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The aim of this study is to investigate how various elements of digital content impact the behavioural engagement of the content’s users in the setting of Southeast Europe, which has recently experienced turbulence in its political and social interrelationships. Using the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) theory we develop a model that considers two types of stimuli: digital content tone (consisting of positive and negative valence) and digital content substance, as well as two types of behavioural responses: opens and clicks on the content. Research is conducted in six countries over a period of three years, investigating objective users’ behavioural indicators for a regional newsletter. The results show digital content tone impacts users’ response in terms of opens and that this effect differs across the region. Furthermore, we show that the digital content substance is significantly related to number of clicks on the newsletter content and that this effect is curvilinear for the number of news features and number of calls, while it is positive and linear for the stakeholder/keywords mentions. Theoretical and managerial implications of the study are elaborated and discussed.

Purpose – Service employees play a crucial role in creating and sustaining the reputation of service fi rms. Their attitudes and commitment to the fi rm are refl ected in customers’ perceptions of quality and loyalty, which ultimately improve corporate performance. The aim of this study is to better understand what contributes to raising frontline employees’ awareness of their role in building and sustaining the corporate reputation of service fi rms. Design/methodology/approach – We adapt Helm’s (2011) conceptual framework based on a work-related social identity theory and test the adapted model through an empirical study on 544 service fi rms’ frontline employees. Findings – Our fi ndings show that job satisfaction of frontline employees is a signifi cant determinant of their reputation impact awareness, as well as a mediator of Sažetak Svrha – Zaposlenici uslužnih poduzeća imaju ključnu ulogu u stvaranju i održavanju reputacije poduzeća. Stavovi zaposlenih i njihova posvećenost poduzeću odražavaju se u percepcijama korisnika o kvaliteti usluge i lojalnosti, što u konačnici unapređuje performanse poduzeća. Svrha rada jest bolje razumjeti što doprinosi podizanju svijesti kontaktnoga osoblja uslužnih poduzeća o njihovoj ulozi u izgradnji i održavanju korporativne reputacije. Metodološki pristup – Prilagođen je konceptualni okvir koji je razvila Helm (2011), a koji je temeljen na teoriji društvenog identiteta vezanoga uz posao. Prilagođeni je model empirijski testiran na uzorku 544 zaposlenika kontaktne osobe iz uslužnih poduzeća. Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je zadovoljstvo poslom kontaktnog osoblja značajna odrednica njihove svjesnosti o utjecaju reputacije, kao i Market-Tržište Vol. 31, No. 2, 2019, pp. 171-185 UDK 331.101.32:316.64/.65:658:005.336.6 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.22598/mt/2019.31.2.171 Original scientifi c paper Vesna Babić-Hodović, Maja Arslanagić-Kalajdžić 172 Vo l. 31 , N o. 2 , 2 01 9, p p. 1 71 -1 85 the eff ects that pride and perceived corporate reputation have on corporate reputation impact awareness. Limitations – Possible existence of other dimensions of perceived corporate reputation, when it comes to internal stakeholders – the employees, present a limitation of this study and should certainly be considered in future research. Originality/value – We compare and contrast our fi ndings with previous studies and shed more light on internal marketing possibilities targeted towards frontline employees.

Although uncertainty avoidance is identified as an important concept for understanding intrapreneurial intentions, empirical findings have not been consistent in portraying a broader picture of how uncertainty avoidance shapes intrapreneurial intentions. This study bridges this gap through a four-level conceptual model of the role of uncertainty avoidance in the formation of employees’ intrapreneurial intentions, differentiating among unit- and country-level uncertainty avoidance. Using the established relationship between behavioral control and intentions, we consider how employee creativity and self-efficacy influence intrapreneurial intentions. Following the person-environment fit paradigm and the resulting fit traditions of complementarity and supplementarity, we narrow in on how these processes operate within specific (stimulating or inhibiting) cultural settings in terms of uncertainty avoidance at both the unit and country levels. Using data from 787 employees on the first level nested into 73 units on the second level, 19 organizations on the third level, and eight countries on the fourth level, study shows evidence for a beneficial interplay between unit-level uncertainty avoidance and creativity or self-efficacy when there is a supplementary or complementarity fit. The interplay between behavioral and contextual factors is negative, however, when neither type of fit applies. Finally, country-level uncertainty avoidance seems to be irrelevant to intrapreneurial intentions.

A. Diamantopoulos, Vasileios Davvetas, Fabian Bartsch, Timo Mandler, Maja Arslanagić-Kalajdžić, M. Eisend

Although prior research is congested with constructs intended to capture consumers’ dispositions toward globalization and global/local products, their effects appear to replicate with difficulty, and little is known about the underlying theoretical mechanisms. This investigation revisits the relationship between prominent consumer dispositions (consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism, global/local identity, globalization attitude) and perceived brand globalness as determinants of consumer responses to global brands. Drawing on selective perception and social identity theories, the authors consider several theory-based model specifications that reflect alternative mechanisms through which key consumer dispositions relate to brand globalness and affect important brand-related outcomes. By employing a flexible model that simultaneously accounts for moderating, mediating, conditional, and direct effects, we empirically test these rival model specifications. A meta-analysis of 264 effect sizes obtained from 13 studies with 23 unique data sets and a total sample of 1,410 consumers raises concerns regarding the (potentially overstated) utility of consumer dispositions for explaining consumer responses to global brands. It also reveals a need for further conceptual contemplation of their function in international consumer research and managerial practice.

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