surely, at the social plan, more long-term reflect. Because, it is no about only in the intelectual-expert, than also about the educational component of personality forming.

A. Novo, I. Masic, D. Nikšić, Nesad Seremet

Protection of private data is secured by number of laws in EU and in some aspects they consider clinical or medical data, or they are more common and therefore reflect on general data protection. Considering the fact that, there are no laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Data protection, neither Health Data protection, it could be concluded that, based on Law on free access to information in Bosnia and Herzegovina, patients cannot control dissemination of private and confidential information about their health and health status in general. The authors suggest creation of legislative in this area in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with directive 95/46/EC of European Parliament and Council of Europe, which come into force in EU in 1997.

A. Bravo-Mehmedbašić, A. Kučukalić, I. Masic

AIM Aim is to show the efficiency of short group psychotherapy of females victims of war sexual torture, suffering from chronic consequences of torture. METHOD 15 female's victims of war sexual torture were included in this research, all of them suffering from chronic consequences of torture. Before including into group psychotherapy all of them were interviewed by psychiatrist. Initial testing was done before beginning of group psychotherapy with following instruments. General Questionnaire, MANSA Questionnaire for registration of Quality of life, and Multidimensional Instrument for assessment of psychological symptoms SCL R-53. Short group psychotherapy lasted three (3) month. Sessions were organized weekly and lasted 90 min. Group was leaded by two cotherapists both female. Working technique was supportive-expressive psychotherapy. During the group psychotherapy cycle clients have received general medical treatment, physiotherapy, gynecological treatment and dental treatment. When indicated they were treated with medications. After three month of therapy they were retested with MANSA and SCL-53 Questionnaires. RESULTS Retest results after three month of treatment on MANSA Questionnaire are showing the significant improvement of quality of life. On SCL-53 Questionnaire there is reduction in all psychopathological symptoms, except on scale of obsessive compulsive symptoms, but it is statistically significant on subscale of paranoid ideation p<0.05, and on subscale of anxiety is on the border of significance p=0.054. CONCLUSIONS Short group psychotherapy has shown efficiency in treatment of chronic psychological consequences with the females victims of sexual torture in the war. Chronic psychological consequences of torture are reduced after three month of treatment. Group experience helped to sexual torture survivor's to establish the better quality of life.

S. Toromanovic, I. Masic, A. Novo, M. Kudumovic, Lejla Zunić

INTRODUCTION Research of satisfaction of patients in the area of primary health care (PHC) and especially criteria how to choose best methodology and the relevant variables guided to the situation where activities were focused on description of the basic structure and processes of health care rather than on identification of needs for services and on result based assessment and satisfaction of patients with provided service. To give advantage to any of methodologies is inexplicable problem and depend of factors beyond of health service control. PURPOSE Aim of this paper is to review existing measurements of healthcare for ones who intend to use measurements of quality of healthcare for clinical and research purposes and to recommend criteria how to choose adequate methodology and relevant variables for assessment of quality of primary healthcare. METHODOLOGY For our study we used experience of the Cathedra for Medical Informatics, Medical faculty, University of Sarajevo with emphasis on research of quality of PHC. We selected over 3,000 users of PHC (patients-adults) in PHC units in ten cantons of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. RESULTS Statistically significant results we got when we crossed general attitude of patients about quality of healthcare with the following variables: place where patient receive healthcare, consultation with patients about patients' rights and life styles. We have not got statistically significant results when we crossed the following variables with general attitude of patients: distance from place of living to place where patients get healthcare, examination schedule in the units of PHC, continuity of healthcare, organization of field service and possibility to choose physician or nurse. CONCLUSION Very often researchers create their own methods of measurement instead to carry out systematic review of existing ones to enable them to find appropriate one. In this paper we recommended guidelines for finding the most appropriate methods of health measurement using experience of the Cathedra for Medical Informatics, Medical faculty in Sarajevo.

