
Publikacije (506)

I. Masic, J. Kern, J. Zvárová, S. de Lusignan, G. Vidmar

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED The paper presents an analysis of how EFMI disseminates new knowledge and of the active medical informatics journals in EFMI member countries, which was carried out as an outcome of the EFMI Council meetings in London in 2008, Sarajevo in 2009 and Antalya in 2009 . The analysis identifies eight active major informatics journals and several other publications. Most are subscription-based and published at least quarterly. There is a possibility for the editors to meet regularly and form a community of practice with the aim of further improving their effectiveness in disseminating new knowledge and best practice in medical informatics. It is feasible to share expertise and it may be possible to harmonise several aspects of preparation and submission of manuscripts so that some of the identified barriers in publishing are reduced.

Salih Valjevac, Zoran Ridjanovic, I. Masic

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED SUMMARY Agency for Quality and Accreditation of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AKAZ) has developed computer based chronic disease register based on the accreditation standards in order to facilitate maintenance of chronic disease registers in the absence of electronic health records, and to speed up and simplify calculation for over 70 clinical indicators from accreditation standards for family medicine teams. This article presents development of the software and its practical use.

P. Mills, A. Timmis, Kurt Huber, H. Ector, P. Lancellotti, I. Masic, M. Ivanuša, L. Antoniades et al.

The Editors’ Network of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) defined its mission in the statement published across the national cardiac journals of Europe in 2008.1 The network is now considering ways in which their publications can have a broader influence in the field of postgraduate education. The need for cardiologists to continue to learn throughout their professional life will remain essential. Indeed recognition of the need for postgraduate education was highlighted by Hippocrates long before it was espoused by the medication educationalists and public relations departments. “ Ars longa, vita brevis ” is the Latin translation of Hippocrates’ recognition that for doctors the need to continue learning the art of medicine lasts for all their professional life. In mediaeval times, the foundation of modern day ethical medical practice was laid within the heart of the universities; the long-term future of the medical profession was founded in the concept of doctors as men, and women, of learning and knowledge, rather than the purveyors of non-scientifically based remedies. So how does the modern day editor of a national cardiology journal, crouched over his computer screen, relate to his mediaeval predecessor, the Abbot in charge of the university library selecting the books for scholarly enterprise? The most obvious difference, of course, is that the internet provides modern day authors with …

P. Mills, A. Timmis, K. Huber, H. Ector, Patrizio Lancellotti, I. Masic, M. Ivanuša, L. Antoniades et al.

Peter Mills,a Adam Timmis,b Kurt Huber,c Hugo Ector,d Patrizio Lancellotti,c Izet Masic,c Mario Ivanusa,c Loizos Antoniades,c Michael Aschermann,c Jorgen Videvaek,c Aleksandras Laucevicius,c Pirjo Mustonen,c Jean-Yves Artigou,c Panos Vardas,e Christodoulos Stefanadis,c Massimo Chiariello,c Leonardo Bolognese,c Guiseppe Ambrosio,f Ernst E. van der Wall,c Piotr Kulakowski,g Fausto J. Pinto,h Eduard Apetrei,c Rafael G. Oganov,c Gabriel Kamensky,c Thomas F. Luscher,c Rene Lerch,c Habib Haouala,c Vedat Sansoy,c Valentin Shumakov,c Carlos Daniel Tajer,i Chu-Pak Lau,i Manlio Marquez,i Rungroj Krittayaphong,i Kaduo Arai,i and Fernando Alfonsoj

P. Mills, A. Timmis, K. Huber, H. Ector, I. Masic, M. Ivanuša, L. Antoniades, M. Aschermann et al.

Peter Mills,a Adam Timmis,b Kurt Huber,c Hugo Ector,d Patrizio Lancellotti,c Izet Masic,c Mario Ivanusa,c Loizos Antoniades,c Michael Aschermann,c Jørgen Videvæk,c Aleksandras Laucevicius,c Pirjo Mustonen,c Jean-Yves Artigou,c Panos Vardas,e Christodoulos Stefanadis,c Massimo Chiariello,c Leonardo Bolognese,c Guiseppe Ambrosio,f Ernst E. van der Wall,c Piotr Kulakowski,g Fausto J. Pinto,h Eduard Apetrei,c Rafael G. Oganov,c Gabriel Kamensky,c Thomas F. Lüscher,c René Lerch,c Habib Haouala,c Vedat Sansoy,c Valentin Shumakov,c Carlos Daniel Tajer,i Chu-Pak Lau,i Manlio Márquez,i Rungroj Krittayaphong,i Kaduo Arai,i and Fernando Alfonsoj

