
Publikacije (21)

N. Pavlović-Čalić, Izet Eminovic, Vesna Hadžiabdić, K. Muminhodžić, R. Komel, D. Pavlovic

Objective The goal of this prospective research was to determinegenetic and endoscopic changes in patients with sporadiccolorectal cancer and to diagnose HNPCC. Patientsand Methods The group consisted of 40 patients, havingcolorectal cancer. Colonoscopy was performed, genetic testingfor the loss of heterozygousity and microsatellite instability(MSI). Results HNPCC was diagnosed using the Amsterdamand Bethesda criteria in the group of sporadic colorectalcancer in 15% of the cases, and exhibited an MSI-H for thechromosome 2p where the hMSH2 mismatch repair gene islocalized. The greatest number of patients with sporadic coloncancer and HNPCC displayed Astler-Coller B2 and C1spread levels. Conclusion The research results indicate thatthe colonoscopy should be used as a screening method forcolorectal cancer. It is necessary to design a colorectal cancerscreening program for the general population and high riskindividuals. There is a need to form National colorectal cancer,HNPCC and FAP registries.

N. Pavlović-Čalić, K. Muminhodžić, M. Zildžić, M. Smajić, Adnan Gegić, E. Alibegović, N. Salkić, P. Jovanovic et al.

Colorectal cancer occurs in the familial cancer syndromes in about 2 to 4 percent. The major genetic syndromes are Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). FAP is caused by germline mutation of APC gene, and HNPCC is caused by germline mutation in one of five MMR genes. The identification of patients with inherited disease is very important in the management of colorectal cancer. But, it is impractical to test every patient with the disease for these mutations. The clinical and genetical screening programme should be advised for family members at risk and colectomy in affected individuals in purpose to reduce the frequency of colorectal cancer.

N. Pavlović-Čalić, K. Muminhodžić

This is a brief review of Intestinal polyposis in children. Three Intestinal polyposis syndromes are described in some detail, along with procedures for diagnosing and treatment and follow up of patients. In this paper the importance of diagnosing inherited polyposis syndromes is emphasized such as Familial adenomatous polyposis, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome and Juvenile polyposis syndrome. The clinical screening programme should be advised for family members at risk and colectomy in affected individuals for the purpose of reducing the frequency of colorectal cancer. Â

UNLABELLED There is an enigma of inflammatory bowel diseases, despite significant advantages during last 10 years in medicamentous and surgical treatment. Ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease are chronic with remissions and recidives. Crohns disease involves any part of digestive tube. Histological changes in ulcerative colitis are: inflammation of mucosa and submucosal tissue, crypt abscesses and ulcerations, pseudopolpys, bowel shortening and toxic megacolon in severe inflammation. In Crohns disease, transmural inflammation, "jumping lesions", deeper ulcerations, coble-stone mucosa, progressive fibrosis, granuloma with gigantic epithelial cells. TREATMENT ulcerative colitis: mesalazine, rectal 5-ASA and hydrocortisone enemas, surgery. Crohns disease: mesalazine and prednisolone. For terminal ilcitis, corticosteroid budesonid could be applied. Severe symptomatic disease: hospitalization, parenteral nutrition, antibiotics, prednisone, surgery in partial bowel obstruction, fistulas, abscessus, perforation.

K. Muminhodžić, M. Zildžić, N. Pavlović-Čalić, E. Zerem, M. Smajić, Adnan Gegić, Alan Muminhodzić, E. Alibegović

The most frequent causes of the stenosis are as follows: Schatzki rings, structures as the complications of GERB', postcorrosive and postoperative at nosis. The Balloon dilatation is one from the therapeutic procedures of stenosis of the esophagus. By the clinic research is included 12 patients with the stenoses of the esophagus of the various cause. It is used the balloon dilatator (Olympus) of the diameter 16 and 18 mm, and the analysis 40 mm. In 11 patients the balloon dilatation was successful and led to the walking of the esophagus for endoscope. Only in one patient the dilatation was unsuccesful, because was applied two years after the occurrence of the stenosis caused by the corrosive esophagisitis. It is concluded that the balloon dilatation of the therapeutic procedures of the choice in stenosis of the esophagus.

I. Hadziahmetović, N. Pavlović-Čalić, B. Baraković, A. Hadžiahmetović

Our aim was to investigate and establish the methods and therapeutic procedures as well as their efficiency and success in the diabetic patients in the community of Tuzla and region of north-east Bosnia. We found that 61,32% percent of our patients were treated with oral antidiabetic medicines; 23,68% percent by the special diet and only 14,16% percent of diabetics were treated by insulin. The treatment was successful in 73,65% percent of our patients and without any effect in 26,35% percent. We found different causes of unsuccessful treatment and some of them are: the low cultural and educational level of the inhabitants, inadequate dietal nutrition, unregular and insufficient control and self-control of the patients and also inadequate treatment: 1. refusal of insulin therapy and 2. insufficient usage of antidiabetic medicines.

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