I. Masic, M. Kudumovic, A. Novo, A. Rama, Z. Masic, Ilda Bander, Mirza Basic, Emir Gugo et al.

Possibilities of introduction of distance learning in medical curriculum is the title of project which commenced in 2002 at Cathedra for Medical Informatics of the Medical faculty in Sarajevo. Project is approved by Federal and Cantonal ministries of science and education. The purpose of this project is to support improvement of the educational process at biomedical faculties using contemporary methods, methodologies and information technologies in accordance with strategies and objectives given by Bologna declaration. Pilot project is attained after three years, theoretical and practical part of subject Medical Informatics are adapted to modern concepts of education using world trends of distance learning. One group of students from Medical faculty was involved in this project, which was finalized by electronic registration of exam and electronic testing on June 20, 2005 in public, in Physiological amphitheatre of Medical faculty in Sarajevo. In this article we have given complete description of this project as well as its basic adventages and disadvantages.

Z. Masic, A. Novo, I. Masic, M. Kudumovic, S. Toromanovic, A. Rama, Almir Dzananovic, Ilda Bander et al.

Increase and development of distance learning technologies over the past decade has exposed the potential and the efficiency of new technologies. Benefit and use of contemporary information technologies is the area where medical informatics got the most on understanding and importance. Definition of distance learning as "use of technologies based on health care delivered on distance" covers areas such as electronic health, tele-health (e-health), telematics, telemedicine, tele-education, etc. For the need of e-health, telemedicine, tele-education and distance learning there are various technologies and communication systems from standard telephone lines to the system of transmission digitalized signals with modem, optical fiber, satellite links, wireless technologies, etc. Tele-education represents health education on distance, using Information Communication Technologies(ICT), as well as continuous education of a health system beneficiaries and use of electronic libraries, data bases or electronic data with data bases of knowledge. In this paper authors described activities on introduction of distance learning in teaching process at Medical faculty, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Internet was not really meant to be a means of human communication at first; but the clearly the Net become a main piece of human communication.

Abstract: Medical informatics, as a separate medical discipline, is quickly developing in our country, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In our country, medical informatics has been a separate subject for the last ten years with regard to Medical curriculum at the biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is in accordance with the project of education related to the Bologna declaration and the project EURO MEDICINA. Last year, the Chair of Medical Informatics of the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo celebrated ten years of its existence. The research was performed using a separate questionnaire patterning data with defined characteristics for the quality assessment of the performed course. The total attitude of the assessed students shows dominant satisfaction with the majority of the parameters that are important for the assessment of the quality and the tuition contents which were evaluated through use of the questionnaire. Education in the field of medical informatics is based on the concept which is used in developed countries, according to the recommendations of the working groups of the European and international association of medical informatics. Theoretical and practical teaching and training performance as a whole is performed by use of the computer equipment, and the final knowledge check of the students is also performed using the Data Base Management System MSAccess specifically designed to cover full teaching and training material by using question sets in the data base which encircled nearly 1500 question combinations. In this paper, the author presents ten years of experience of medical informatics education at biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The authors presented work of Muslim Charitable Hospital in Sarajevo, which was established in the year of 1866 and the reason why Lands Hospital was also established in the same city. They presented the latter and the first five years of its functioning too. They also presented six figures, which undoubtfully argued that Land Hospital was not builder for domestic inhabitants already for medical purposes of occupational troops and all those, which was coming with them. But domestic inhabitants very soon occupied almost all beds in new hospital, because hospital was established allotted and sanitary occasions in Bosnia and Herzegovina irrespective of many community hospitals were not finished and ended with the Muslim Charitable Hospital, because of its small capacity and arising of necessities of inhabitants.