Z. Sabanovic, I. Masic, N. Salihefendic, M. Zildžić, Lejla Zunic, Samir Dedovic

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED PAPERAIM SUMMARY. The development of the digital Information Communication Technology (ICT) has definitely changed healthcare system in all its areas. The development of standardized electronic medical record (EMR) make possible other forms of E-Health like transmural care, telemedicine etc. In this paper was described Health Information System (HIS) of Tuzla Canton and Brčko DC (whose citizens gravitate toward Tuzla Clinical Center). Tuzla Clinical Center is the only Clinic for tertiary healthcare in this region. To estimate level and types of the HIS, telecommunications and information management we have designed questionnaire. Based on this research we have presented current state of E-Health in Canton and the most important problems in this area. Also, based on this research and our experiences, we have identified the main directions of the HIS development, its standardization and integration as the base for E-Heath in Bosnia.

I. Masic, A. Mujaković

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED SUMMARY The register of oncological diseases in Canton Sarajevo is important as it can be used to track and improve healthcare, especially in older age groups. The oncological registers are a way of recording data, suitable as a source of indicators. In the analyzed register, 1124 new cases of malignancy were recorded. There are slightly more malignant diseases in male (53%). The incidence of cancer varies depending of the age of patients. This analysis gives us important estimation in the relation of cancer morbidity, cancer types, age distribution, demographic factors, cancer stages and important cancer risks. The register and the analysis give us a chance for correlating and comparing the state of oncological diseases with other countries.

Salih Valjevac, Zoran Ridjanovic, I. Masic

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED SUMMARY Introduction Agency for healthcare quality and accreditation in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AKAZ) is authorized body in the field of healthcare quality and safety improvement and accreditation of healthcare institutions. Beside accreditation standards for hospitals and primary health care centers, AKAZ has also developed accreditation standards for family medicine teams. Methods Software development was primarily based on Accreditation Standards for Family Medicine Teams. Seven chapters / topics: (1. Physical factors; 2. Equipment; 3. Organization and Management; 4. Health promotion and illness prevention; 5. Clinical services; 6. Patient survey; and 7. Patient’s rights and obligations) contain 35 standards describing expected level of family medicine team’s quality. Based on accreditation standards structure and needs of different potential users, it was concluded that software backbone should be a database containing all accreditation standards, self assessment and external assessment details. In this article we will present the development of standardized software for self and external evaluation of quality of service in family medicine, as well as plans for the future development of this software package. Conclusion Electronic data gathering and storing enhances the management, access and overall use of information. During this project we came to conclusion that software for self assessment and external assessment is ideal for accreditation standards distribution, their overview by the family medicine team members, their self assessment and external assessment.

F. Alfonso, G. Ambrosio, F. Pinto, E. E. van der Wall, A. Kondili, D. Nibouche, K. Adamyan, Kurt Huber et al.

A. Bravo-Mehmedbašić, D. Salcić, A. Kučukalić, S. Fadilpašić, L. Cakovic, E. Mehmedika-Suljić, I. Masic

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED Introduction Through psychological support for prison guard’s awareness about professional stress and burn-out, cognitive assessment of stress consequences, insight in coping strategies, as well as prevention of stress consequences is achieved. Aim Evaluation of psychoeducation effects on professional stress consequences within prison guards. Method In the research were included 122 prison guards from three prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. All of them have been tested before and after psychoeducation was finished using following instruments: Index of reaction, STAI questionnaire, SAMAČA questionnaire. Results Differences between first and second measuring of subjects included in this study in Sarajevo prison indicated statistically significant reduction of stress reactions, improvement of coping strategies and communication skills. In prisons Zenica and Kula there are differences between first and second measurement in stress reactions reduction, improvement of coping strategies and overcoming of stress and improvement of communication skills as well, which are not statistically significant. In Kula prison, significant differences between two measurements in attitudes of prison guards toward detainees were observed. Conclusions Results of this study show that prison guards within prisons where are detained persons with long period of imprisonment are more exposed to professional stress, comparing to prison guards who are employed in investigation prison. Psychoeducation resulted in positive effects and it should be obligatory included in prison guards training with the aim of decreasing of psychological consequences of prolonged professional stress to which they are exposed to. Psychoeducation should be on continuous basis and led by educated mental health professionals.

