
Publikacije (21)

A. Muratovic-Ribic, A. Pott, D. Thomson, Q. Wang

In this paper, we present a characterization of a semi-multiplicative analogue of planar functions over finite fields. When the field is a prime field, these functions are equivalent to a variant of a doubly-periodic Costas array and so we call these functions Costas. We prove an equivalent conjecture of Golomb and Moreno that any Costas polynomial over a prime field is a monomial. Moreover, we give a class of Costas polynomials over extension fields and conjecture that this class represents all Costas polynomials. This conjecture is equivalent to the conjecture that there are no non-Desarguesian planes of a given type with prime power order.

In this note, we give the explicit formula for the number of multisubsets of a finite abelian group $G$ with any given size such that the sum is equal to a given element $g\in G$. This also gives the number of partitions of $g$ into a given number of parts over a finite abelian group. An inclusion-exclusion formula for the number of multisubsets of a subset of $G$ with a given size and a given sum is also obtained.

In this paper we find exact formulas for the numbers of partitions and compositions of an element into $m$ parts over a finite field, i.e. we find the number of nonzero solutions of the equation $x_1+x_2+...+x_m=z$ over a finite field when the order does not matter and when it does, respectively. We also give an application of our results in the study of polynomials of prescribed ranges over finite fields.

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