At the Medical faculty of the University of Sarajevo in the 11th semester of the instruction is organized the turnus training from family medicine, and according to the instructive plan and programme of the medical faculty defined in the statute from 1991 year, as well as the rest turnus instruction which the students of medicine pass in the sixth year of studies, and this instruction is imagined as a way and the path that the future physicians as better as possible prepare for the individual work with the patients after acquiring of the diploma. The instruction obligations according to this form of the instruction as that which is being produced are getting performed in the frame of the subject the social medicine and the organization of the healthcare protection. True, the subject family medicine will be independent of the school year 2005/06 for the registration generation 200/01. The momentary plan and programmee (turn) instruction is coinciped so that the teachers and assistants perform 20 hours of the theoretic instruction in the amphitheaters of the Medical faculty and the practical instructions perform the assistants for the family medicine by the fund from 75 hours of the instruction in units of the Health center on the localities Visnjik and Grbavica. The content of the programme encircles the method units which have lead professor Hodgets and the collaborators from Quins' university in Canada and according to the project concipied according to the regulations inter-university agreement of the mentioned university in Canada and the ours in Sarajevo, and the agreement between the Federal ministry of health in Sarajevo and Canada government and which we shall shortly present in this paper. After the heard theoretical and performed practical instruction is being performed the evaluation of knowledge by the corresponding test, which well also be shortly explained in this article. True, there are the definite misunderstandings and the different attitudes whether this concept is adequate for the users of the healthcare protection in B&H regarding the momentary limited resources for any innovations in the individual segments of the healthcare, because there is the anxiety that in the case of the breakdown of financing of the mentioned concept of the family medicine in B&H because of these we discussed publicly herr the thoughts and the attitudes also those who have the experiences from earlier, because we had also their own concepts of the organization of the family medicine, and eventually reflect also about implementation of some other models or modification of the existing which momentary gets realized. At the Cathedre for the family medicine at the Medical faculty of the University in Sarajevo is formed the lecture which make the chiefs of six other cathedres (of pediatry, gynecology, psychiatry, of internal medicine, surgery and social medicine) which have the task that in the following three years get concipied some kind of the optimal programmee of education from the family medicine at our faculty.

It has been presented flow of socio-medical development and implementation on former Yougoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina territory in last thirty years. The names of those who are deserved for socio-medical development and its insufficiency on the organization on health system and some specific parts of it. Doubtlessly, the social medicine, as science and profession, and specially that one in Bosnia and Herzegovina, had high level among other disciplines, but also as profession per se, specially at the International level. There is huge evidence of numerous projects, congress papers, recognized by indigenous and international audience.

A. Novo, I. Masic, S. Toromanovic, M. Karić, Lejla Zunić

In Medical Informatics medical documentation and evidention are most probably the key areas. Also, in primary health care it is very important and part of daily activity of medical staff. Bosnia and Herzegovina is trying to be close to developed countries and to modernize and computerize current systems of documentation and to cross over from manual and semi manual methods to computerized medical data analysis. The most of European countries have developed standards and classification systems in primary health care for collecting, examination, analysis and interpretation of medical data assessed. One of possibilities as well as dilemma, which data carrier should be used for storage and manipulation of patient data in primary health care, is use of electronic medical record. Most of the South East European countries use chip or smart card and some of countries in neighborhood (Italy) choose laser card as patient data carrier. Both technologies have the advantages and disadvantages what was comprehensively colaborated by the authors in this paper, with intention to help experts who make decisions in this segment to create and to correctly influence on improvement of quality, correctness and accuracy of medical documentation in primary health care.

After establishment of the medical faculties in Zagreb (1917 year), Ljubljana (1919 year) and Belgrade (1921 gear), by the decision of the minister of the National education of the Independent State Croatia from 31.3.1944. year, there were establishment the medical faculties in Sarajevo and Split the same year. The Medical faculty in Sarajevo, as the faculty of the University in Zagreb, officially began with the work 22.11.1944. year by the opening which made the then dean of the Medical faculty in Zagreb professor (doctor) Ante Sercer. For the dean of the Medical faculty in Sarajevo was nominated professor Stanko Sielski, the renown bosnian-herzegovinian physician, the former head of the district bacteriological station in Tuzla and Banja Luka. The access lectures held professor (doctor) Mile Budak, professor (doctor) Ljudevit Thaller, professor (doctor) Ibrahim Ruzdic. The first generation of the students of the school 1944/1945 year numbered about 165 students. The teaching was organized in the complex of the building of the present residance Conac in Sarajevo, and the practical instruction was performed on the basis of the contract with the then General hospital in Sarajevo. The teachers of the faculty were the eminent professors of the Medical faculty at the University in Zagreb. From all the known person, the fact about the so called NDH (IS Croatia) to the medical faculty, for the long time were hidden from the publicity, so that about them was not spoken, till the back several years, either the momentary alive students of the generation. In this article is stated the factographia connected for the establishment and functionioning of the mentioned first medical faculty in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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