I. Masic, Belma Muhamedagić, Igor Kulasin, Z. Masic, A. Sanousi

Health care systems today require some important changes. Many patients, doctors and other health professionals with right have suspicions that the health care system are managing available resources and information of interest in an optimal way, and as a result of that, health care that we receive isn’t of best possible quality. Considering the large investment in health systems, and the population with an increasing life expectancy, the mobility of patients and the emergence of new highrisk infectious diseases (HIV, SARS, etc.), modern systems of treatment must be proactive, efficient, economical and safe. To provide a basis for improving the quality of health care the system needs to meet several key preconditions and requirements. Professional groups from the world’s most advanced countries (USA, Japan, EU countries) have recognized the introduction of specialized computer and business solutions to national integrated information system in the field of health as a key component to improve the efficiency of the system, all in order to better manage the information of interest, and optimize the consumption and quality of resource management. Information systems must however meet very important common criteria that are based on openness, integration, security of data management, reliability and modularity. In this way it would ensure the vertical (within single health care institutions) and horizontal (between different separate institutions) interoperability of different solutions, and connectivity of different levels of health care within and outside the borders of individual states. Bearing in mind the requirements mentioned, this paper provides a short overview of Health Level 7 (HL7) as open information and communication technology (ICT) standard that should be adopted at the global level by professionals and users. Without quality standards that meet the needs of the business health systems, and ensure the applicability of existing and new solutions the above vision of integrated health care system is certainly not achievable.

H. Pandza, I. Masic, Reuf Karabeg, B. Hajdarevic, Z. Sabanovic, Z. Hadziahmetovic

One of the most common events in Surgical Ward is admission of patients with biliary tract disease. To evaluate such patients, it is necessary to create appropriate database and define attributes that will be analyzed. The patients should be divided in groups for analysis and data processing. There were 219 patients included in the study. All patients were selected on the basis of ICD-10 codes and then divided into categories according to the code. In order to assess selected patients, the database was created with all relevant questions about anamnesis, diagnostic tests and surgical procedures. The data about patients was entered into the database. It is possible to analyze data about the most frequent disorders of biliary tract. The most common entity was chronic cholecystitis with calculus and most common procedure was laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The other important attributes are also assessed. ICD-10 classification can be used as a basis for aggregation of data of the patients with biliary tract disease. Some of the codes are more frequent than others and some are rarely used.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED Last two years, the health informatics profession celebrated five jubilees in Bosnia and Herzegovina: thirty years from the introduction of the first automatic manipulation of data, twenty years from the establishment of Society for Medical Informatics BiH, fifteen years from the establishment of the Scientific and Professional Journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia and Herzegovina „Acta Informatica Medica“, fifteen years on from the establishment of the first Cathedra for Medical Informatics on Biomedical Faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and five years on from the introduction of the method of “Distance learning” in medical curriculum. The author of this article are eager to mark the importance of the above mentioned Anniversaries in the development of Health informatics in Bosnia and Herzegovina and have attempted, very briefly, to present the most significant events and persons with essential roles throughout this period.

I. Masic, Damir Ciric, Artan Pulja, Igor Kulasin, H. Pandza

Extensive and fast advancements in biomedical sciences created a significant delay in receiving relevant and updated information in medical practice - physicians use old techniques and treat patients incorrectly. Bosnia and Herzegovina signed the Bologna Declaration on 18 September 2003, and in the light of this new approach to university education, and the process of joining The European Union, the authors set the following aims: to determine the current level of knowledge among medical students at the Medical Faculty of the University of Sarajevo, to determine the level of knowledge among medical students before their enrolment at the faculty, and to find out students opinion on their needs for further education. Students also left their suggestions on what should be changed in the curriculum. 203 students were included in the survey and results show that they demand more practical work, direct contact with patients and presentation of interesting clinical cases. Many of them use the internet as professional education means. Professional papers are rarely used. At present, the availability of learning material is insufficient at the faculty library.

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